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Level/ help

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Level/ help
Message from kibou posted on 01-02-2018 at 20:53:35 (D | E | F)
I wrote these some sentences for improve or try to improve my english level.
It's a small text, very small.

Today, I cleaned my house before to go to the train station. For take an examen, I need to go to Paris. This examen is for have a promotion to my job.
At the moment, I fix aircraft on a small airport. I would like to be a management, for manage mechanic's team, logistic and few details more.
I like this job, but about my life, I prefer to be a management rather a mechanician.
So the next tuesday will start this examen. I will start with 4 hours of essay, and then 4 hours of physics. The next day, I will have (or take) 4 hours of mathematics and for finish with 2 hours of english.
At the end of these 2 days, I think my brain will die.

I hope I wrote not didn't write a lot of fault
Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 01-02-2018 23:05

Re: Level/ help from remche, posted on 01-02-2018 at 21:42:06 (D | E)
Here are some suggestions that may be helpful:

1. You can't say "for improve", the correct way to say it is "to improve". Ex: I want TO improve my English.
You cannot translate the French word "pour" with "for" in this context, you have to use "to". ==> I have to take this exam in order to have a job promotion.
BUT "I bought a present FOR you"

2. When you speak about a language (either a noun or an adjective), you have to use a capital letter. Ex: Do you speak German?

3. "Before to go" is not correct. You have to use a -ing form here: before going to the train station. You're talking about an action. Ex: To swim (lexical verb) ==> swimming (action)

4. "For take an exam" ==> you can't use for, you have to use to. And I'd say "In order to take this exam, I have to go to Paris", or even "I have to go to Paris because I have to take an exam there".

5. "examen" is a French word. The English word is exam(s).

6. "At the moment, I fix aircraft on a small airport" ==> That's not very idiomatic (this is not the way an English person would say it). People would rather say something like "I'm currently working as an aircraft engineer/a mechanic in a small airport".

You do not work "on" a small airport. That would mean you're somewhere in the sky...

7. You can't be "a management". A manager for sure, but not a management.

8. "and few details more": wrong syntax ==> a few more details.

9. If you want to say that you prefer doing something else in your life, you can use the expression "I'd rather + infinitive". Ex: I'd rather be a manager".

10. "So the next Tuesday will start the exam" ==> that would sound weird for a native speaker. Maybe "The exam will take place next Tuesday" sounds better?

11. You can create adjectives! The process is quite simple. Ex: a "4-hour essay question" instead of "4 hours of essay". I guess British people wouldn't say that.

12. "I wrote not" ==> You can't use the negation like this ==> I didn't write.

13. "I hope I wrote not a lot of fault" ==> Take into account what I wrote before, and I would personally say "I hope I didn't make a lot of mistakes".

14. Try to write your little text again and I'm sure someone will be glad to help you. Your English will improve as long as you keep trying. My English is not perfect and I even may have done some mistakes in this message, but at least I keep on trying!

I hope this helps,

Re: Level/ help from sherry48, posted on 01-02-2018 at 21:58:56 (D | E)
Your errors are mainly with prepositions and infinitives/gerunds.

Today, I cleaned my house before to go(gerund) to the train station. For take (infinitive) an examen,(there are other possible words, shorter and longer) I need to go to Paris. This examen is for have a promotion to(different preposition) my job.

At the moment, I fix aircraft on(different preposition) a small airport. I would like to be a management, for manage (infinitive) a team of mechanics, logistics and few details more.
I like this job, but about my life, I prefer to be a management rather ___ a mechanician. (these should both be nouns that refer to people)

So the next tuesday, (subject pronoun) will start (you could change this word, since you use start in the next sentence) this examen. I will start with 4 hours of essay (writing? questions?), and then 4 hours of physics. The next day, I will have 4 hours of mathematics and for finish with 2 hours of english.

At the end of these 2 days, I think my brain will die. (or my brain will be ___)

I hope I wrote not (not correct for simple past negative) a lot of mistakes :D (fautes and faults are not the same)

Bon courage! You can fix these mistakes. Sherry

Re: Level/ help from dsmith, posted on 03-02-2018 at 17:55:36 (D | E)

The people above gave great suggestions. Here are some more.

Normally you say that you work at a place. If it is a building you can say "in" but in general we say "at"

I work at the grocery store
I work at the park
I work at an airport
I work at a small airport

I would like to manage a team of mechanics
I would like to be in management in order to manage a team of mechanics (in order to = so that I can)
I would like to be a manager in order to manage a team of mechanics
I would like to be a manager to manage a team of mechanics.

I prefer to be in management rather than be a mechanic
I prefer to be a manager rather than be a mechanic
I prefer to be a manager rather than work as a mechanic

reverse the order of your sentence about the exam starting on Tuesday.
So this exam will start next Tuesday

As remche and sherry said, it's more common to say "to make a mistake" "to make mistakes" "to make a lot of mistakes" I hope I didn't make a lot of mistakes.

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