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Subject/ clause

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Subject/ clause
Message from mohammad51 posted on 03-02-2020 at 15:06:07 (D | E | F)
Please, could you help me with these questions?
I got the questions in one PDF , but couldn't understand what I needed to do or what is the idea behind.
The title of the content is about subject syntax in complex sentences
Below is the title of the exercise and the questions. I only uploaded 4.
Replace the grammatical subject in the following sentences with a subject clause:

1. This is difficult to understand.
2. Your opinion is quite interesting.
3. His desire is unknown to us.
4. Ice cream is very good in summer.
If it means to change the subject i,to phrase, it can be solved such as:
1. Understanding this is difficult.
OR perhaps to change it to a noun clause ( what \ that clause)
What is difficult, is not \ can't be understood.
That is difficult, is hard to understand. But I see meaning is slightly changed.
OR I add phrases out of the question such as : it is believed \ it is obvious ?
Indeed I did not get the idea behind.

Re: Subject/ clause from gerondif, posted on 03-02-2020 at 16:21:36 (D | E)
1. This is difficult to understand. What you just explained to us is difficult to understand.
2. Your opinion is quite interesting. What you just said is quite interesting
3. His desire is unknown to us. What he really wants is unknown to us.
4. Ice cream is very good in summer.' Anything that will quench your thirst is very good in summer.

Re: Subject/ clause from mohammad51, posted on 03-02-2020 at 20:20:56 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerondif

1. An opinion is more than wanted.
2. His opinion is what we want to know.
3. The story amazed each and every one of us.
4. Their behaviour raised our suspicion.
So, Perhaps I suggest these answers
1. What he wanted, was less than an opinion.
2. What we want to know, is his opinion. How he thinks
3. What\ that a story he told, was amazing to every one.
4. what behaviour they raised , was suspicious.
please dear teacher gerondif correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you in advance

Re: Subject/ clause from gerondif, posted on 03-02-2020 at 20:32:22 (D | E)
If you still have to do this : Replace the grammatical subject in the following sentences with a subject clause: Then,

1. An opinion is more than wanted. What you really think about that matter is more than wanted.
2. His opinion is what we want to know. What he really thinks about it is what we want to know.
3. The story amazed each and every one of us. What he told us amazed each and every one of us.
4. Their behaviour raised our suspicion. The way they behaved /What they did / raised our suspicion.

1. What he wanted wants,(no comma) is less than an opinion.
You are saying that he doesn't want an opinion but something weaker.

2. What we want to know, is his opinion. is just the same sentence in reverse, you haven't changed anything. How he thinks
3. What\ that a story he told, was amazing to every one.
What he told was amazing to every one.
The story he told was amazing to every one.

4. what behaviour they raised , was suspicious. NO.

Re: Subject/ clause from mohammad51, posted on 04-02-2020 at 08:44:31 (D | E)
Many thanks to you again dear teacher gerondif
I am really satisfied with your answers

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Forum > English only


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