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Text/ passive

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Text/ passive
Message from popoff1 posted on 28-04-2020 at 16:49:33 (D | E | F)
I had to write a text for a process description in passive.
Can someone check if it is ok?
Thanks for any reply.


The diagram illustrates the process of producing orange juice. There are 12 steps in total. The process commences with fresh oranges being delivered and unloaded a factory where the raw product is graded and washed. Graders remove bad fruit as it passes over the rollers. Then the oranges go through a sizer and into a juice extractor. At this step the oranges are compressed and the juice went into an evaporator. The waste can be used as an animal food. Within the evaporator the juice is Title and briefly heated to a high temperature. At the end of this process you get concentrate juice. This concentrate juice is being refrigerated and filled with a canning machine into tins. Now the product is going to be shipped to Dubai. In Dubai water will be added the concentrate. After this step you have orange juice and this can be filled into a bottle and can be sold.

Edited by lucile83 on 28-04-2020 18:10
Title and thanks

Re: Text/ passive from gerondif, posted on 28-04-2020 at 17:19:27 (D | E)
Hallo, I had to write a text for a process description in the passive. Can someone check if it is ok?
Mistakes in blue

The diagram illustrates the process of for producing orange juice. There are 12 steps in total (all in all). The process commences with fresh oranges being delivered and unloaded at a factory where the raw product is graded and washed. Graders remove bad fruit as it passes over the rollers. Then the oranges go through a sizer and into a juice extractor. At this step the oranges are compressed and the juice went goes into an evaporator. The waste can be used as an animal food. Within the evaporator the juice is briefly heated (brought) to a high temperature. At the end of this process, you get concentrated juice (or juice concentrate). This concentrated juice is (being) refrigerated and filled with a canning machine into tins. Now the product is going to be shipped to Dubai. In Dubai, water will be added to the concentrate. After this step, you have orange juice and this which can be filled into a bottle and (can) be sold.(be put for sale)

Re: Text/ passive from popoff1, posted on 28-04-2020 at 18:08:35 (D | E)
Thank you very much

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Forum > English only


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