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Correction/ help

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Correction/ help
Message from patricien posted on 13-05-2022 at 15:19:00 (D | E | F)
Hi everyone!
I have just been returning back to English. Today, I just wrote an informal letter so I hope you can help me to correct it.
Thanks a lot!

Dear Marina
How are you? I'm so happy knowing your wedding day was going well. Please forgive me for my absence in that day because something unexpected happened to me.
One day before my flight to your city, a motorbike hit me while I was crossing the street. I was soon after admitted to hospital and now I have my right leg broken. The doctor said I must be in convalescence at least 2 weeks in the favor of my injury. This's the reason why I couldn't join to your wedding day.
I hope you understand my regret. Can you give me some photos taken from your wedding? They would be very interesting, I think. See you soon when possible, maybe when my right leg cured

Edited by lucile83 on 14-05-2022 06:16

Re: Correction/ help from gerondif, posted on 15-05-2022 at 07:42:45 (D | E)
(As I correct using my mobile phone, it is easier for me to correct straightaway although it isn't the policy of the site.)

Dear Marina
How are you? I'm so happy to hear your wedding day went well. Please forgive me for being absent on that day because something unexpected happened to me.
One day before I was due to fly to your city, a motorbike hit me while I was crossing the street. I was soon after admitted to hospital and now I suffer from a broken right leg . The doctor said I must/ had to be/ would have to be in convalescence (for) at least 2 weeks because of my injury. That's the reason why I couldn't join you on your wedding day.
I hope you understand my regret. Can you give/send me some photos from your wedding? They will be very interesting, I am sure. See you as soon as possible, when my right leg is cured.
Yours sincerely,

Re: Correction/ help from chezmoi, posted on 20-05-2022 at 14:25:20 (D | E)
Hello, this is my response. I hope it is not too informal or advanced and reflects what you wish to say or write and your style.

Dear Marina
How are you? I'm so pleased your wedding day went well. Sorry for not being able to go because something unexpected happened.
The day before my flight to your city, a motorbike hit me while I was crossing the street. I got admitted to hospital and my right leg was broken. The doctor said I must convalesce for at least 2 weeks to recover from my injury. That's why I couldn't join you on your wedding day.
I hope you understand. Can you send me some photos from your wedding? That would be great. See you soon, maybe when my right leg is better

Yours truly

I hope this helps.

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Forum > English only


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