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Message from mohammad51 posted on 12-10-2022 at 15:01:31 (D | E | F)

Is it necessary to add all details or optional ?
I mean the repetition.
Thank you in advance

They can't finish the work today. They can't finish it tomorrow. (neither--nor).

My answer
a. They can neither finish the work today nor tomorrow.
b. Inverted : Neither can they finish the work today nor can they tomorrow.

Do I say
A : They can neither finish the work today nor they can finish (it ) tomorrow.
B : .... nor can they finish it ( work ) tomorrow

Re: Neither/nor from traviskidd, posted on 12-10-2022 at 19:06:52 (D | E)
Hello, your answer a. is correct. Inversions are not used with "neither .. nor"; however, either "neither" or "nor" can be used interchangeably in an inversion. For example:
They can't finish the work today. Neither/Nor can they finish it tomorrow.
See you.

Re: Neither/nor from mohammad51, posted on 13-10-2022 at 20:05:33 (D | E)
Thank you
I know my answer is correct
I just posted to know if the repetition is possible
I see if the subjects of both clauses ( neither and nor ) are the same, it is possible not repeat

In my question I posted both subjects = they and both verbs = finish

They can't finish the work today. They can't finish it tomorrow.

So it is not necessary to repeat the verbs and subjects

They can neither finish the work today nor tomorrow. = understood ( can't finish it neither now nor in future)

I don't agree with you saying ( Inversions are not used with "neither .. nor" )

General rule : The inversion can be used after any negative word or carries negative meaning such as seldom , rarely etc..
Neither \ Nor = negative words

Neither do I speak French, nor do I speak Spanish

Re: Neither/nor from traviskidd, posted on 14-10-2022 at 03:10:26 (D | E)
"Neither do I speak French, nor do I speak Spanish" is not correct.
You can say "I speak neither French nor Spanish" or "I don't speak French; neither/nor do I speak Spanish".
See you.

Re: Neither/nor from mohammad51, posted on 20-10-2022 at 21:26:02 (D | E)
It is here
Neither do I speak French, nor do I speak Spanish.

Re: Neither/nor from lucile83, posted on 20-10-2022 at 22:10:09 (D | E)
Hello mohammad51,
What you mentioned : 'Neither do I speak French, nor do I speak Spanish. 'is quite formal and stilted in the conversation' !!

It is not a Cambridge site! Read carefully what is written on top and bottom of the 1st page. It is a Spanish site.

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Forum > English only


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