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Listening (1)

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Message de ambabire posté le 15-05-2007 à 20:39:34 (S | E | F | I)

Dear Club users
I have many problems to understand when a native speaker speaks English. I would like to have some rules or some kind of things to improve my skills in listening.

Modifié par bridg le 15-05-2007 20:42
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-09-2007 13:38
Ce membre a quitté le site.

Réponse: Listening de alpha70, postée le 16-05-2007 à 06:12:01 (S | E)
You must study the pronunciation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2007 06:18

Réponse: Listening de chrislondon, postée le 16-05-2007 à 11:17:04 (S | E)
Hi Ambabire,
The first thing is to relax and not try to understand every word. Concentrate on the key words and you will get the gist of what people are saying. English speaking people give emphasis to the most important words in the sentence. If you have a listening comprehension with written questions, you could underline the key (most important ) information in the question and concentrate on that when you are listening. You will soon get better if you stop worrying.
Best Wishes,

Réponse: Listening de meway, postée le 16-05-2007 à 17:08:29 (S | E)
Chrislondon is definitely right .Follow her advice.

Modifié par willy le 17-05-2007 10:38

Réponse: Listening de meway, postée le 17-05-2007 à 22:26:57 (S | E)
Sorry, Chrislondon

Réponse: Listening de waoum, postée le 17-05-2007 à 23:14:55 (S | E)
Hi everybody
I really find it so important to listen to English as often as possible. You can washing watch films, listen to music or to the radio (channels with the English language).
It's all very helpful .
Modifié par mp27 le 15-06-2007 16:32

Réponse: Listening de waoum, postée le 17-05-2007 à 23:28:19 (S | E)

Réponse: Listening de empirex, postée le 18-05-2007 à 18:38:53 (S | E)
Hello, I m call empirex and I am in third. J have great difficulty in
English. I seek a correspondent enters 14 and 17 years. If it ve to
speak French, I will be very contemps L to help. Another thing, if the
correspondent could spoken one can French for if I does not
include/understand. I thank you D advances.


Réponse: Listening de flacara, postée le 18-05-2007 à 21:28:44 (S | E)

If you want to improve your listening, I advice you to listen to news on BBC or CNN. At the bigining It will be very difficult to understand all the words, but if you do it regularly you will manage to improve your listening.
An other good method: take at the library books with CD, listen to the CD while you are reading. This method will help you to work too your vocabulary.
As for me, I use both methods and I am very satisfied of the result.



Réponse: Listening de wangguanjin, postée le 24-05-2007 à 15:39:01 (S | E)

for my opinion, if someone have a good listening, he or she must be a good english speaker and a good at writing. Many ways to improve your listening as flacara said above, you would listen to news on bbc or cnn. my opinion is you should pay attention to your speaking and writing, which can also improve your listning level. if you are good at writing, you konw many english words, a good speak is a good listening

Réponse: Listening de csam, postée le 11-06-2007 à 17:02:16 (S | E)
I know this problem of oral understanding in english, i have the same ! I understand almost everything that i read, but to speak it is another problem ! I do not feel confident ! I'm afraid not to understand the person at phone so i prefer not to answer ! The phone is a very difficult exercice for me.

Réponse: Listening de tenfire, postée le 14-06-2007 à 07:47:42 (S | E)
I moved to Edmonton from Italy four months ago. I have a tough time listening to city dwellers! All that is written in connection with that problem is pretty right. I only would like to emphasize that the phone is the hardest challenge. It is not a bad idea to get acquainted with some native English speakers who can help by talking on the phone. It is an excellent exercise that I want to do! If there is somebody willing to help, please, feel free to contact me when you get a chance! Thanks.

Réponse: Listening de loic71, postée le 15-06-2007 à 16:20:18 (S | E)

To understand English better, you must listen to the English language as often as possible. My teacher said we think English people speak too fast, but, it is because we are not used to listen to them often enough!
The more you listen to English, the more you understand it.
Modifié par mp27 le 12-07-2007 01:54

Réponse: Listening de claire1991, postée le 12-07-2007 à 01:38:26 (S | E)
In fact,it is easy to understand what others are talking about.We must realize where there's a will,there's a way.So,I believe you can solve any problems if you want.
Best Wishes
Modifié par mp27 le 12-07-2007 02:19
Depuis le 15 mai, ce topic a déjà reçu toutes les réponses possibles...

Réponse: Listening de kouraycha, postée le 16-07-2007 à 21:51:28 (S | E)
dear 'ambabire',
if you really want to be good in English especially at Listening activity you must listen to the British news and try to read novels and newspapers, i hope that these advices will help you to improve your English and to achieve your goal.
best wishes,

Réponse: Listening de activelearner, postée le 09-09-2007 à 13:25:29 (S | E)
As far as I am concerned , the most effective way to improve your listening skills is to listen as much as possible .Also, whenever you listen , try not to focus on every spoken word.This will not only divert your attention from the speaker , but it will also make you form a bad habit.

Modifié par bridg le 09-09-2007 14:38
Merci de ne pas faire remonter des sujets vieux de plusieurs mois n'attendant plus de réponse

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