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Trip in Australia/your experiences
Message from titepoulpinette posted on 23-01-2010 at 00:08:25 (D | E | F)
In November 2010, I am going to Australia with my boyfriend ,in the aim to discover this country.
We will apply for the Working Holiday Visa, so we will be able to stay one year there... I'm sure, we will enjoy this adventure!
Perhaps people whohad lived the same experience will be able to advise us, give us good(s) deals (Accommodations like YHA or VIP Backpakers, find a job ...)
Thanks a lot in advance!
Ihope many and many wish I'll have lots of messages...
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2010 10:40
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Message from titepoulpinette posted on 23-01-2010 at 00:08:25 (D | E | F)
In November 2010, I am going to Australia with my boyfriend ,
We will apply for the Working Holiday Visa, so we will be able to stay one year there... I'm sure, we will enjoy this adventure!
Perhaps people who
Thanks a lot in advance!
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2010 10:40
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Re: Trip in Australia/your experiences from wafaahaikel, posted on 23-01-2010 at 12:43:53 (D | E)
Australia is a beautiful and exciting country.but you can leave your homeland a year?
Re: Trip in Australia/your experiences from mrx, posted on 29-06-2010 at 13:30:56 (D | E)

Whereabouts in Australia are you going?
I live in Brisbane.
Have fun

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