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Would and used to (1)

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Would and used to
Message from emy7 posted on 19-05-2010 at 04:41:55

In the sentence:
I remember my first car: It used to break down every weekend,
why is not isn't it possible to use "would"?
also in the sentence:
My grandfather used to swim in this river,
why can't I use "would" if swim is an action verb.

Thanks in advance for the explanation

Edited by lucile83 on 19-05-2010 07:32

Edited by lucile83 on 19-06-2010 10:07

Re: Would and used to by lucile83, posted on 19-05-2010 at 07:50:22

'Used to' means that the action is finished:
my car doesn't break down any longer
my dad doesn't swim in this river any more

and also, 'used to' is used for habits or states which are no longer true; 'would' is used for habits (not states) which are no longer true.

We'd say:
He used to live in London (not 'he would live in London') (state)

He doesn't go out every Saturday night now but he used to. (habit)
When he was younger he would go out on a Saturday night. (habit)

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Re: Would and used to by gerondif, posted on 27-05-2010 at 15:16:57

"would" comes from "will" and is used when somebody used to do something willfully, some kind of craze.

My grandfather used to have asthma but he would smoke all the same !
It wasn't his fault if he had asthma but he continued to smoke, he went on smoking because he wanted to !

When you use "would" , it can mean you remember something you used to do willfully with affection or regret.

When I was young, I would watch "Star Trek" on my black and white TV.
(the good old days ....)

At a pinch, if you say: "My car would break down" you personify it.

The water was often too cold in winter but my grandfather would swim in this river, the old fool !

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