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Correction/ gerunds

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Correction/ gerunds
Message from again57 posted on 29-04-2014 at 20:46:06 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone!

In order to work on my understanding of gerunds, I wrote a short text (which doesn't have any sense!), but that's just to improve. First of all, please could you just give me your opinion about the two following sentences:
I resumed my studying (I put the verb into the ING-form, because I can replace it by "the study" which is a noun)
A person in front of you waiting for you speak (Here is it mandatory to write is waiting for or not?)

Finally, my stupid text:
I remember locking the door while you were sleeping in your bedroom. Unfortunately, burglars succeeded in opening it. Now, we need to go to the police station to complain. The guitar, the TV and the computer are missing. I don’t think we’ll find them back and we’ll probably replace them. On the other hand, we can be happy that nothing else disappeared. Next time we’ll avoid buying a cheap door without inquiring on it before. Purchasing a cheap good, at first seems to be a good idea. However, losing of money later makes the first savings drop. Moreover, finding new devices will take much time and we could spend it differently with more interesting leisure. In addition, the global appliances’ price is around 2, 500 €. That’s almost a one-month salary.

Thanks in advance for taking some time to answer!

Edited by lucile83 on 29-04-2014 22:31

Re: Correction/ gerunds from carlabice47, posted on 02-05-2014 at 18:33:22 (D | E)
Here are a few corrections.

In order to work on my understanding of gerunds, I wrote a short text (which doesn't have any sense!), but that's just to improve. First of all, please could you just give me your opinion about the two following sentences:
I resumed my studying (I put the verb into the ING-form, because I can replace it by "the study" which is a noun)
A person in front of you (is) waiting for you TO speak- In certain cases you don't need the verb. Tha man waiting for you to speak is in the hall. (This is an elliptic prhrase meaning : who is waiting for you to speak. The infinitive is compulsory, not the base form!
A cheap good is not correct: in fact you speak of GOODS, not good. I'd have said piece of goods, or, a cheap item. Losing of money is not correct . you could have said : losing your money , or losing the money, or the losing of money.
Saving not savings: in fact savings are money you put aside at the band or under the bed!
I don't know about "interesting leisure" , what did you want to say?

Nice short story, though, I like it very much. Bye

Edited by lucile83 on 02-05-2014 19:01

Re: Correction/ gerunds from again57, posted on 03-05-2014 at 13:05:32 (D | E)
Hi Carlabice,

Thanks for your answer. In fact, by interesting leisure I meant interesting things to do, for instance riding a bike, hiking in the forest, going to the beach....

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Forum > English only


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