33537 sujets
Par ordre alphabétique
Les plus récents d'abord
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- (2011-12-19 11:43:30)
- (2014-04-21 10:37:43)
- it or him (2005-05-04 23:34:26)
- The Legend of Gelert 2 (2007-12-02 19:43:19)
- To see/ to see to (2021-09-13 11:57:41)
- Un mariage d'avocats (version) (2008-06-20 20:34:55)
- ' yet ' et ' already (2006-10-02 21:45:17)
- 'apprendre' en 5mois (2006-05-15 21:00:47)
- 'cela fait' (2008-07-08 19:31:26)
- 'crevises ' (2006-10-16 13:57:05)
- 'internship report' : rapport (2008-04-19 05:28:31)
- 'Swing from the rafter (2007-04-18 07:07:51)
- ... about all around the place. (2008-03-26 15:47:50)
- 2 expressions françaises à traduire (2010-10-02 21:31:28)
- 2 termes ignorés (2009-05-28 19:08:41)
- 3 enregistrements CD (2010-07-04 20:40:55)
- A frightened experience (2007-04-26 08:24:12)
- A new Flash (2010-03-21 11:50:19)
- a serious car accident (2009-02-28 20:19:12)
- About tests/help (2015-03-13 18:26:34)
- about personal pronoun (2005-05-18 13:20:17)
- Aide pour 3 phrases. (2005-07-20 14:02:26)
- aide pour compréhension d'un texte (2006-03-25 15:22:37)
- aidez moi./connecteurs de phrases (2004-11-21 13:53:12)
- aidez-moi en anglais (2004-07-09 17:06:26)
- Américain ou Britannique ? (2005-04-20 10:41:11)
- anecdote /correction (2008-03-19 22:30:03)
- Anglais ou Allemand ? (2008-06-08 20:33:08)
- anglais-français pour une amie (2005-10-14 12:32:32)
- application i phone (2013-07-04 10:32:41)
- BA Degree in English (2010-11-25 17:36:48)
- Bac /Mythes et Héros (2014-05-09 15:29:41)
- Be ou have/aide (2013-08-11 20:20:02)
- Brochure/San Francisco (2012-06-03 18:04:53)
- bugs à signaler (2005-05-02 09:57:08)
- CAER interne anglais 2010 (2009-10-27 11:07:08)
- can -can't (2006-02-08 20:16:57)
- CAPES en interne après 2015 (2014-03-26 19:43:22)
- CAPES résultats sur publinet incompris (2013-07-22 09:35:34)
- Cash for /in cash for (2013-12-07 03:11:43)
- CD classe Enjoy English 3° (2015-09-13 13:15:17)
- CD classe Enjoy English 4ème (2010-07-08 10:38:48)
- CD Classe New Enjoy English 5e (2014-12-14 08:52:16)
- CD original New Headway (2010-09-24 14:51:40)
- CD originaux classe (new spring, LV2 etc (2010-11-06 18:28:17)
- CDS classe e for English 3e (2016-09-11 16:54:39)
- cds new step in 5ème (2011-09-16 20:56:00)
- chargé de communication-une idée? (2010-10-12 11:26:49)
- Cherche CD Connect 3ème (2010-07-22 09:38:36)
- chose à placer pour le bac (2005-06-14 06:20:53)
- Club d'anglais cherche conseils (2006-12-12 09:01:32)
- COI / aide (2015-11-23 15:01:14)
- Comment/interpréter (2018-01-06 11:27:17)
- Commentaire civilisation américaine (2009-03-27 22:43:16)
- Communication/langue anglaise (2018-01-28 16:51:15)
- Comparatif/ou pas (2021-05-17 04:57:57)
- Comptabilité Gestion/voc anglais (2014-04-29 14:25:45)
- Conversations anglaises dans Paris?? (2006-09-20 15:01:59)
- Correcting mistakes (2005-10-31 21:19:02)
- Correction / Erasmus (2015-01-25 11:22:19)
- Correction /dialogue (2012-10-20 21:43:56)
- Correction /Fan de .. (2005-03-24 05:12:35)
- correction de fautes d'un essai (2005-09-21 19:50:51)
- correction de phrases (2004-10-30 10:25:23)
- correction du texte (2005-06-08 18:05:14)
- Correction/ join a group (2014-07-13 20:19:00)
- Correction/ mail assistante (2011-05-27 19:48:13)
- correction/essay (2013-05-06 15:30:03)
- Correction/internship report (2013-04-10 23:56:16)
- Correction/iron-grey breast-feather (2009-12-08 17:47:48)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2012-01-12 18:09:11)
- Correction/Nobel Prize (2015-02-13 12:58:45)
- Correction/voir ce film (2014-04-23 18:29:18)
- correspondants anglophones/Classe (2005-10-19 14:54:52)
- cosmetics testing /correction (2009-03-04 16:39:49)
- cover letter / correction (2009-12-16 14:56:47)
- covering letter (2005-05-16 22:06:22)
- Cv / aide (2014-03-17 18:23:05)
- CV /équivalences diplômes (2010-01-11 21:37:03)
- CV/ traduction (2012-12-12 10:03:44)
- D'autant plus que/traduction (2012-10-30 08:23:14)
- DAEU Littéraire (2005-07-10 18:06:31)
- Date admissibilité CAPES (2010-01-18 16:00:10)
- Dead Poets'Society/aide (2013-01-27 17:46:42)
- Demande aux parents/aide (2014-01-31 22:46:38)
- Description d'image: correction (2008-04-01 17:28:14)
- Déterminant/ a ou an (2012-09-29 01:44:01)
- devinette (2007-03-29 19:35:17)
- dialogue à corriger (2008-02-23 19:18:52)
- différence / below et under (2007-04-09 20:27:51)
- Différence API/ entre sites (2019-08-17 10:03:57)
- difference between present (2005-11-27 18:26:10)
- Différente/ identique (2020-04-14 14:55:44)
- DM/Coldplay (2014-04-25 13:27:18)
- Do you like horror film? / Aide (2005-03-20 05:54:40)
- E-mail commercial (2010-12-03 22:14:36)
- E-mail/correction (2012-04-28 15:40:49)
- Écosse /river Clyde (2013-09-23 19:21:25)
- Emploi de 'what ' (2009-09-17 22:46:46)
- Enjoy 4e originaux (2011-06-29 08:25:01)
- Enjoy English in 5e (2012-09-27 20:44:16)
- ESL People (2011-02-26 03:06:51)
- Essay / first meeting at school (2010-01-20 20:55:08)
- Essay/ pluriel (2013-08-20 11:27:27)
- Exercice/correction (2012-10-21 20:57:58)
- exposé/ la vie en Bretagne (2005-04-28 22:09:06)
- Expression /Auprès de (2013-11-11 23:02:35)
- Expression écrite/aide (2014-10-28 12:03:47)
- FOR en fin de phrase (2007-02-16 00:33:59)
- free day... (2005-12-04 07:01:31)
- Friend or friend of mine (2009-09-21 03:52:03)
- from or to (2005-10-22 13:41:39)
- From/ to (2019-07-24 22:41:42)
- futur? (2009-06-25 23:38:50)
- Game : word search (2005-04-15 19:32:15)
- good deed/correction (2009-04-21 19:16:19)
- Grammar/ the way (2012-07-03 16:58:30)
- Harry Potter/aide (2016-08-17 22:28:54)
- Help/Exposé en équipe (2013-10-16 17:24:58)
- Here we go/ Here we come (2009-11-24 11:57:15)
- Histoires pour enfants en Anglais (2009-03-30 10:17:48)
- How/What will she call him (2017-01-03 16:33:35)
- Human Resource Management (2007-12-31 01:10:24)
- I am feeling (2009-07-27 14:36:22)
- I would like to be (2005-07-15 14:01:11)
- I'd rather (2011-07-18 04:08:31)
- Ice cream social /aide (2023-02-05 20:45:04)
- Idioms at work- Thème (2010-04-01 18:20:07)
- idioms? (2010-02-03 13:39:04)
- Indirect Question /any (2015-03-10 11:22:13)
- infos LLCE!!! (2010-12-06 00:00:18)
- Inscription en Licence (2009-03-24 15:46:30)
- is it- it's -is (2005-04-12 10:39:20)
- Jamais/double négation (2020-10-26 11:16:33)
- Jeremy et la psychocriminologie A vous (2010-07-26 11:26:54)
- jeune Indiens/correction (2009-04-22 18:56:21)
- kept opening vs kept .. open (2009-06-03 07:52:04)
- King Lear Q et F (2009-12-28 17:21:20)
- l 'anglais audio (2005-11-12 18:07:25)
- l'Anglais en s'amusant (2005-12-22 15:19:16)
- L2 psychology/spring semester (2018-04-23 19:29:50)
- la bonne traduction?? (2006-11-19 11:58:37)
- la clef (2005-04-13 21:15:38)
- Last August /Correction (2009-04-02 10:31:07)
- Le soleil de Petite Margot Version I (2008-12-23 18:06:26)
- Le soleil de petite Margot Version III (2009-02-08 18:34:32)
- Le superlatif/aide (2014-02-05 23:41:53)
- le test n°7940 Is ou are (2006-05-23 22:27:39)
- les heures (2005-06-28 14:51:20)
- Les temps anglais (2011-07-13 09:25:20)
- lettre de motivation (traduc) (2004-10-19 18:13:27)
- Lettre de motivation RU/ Correction (2005-04-12 16:36:31)
- liste des vacataires ? (2009-07-29 21:46:11)
- logistique verte (correction) (2008-09-26 10:39:00)
- LV2/Mythes et héros (2015-03-15 17:09:01)
- Martin Webb/correction please ! (2008-04-14 20:30:34)
- maybe et perhaps (2005-11-15 01:16:07)
- MM anglais-français/jeu (2014-11-17 09:50:42)
- Moan, groan/whimper and cry (2020-12-06 15:03:57)
- Mon retour à la maison I(Thème) (2009-06-24 09:18:25)
- Motivation /Stage Labo (2017-04-24 12:22:51)
- Mots Mystères / 3 (2013-08-31 13:50:43)
- Must / May (2016-04-07 07:46:34)
- My dream job /2 (2018-05-26 16:11:41)
- My strong points/aide (2014-11-07 08:51:11)
- nature des mots anglais (2007-12-11 07:04:37)
- New York /Expression Ecrite (2009-01-28 20:55:56)
- Noël / classe d'italien (2010-12-12 20:26:45)
- Note administrative (2014-05-07 10:04:26)
- Nouveaux smiley sur chat ?? (2004-11-10 14:31:03)
- Obama rencontre Martin Luther King (2010-04-25 20:15:50)
- On/ voix passive (2020-07-26 09:09:04)
- Oral/ idea of progress (2014-04-28 17:03:48)
- Oral/ Interwiew (2015-05-17 23:17:52)
- out , up et down (2005-05-29 03:12:03)
- Outlets/ branch outlets (2011-05-23 02:20:21)
- Over / During (2013-02-03 17:27:39)
- party in 50s (correction) (2007-11-07 11:34:09)
- Past/adverbe ou préposition (2018-11-05 09:00:46)
- Personal pronouns (2010-12-30 14:38:24)
- PET(Preliminary English Test) (2011-03-07 09:21:35)
- Phonétique / phonologie (2016-01-05 10:06:48)
- Phrase / should (2013-01-14 17:54:29)
- Phrase GB incompréhensible (2010-07-06 17:01:33)
- plaidoyer/correction (2008-11-27 20:24:29)
- Play and learn (2006-10-02 00:08:48)
- Poem/Strange Fruit (2015-12-09 13:27:23)
- Polyglot / polylinguist (2019-02-24 19:33:08)
- popol78/Lettre de motivation (2008-06-07 19:20:26)
- Possessif/aide (2014-02-13 22:41:34)
- pour effectuer une recherche (2005-05-11 11:38:39)
- pourquoi make a call?? (2007-11-28 16:40:16)
- Précision/ mots (2020-05-09 19:51:42)
- Précision/get wrong (2020-02-19 18:48:11)
- Préposition/gérondif (2020-05-02 13:09:19)
- Prépositions/v-ing (2018-09-01 16:54:15)
- Prépositions/voix passive (2020-08-15 18:28:06)
- Present perfect avec for (2010-01-11 15:32:06)
- Present Perfect Continuous (2009-02-18 22:14:39)
- Présent progressif et present perfect (2010-04-27 19:25:03)
- probleme exo ... (2005-05-19 08:32:22)
- professeur de français à l'étranger (2005-12-21 23:44:01)
- quand faut il utiliser do et make ?? (2005-12-13 22:21:06)
- Rapport de Stage BTS (2011-08-31 11:17:10)
- Rarely/ Seldom (2019-01-23 20:39:39)
- Recherche CDs prof Join the Team (2014-04-24 16:53:55)
- rédiger une conclusion (2005-03-16 11:34:48)
- Regret/ Reproche (2021-05-11 14:28:16)
- reported speech (2005-06-03 22:35:11)
- Reprise de l'auxiliaire/Tags (2010-01-23 10:31:26)
- revision+verbes. irréguliers (2005-01-30 18:32:26)
- Rimouski /Correction (2008-12-04 00:15:28)
- rituels de classe (2005-09-14 16:03:54)
- Roosevelt/discours (2015-12-12 19:52:59)
- Samuel /Correction traduction (2008-05-21 18:55:43)
- Sandra to John, her boyfriend/correction (2009-11-09 15:47:39)
- Say it/Tell it (2009-10-12 12:00:28)
- Se faire/ verbe pronominal (2020-01-06 14:22:44)
- see, hear/present perfect (2018-04-10 22:01:27)
- Selingua-Dic perso (2006-03-15 11:52:45)
- Seriez-vous capables de tels propos? (2007-12-15 18:44:02)
- shall et will (2006-06-07 17:33:35)
- Should/ probabilité (2020-02-16 10:27:45)
- Similaire/ ou pas (2020-06-09 15:26:07)
- SMS translation (2005-08-25 13:31:46)
- Sociolinguistic (2011-02-12 10:56:01)
- somebody (2008-10-08 21:24:13)
- Souhait irréaliste/non réalisé (2021-04-25 17:07:25)
- Stock/correction (2012-10-06 00:45:31)
- Storytellers. (2008-04-28 12:16:54)
- Succession des rois d'Angleterre (2006-02-07 18:00:06)
- tableau Monet/ Correction (2005-11-13 11:31:49)
- Take ease (2010-05-06 09:22:16)
- témoignage jeune fille au pair (2005-05-07 14:08:37)
- Textes a trous (2004-12-22 11:46:35)
- textes faciles tendance société (2009-11-06 20:20:02)
- the hardest thing about English? (2005-05-03 20:31:37)
- Thinging about (2009-01-06 18:34:45)
- Time prepositions (2005-06-28 11:03:40)
- titre d'article (2005-11-05 18:14:02)
- to agree + prepositions (2011-06-07 10:48:08)
- to be an au pair (correction) (2006-12-12 13:07:36)
- To burst/ to break out (2021-09-06 21:18:04)
- Traduction / dopage (2011-10-23 16:37:29)
- Traduction / Fidel Castro (2011-03-10 12:25:46)
- traduction pour une recherche (2005-06-11 08:20:12)
- traduction se faire renverser (2009-04-12 23:23:57)
- Traduction/composed (2013-08-07 02:13:27)
- Traduction/poème (2013-12-26 12:39:02)
- Traduction/smile (2010-06-20 04:42:32)
- Translation is the best way (2005-05-02 13:57:28)
- tuni59 /report - correction (2009-03-08 13:56:56)
- Twice as much/as many (2021-06-03 16:57:44)
- Un accident choquant ! Thème 1 (2008-03-20 23:45:30)
- Une phrase ! (2008-09-16 21:04:22)
- unlike vs contrary to (2006-10-12 20:45:33)
- Up et down!? (2010-10-27 22:33:29)
- US military/correction (2012-11-28 17:40:26)
- Used to/Get used to (2009-02-24 22:29:18)
- utilisation de 'the' (2005-06-06 20:03:16)
- Utilité du Master LCE? (2008-07-19 16:45:33)
- Valeur des formes en -ing (2010-01-18 18:50:05)
- verbes composes + from ou in front of ? (2008-07-26 13:25:21)
- Verbes irréguliers/Bet (2012-06-14 21:10:28)
- Voix passive/ futur (2020-05-01 16:08:16)
- Voyage / Angleterre (2015-11-01 12:44:34)
- what's the appropriate tense ? (2008-05-26 20:27:38)
- Which one is correct? (2008-06-04 16:28:05)
- Whoever/ Anyone (2020-06-04 06:47:24)
- won't (2005-08-30 17:00:36)
- X heures après (2011-09-13 07:59:35)
- !! cherche corespondants (2004-04-27 18:54:10)
- !! Reading list !! for English learners (2008-09-15 22:41:43)
- !!Mots de transition!! (2004-12-19 17:42:25)
- !Stagiaire en galère! CD classe collège (2013-09-10 22:00:37)
- "'s" or "of the" (1) (2004-10-22 14:39:33)
- "c'est quoi un bon prof?" (2004-11-07 08:23:44)
- "Clubs de conversation" (2004-11-10 10:18:22)
- "De rien" (2004-08-30 14:24:27)
- "I don't have" and..... (2004-06-21 04:04:32)
- "L.O.L" (2004-07-01 18:15:26)
- "look-alikes" exercise (2004-10-03 21:38:08)
- "Love" Idioms (2004-09-05 19:48:24)
- "must" or "have to" (2004-06-21 23:17:37)
- "n'importe quoi" (2004-09-02 15:21:56)
- "où en es tu ?" > traduc (2004-12-05 12:41:54)
- "se débrouiller" en ang (2004-11-27 22:58:55)
- "Should have,might have" (2004-08-23 03:57:48)
- "Si demain" (2004-05-07 17:49:32)
- "some time" "sometime".. (2004-05-24 14:55:30)
- "swimming" (2004-11-19 13:18:48)
- "The village" (2004-08-31 19:40:53)
- "they do do ...." (2004-08-26 03:23:45)
- "tu" et "vous" (2004-11-27 11:10:03)
- "will" ou "be going to"? (2004-11-04 20:35:01)
- "Work" Idioms (2004-09-06 07:52:10)
- ' l'anglais en chantant ' (2005-10-03 19:28:48)
- ' latest fad' (2008-05-08 20:02:15)
- 'a' (2006-09-06 18:20:13)
- 'a' prononciation difficile (2008-01-29 16:53:46)
- 'a' suivi d'un verbe (2010-09-08 09:09:43)
- 'always,never,often'........... (2005-08-30 17:07:02)
- 'At' ou 'in', ou bien (2007-05-17 14:30:25)
- 'aussi bien...que...' (2007-09-08 21:58:21)
- 'Avec qui' en début de question (2006-02-07 05:27:23)
- 'be about to' ?? utilisation (2006-06-16 07:41:09)
- 'be going to'(futur d'inte (2005-09-01 13:02:49)
- 'Best remembered ' (2010-01-18 18:57:09)
- 'Blue' isn't always a colo (2005-02-16 15:32:27)
- 'Bossnappings' ? (2009-05-18 18:34:59)
- 'Bring' ou 'Take'. (2005-09-16 13:29:04)
- 'Bring','Take',autres (2005-09-06 01:48:40)
- 'Buy nothing day 'correction (2008-03-07 15:30:51)
- 'by' (2006-06-23 09:10:29)
- 'c'est' 'ce sont' (2008-03-12 12:36:09)
- 'Collision' the film (2005-10-08 09:02:28)
- 'Coming up' next ?? (2009-05-02 12:18:22)
- 'Comme en témoigne' (2009-09-19 20:56:51)
- 'Comparatifs/Superlatifs', revo (2005-09-16 15:42:35)
- 'daily life' (2006-08-17 23:17:39)
- 'Dans la mesure où...' = ? (2006-03-01 07:02:33)
- 'Dans les environs' aide! (2005-10-29 14:55:03)
- 'de Zéro à l'Infini'! (2005-09-16 11:41:43)
- 'Dear mirror'... (portrait) (2005-05-19 17:51:37)
- 'déjà' ? (2006-11-08 14:21:25)
- 'Dialogue 'Rio Grande' (2010-10-30 12:27:17)
- 'do you have' ou 'have you (2005-03-23 19:48:18)
- 'Do' (2005-12-24 16:38:37)
- 'Do' or 'Make' (2005-07-12 08:49:01)
- 'do' or 'make' (2006-05-06 11:10:00)
- 'don't have to'.... (2005-09-16 11:46:13)
- 'Draw your way' (2007-03-30 23:50:41)
- 'espace membre' : des idees ? (2008-02-16 11:11:09)
- 'ever'and'never' (2009-08-02 19:55:48)
- 'Everyday/on Sundays' (2006-07-16 17:12:44)
- 'Faire d'une pierre deux coups& (2006-05-17 17:13:35)
- 'Family'... (2005-09-16 12:10:18)
- 'fish' et 'fishes' (2008-08-15 20:56:33)
- 'fond of' et comparatif de supe (2007-11-20 22:56:25)
- 'forme 'Passive' ou ' (2005-09-16 11:22:01)
- 'Glad at' = 'Good at' (2009-06-05 17:46:53)
- 'go' ou 'get' ??? (2006-03-06 23:58:33)
- 'gonna' ??? (2007-01-20 04:25:46)
- 'good' or 'well' (2010-02-15 05:25:17)
- 'goodbye' et 'so long' (2009-06-28 23:02:53)
- 'Had' ou 'Would' ? (2005-09-16 11:38:46)
- 'have' ou 'have got' (2006-10-15 13:38:01)
- 'Her half-slip (2005-03-24 03:28:25)
- 'How I live now' by Meg Rosoff (2006-06-10 14:50:38)
- 'I Got Believe In You' (2006-09-16 18:40:16)
- 'I was hit with a bolt from the blue (2008-03-19 08:26:10)
- 'I was working' ou 'I work (2008-06-04 17:55:39)
- 'Idiomatiques' (2005-08-15 12:00:44)
- 'If it were' ? (2010-11-29 21:00:27)
- 'If only...!' (2005-05-14 11:15:17)
- 'if' et 'in case' (2005-05-10 16:36:02)
- 'il faut que...' en anglais (2005-07-24 10:30:12)
- 'il y a'/there is/there are (2008-12-22 22:55:56)
- 'il y avait' (2010-01-04 16:36:58)
- 'Il y en a' ? (2009-08-18 23:15:50)
- 'In order' (2006-06-17 17:43:29)
- 'in' for time (2007-10-21 14:54:12)
- 'in' or 'at' (2005-11-06 16:41:57)
- 'in' ou 'at'? (2009-10-27 07:36:47)
- 'indifferent' (correction) (2005-10-28 02:27:37)
- 'ing' , pourquoi ? (2006-02-13 16:53:53)
- 'is or are? test n°5188' (2007-05-14 00:37:28)
- 'it all' / 'everything (2005-08-24 10:17:11)
- 'It made me not happy' - correc (2009-09-26 08:45:11)
- 'je vais faire faire' (2006-02-28 22:01:12)
- 'justice' - it or they ? (2010-07-22 14:36:30)
- 'Le Gérondif', révision! (2005-09-17 02:40:01)
- 'les contractions'. (2005-09-16 15:25:22)
- 'let','have','ma (2005-08-30 15:20:07)
- 'leur' ou 'pas leur' (2010-02-11 22:41:04)
- 'livret' (2005-09-22 21:47:12)
- 'Merrick' Correction (2008-05-02 22:43:42)
- 'mieux vaut tard que jamais'? (2005-09-27 16:38:21)
- 'moi non plus', 'moi aussi (2007-08-10 18:58:58)
- 'Mundial' (2006-07-05 12:32:54)
- 'My favourite band Ever ?' (2009-03-13 22:46:35)
- 'Of' ou ' 's ' (2010-01-31 19:04:52)
- 'Ofttimes'? (2007-09-08 10:20:06)
- 'oie blanche ,dessous noirs'3 T (2008-01-31 15:03:10)
- 'Oie blanche,dessous noirs.' 2 (2008-01-22 11:11:47)
- 'On' + jours de la semaine (2010-10-10 10:53:11)
- 'On' ou 'In' dans cet (2008-11-29 13:46:10)
- 'Pass' or 'hit'?? (2009-06-18 18:07:58)
- 'passage à vide' (2006-10-13 18:52:00)
- 'Passer son bac' en anglais? (2007-06-22 13:34:54)
- 'Phrasal verb' Place du pronom (2005-05-24 18:48:53)
- 'Phrasal Verb': To Stand. (2005-09-06 17:54:59)
- 'Phrasal Verbs': To Keep! (2005-09-08 17:46:43)
- 'Première' (class ) (2007-04-05 10:25:12)
- 'Prendre une photo' (2008-08-11 00:20:27)
- 'prétérit continu ou simple'? (2005-08-30 16:01:31)
- 'probably' VS 'likely' (2005-08-25 13:04:23)
- 'Qu'est-ce que tu deviens?' (2007-11-19 23:56:19)
- 'Quand même' & ' ... (2005-08-19 17:30:24)
- 'Quantificateurs', révision! (2005-09-14 22:36:15)
- 'Quel est l'objet de votre appe (2008-07-27 12:00:12)
- 'Question tags' aren't I (2010-04-13 07:37:15)
- 'R.I.P' (2010-04-12 14:56:29)
- 'radio progamme' or 'radio (2007-12-25 14:42:16)
- 'Reply to an enquiry' (2008-03-09 21:06:07)
- 's (2007-01-13 15:11:23)
- 's (2010-01-21 20:08:27)
- 'S et noms propres (2007-11-21 22:27:47)
- 's ou pas ? (2007-03-24 17:44:46)
- 's pour une action/monkey (2020-08-16 21:51:48)
- 'Scrambled words 2' (2009-03-12 20:40:09)
- 'Should' ou le combat des chefs (2005-06-03 09:30:12)
- 'Slightly more' (2011-05-07 16:35:37)
- 'slippy-sloppy (2005-06-23 16:51:24)
- 'souvenirs, souvenirs...' (2005-04-11 13:40:27)
- 'Take a step' (2008-06-17 12:55:58)
- 'Tall,Big,Large'... (2005-09-16 12:00:57)
- 'Taunts' (2005-08-16 20:12:46)
- 'Tenez ' (2009-05-02 18:11:58)
- 'That' (2005-04-22 19:14:00)
- 'The Sun' British press (2008-05-01 10:08:58)
- 'The words blood and .../help (2023-11-15 19:19:15)
- 'The' and nationalities (2007-07-03 22:35:32)
- 'the' ou pas 'the'? (2008-04-09 20:48:18)
- 'the' ou rien? (2008-02-10 14:13:56)
- 'The' with a surname (2010-02-05 07:13:52)
- 'There is a lot' ou 'There (2010-03-25 18:39:08)
- 'tis (2005-09-19 23:06:28)
- 'to + verbe 'ou ' ing' (2005-07-14 15:03:08)
- 'to be used to' et 'to get (2005-05-27 03:23:04)
- 'To be','How old'...? (2005-08-30 21:40:11)
- 'to edge'- quel sens? (2009-10-19 00:17:36)
- 'To reunite with an old flame' (2007-02-10 10:10:09)
- 'to say' et 'to tell' (2008-08-18 16:11:33)
- 'To write an Essay'. (2005-09-18 16:07:40)
- 'tons' (2008-06-11 21:02:26)
- 'too,too much,too many'? (2005-09-03 00:38:40)
- 'Traverser à la nage' (2005-02-24 22:50:57)
- 'Tu as accompli':present perfec (2005-05-22 23:12:21)
- 'two thumbs up!' (2005-08-17 11:04:57)
- 'Used to' or 'would' (2007-04-24 12:20:51)
- 'Vivre sans musique' (2008-04-01 22:04:30)
- 'wanna' (2006-06-21 09:30:03)
- 'we're getting somewhere'? (2008-11-24 09:39:54)
- 'Welcome along', ça existe? (2009-07-15 21:32:00)
- 'When' et 'will' (2007-06-02 15:04:18)
- 'Why' exclamatif ? (2010-12-01 11:33:23)
- 'Would have' ou 'Should Ha (2009-04-28 13:16:25)
- <ok for me> ou bien <ok by me&g (2009-09-05 11:03:32)
- 'd (2004-05-30 22:36:25)
- 'do' or 'make' ? (2004-10-28 18:38:43)
- 'for' ou 'since' ? (2004-11-15 18:37:39)
- 'ON' doit s'entraîner... (2005-02-22 06:55:02)
- 'ON' rit jaune (2005-02-21 23:21:54)
- 's = ? (2004-06-22 21:39:55)
- 'transparent' not so transparen (2005-03-11 11:01:42)
- 'Who am I?' (litterature) (2005-03-03 20:39:31)
- (a) hot water (2008-12-16 19:49:49)
- (correction) lettre de motivation (2008-05-05 21:31:43)
- (gonna, gotta, wanna) (2005-06-07 14:43:32)
- (nouveau) CAPES 2014 (2013-07-10 13:42:00)
- (test message. please ignore) (2004-08-15 13:34:44)
- (Thème)Dénombrables / indénombrables II (2008-12-02 09:11:49)
- (used to) how to use it (2010-03-15 16:09:36)
- -ING (2004-11-14 22:38:44)
- -ing / and I (2006-09-01 13:41:43)
- -ing = in' ? (2005-02-19 20:10:53)
- -ing or to/help (2014-12-30 23:21:32)
- -ING ou -ED ? (2007-05-12 18:34:13)
- -ing ou infinitif ? (2008-05-18 14:17:33)
- -Ing- ou l'infinif (2011-02-08 23:54:51)
- -ing/aide (2013-06-24 22:21:24)
- -ough -sa correction (2005-02-21 11:07:14)
- -Will après When ? - Jamais. -Oh !!! (2006-10-28 13:56:08)
- .. mois de grossesse ( question) (2006-03-04 17:37:24)
- ... Me manque (2006-11-02 21:05:38)
- ..... déjà......! (2005-01-05 22:39:17)
- .........marks ? (2004-07-27 04:22:00)
- ...Ough......(prononciation) (2005-02-16 15:20:05)
- ...Tous ensemble ?? (2005-12-12 18:25:18)
- 1 an Erasmus-quels résultats? (2010-11-13 17:00:47)
- 1 année dans un pays anglophone ? (2009-07-04 11:20:46)
- 1 élève ki a besoin d'aide ! (2004-03-24 18:15:16)
- 1 exercice à corriger (2004-11-24 19:12:13)
- 1 phrase à traduire (2004-11-21 19:49:41)
- 1 to 1 lessons ... any ideas ? (2007-10-23 17:45:12)
- 10 fois moins/ que (2024-02-20 15:44:25)
- 10 phrases (2005-02-28 15:29:18)
- 100 derniers ajouts (2010-08-31 15:40:20)
- 12 am/ aide (2014-11-11 12:27:21)
- 12-00am-minuit /confusion (2018-07-26 15:29:22)
- 12685 Wish ou Hope (2010-11-29 21:51:52)
- 15 ans et demi, le bac version V (2008-10-05 03:07:02)
- 1815/ drapeau Irlande (2015-03-18 14:37:13)
- 18ème cours pour débutant (2005-02-13 21:16:25)
- 1900 (2007-04-04 10:53:04)
- 1cadenas pour sjts clos (2004-05-22 21:52:23)
- 1e L/ problématiques (2016-09-27 18:48:32)
- 1er contact (2004-08-28 11:15:03)
- 1er cours d'un aldulte (2005-05-11 16:10:06)
- 1er cours de 6ème (2009-08-30 12:11:17)
- 1er cours de remplacement (2009-09-21 22:10:25)
- 1er cours de soutien scolaire (2007-10-24 23:35:26)
- 1er cours et jamais enseigné (2012-11-25 17:03:03)
- 1er cours pour adulte (2005-05-03 10:42:44)
- 1er cours pour enfant (2005-05-11 11:54:02)
- 1er Mai (2004-05-01 20:06:32)
- 1ère leçon (2008-03-08 15:14:14)
- 1ère section européenne (2007-09-04 10:54:34)
- 1ere traduc -My Band-D12 (2004-06-28 15:44:05)
- 1ere traduc-My Band-D12 (2004-06-28 15:48:00)
- 1ers résultats (2007-01-01 20:37:05)
- 1phrase interrogative?? (2006-02-15 17:09:06)
- 1€=combien de livre sterling (2004-07-04 19:40:13)
- 2 actions / passé (2013-01-15 11:44:29)
- 2 actions dans le passé !! (2010-06-25 20:22:19)
- 2 bedded room:bunk-bed?? (2004-06-04 01:39:40)
- 2 choses... (2004-12-08 20:51:24)
- 2 constructions/même idée (2020-05-18 19:43:13)
- 2 contextes - Present perfect (2010-06-30 05:52:24)
- 2 expressions (2006-03-17 21:46:24)
- 2 fois plus/aide (2020-05-15 22:53:57)
- 2 futurs ? (2009-11-05 17:21:06)
- 2 jours avec Betty / traduc (2005-04-02 22:32:29)
- 2 petites questions (2007-08-16 22:56:41)
- 2 petites traductions anglais>français (2009-10-14 19:07:48)
- 2 phrases (2008-03-15 23:01:45)
- 2 phrases (correction) (2008-04-01 00:44:46)
- 2 phrases identiques ? (2008-08-31 09:28:07)
- 2 phrases incomprises (2010-08-10 10:09:06)
- 2 phrases que je n'arrive pas à trad (2008-01-16 23:17:25)
- 2 questions (2010-03-22 23:24:26)
- 2 questions de vocabulaire (2008-01-08 16:28:32)
- 2 requêtes (2005-12-09 14:09:06)
- 2 situations Preterit-Present Perfect (2009-05-06 09:59:31)
- 2 sujets BAC (correction) (2007-12-01 20:15:18)
- 2 termes professionnels (2006-07-19 14:18:03)
- 2 textes/urgent (2005-02-26 08:16:50)
- 2 traductions casse-tête (2010-10-29 15:22:53)
- 2 verbes se suivent .... (2004-06-03 15:50:53)
- 2 verbes successifs/aide (2016-07-12 12:03:48)
- 2-year-old child ? Or 2-years-old child (2009-09-20 06:47:30)
- 20 janvier (correction) (2009-03-15 03:26:51)
- 200 vidéos de métiers sous-titrées (2007-03-09 18:00:58)
- 2010-2011 (2011-04-26 10:06:25)
- 22h30 /formulation (2010-11-22 09:42:37)
- 24 hour business day ? (2009-01-06 21:03:10)
- 25 December (2004-12-08 12:54:49)
- 2e ppc seats and form of power (2017-05-06 17:35:30)
- 2eme serie quiz qcm (2004-06-08 10:46:11)
- 2nde pro secretariat (2011-09-24 16:59:52)
- 2ndes français bac pro (2012-03-09 16:04:49)
- 3 phrases à traduire (2009-11-05 19:08:25)
- 3 fautes à trouver ici (2006-05-01 17:20:01)
- 3 formes (correction) (2009-09-07 21:17:15)
- 3 langues ensemble? (2008-02-01 17:55:21)
- 3 lignes à corriger (2006-01-04 09:23:17)
- 3 phrases 'illogiques' pour moi (2007-08-30 13:42:50)
- 3 phrases/correction (2016-10-02 21:37:14)
- 3 questions (2008-01-17 23:18:22)
- 3 questions (2011-05-30 18:28:35)
- 3 sentences (2005-06-06 18:44:39)
- 3 wishes!! (2005-05-30 20:31:13)
- 300 mots à corriger (2006-09-22 19:04:23)
- 3000ème en anglais ? (2008-05-19 22:05:53)
- 310 million customers/aide (2012-04-04 20:00:01)
- 3e concours CAPES anglais (2010-08-02 17:31:19)
- 3e concours CAPES anglais 2014 (2014-03-22 11:38:32)
- 3e concours et congé parental (2009-07-24 18:18:17)
- 3e personne/verbe + s (2016-02-12 10:04:23)
- 3ème concours capes (2008-09-04 10:38:59)
- 3ème concours CAPES 2013 (2012-02-05 19:37:00)
- 3ème concours capes anglais 2009 (2008-07-30 23:50:01)
- 3ème concours du CAPES anglais 2014 (2013-10-28 20:40:37)
- 3ème DP6 (2008-01-04 20:32:51)
- 3ème tentative au capes. (2005-11-30 00:34:52)
- 3° capes anglais (2012-02-09 09:22:55)
- 4 Expressions (2006-07-12 14:15:34)
- 40 Leçons pour parler Anglais ? (2006-11-29 10:54:45)
- 5 anglophones à trouver (2011-12-30 15:37:25)
- 5 expressions (2004-11-02 09:03:46)
- 5 filles/ traduction (2004-12-31 12:00:13)
- 5 little pigs A.Christie (2004-05-20 16:43:52)
- 5 mn left/aide (2019-01-21 21:12:51)
- 5 phrases par jour (2004-12-01 14:46:40)
- 5 questions en anglais (2008-10-13 21:39:00)
- 5 sentences (2005-03-06 13:49:06)
- 50 cent (2004-06-05 13:23:47)
- 50 états /50 étoiles (2013-03-12 15:06:12)
- 50 mots sur ma semaine (2005-04-10 19:03:46)
- 5e Revisions d'Eté (2008-06-27 07:41:47)
- 6-letter-words (2005-09-08 01:35:47)
- 7th grade (2009-09-02 19:02:29)
- 8h35 ! Problème pour l'heure ! (2011-01-29 08:58:42)
- 8Rules Effective Writing (2004-05-13 15:04:43)
- 9pm/8c et 9ET/8c ? (2008-06-01 15:15:16)
- : il a gagné au loto ? (2005-09-27 19:04:08)
- ? (2004-03-29 13:22:24)
- ? present perfect? (2008-03-14 16:59:03)
- ? sur une leçon au webmaster (2004-04-16 16:27:08)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |