33564 sujets
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Already/still (2021-03-21 09:44:31)
- Fonction publique - Apprentissage du fr (2021-03-20 18:26:12)
- Aide / gérondif (2021-03-19 16:47:32)
- Ressources what's on 3e (2021-03-18 15:32:46)
- Grammar/Check (2021-03-21 13:45:38)
- The missing vowels /390 (2021-03-17 22:53:34)
- Butte Chaumont/specific words (2021-03-26 11:33:57)
- Appartenance/aide (2021-03-17 20:30:22)
- Our Story/100! (2021-03-31 15:08:09)
- Correction/ climate (2021-03-20 18:11:46)
- Ex 199/still hoping, but weary (2021-03-30 23:41:32)
- Compréhension/ orale (2021-03-14 20:25:15)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/90 (2021-04-01 16:34:28)
- Apostrophe/plural (2021-03-30 06:59:53)
- Test oral/international (2021-03-11 14:06:18)
- The missing vowels /389 (2021-03-16 05:06:08)
- Transcription/ vidéo (2021-03-10 12:29:54)
- To / In (2021-03-09 13:58:15)
- Correction/GA Custer (2021-03-16 09:22:09)
- Motivation/ section euro (2021-03-05 18:10:04)
- Playing/ with Words 17 (2021-03-30 22:11:27)
- Will/ be going to (2021-03-05 00:02:48)
- Question/comment (2021-03-05 00:48:44)
- [Désactivé] Vecteurs (2021-03-04 15:43:07)
- The missing vowels/388 (2021-03-06 18:31:35)
- Rather than to do/ than do (2021-03-03 17:52:37)
- I'd prefer us/ we (2021-03-02 18:01:46)
- Could-may/ can-may (2021-03-02 13:07:27)
- To cling/to hang (2021-03-02 17:29:05)
- Our Story/99 (2021-03-16 10:34:30)
- Ex 198/let's go on hoping (2021-03-14 23:15:23)
- Prépositions/in-of (2021-02-27 17:49:27)
- Sous-titres/ ou non (2021-02-27 12:08:54)
- Change/exclamatory (2021-03-12 12:36:20)
- Grammar/help (2021-02-26 19:47:33)
- Wh questions/help (2021-02-25 20:46:57)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/89 (2021-03-14 17:58:07)
- The missing vowels/387 (2021-03-03 19:12:01)
- Résumé /Psycho (2021-02-22 19:33:10)
- Quand même/aide (2021-02-20 20:21:46)
- Poser/questions (2021-02-19 20:48:05)
- Recherche prononciateur (2021-02-18 14:00:02)
- The missing vowels/386 (2021-02-24 20:56:28)
- Temps /aide (2021-02-27 22:28:00)
- Our Story/98 (2021-02-28 22:46:37)
- Up /Down (2021-02-15 16:45:48)
- L3 Chimie (2021-02-16 15:58:57)
- Did/ prétérit (2021-02-14 18:19:42)
- Questions/genres (2021-02-13 19:02:31)
- Ex 197/are things better? (2021-02-27 22:50:38)
- Active/ passive voice (2021-02-13 13:44:23)
- Aide/correction (2021-02-12 18:39:27)
- Correction/disease (2021-02-13 09:56:00)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/88 (2021-03-01 12:28:57)
- The missing vowels/385 (2021-02-17 21:46:30)
- Choix/ temps (2021-02-27 21:27:39)
- Besoin/correction (2021-02-12 23:03:29)
- How long/ Why (2021-02-12 14:34:50)
- Renseignement/pluriel (2021-02-07 19:01:39)
- Playing with Words/16 (2021-02-27 21:48:20)
- Help/correction (2021-02-07 17:29:14)
- Aide /traduction bone (2021-02-14 21:19:08)
- Aide/correction (2021-02-09 15:56:27)
- Causatif/aide (2021-02-06 16:53:54)
- Need help/translation (2021-02-07 08:12:04)
- Question/ past perfect (2021-02-05 20:55:20)
- To be given/aide (2021-02-06 18:26:37)
- CD originaux New Spring 3e LV2 (2021-02-04 15:44:05)
- Why/double consonant (2021-02-05 18:16:39)
- The missing vowels /384 (2021-02-08 18:20:38)
- Besoin d'aide/fautes (2021-02-09 09:54:37)
- Someone/somebody (2021-02-01 18:22:48)
- Our Story/97 (2021-02-16 22:10:21)
- Lettre/motivation (2021-01-30 19:54:55)
- Donner/opinion (2021-01-31 21:46:30)
- Ex 196/still under pressure (2021-02-13 22:50:48)
- Peut-on dire/aide (2021-01-29 14:09:38)
- Wish/ plus temps (2021-01-29 08:57:11)
- Prepositional phrases/function (2021-02-18 09:32:02)
- Reformulation/aide (2021-01-28 13:59:25)
- The missing vowels/383 (2021-02-01 15:42:24)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/87 (2021-02-14 08:02:04)
- Could - Couldn't/help (2021-01-27 18:27:18)
- Sentence/passive (2021-01-27 16:05:54)
- Rather than/aide (2021-01-27 20:18:40)
- Correction/ motivation (2021-01-26 16:32:15)
- Cover letter/correction (2021-01-26 14:46:51)
- Make you bored/boring (2021-01-26 13:18:00)
- Why/adjective clause (2021-01-28 19:01:29)
- Verbes/ particule (2021-01-25 11:04:16)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2021-01-23 16:50:40)
- Come + ing/aide (2021-01-23 14:41:46)
- Until/conj or prep (2021-01-23 08:23:04)
- Causative/aide (2021-01-22 15:54:01)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2021-01-25 18:50:46)
- Sens/ to message (2021-01-22 11:21:09)
- Dialogue/anglais (2021-01-22 17:59:30)
- Pro/anti uniform (2021-01-22 10:41:19)
- Activity/ adjectives (2021-01-21 15:02:46)
- Concordance/ temps (2021-01-21 18:14:13)
- The missing vowels/382 (2021-01-21 23:46:45)
- Adjectives/right order (2021-01-22 07:01:09)
- Formule/Pronom + TO + Verbe (2021-01-21 21:05:34)
- Correction/when did you last (2021-02-01 11:11:47)
- Passif/aide (2021-01-18 15:37:10)
- Our Story/ 96 (2021-02-01 10:36:49)
- Inversion/ not inversion (2021-01-21 14:47:56)
- Négatif/ inversion (2021-01-16 11:23:13)
- Playing with Words/15 (2021-02-15 12:41:55)
- Ex195/2 extra hours of English a day (2021-01-29 22:51:45)
- Réflexion /compréhension (2021-01-23 14:36:39)
- Tard et Tôt/aide (2021-01-15 11:06:34)
- Compréhension/Barack Obama (2021-01-16 17:27:55)
- Advice/sentence (2021-01-14 23:44:42)
- In a moment/at the moment (2021-01-15 00:32:34)
- The missing vowels /381 (2021-01-18 17:20:59)
- A long time ago/aide (2021-01-14 16:18:51)
- Could have + pp/aide (2021-01-26 22:41:18)
- Rack Your Brains and Help /86 (2021-01-31 11:46:25)
- Bourses d'études cycle 2 (2021-01-12 17:17:00)
- Cultural appropriation/ correction 3 (2021-01-12 17:11:51)
- What is that/it (2021-01-17 04:26:20)
- Actif/passif (2021-01-10 21:07:00)
- Cultural Appropriation /2 (2021-01-12 17:02:30)
- Ago /Since (2021-01-09 17:14:50)
- Progressive form/help (2021-01-10 03:23:12)
- Present perfect/ ou non (2021-01-12 00:46:13)
- Correction/lettre (2021-01-07 14:36:30)
- Introduction/ cultural appropriation (2021-01-10 00:39:19)
- The missing vowels/380 (2021-01-11 09:37:25)
- Choisir/temps (2021-01-07 11:04:01)
- Utilisation / V-ing (2021-01-07 00:02:16)
- When/aide (2021-01-05 21:42:38)
- Biblio commune - comment ajouter images? (2021-01-05 23:59:03)
- Des phrases/correction (2021-01-05 18:54:16)
- Be going to / présent V-ing (2021-01-05 08:33:57)
- Regret / Wish (2021-01-04 13:21:48)
- Fortunate/ lucky (2021-01-03 14:42:57)
- Littérature comparée (2021-01-02 19:43:11)
- Aide /explication (2021-01-03 15:08:23)
- Which/ best answer (2021-01-02 16:40:42)
- Magneto Jo (2021-01-01 20:33:04)
- Coming /aide (2021-01-05 05:13:36)
- Question/ thank you (2020-12-31 19:48:44)
- Présent/v-ing (2021-01-03 15:08:32)
- The missing vowels /379 (2021-01-01 17:16:32)
- Our Story/ 95 (2021-01-17 17:48:43)
- Ex 194/good riddance 2020- Happy 2021 (2021-01-15 23:31:51)
- Optimism/help (2020-12-31 11:02:23)
- Présent/présent -ing (2020-12-28 08:44:37)
- Rack Your Brains and help/85 (2021-01-16 21:11:13)
- Correct Sentence/help (2020-12-27 18:19:46)
- Believe sth/ to be (2020-12-27 18:25:48)
- Pronoms relatifs/aide (2020-12-28 12:18:27)
- Traduction/You's (2020-12-27 18:13:05)
- The missing vowels /378 (2020-12-27 21:04:42)
- Cds New enjoy 4e et 3e (2020-12-23 14:25:38)
- Nouvelles en langage simplifié également (2021-01-05 05:17:09)
- Produits alimentaires/ sportifs (2020-12-24 08:05:26)
- Present perfect/aide (2020-12-21 00:42:59)
- Causatives/aide (2020-12-21 09:44:00)
- Copse/thicket (2020-12-20 17:28:00)
- Diversité/inclusion (2021-01-05 05:15:01)
- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année 2020-2021 (2021-01-25 17:37:25)
- Traduction/phrases littéraires (2020-12-18 23:30:24)
- Version/ correction (2020-12-18 22:44:33)
- To come to/to make a decision (2020-12-18 13:33:17)
- The missing vowels /377 (2020-12-20 21:29:37)
- Monsters /Correction (2020-12-16 23:14:29)
- Luxury/nom-adjectif (2020-12-17 11:54:48)
- Our Story /94 (2020-12-30 21:45:08)
- Playing with Words/14 (2020-12-30 21:52:11)
- Heures/aide (2021-01-01 09:04:36)
- Correction/ tâche finale (2020-12-15 07:25:31)
- Apprendre/ rap (2020-12-24 09:39:59)
- Ex 193/ long is the way (2020-12-29 23:19:32)
- Contraction/ have (2020-12-13 21:08:47)
- Upon/ while (2020-12-24 08:06:27)
- Here we go/There we go (2020-12-14 23:59:55)
- Summary/Correction (2020-12-16 19:25:23)
- Poul Anderson/aide (2020-12-12 17:42:49)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/84 (2020-12-30 22:03:31)
- How long/aide (2020-12-12 14:56:14)
- Possession/ apostrophe (2020-12-11 19:55:41)
- Quel temps/aide (2020-12-10 09:25:24)
- Question/dare (2020-12-12 16:59:58)
- The missing vowels/376 (2020-12-16 07:24:34)
- Grin /Smile (2020-12-11 17:24:39)
- Us / Usage (2020-12-09 17:39:02)
- Corrections/ paroles (2020-12-08 00:38:38)
- Sum up/Correction (2020-12-06 15:54:17)
- Traduction /expression (2020-12-04 11:01:39)
- Conditionals/aide (2020-12-04 17:10:30)
- Prétérit / present perfect (2020-12-03 09:04:09)
- The missing vowels/375 (2020-12-09 16:30:06)
- Moan, groan/whimper and cry (2020-12-06 15:03:57)
- Past perfect/aide (2020-12-03 10:15:54)
- Our Story/93 (2020-12-15 22:53:36)
- Ex 192/almost free (2020-12-13 23:30:47)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/83 (2020-12-16 14:40:00)
- Don't beat around the bush/help (2020-11-26 22:54:38)
- Compréhension orale BTS communication (2020-11-26 17:44:16)
- Correction/Scott (2020-11-26 10:23:30)
- The missing vowels /374 (2020-11-30 22:04:15)
- Différence/mots (2020-11-25 23:35:37)
- Make / do (2020-11-26 17:22:45)
- Aide/Correction (2020-11-26 12:55:55)
- Plague/Text (2020-12-01 19:54:35)
- Awake/ wake up (2020-11-26 15:30:49)
- Adjectifs/aide (2020-12-03 02:36:07)
- Mind/ fin de phrase (2020-11-30 00:30:40)
- Comparatif/ Superlatif (2020-11-21 21:05:57)
- Traduction/ phrases (2020-11-20 16:21:25)
- To/après le verbe (2020-12-02 11:59:16)
- The missing vowels /373 (2020-11-24 18:45:41)
- Was-is /questions (2020-12-05 16:00:35)
- Aide/BBC (2020-11-20 08:16:37)
- Email/applying for a job (2020-11-18 14:21:13)
- Expression écrite/Biopic (2020-11-22 13:09:43)
- Aide/correction (2020-11-18 14:31:41)
- Participe passé/adjectif (2020-11-18 13:13:49)
- Not before/ not until (2020-11-28 13:15:07)
- Certification /choix (2020-11-18 21:57:35)
- Présenter une ville/aide (2020-11-20 19:09:37)
- Sujet de réflexion (2020-11-17 16:20:05)
- Negation/ to have (2020-11-18 13:21:58)
- Since/aide (2020-11-17 08:59:39)
- Traduire/Lors de laquelle (2020-11-17 09:57:44)
- Our Story/92 (2020-11-29 23:56:40)
- Disparition de Flash (2021-01-13 21:06:46)
- Be/ instead of have (2020-11-15 14:53:02)
- Present Perfect /Past Simple (2020-11-15 12:25:59)
- Ex 191/confined again (2020-11-29 23:09:55)
- Text/correction (2020-11-14 14:21:02)
- Niveau/anglais (2020-11-14 14:28:28)
- Rack your brains and help!/82 (2020-11-30 23:44:12)
- Encore trop/aide (2020-11-12 12:50:45)
- The missing vowels /372 (2020-11-16 22:08:36)
- Comprendre/phrase (2020-11-11 21:57:25)
- Playing with words/13 (2020-11-30 23:14:50)
- Bone Shaker/aide (2020-11-11 23:15:40)
- Proposition/ subordonnée (2020-11-12 11:26:04)
- Language/ Biography (2020-11-13 12:34:49)
- Homme/grand H (2020-11-10 20:55:28)
- Correction /texte (2020-11-09 20:37:07)
- Indication de podcasts fr (2020-11-09 16:18:42)
- Yours/aide (2020-11-08 14:34:48)
- Confusions fréquentes/aide (2020-11-07 08:59:46)
- Sens réel /bloke (2020-11-06 18:51:43)
- Place/very much (2020-11-09 18:42:21)
- Cv/ vidéo script (2020-11-05 00:32:06)
- The missing vowels /371 (2020-11-07 18:18:12)
- Other/aide (2020-11-04 17:50:22)
- Comparative/superlative (2020-11-07 10:39:27)
- Date/aide (2020-11-03 22:55:10)
- To blame somebody/ for (2020-11-04 11:25:10)
- Aide traduction/ texte (2020-11-02 23:27:22)
- Some/pluriel (2020-11-01 11:59:30)
- He hung his head/aide (2020-11-01 18:20:16)
- Gerondif/préposition (2020-11-03 09:32:43)
- Our Story/91 (2020-11-17 23:01:23)
- Ex 190/not out of the woods (2020-11-14 22:59:09)
- As as /aide (2020-11-01 09:30:27)
- Futur/aide (2020-10-30 11:38:53)
- Past continuous/aide (2020-10-30 12:57:26)
- Rack Your Brains and Help/81 (2020-11-16 20:23:19)
- Hyphen /help (2020-10-30 22:46:17)
- Adjectifs possessifs/aide (2020-11-04 15:21:56)
- The missing vowels/370 (2020-10-30 21:50:25)
- Not much more/aide (2020-10-30 13:04:40)
- Little /degré restrictif (2020-10-27 12:22:30)
- Rédaction/correction (2020-10-28 00:13:16)
- Prefer/to ou v-ing (2020-10-25 18:30:59)
- Jamais/double négation (2020-10-26 11:16:33)
- Using wish/help (2020-11-15 14:47:00)
- Ressources what's on- new connect 6eme (2020-10-22 17:06:38)
- Anyone/ not après (2020-10-22 12:48:22)
- Fast / soon (2020-10-24 12:16:32)
- The missing vowels/369 (2020-10-27 13:47:56)
- Cv/correction (2020-10-21 21:34:12)
- Lettre/ motivation (2020-10-21 21:21:35)
- My hometown/correction (2020-10-21 10:14:06)
- L'inversion/aide (2020-10-21 21:04:41)
- Traduction/ paroles (2020-10-28 12:39:38)
- To / quel sens (2020-10-19 16:35:36)
- So that/aide (2020-10-19 12:41:46)
- Our Story/90 (2020-10-31 16:02:21)
- Traduction/ compliquée (2020-10-21 08:35:29)
- The missing vowels /368 (2020-10-20 20:52:29)
- Ex 189/leaving, or not leaving (2020-10-30 23:02:42)
- Traduction/jamais le moindre (2020-10-15 16:18:33)
- Phrasal verbs/help (2020-10-14 09:41:58)
- Help/grammar (2020-11-05 13:44:37)
- Web accessibility/aide (2020-10-13 16:09:17)
- Exclamation/ so - such (2020-10-12 19:41:23)
- So/aide (2020-10-12 14:36:20)
- Rack your Brains and Help/80 (2020-10-31 18:36:43)
- Question /distance (2020-10-11 21:39:38)
- Correction/self-driving (2020-10-12 14:51:46)
- Correction/New World (2020-10-14 15:27:25)
- Used to/ get used to (2020-10-11 08:53:05)
- Correction /texte (2020-10-11 14:29:55)
- D' autant plus/passif (2020-10-12 10:13:31)
- Playing with words/ 12 (2020-10-31 19:30:57)
- The missing vowels /367 (2020-10-12 20:38:12)
- Turn/aide (2020-10-05 23:10:08)
- Film / axis (2020-10-05 11:31:18)
- Ponctuation/aide (2020-10-04 11:27:53)
- Last/past (2020-10-03 18:24:35)
- Possessive nouns/help (2020-10-03 18:23:48)
- Question/ préposition (2020-10-07 20:07:14)
- Morphèmes/aide (2020-10-05 11:17:36)
- Plosive/ stop (2020-10-02 10:35:22)
- Phrase/Question (2020-10-02 18:26:58)
- Problème technique résolu (2021-06-29 16:35:30)
- Our Story/89 - 88 B (2020-10-17 11:16:59)
- Toefl/ correction 7 (2020-10-04 00:17:42)
- CD New Enjoy 3e (2020-09-29 23:29:33)
- Ex 188/ not too difficult (2020-10-14 15:07:34)
- Traduction/aide (2020-09-30 00:09:16)
- Toefl/correction 6 (2020-09-30 12:02:43)
- Future /from the past (2020-09-29 23:30:46)
- Le plan dialectique (2020-09-28 21:01:01)
- Rack Your Brains and Help!/79 (2020-10-14 17:46:35)
- Relation prédicative/aide (2020-09-28 18:34:46)
- It or that/aide (2020-09-26 20:28:12)
- Rien de tel que/aide (2020-09-29 09:27:32)
- Aide/dédicace (2020-10-12 15:01:35)
- More/some (2020-09-30 11:51:16)
- Better/The better (2020-09-26 10:53:30)
- Besides/aide (2020-09-30 12:54:25)
- Thank you for/gérondif (2020-09-25 14:28:57)
- Wanna.../avis (2020-09-28 18:40:23)
- The missing vowels/366 (2020-10-10 02:55:59)
- I'm through/aide (2020-09-24 10:03:41)
- Adjectif / adverbe (2020-09-23 23:24:01)
- Awesome/Wholesome (2020-09-23 16:03:35)
- Demande/ précisions (2020-09-25 14:40:21)
- Moving/my stock-in-trade (2020-09-23 21:36:35)
- Don't you be sad/aide (2020-09-23 07:38:38)
- Place de both/phrase (2020-09-23 09:32:13)
- To be+ infinitive/gerund (2020-10-03 19:17:22)
- Comparatif /2-3 fois moins (2020-09-20 12:29:02)
- Questions/do-does (2020-09-20 07:07:12)
- Possess /assess (2020-09-19 02:21:05)
- Past/ aide (2020-09-18 18:45:02)
- D'autant plus vrai que/aide (2020-09-20 08:31:43)
- Present perfect /aide (2020-09-18 10:42:59)
- Dialogue/correction (2020-09-18 18:51:19)
- Comparaison/aide (2020-09-18 12:56:58)
- Could/aide (2020-09-18 07:15:54)
- The missing vowels/365 (2020-09-18 21:17:45)
- Our Story/88 (2020-10-01 09:41:59)
- So many /So much-Such (2020-09-17 11:36:20)
- Toefl/correction 4 (2020-09-16 17:50:08)
- Toefl/correction 3 (2020-09-18 20:16:19)
- Toefl/correction 2 (2020-09-16 10:56:08)
- Toefl/correction 5 (2020-09-16 16:19:10)
- Construction/interrogative (2020-09-15 16:16:18)
- Correction/ motivation (2020-09-20 08:14:12)
- Toefl/correction 1 (2020-09-19 16:58:51)
- Ex 187/reaching our cruising speed? (2020-09-30 08:52:43)
- Comparatif / Ever (2020-09-16 07:13:02)
- Just so you know/aide (2020-09-13 22:49:35)
- Article/Point of view (2020-09-14 13:17:43)
- Like/as (2020-09-13 18:35:46)
- Futur v-ing /aide (2020-09-15 18:44:40)
- To hide/aide (2020-09-13 16:03:24)
- Adjectif/ Participe passé (2020-09-14 11:05:25)
- Rack Your Brains and Help!/78 (2020-10-02 13:52:48)
- For the same reasons/you-yours (2020-09-12 17:58:17)
- It /that (2020-09-13 22:35:46)
- Playing with words/11 (2020-10-01 13:15:54)
- The missing vowels /364 (2020-09-14 21:25:27)
- Need/aide (2020-09-09 14:47:53)
- How long/aide (2020-09-09 23:10:09)
- Subject/auxiliaire (2020-09-07 22:00:03)
- Relative Explicative/Informatique (2020-09-07 16:31:36)
- Correction/phrases (2020-09-06 20:57:35)
- Introduction/correction (2020-09-06 14:58:00)
- Letter/aide (2020-09-10 12:54:44)
- Past simple/Present Perfect (2020-09-11 20:00:44)
- Dont /Ce dont (2020-09-05 18:40:55)
- The missing vowels/363 (2020-09-08 22:39:12)
- Minor Wife/aide (2020-09-03 12:06:13)
- And /structure de phrase (2020-09-01 22:38:00)
- Épreuve CAP anglais session 2021 (2020-09-01 18:48:07)
- Our Story/87 (2020-09-15 23:37:39)
- Answer/ question (2020-09-01 08:10:09)
- Slow/slowly (2020-08-31 23:40:54)
- Unhappy /not happy (2020-09-01 09:28:09)
- Ex 186/Back home, but not to normal (2020-09-15 09:11:43)
- Niveau de mon français (2020-09-25 00:41:59)
- Mind/aide (2020-08-29 14:20:38)
- Rack Your Brains and Help! 77 (2020-09-16 17:11:35)
- Puke from/ meaning (2020-08-30 14:16:37)
- Pronoms/correction (2020-08-28 16:44:28)
- As/aide (2020-08-28 07:45:16)
- Linking words/aide (2020-08-27 21:46:20)
- The missing vowels /362 (2020-09-01 12:03:55)
- Understanding/aide (2020-08-26 21:39:13)
- Present perfect/aide (2020-08-26 21:38:03)
- Present perfect/past simple (2020-09-03 08:55:33)
- To make/past and present perfect (2020-08-24 21:08:04)
- It seems/There seems (2020-08-29 11:19:54)
- Le latex sur le forum (2020-08-30 17:48:25)
- Our Story/ 86 (2020-08-31 22:43:40)
- Same amount/aide (2020-08-26 21:40:17)
- It /verbes d’opinion (2020-08-21 09:07:55)
- The missing vowels /361 (2020-08-22 17:03:37)
- Haggy/aide (2020-08-21 13:15:21)
- Past -ing/ past perfect -ing (2020-08-23 12:51:12)
- Poser /question (2020-08-19 06:23:11)
- Got me / ing (2020-08-27 08:10:59)
- Ex 185/heat and storms (2020-08-31 12:13:40)
- So as to/aide (2020-08-16 15:44:45)
- Regret /Wish (2020-08-20 11:00:43)
- Miss Sloane/aide (2020-08-17 05:02:26)
- Question (2020-08-30 20:43:07)
- Casser/aide (2020-08-16 19:06:45)
- Prépositions/voix passive (2020-08-15 18:28:06)
- ça fait longtemps/aide (2020-08-15 22:05:50)
- Could have done/aide (2020-08-15 21:47:44)
- Rack your brains and help!/76 (2020-08-30 00:06:46)
- A question/ relative clause (2020-08-29 07:48:06)
- Like/ du gérondif (2020-08-14 16:45:39)
- Habitudes passées/aide (2020-08-14 21:18:20)
- Playing with words! /10 (2020-08-31 23:07:29)
- Passé expression/aide (2020-08-14 06:56:16)
- Indefinite pronouns/help (2020-08-12 16:25:41)
- 's pour une action/monkey (2020-08-16 21:51:48)
- Legend has it/aide (2020-08-11 16:06:13)
- Ing form/aide (2020-08-11 07:15:21)
- Section internationale/anglais (2020-08-10 19:55:00)
- Source-idée/audition (2020-08-10 19:52:56)
- Go sleep/go sleeping (2020-08-11 16:07:29)
- Consommations logement en Allemagne (2020-08-10 15:31:09)
- There,their,they're/help (2020-08-17 12:09:00)
- Without /Préposition (2020-08-19 12:29:02)
- Causative/aide (2020-08-10 21:30:18)
- Sarcasm/Imagine (2020-08-10 12:54:21)
- Any/sens (2020-08-10 12:52:42)
- Leave out/pick up (2020-08-09 23:57:23)
- Could/was able (2020-08-09 08:20:27)
- Formalité/aide (2020-08-09 23:57:43)
- Americanisms/used (2020-08-10 00:51:35)
- Durée/ For (2020-08-08 07:06:41)
- Its/It's (2020-08-08 16:48:52)
- Had it coming/aide (2020-08-07 17:40:33)
- Passive form/aide (2020-08-06 11:05:19)
- The missing vowels /360 (2020-08-11 14:53:43)
- Present perfect/voix passive (2020-08-06 08:37:08)
- Talk someone through/aide (2020-08-04 14:25:00)
- Likely to/aide (2020-08-04 14:26:25)
- Temps/verbe (2020-08-03 22:04:37)
- Get around/help (2020-08-05 15:25:31)
- Interrogative/Exclamative (2020-08-05 11:18:53)
- Past simple/Present perfect (2020-08-02 17:42:29)
- Traduction/slanted shoulders (2020-08-02 21:37:13)
- The/ indénombrable (2020-08-02 12:39:43)
- Our Story/ 85 (2020-08-22 22:25:00)
- Knife/death (2020-08-01 18:11:28)
- It has been/aide (2020-08-01 16:55:20)
- Phrase /traduction (2020-08-01 11:38:18)
- Infériorité/aide (2020-07-31 11:18:26)
- Construction/phrases (2020-07-31 15:53:18)
- The missing vowels/359 (2020-08-01 20:27:01)
- Ex184/Translation and abascus (2020-08-16 22:46:43)
- Conjugaison/prétérit (2020-07-29 11:15:45)
- Complément/attribution (2020-07-30 15:07:16)
- Isn't/aide (2020-07-28 22:16:18)
- Talk/aide (2020-07-28 21:38:26)
- Smell / aide (2020-07-27 22:14:49)
- Rack your brains and help!/75 (2020-08-21 20:56:25)
- Aide traduction/équivalent (2020-07-31 11:41:33)
- Present perfect/present (2020-07-27 15:18:26)
- Discours Direct/aide (2020-07-28 07:57:07)
- That/which (2020-07-26 13:04:37)
- Correction /would (2020-07-25 20:26:52)
- It's hard to/ Ving (2020-07-28 17:24:53)
- The missing vowels /358 (2020-07-26 21:01:44)
- Test 123962/help (2020-07-22 21:33:34)
- I am to /aide (2020-07-22 13:00:10)
- Past perfect/aide (2020-07-22 19:34:13)
- Causative/passif (2020-07-21 22:17:54)
- Recherche/ expression (2020-07-23 10:53:29)
- Recherche CD classe Good News 4ème (2020-07-20 12:12:14)
- Correction/phrase (2020-07-21 16:07:11)
- Nom composé/ Ing (2020-07-19 16:47:28)
- Almost -hardly -barely/aide (2020-07-20 19:25:01)
- Audio nombre/débutante (2020-07-22 09:27:32)
- On/ voix passive (2020-07-26 09:09:04)
- Until/aide (2020-07-17 21:04:23)
- Employer/that (2020-07-17 12:57:47)
- The missing vowels /357 (2020-07-22 20:28:27)
- Correction/ texte (2020-07-22 14:06:05)
- Still not/anymore at all (2020-07-24 19:17:51)
- Stay/present perfect (2020-07-16 21:59:11)
- Write/crazy (2020-07-16 20:56:25)
- Had no help/get (2020-07-17 10:20:57)
- Would rather than/ instead of (2020-07-16 12:12:01)
- Phrasal verbs /show up (2020-07-15 18:39:55)
- Our Story/ 84 (2020-07-31 17:10:46)
- Tense/ for (2020-07-15 19:11:13)
- Ask/subjonctif (2020-07-16 06:57:23)
- Playing with words! 9 (2020-07-31 00:16:49)
- ListenToMyStory #4/correction (2020-07-18 23:16:51)
- Be to + infinitive/aide (2020-07-15 19:58:06)
- Usage/forme v-ing (2020-07-15 19:27:33)
- Present Perfect/aide (2020-07-15 19:55:50)
- Ex 183/ to be, or not to be... a policeman (2020-07-30 23:51:27)
- Nearly/aide (2020-07-14 20:23:09)
- Not/help (2020-07-14 20:23:51)
- Close / help (2020-07-13 06:50:45)
- Old-fashioned/expressions (2020-07-13 10:24:00)
- Trapped into/ trapped in (2020-07-13 08:24:13)
- Faire faire/ indirect (2020-07-12 09:18:47)
- I wish /correction (2020-07-14 09:33:45)
- Rack your brains and help! /74 (2020-08-03 23:46:16)
- For ou to/aide (2020-07-10 14:27:42)
- Passif/give (2020-07-10 17:55:03)
- Conditionnel passé/voix passive (2020-07-10 09:18:30)
- Passif/correction (2020-07-09 18:14:22)
- The missing vowels/356 (2020-07-11 20:10:59)
- Il y avait/aide (2020-07-09 03:15:27)
- Conditionnel passé/aide (2020-07-07 11:58:00)
- Que dit-elle/aide (2020-07-08 09:03:59)
- Études professeur documentaliste (2020-07-07 18:32:30)
- She suspects /aide (2020-07-06 00:22:50)
- Show/résultative (2020-07-05 22:20:21)
- Que faire après deux ans d'anglais ? (2020-07-05 19:09:02)
- High heat/correction (2020-07-11 08:08:46)
- ListenToMyStory/ #3 (2020-07-09 14:29:33)
- Love/aide (2020-07-04 13:26:34)
- Relatif/aide (2020-07-04 09:44:38)
- Complément/ comparatif (2020-07-07 10:13:00)
- As soon as/aide (2020-07-05 21:00:01)
- Away/Off (2020-07-02 20:41:53)
- There is+ING/aide (2020-07-02 18:02:49)
- The missing vowels /355 (2020-07-05 18:29:32)
- Before/aide (2020-07-01 19:06:38)
- IELTS exam/aide (2020-07-05 12:00:00)
- Info/ jour (2020-07-10 08:43:31)
- Watching/aide (2020-07-01 20:09:29)
- Help to/help (2020-06-30 14:26:22)
- Our Story/83 (2020-07-16 18:49:26)
- Ex 182/ willing to work (2020-07-18 23:09:45)
- Aide/répétition (2020-06-29 16:36:06)
- Right/ Straight (2020-06-29 12:48:36)
- Faire faire/aide (2020-06-28 12:37:09)
- Modaux/have to au passé (2020-06-28 11:08:11)
- To insist/aide (2020-06-27 16:52:07)
- Rack Your Brains and Help! /73 (2020-07-14 15:58:25)
- I used to/I'm used to (2020-06-26 19:35:39)
- Usage de for/aide (2020-06-27 21:31:08)
- Test /section internationale (2020-06-25 22:32:20)
- The missing vowels /354 (2020-07-07 01:29:10)
- Omission/it (2020-06-24 17:58:46)
- Sans que/without (2020-06-25 09:38:30)
- Get into/Go into (2020-06-23 23:04:05)
- Prononciation/ south-mouth (2020-06-25 21:18:45)
- Noun phrase/Noun clause (2020-06-24 08:22:23)
- To make/omelette (2020-06-27 17:52:13)
- Sentence/ correction (2020-06-30 13:02:40)
- Never/ have (2020-06-22 19:30:15)
- Whichever/aide (2020-06-21 18:05:38)
- Will/going to (2020-06-22 14:46:50)
- Recherche d'une video ou des conseils (2020-06-19 12:43:44)
- Différence /Have not-Don't have (2020-06-19 16:03:36)
- Une phrase/correction (2020-06-18 18:21:10)
- That or not/aide (2020-06-18 18:37:17)
- ListenToMyStory /aide (2020-07-01 09:12:18)
- Anyone -negation /Aide (2020-06-19 11:23:56)
- Past/aide (2020-06-19 18:14:42)
- The missing vowels /353 (2020-06-21 22:18:05)
- A son départ/aide (2020-06-17 23:23:26)
- Our Story/82 (2020-07-02 09:43:15)
- Durée/correction (2020-06-17 11:40:51)
- Ex 181/free at last (2020-07-18 15:05:30)
- Gerund après out/aide (2020-06-15 09:44:43)
- Past perfect/aide (2020-06-14 15:26:22)
- Present perfect simple/v-ing (2020-06-13 22:46:39)
- Rack your brains and help! /72 (2020-06-29 00:39:46)
- The missing vowels/352 (2020-06-14 22:20:45)
- Adjunct/Complement (2020-06-21 17:58:33)
- Still not/ not yet (2020-06-11 11:54:00)
- Subjonctif/aide (2020-06-13 00:35:42)
- Shape/ form (2020-06-11 12:00:59)
- Auxiliaire/question tags (2020-06-10 19:37:07)
- Rather than/instead of (2020-06-11 14:20:59)
- Anyone/aide (2020-06-10 19:47:02)
- Is arrived/aide (2020-06-10 12:46:53)
- Confusion/aide (2020-06-10 23:10:32)
- Similaire/ ou pas (2020-06-09 15:26:07)
- To hope/ to hope for (2020-06-11 11:48:24)
- Ma phrase/correcte (2020-06-08 19:58:08)
- Différence/annoyed-angry (2020-06-08 21:18:36)
- Playing with words!/ 8 (2020-06-30 13:00:33)
- Verbe/ passif (2020-06-09 00:00:56)
- Shakespeare/aide (2020-06-07 11:10:06)
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