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- Text/about China (2011-11-08 02:09:00)

- In contrast to/make a contrast with (2011-10-31 06:25:56)

- Utiser 'for ou to' (2011-10-30 17:26:41)

- Homicide involontaire (2011-11-03 14:39:51)

- Michael Jackson/oral (2011-10-30 17:26:04)

- Texte /optimisme (2011-11-03 17:57:20)

- Tâche finale, lettre (2011-10-30 13:33:00)

- Degré de certitude/modal verb (2011-11-01 17:57:30)

- Lettre de motivation/UK (2011-10-30 10:02:46)

- Arena ou Bullring (2011-10-30 07:41:27)

- Dans combien de temps... (2011-10-30 15:16:31)

- Correction /conjugaison (2011-10-31 20:56:05)

- Un bon livre d'anglais (2011-10-29 17:21:55)

- Any/ point de grammaire (2011-10-30 07:44:04)

- Traduction/phrases (2011-10-29 12:48:04)

- Correction /Money (2011-10-28 21:57:53)

- Correction/Logo d'Apple (2011-10-28 19:50:11)

- Correction/11/9 attacks (2011-10-28 19:07:58)

- Commenter/ texte (2011-10-28 19:01:38)

- Formateur en Angleterre (2011-11-17 21:39:37)

- Trackers 1ère (2011-10-28 15:28:23)

- Vocabulaire/jeux (2011-10-29 15:12:57)

- Correction/robbery (2011-10-28 14:10:22)

- Traduction/être professeur (2011-10-28 12:51:53)

- Correction/présentation (2011-10-28 11:35:15)

- Casting for TV show (2011-10-28 14:21:01)

- Phrases/traduction (2011-10-28 01:16:55)

- Correction/traduction (2011-10-27 23:48:01)

- Traduction/Such (2011-10-27 21:24:28)

- Present perfect progressive (2011-10-28 20:54:05)

- Capes et réalité (2011-10-27 20:12:03)

- Aide/a year in Mexico (2011-10-27 19:58:00)

- Quelle traduction (2011-10-28 18:34:08)

- Correction/lettre CNED (2011-10-31 07:29:25)

- Traversée pour la Corse (2011-11-08 18:59:37)

- Correction/gap year (2011-11-01 10:37:18)

- Quite/Very/Really (2011-10-30 14:19:16)

- Expressions/proverbes (2011-10-27 23:12:03)

- Correction/ Expression (2011-10-27 11:41:45)

- Rectification/expression (2011-10-31 17:58:59)

- Correction /simple past tense (2011-10-28 02:44:20)

- Scrambled words '135' (2011-10-29 00:36:31)

- Correction /Vie d'un trappeur (2011-10-27 12:04:54)

- Rédaction/adolescence (2011-10-27 17:35:16)

- Hotel ESP English (2011-10-26 13:01:45)

- Triple Word Challenge 7 (2011-11-03 21:13:04)

- Would you mind (2011-10-25 22:46:39)

- Présentation/Sebastien Loeb (2011-11-11 12:58:08)

- He was chill (2011-10-25 18:25:21)

- Michael Jackson/ oral (2011-10-25 19:36:51)

- Cover Letter (2011-10-25 15:29:09)

- Correction/candidature (2011-10-25 13:20:12)

- Lettre/demande d'emploi (2011-10-25 17:49:00)

- Those Online Translations! (2011-10-24 19:04:08)

- Correction-texte (2011-10-24 19:15:53)

- Parler de son héros (2011-10-24 20:09:36)

- Structure résultative (2011-10-24 12:38:54)

- Voyage/Correction (2011-10-24 21:56:10)

- Correction/dialogue (2011-10-23 23:24:49)

- Traduction / dopage (2011-10-23 16:37:29)

- British supermarkets (2011-10-23 13:25:51)

- Cours particulier et rattrapage (2011-11-03 20:04:54)

- Correction/ Présentation (2011-10-23 21:56:17)

- Utilisation/déterminant (2011-10-23 00:18:19)

- For ou since (2011-10-23 15:35:50)

- Mes vacances/Thème (2011-11-02 08:37:44)

- Correction /lettre aux parents (2011-10-21 23:38:16)

- Prétérit simple ou progressif (2011-10-21 19:37:33)

- Take it on (2011-10-21 12:50:07)

- Oral de CAP (2011-10-22 17:52:27)

- Correction /commerce (2011-10-20 23:59:14)

- Wedding ceremony (2011-10-22 11:28:09)

- You're settled down (2011-10-21 05:35:53)

- Correction/Dialogue (2011-10-21 15:30:46)

- Exposé/lancer une entreprise (2011-10-27 18:56:16)

- In review (2011-10-20 18:01:56)

- Les unités de mesure (2011-10-20 16:00:02)

- Pink Union Jack (2011-10-20 16:45:48)

- Scrambled words '134' (2011-10-20 21:19:56)

- Exposé/Scarf and business (2011-10-20 02:49:33)

- Présentation/correction (2011-10-20 06:06:05)

- My various jobs (2011-10-19 18:08:38)

- BBC online subtitles (2011-10-19 21:04:55)

- Present perfect/négation (2011-10-20 02:07:05)

- Traduction/sur un livre (2011-10-19 02:20:49)

- Message/correction (2011-10-18 20:33:53)

- Expression/journal intime (2011-10-19 17:32:03)

- Traduction/discussion (2011-10-18 20:19:56)

- TZR Ac Versailles sans affectation? (2011-10-22 10:54:08)

- Frozen product (2011-10-18 09:58:14)

- To Ask/To Request (2011-10-18 11:50:13)

- Missions 2nd (2011-10-25 21:58:06)

- Correction/objet caractéristique (2011-10-17 22:01:32)

- Adverbial clauses (2011-10-17 19:14:18)

- Expression toll (2011-10-17 15:04:33)

- CV Australie/correction (2011-10-17 14:45:21)

- Correction/présentation 2 (2011-10-17 22:01:18)

- Operation assistant (2011-10-17 02:24:29)

- Correction/présentation orale (2011-10-17 09:52:43)

- Méthode travail anglais Master 1 SHS (2011-10-17 12:05:36)

- Le @ commercial (2011-10-16 21:41:19)

- Correction/University (2011-10-17 18:30:20)

- Present perfect +ing (2011-10-16 21:47:13)

- Correction/Flatmate (2011-10-16 17:57:44)

- Email/correction (2011-10-17 14:41:31)

- Traduction/cyclisme (2011-10-19 17:54:01)

- CD classe join the team 5ème (2011-10-19 22:09:17)

- A or An (2011-10-17 09:50:09)

- Licence LLCE/ conseils (2011-10-16 17:33:40)

- China and education (2011-10-16 14:01:26)

- Death Penalty in the USA (2011-10-16 19:33:15)

- I am really confused (2011-10-15 06:51:05)

- Geek in the pink (2011-10-17 10:27:50)

- Travail au supermarché (2011-10-21 19:53:41)

- Social networking (2011-10-13 21:24:05)

- Conditional/if clauses (2011-10-23 03:45:07)

- Vocabulaire/alimentation (2011-10-13 00:31:49)

- Scrambled words '133' (2011-10-19 21:46:38)

- Correction/ pour oral (2011-10-26 20:10:54)

- Correction/ I love London (2011-10-12 20:09:48)

- Devenir formateur TOIEC (2011-10-23 15:27:01)

- Différence/ écrit et oral (2011-10-13 23:40:22)

- Rosa Parks (2011-10-12 11:38:16)

- Problème avec since (2011-10-11 19:00:55)

- Much or many (2011-10-12 10:08:04)

- Rédaction /résumé de film (2011-10-12 17:55:30)

- Adjectif possessifs (2011-10-11 16:28:27)

- Genitif (2011-10-11 18:45:11)

- Dictionnaire intégré dans navigateur (2011-10-13 11:41:47)

- Correction/doping in sports (2011-10-12 18:05:59)

- Correction de CV (2011-10-11 19:21:18)

- Think of/Think about (2011-10-10 18:36:02)

- Arnaquer/Link (2011-10-10 17:49:29)

- Cover letter (2011-10-11 05:48:14)

- Much of a thread (2011-10-11 11:10:11)

- Porf de français à l'étranger (2011-10-09 16:31:04)

- Lesson before dying (2011-10-09 13:09:35)

- Gerund/- ing (2011-10-13 06:41:31)

- Technologies/information (2011-10-11 12:32:24)

- Correspondant de guerre (2011-10-10 16:10:20)

- Correction /Sports (2011-10-12 18:00:50)

- Correction/No Time For Goodbye (2011-10-10 14:34:48)

- Differences/such as- so as (2011-10-08 12:19:20)

- Prétérit ou present perfect (2011-10-08 17:16:28)

- Correction/received message (2011-10-08 16:44:25)

- The way you learn English (2011-10-09 02:36:46)

- Terme commercial (2011-10-07 19:03:12)

- Economy (2011-10-07 00:08:23)

- Présentation/communication (2011-10-08 16:50:23)

- CD (old) Spring 3eme (2011-10-06 18:49:30)

- Rédaction sur l'ecologie (2011-10-06 19:09:25)

- Prétérit/pourquoi (2011-10-06 20:54:23)

- Ecole et niveau (2011-10-07 18:10:57)

- Extrait/Amélie Nothomb (2011-10-06 15:53:05)

- Scrambled words '132' (2011-10-06 17:57:58)

- Correction /identity (2011-10-16 16:30:19)

- JTT6eme-New JTT5eme-New (2011-10-05 19:27:18)

- Sujet sur la violence (2011-10-05 18:19:11)

- Internship report (2011-10-07 15:23:22)

- Enseigner dans le cadre des MGIEN- CIPPA (2011-10-12 17:22:24)

- Horne's first name (2011-10-05 18:42:27)

- Phrase non comprise (2011-10-05 08:39:26)

- Le passé/Carte postale (2011-10-05 21:01:23)

- Traduction/ressemblance (2011-10-08 22:50:17)

- Would-May /Name (2011-10-05 00:15:30)

- Another example/wish (2011-10-04 23:59:53)

- Using wish (2011-10-05 00:29:33)

- Espace de réponses/ exercices (2011-10-04 20:04:33)

- Description/ image (2011-10-05 04:27:20)

- J'aurais dû/should (2011-10-05 02:11:28)

- Correction / une ville (2011-10-08 01:03:12)

- Wish/ were (2011-10-04 00:09:43)

- The curfew (2011-10-06 14:39:45)

- Rédaction/Chicago (2011-10-04 06:06:39)

- Ch CDs classe New Bridges 1eres (2011-10-07 12:34:36)

- Tests/anglais (2011-10-03 13:53:04)

- Ch cd classe connect 4e - enjoy 4e (2011-10-17 11:43:40)

- Aide/lettre niveau Bac (2011-10-02 21:21:34)

- Corporate/Tant que (2011-10-02 22:38:27)

- The internet/ the world (2011-10-02 22:16:42)

- Correction/my internship (2011-10-02 19:37:33)

- Utilisation de One (2011-10-02 17:23:33)

- All children like playing (2011-10-06 20:47:56)

- Grammaire/ He said I was (2011-10-02 14:46:49)

- In/ synonym of fashionable (2011-10-02 21:43:31)

- Grammar/interview (2011-10-04 05:03:38)

- Correction/ texte technique (2011-10-02 20:18:25)

- Don't Bogart That Joint (2011-10-10 03:11:54)

- Pecking away (2011-10-01 19:05:49)

- Singulier/pluriel (2011-10-01 14:51:57)

- Comme vous l'aurez compris (2011-09-30 21:11:11)

- Maitriser les bases/Bac (2011-10-01 20:34:04)

- Partenariat pour projet pédagogique (2011-09-30 11:54:13)

- Murphy's Laws (2011-09-30 11:31:25)

- Conseils/partir en Angleterre (2011-09-30 11:29:36)

- Department of Corrections (2011-09-29 19:28:22)

- DCL (2011-09-29 20:54:20)

- Traduction/Faire la preuve (2011-10-02 09:37:52)

- Traduction/article de presse (2011-09-29 16:28:07)

- Scrambled words '131' (2011-10-02 02:15:03)

- Remboursement scolarité (2011-09-28 23:29:31)

- Tell/V-ing or to (2011-10-01 03:48:23)

- Correction/pour oral (2011-09-28 18:02:18)

- ch. CDs classe New Apple Pie (2011-09-28 13:42:05)

- I didn't mean it (2011-10-01 17:19:44)

- Rédaction/enfance (2011-09-28 19:43:03)

- Pompier le 11 septembre (2011-09-28 15:56:46)

- Correction/Questions (2011-09-27 22:53:17)

- Correction/sentences (2011-10-13 07:48:15)

- Consonnes et voyelles (2011-09-27 08:12:22)

- Recherche CD New Spring 3° (2011-09-27 20:32:10)

- ch. cd élève new spring 5e (2011-09-26 19:10:14)

- Proposition relative (2011-09-26 22:34:52)

- Since/meaning (2011-09-26 22:46:56)

- Poser une question (2011-09-26 00:18:50)

- Translation/couleurs des emballages (2011-09-26 10:39:36)

- Correction/présentation (2011-09-26 21:35:46)

- Agrégation interne (2011-10-03 23:05:26)

- Se présenter/Essai (2011-09-26 09:42:19)

- Rédaction/live abroad (2011-09-25 20:47:55)

- Animal de base/ Nourriture (2011-09-28 03:08:03)

- Correction/ motivation (2011-09-25 20:41:27)

- Vocabulaire/ teetotal (2011-09-25 15:03:00)

- CDs New Bridges!? (2011-10-08 21:24:56)

- My future job (2011-09-25 08:51:07)

- Le son h (2011-09-25 03:05:53)

- Present perfect or past simple (2011-10-04 18:58:04)

- Quel usage des manuels? (2011-09-26 18:11:37)

- Mail / to a CEO (2011-09-25 08:56:49)

- Memorable teacher/correction (2011-09-25 18:07:44)

- Exposé/correction (2011-09-25 14:19:33)

- Nothing or nothings (2011-10-01 19:35:43)

- The Press (2011-09-24 17:30:40)

- Correction lettre anglais (2011-09-24 16:06:50)

- Text about revolt (2011-09-25 15:31:03)

- Corriger/ phrases (2011-09-24 14:44:47)

- Séances espagnol GS CP (2011-09-23 20:18:57)

- The or nothing (2011-09-29 23:15:04)

- Let ou Leave (2011-09-24 02:26:15)

- Diamond Star Halo/correction (2011-09-24 09:51:40)

- 2nde pro secretariat (2011-09-24 16:59:52)

- The flippant side of me (2011-09-23 17:25:46)

- It's a mad world (2011-09-23 12:58:56)

- Poser un lapin (2011-09-23 05:16:29)

- Strengths and weaknesses (2011-09-24 01:34:22)

- Even if/futur ou présent (2011-09-22 23:24:20)

- Even if + futur-present (2011-09-22 19:02:36)

- Acheter des chaussures (2011-09-23 10:23:18)

- Information relative au TOEFL (2011-09-28 19:52:52)

- Correction/3 bacs bis (2011-09-22 23:20:18)

- Correction/ 3 bacs (2011-09-22 10:52:45)

- Translation/sentences (2011-09-22 17:58:22)

- Scrambled words '130' (2011-09-24 14:46:25)

- Recherche CDs New Live 4ème (2011-09-21 21:39:07)

- Thou and You (2011-09-21 20:56:41)

- My busiest day (2011-09-21 20:02:20)

- Expérience en anglais (2011-09-22 22:42:01)

- Jeu sur la famille (2011-09-23 22:01:52)

- Rendre une interrogation, help? (2011-09-22 21:17:52)

- Traduction/extrait de presse (2011-09-21 21:21:28)

- Traduction/shift (2011-09-20 21:16:57)

- Correction/ phrases (2011-09-21 14:53:59)

- Is there an exception ? (2011-09-20 22:28:11)

- One shot not (2011-09-20 19:52:47)

- Correction/traduction (2011-09-21 09:29:15)

- Help ! Join the team 4e (2011-09-20 17:04:58)

- Was held (2011-09-20 14:55:53)

- Voix passive (2011-09-20 12:39:49)

- Pourquoi 'do' (2011-09-20 06:10:05)

- Anyway/ Besides (2011-09-20 10:29:43)

- Children's choices (2011-09-19 21:01:32)

- Armed and dangerous (2011-09-19 18:48:21)

- Correction/présentation (2011-09-19 18:07:29)

- Compréhension/traffic jam (2011-09-20 08:28:49)

- Quel manuel pour adultes débutants? (2011-09-26 23:09:20)

- Llce anglais à distance (2011-09-23 18:15:57)

- Correction/texte à l'oral (2011-09-22 20:42:34)

- Nombre de candidats- capes 2012 (2011-09-18 20:00:06)

- Traduction/je suis enfin arrivé (2011-09-18 17:11:03)

- Rech CD classes Join the Team 4e-3e (2011-09-19 16:48:55)

- Opinion/traductions (2011-09-20 10:49:02)

- Recherche cd connect 6è et 5è (2011-09-18 11:06:47)

- Correction/about Calvin (2011-09-18 16:22:33)

- Dialogue/correction (2011-09-18 23:03:36)

- Les pronoms personnels (2011-09-18 11:41:14)

- Recherche CD classe collège (2011-09-19 16:46:34)

- Cigarette et enfant (2011-09-18 16:38:28)

- Compréhension/titre (2011-09-18 01:00:13)

- Correction/to miss ever (2011-09-25 23:02:05)

- Mots Mystères N°96 (2011-09-22 22:49:46)

- Traduction/ pas d'enfant (2011-09-18 09:56:57)

- Ch Piste 14 Take Action 1ere (2011-09-23 21:47:44)

- Recherche cd classe Get in Touch 4eme (2011-09-17 15:40:21)

- Journée type/correction (2011-09-18 17:57:32)

- Recherche New Live 3eme Lv1 en CD (2011-09-24 09:18:32)

- Essai/ are all lies bad? (2011-09-17 23:22:06)

- Correction /Otages (2011-09-16 20:42:36)

- Traduction/CV (2011-10-06 14:21:30)

- Scrambled words '129' (2011-09-16 21:00:13)

- Future perfect (2011-09-16 10:34:11)

- Méthodes/progresser (2011-09-17 02:30:44)

- Questions/love-like (2011-09-15 15:35:34)

- Cassette new spring 5e (2011-09-15 19:55:04)

- cds new step in 5ème (2011-09-16 20:56:00)

- Correction/Bus anglais (2011-09-14 19:24:52)

- Prétérit ou participe passé (2011-09-14 18:38:02)

- I am trying to (2011-09-17 18:58:58)

- Proper sentence ? (2011-09-14 19:01:41)

- Roman anglais/comprendre (2011-09-14 19:54:55)

- Traduction/astrologie (2011-09-14 20:00:33)

- Terminales STG (2011-09-17 16:05:00)

- Test de niveau/Fac (2011-09-13 21:54:09)

- Joindre l'utile à l'agréable (2011-09-21 09:07:01)

- Traduction/moi qui... (2011-09-13 22:31:33)

- Université Limerick (2011-09-13 16:24:32)

- Exercice avec Écoute (2011-09-22 02:39:25)

- Licence LLCE espagnol (2011-09-12 23:49:45)

- X heures après (2011-09-13 07:59:35)

- To the cold bank (2011-09-12 21:26:26)

- Correction/ a student (2011-09-12 20:08:29)

- Terminaisons en -ed/ tableau (2011-09-11 18:25:38)

- Se présenter en anglais (2011-09-11 18:46:03)

- Already/début de phrase (2011-09-14 02:15:59)

- Partir pour rester à niveau ? (2011-09-20 19:09:42)

- BBC/Irene hits NY (2011-09-16 21:02:01)

- Rapport stage/correction (2011-09-10 15:47:46)

- Location de chambre (2011-09-10 14:49:04)

- Adverbs of frequency (2011-09-10 10:43:18)

- Don't let life pass you by (2011-09-10 14:26:33)

- Enseignement en SEGPA (2011-09-21 21:28:16)

- Correction/i-Pad Tablet (2011-09-10 15:19:08)

- Anglais en TES (2011-09-08 23:28:06)

- Manuel pour CLA (2011-09-08 16:31:42)

- The buck stops here (2011-09-08 19:22:00)

- Dismiss-Fire (2011-09-09 14:35:52)

- Indirect speech (2011-09-08 18:35:36)

- Scrambled words '128' (2011-09-15 19:05:56)

- Traduction/blame game (2011-09-09 09:09:31)

- Recherche New Spring 4eLV2 et 3eLV2 (2011-09-18 10:32:25)

- Forme négative/VI (2011-09-07 18:19:31)

- Faire des phrases (2011-09-07 20:56:27)

- Furthermore, Moreover, Besides (2011-09-08 03:24:27)

- Seuleument si/une fois que (2011-09-06 23:31:17)

- Espagnol bilangue en 6e (2011-09-06 18:28:59)

- CD Let's step in 4e + New step in 5e (2011-09-06 21:15:21)

- Age-old/meaning (2011-09-14 12:52:47)

- Correction/ about disease (2011-09-07 18:23:22)

- La rentrée/ Thème (2011-09-16 21:53:30)

- cds manuels lycée (urgent) (2011-09-06 03:05:16)

- Vault into contention (2011-09-05 11:10:50)

- cds classe Enjoy 6ème (2011-09-04 21:23:57)

- Section européenne (2011-09-04 21:12:31)

- Emplacement des accents (2011-09-05 11:27:30)

- Unsub (2011-09-04 11:12:53)

- Aller à Oxford (2011-09-06 10:20:03)

- Citation/Swing Life Away (2011-09-04 12:45:03)

- Prétérit/present perfect (2011-09-02 12:11:32)

- Cherche CDs (pour faire original) (2011-09-05 14:30:42)

- Étudiant enseigne à un collégien (2011-09-01 23:58:19)

- Correction/dream for region (2011-09-03 21:20:34)

- Voyage en GB 4e euro (2011-09-01 23:22:53)

- Ch cd classe Connect 3+Get in touch4 (2011-09-01 11:01:17)

- Were or was (2011-09-05 18:13:34)

- Scrambled words '127' (2011-09-03 20:14:50)

- Recherche CDs Let's step In 3e (2011-09-20 18:11:42)

- Correction/piano exam (2011-09-05 15:16:22)

- Look at/for/to (2011-09-01 07:58:22)

- Aide New live 3ème (2011-09-04 15:20:42)

- New step in 4ème (2011-08-31 15:04:07)

- Recherche cd classe + échanges possibles (2011-09-11 12:50:14)

- Aide STEP IN 5ème (2011-08-31 15:01:23)

- Correction/ joie de vivre (2011-09-06 17:48:15)

- Rapport de Stage BTS (2011-08-31 11:17:10)

- Cleaner cleanner? (2011-08-31 14:33:42)

- Passive voice (2011-09-01 11:40:04)

- ch cd Good News 4e (2011-08-31 12:32:26)

- How many (2011-08-30 22:31:02)

- My blueberry nights (2011-08-31 07:28:39)

- Correction/Christmas shopping (2011-08-31 12:10:04)

- Recherche Enjoy 3e (2011-09-01 02:21:53)

- Conditionnel (niveau débutant) (2011-08-30 14:43:05)

- Lieu pour le CAPES (2011-08-30 11:44:34)

- Traduction/marketing (2011-08-30 20:39:07)

- Borrow (2011-08-30 18:45:20)

- Correction/paysage désolé (2011-08-31 10:28:50)

- Once more or one more time (2011-08-29 22:43:11)

- DNL en section Euro (2011-08-29 08:50:53)

- CD spring 5eme + guide d'utilisation (2011-09-04 00:38:57)

- Texte/correction (2011-08-28 17:50:26)

- Echanges de méthodes originales collège (2011-08-28 12:22:41)

- How do you do ? (2011-08-29 18:26:55)

- Spécialité anglais terminales (2011-08-27 17:52:01)

- Recherche cd Let's Step In 3ème (2011-08-27 22:36:37)

- CD audio methode 5e (2011-08-27 12:11:33)

- One period or two? (2011-08-27 16:00:36)

- Compréhension /extrait son (2011-08-28 22:27:41)

- Gold Age /Golden Age (2011-08-27 15:41:04)

- What time/How long (2011-08-26 19:01:11)

- Join the Team 5e 2011 (2011-08-27 09:38:52)

- Format de date étrange (2011-08-30 19:06:39)

- Étude à l'étranger (2011-08-26 19:36:34)

- Studying/Studied (2011-08-27 16:52:19)

- Section Européenne/stress ? (2011-08-26 11:10:47)

- Who does he live with? (2011-08-26 16:30:26)

- Un chien/ It ou He? (2011-08-25 20:10:37)

- Traduction/ article presse (2011-08-26 09:02:00)

- capes, comment ça marche? (2011-08-25 16:35:02)

- Structure résultative (2011-08-30 11:06:47)

- Bug liste déroulante (2011-08-26 15:01:18)

- Scrambled words '126' (2011-08-27 18:28:22)

- J'y suis déjà allé (2011-08-28 13:09:03)

- Question sur le son |ou] (2011-08-26 22:01:34)

- Ch CDs de 4e et en propose d'autres (2011-09-05 21:27:10)

- Fichier pedagogique Let's step in 3e (2011-08-29 11:58:37)

- Subject/object questions (2011-08-23 10:53:49)

- Aide pour enregistrement audio (2011-08-27 08:38:35)

- Traduction/ville en travaux (2011-08-27 00:07:17)

- Any/ Every (2011-08-27 09:40:35)

- Ch. cd professeur/ connect 3 (2011-08-23 08:28:55)

- Essay/Ambition (2011-08-23 14:00:25)

- Aide /Grammaire (2011-08-21 18:58:57)

- Learn /Past tense (2011-08-22 14:23:15)

- Language militaire (2011-08-21 16:47:43)

- Mention complémentaire Anglais au CAPES (2011-08-21 13:33:34)

- Le son r (more) (2011-08-28 13:06:08)

- Rendez-vous/thème (2011-09-02 09:30:10)

- Of et from (2011-08-21 01:44:26)

- Traduction/Correction (2011-08-25 17:21:05)

- Cherche CD Join the Team 5 ème -3ème (2011-08-20 17:55:34)

- Correction/ basic needs (2011-08-23 08:07:09)

- Correction/essai TOEFL (2011-08-21 05:11:49)

- Aide/ grammaire (2011-08-25 16:01:44)

- BBC /Riots in England (2011-08-19 21:37:31)

- Confusion/toi,je te retiens (2011-08-21 02:26:26)

- Remise à niveau anglais (2011-08-18 08:48:12)

- Scrambled words '125' (2011-08-21 20:56:28)

- Poème/correction (2011-08-18 18:17:20)

- Old or Olds? (2011-08-18 01:08:11)

- Apprentissage/ film en VO (2011-08-18 09:37:03)

- Le jour de la rentrée (2011-08-27 16:49:57)

- Littérature en langue étrangère (2011-09-10 08:47:38)

- As ou like (2011-08-17 14:12:30)

- Violent (2011-08-17 14:20:48)

- Traduction/Correction (2011-08-17 21:02:41)

- Laisse tomber! (2011-08-17 00:06:04)

- Traduction/correction (2011-08-15 18:55:46)

- Correction pp simple/pp -ing (2011-08-24 15:21:59)

- Present Perfect Simple/ Be+ing (2011-08-15 10:13:46)

- Phrases/correction (2011-08-14 22:24:03)

- Correction/present perfect prétérit (2011-08-13 20:36:32)

- Correction/essai TOEFL (2011-08-15 13:36:54)

- Prétérit simple/continu (2011-08-12 19:48:58)

- Présent simple/be+ing (2011-08-11 21:00:41)

- Present perfect (2011-08-11 19:11:47)

- Gérondif et infinitif (2011-08-11 22:06:14)

- Faire les courses-Thème (2011-09-07 15:23:03)

- Scrambled words '124' (2011-08-15 20:29:45)

- Is it right? (2011-08-16 22:51:42)

- PLP 2 à la rentrée 2012 (2011-08-16 17:30:26)

- Rapport de stage (2011-08-11 13:31:59)

- Expression/Press (2011-08-10 22:12:45)

- History of England (2011-08-11 17:02:48)

- Indiquer une direction (2011-08-09 16:59:33)

- Test d'un nouveau lecteur audio (2011-09-03 19:44:37)

- Triple Word Challenge #6 (2011-08-18 11:49:24)

- First Certificate/conseils (2011-08-28 15:47:01)

- Emploi des temps (2011-08-07 21:11:35)

- Test d'anglais/questions (2011-08-07 18:27:19)

- Recherche cd new spring 4 et 3 (2011-10-11 19:33:25)

- Dictionnaire off-line/Windows (2011-08-05 18:41:50)

- Be et subjonctif (2011-08-05 19:00:17)

- About minerals (2011-08-07 19:40:50)

- Both/ the two (2011-08-11 17:14:40)

- Scrambled words '123' (2011-08-04 18:35:26)

- Neither/either (2011-08-04 17:34:51)

- Triple Word Challenge 5 (2011-08-08 18:33:51)

- Which words should be used? (2011-08-03 01:06:36)

- What's the right way? (2011-08-03 01:33:01)

- Upon, on, over (2011-08-03 00:47:33)

- Enseignement à deux niveaux (2011-08-09 15:08:37)

- While stock last (2011-08-08 08:53:00)

- Couple of words misunderstood (2011-08-03 09:47:55)

- Prétérit ou present perfect ? (2011-08-02 14:03:27)

- Raise my voice towards-against (2011-08-02 18:01:36)

- Meaning/expression (2011-08-02 21:20:11)

- Books suggestions (2011-08-04 15:23:32)

- CD Join the Team 6ème et 5ème (2011-09-15 16:44:49)

- La rumeur (2011-08-01 14:16:21)

- Traduction/down to the skill (2011-07-31 21:21:23)

- A handful of people (2011-07-30 22:47:08)

- Mot-Mystère N°95 (2011-08-20 21:35:49)

- Spoken (2011-08-01 12:33:11)

- Vocabulaire sur le rire (2011-07-30 07:53:10)

- Points de grammaire (2011-07-29 06:30:18)

- Grammaire (2011-07-29 14:49:37)

- Nuancer un ajout (2011-07-28 18:12:30)

- Present perfect progressif (2011-08-09 10:39:29)

- Pièces jointes (2011-07-29 21:30:55)

- Triple Word Challenge 4 (2011-08-03 00:36:52)

- Cas possessif (2011-07-27 23:56:41)

- Scrambled words '122' (2011-07-28 16:42:44)

- Poised lute/littérature (2011-07-27 21:24:38)

- Traduction/think hard (2011-07-27 23:00:02)

- Traduction/essai (2011-08-02 13:46:39)

- Dans le gaz (2011-07-27 20:26:26)

- Test du début (2011-07-27 11:31:14)

- Compréhension/film (2011-07-27 22:20:42)

- Subjonctif (2011-07-29 16:03:09)

- Help for my journey (2011-08-04 19:00:14)

- Present perfect (2011-08-01 13:45:30)

- Jour après jour (2011-07-25 22:53:42)

- Yesterday's (2011-07-25 06:14:15)

- Correction/My dream room (2011-07-27 16:45:56)

- Fonctionnaire stagiaire 2011 (2011-07-24 08:02:13)

- Correction/reported speech (2011-07-25 13:45:04)

- Expression américaine ? (2011-07-28 14:51:43)

- Coup de vieux (2011-07-26 03:23:17)

- Qualifications/diploma (2011-07-22 10:37:56)

- De Bac pro vers LLCE ou LEA (2011-07-24 18:55:11)

- Correction/ E-mail commercial (2011-07-22 01:10:23)

- Aide à la formulation (2011-07-26 18:20:20)

- Mistake (2011-07-23 10:01:29)

- Utilisation/verbe to seize (2011-07-22 13:23:50)

- Changement de serveur (2011-07-31 21:01:12)

- Spock-like (2011-07-21 14:18:13)

- Triple Word Challenge 3 (2011-07-28 15:15:34)

- Scrambled words '121' (2011-07-27 09:40:32)

- Mail assistante/correction (2011-07-25 15:40:16)

- Past simple (2011-07-20 21:18:28)

- As many years (2011-07-20 15:14:59)

- Correction/ recent elections (2011-07-20 22:30:07)

- Correction/too late (2011-07-20 17:03:38)

- Real player (2011-07-28 00:27:05)

- Adverbes de fréquence (2011-07-19 09:34:04)

- Recherche New Spring LV2 (2011-09-06 23:52:10)

- Correction/14 juillet (2011-07-24 11:25:54)

- I'd rather (2011-07-18 04:08:31)

- Master 1 espagnol (2011-07-17 14:20:23)

- Correction/Passive form (2011-07-18 12:08:49)

- First certificate in English (2011-07-17 11:32:11)

- D'après lui / traduction (2011-07-17 21:50:38)

- Triple Word Challenge 2 (2011-07-21 04:58:44)

- Traduction/mots en créole (2011-07-14 19:07:52)

- Correction texte/Diary (2011-07-17 18:28:43)

- Scrambled words '120' (2011-07-21 00:03:08)

- Delf B1 français (2011-07-13 19:54:20)

- Question/Test 12612 (2011-07-20 16:50:47)

- Moment le plus opportun (2011-07-12 20:18:16)

- Ordre au futur (2011-07-13 18:44:30)

- Echange de supports (2011-07-12 08:21:28)

- Triple Word Challenge 1 (2011-07-15 23:44:39)

- Correction mail (2011-07-15 03:23:44)

- Anglais en Master MSE (2011-07-11 17:47:21)

- Les temps anglais (2011-07-13 09:25:20)

- Stage et grossesse (2011-07-16 01:03:20)

- Échange cd audio (2011-09-07 16:39:23)

- Questions/ordre des mots (2011-07-11 17:13:49)

- CAPES interne 2012 (2011-07-10 16:04:54)

- Certificat C2i2e niveau enseignant (2011-07-10 14:16:35)

- Anglais en classe de 1re (2011-07-27 17:55:11)

- Jeux de société (2011-07-09 12:55:27)

- Traduction/Newport Beach (2011-07-11 02:30:39)

- Bac pro restauration (cuisinier) (2011-07-19 09:54:16)

- Understanding issues (2011-07-11 02:13:42)

- Building and earthquake (2011-07-11 08:47:24)

- Help Bac oral (2011-07-07 19:49:26)

- Présent BE+ING (2011-07-07 23:56:28)

- Fill'er up (2011-07-07 23:50:09)

- Meaning of should here (2011-07-25 15:39:50)

- Différents mots / bien (2011-07-07 13:37:52)

- Scrambled words '119' (2011-07-13 19:25:56)

- I also understood (2011-07-07 04:44:13)

- Propre vision des choses (2011-07-07 04:46:58)

- Let's get + -ing (2011-07-10 05:04:14)

- Traduction/anglais commercial (2011-07-07 10:19:38)

- Traduction/to resume (2011-07-07 03:53:46)

- Phrase complexe/finances (2011-07-11 06:52:50)

- Correction/ expérience (2011-07-06 16:49:02)

- Waving your rights (2011-07-19 09:42:25)

- Expression /dater de (2011-07-06 10:16:28)

- Compréhension orale/aide (2011-07-06 02:24:23)

- Vocabulaire spécifique (2011-07-05 17:29:04)

- Conditionnel passé/taken (2011-07-05 13:59:03)

- Utilisation de In....of (2011-07-05 23:41:40)

- Aide pour choix logiciel (2011-07-04 19:30:35)

- Mineure pas validée + Erasmus (2011-07-06 13:20:22)

- Master 1 et vacataire (2011-07-04 13:27:29)

- That ou pas that (2011-07-04 01:56:54)

- Bac+2 = prof d'anglais (2011-07-04 12:55:14)

- The or not The (2011-07-04 20:22:03)

- About to come/ mind (2011-07-03 11:11:21)

- TOEIC (2011-07-29 10:01:50)

- Echange méthodes audio (2011-07-12 08:22:35)

- Washington D.C. (2011-07-03 16:19:50)

- Compréhension orale (2011-07-01 19:45:10)

- Get this open (2011-07-03 00:29:02)

- Thèmes pour 4e européenne (2011-07-02 14:10:10)

- Scrambled words '118' (2011-07-03 12:39:58)

- Vocabulaire en CPGE (2011-07-11 18:07:36)

- Adjectif/Pronom personnel (2011-06-29 14:25:04)
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |


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