33562 sujets
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Enjoy 4e originaux (2011-06-29 08:25:01)
- Tatouage/ correction (2011-07-01 16:48:18)
- Marqueurs de temps (2011-06-29 16:14:56)
- Traduction / intercooler (2011-06-28 21:42:11)
- Qui corrige le brevet? (2011-06-28 21:50:47)
- Correction /Maupassant (2011-06-29 14:10:05)
- Besoin d'une correction de texte (2011-06-28 17:50:28)
- Club théâtre anglais (2011-06-27 18:32:28)
- Temps avec since et for (2011-06-27 22:53:24)
- Traduction de LLCE anglais (2011-06-27 11:15:34)
- Correction/network topology (2011-06-29 23:38:09)
- Par où commencer? (2011-06-24 21:40:05)
- Oraux CAPES 2011 (2011-07-06 23:52:11)
- Question rattrapage/anglais (2011-06-24 17:29:39)
- Traduction/rencontrer en personne (2011-06-25 22:26:20)
- Dire son âge (2011-06-23 04:00:02)
- Scrambled words '117' (2011-06-23 19:07:56)
- How was it? (2011-06-23 15:16:08)
- Oral d'anglais! C'est Juste ? U (2011-06-22 20:16:35)
- Corrigé officiel BEP anglais 2011 (2011-06-25 10:05:35)
- Après admission /IUFM obligatoire ? (2011-06-25 21:47:17)
- CAPES ou CAFEP 2012 (2011-08-24 15:46:49)
- CAPLP - CAPES (2011-06-26 03:23:58)
- Originaux Get in Touch 4ème (2011-06-20 21:46:03)
- Should ou would (2011-06-20 15:21:28)
- Traduction /Au temps pour moi (2011-06-20 02:51:41)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2011-06-19 13:03:21)
- Broken king/signification (2011-06-19 12:11:52)
- Out of quarters (2011-06-20 05:23:04)
- Oral anglais au bac (2011-06-25 15:27:13)
- IELTS Test Results (2011-06-18 17:00:42)
- S'entraîner à traduire (2011-06-18 16:21:07)
- Corrigé/Brevet 1996 (2011-06-18 12:58:29)
- Profiles map/Map profiles (2011-06-17 16:27:33)
- Quelle certification B2 passer ? (2011-06-19 15:06:38)
- Accord/v+ing (2011-06-18 01:59:54)
- About my face (2011-06-18 17:24:09)
- Traduction/Vineyard (2011-06-17 14:21:37)
- Present Perfect (2011-06-21 05:38:52)
- Mots au pluriel (2011-06-21 05:57:37)
- Come here/come in here (2011-06-16 22:57:38)
- Points de grammaire non acquis (2011-06-16 20:02:12)
- Scrambled words '116' (2011-06-17 13:30:31)
- Letter/correction (2011-06-16 04:09:55)
- Correction/examen oral (2011-06-16 19:50:33)
- Emploi de DO (2011-06-15 14:58:58)
- BBC/Ecoli and farmers (2011-06-15 21:57:19)
- Aide/différence entre verbes (2011-06-15 14:47:22)
- Résumé rapport de stage (2011-06-14 20:09:37)
- Capes 3ème concours 2011 (2011-07-04 12:08:24)
- Système électoral britannique (2011-06-14 18:01:51)
- The + comparatif (2011-06-15 15:37:45)
- Correction/bilan professionnel (2011-06-13 19:48:05)
- Vocabulaire mp3 (2011-06-13 19:37:42)
- Traduction/Eastern Airways (2011-06-14 17:52:20)
- Kate rend visite à Ellen/Débutants (2011-08-15 12:45:17)
- Les pommes-noisettes (2011-06-13 12:29:36)
- Future tzr et néo titulaire (2011-06-28 17:20:06)
- Right or wrong? (2011-06-14 11:02:57)
- Laisse tomber ! (2011-06-12 20:36:18)
- Traducteur électronique (2011-06-11 16:14:22)
- Candidature/correction (2011-06-11 18:28:24)
- Yet /not the final word? (2011-06-18 09:40:32)
- Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 (2011-07-28 10:38:21)
- Questions/synonymes (2011-06-10 16:24:27)
- Professeur temps partiel + fac (2011-07-04 13:37:28)
- Prononciation (2011-06-10 21:03:04)
- How are you/USA (2011-06-09 23:56:58)
- Correction/travail écrit (2011-06-16 19:24:55)
- Last /Latest (2011-06-09 18:43:14)
- Scrambled words '115' (2011-06-11 06:32:04)
- Verbes en ing (2011-06-10 21:38:54)
- Traduction/rapport de stage (2011-06-09 11:39:11)
- Gods/the gods (2011-06-09 20:09:17)
- Has have/ help (2011-06-12 02:54:31)
- Trop/ so ou too (2011-06-09 07:06:31)
- Qualities of a teacher (2011-06-20 21:35:50)
- Cover letter (2011-06-12 14:44:25)
- Correction /rapport stage (2011-06-08 18:02:17)
- Correction / présentation (2011-06-22 16:43:45)
- Conferral of the degree (2011-06-07 18:04:03)
- to agree + prepositions (2011-06-07 10:48:08)
- Présentation orale/saluer (2011-06-07 13:59:34)
- Correction/Vegetarian meal (2011-06-07 22:32:54)
- Lettre motivation/correction (2011-06-06 20:20:53)
- BBC/HIV aids (2011-06-06 12:44:40)
- Le C2i2e (2011-06-08 13:37:20)
- Phrases /correction (2011-06-06 06:48:30)
- Passer/externe et interne (2011-06-07 11:21:54)
- Correction/Présentation orale (2011-06-06 19:48:21)
- Weak and strong form (2011-06-05 17:59:39)
- Lettre/stage Irlande-Angleterre (2011-06-08 04:21:57)
- BBC /Ecoli 1+2 (2011-06-04 13:41:40)
- Parole de prêtre/Thème (2011-06-30 17:21:40)
- Correction/transport (2011-06-11 15:31:35)
- Le temps qui passe/Thème (2011-07-06 13:53:18)
- Traduction/indépendant (2011-06-04 02:52:40)
- IELTS /practising (2011-06-03 09:51:16)
- Lettre de motivation / PhD (2011-06-03 12:49:48)
- Equivalence TOEIC (2011-06-02 20:16:27)
- Infinitif-gérondif/correction (2011-06-05 17:01:20)
- Scrambled words '114' (2011-06-04 09:23:13)
- Métaphore (2011-06-02 08:52:21)
- Tatouage/ Phrase (2011-06-05 18:16:03)
- Phrases à traduire (2011-06-05 01:45:09)
- Correction/présentation orale (2011-06-01 17:38:41)
- Fait divers/voix passive (2011-06-01 14:06:17)
- IELTS practising (2011-05-31 19:53:25)
- Cap Hornien (2011-05-31 14:32:15)
- Clash or deafening noise (2011-05-31 15:16:13)
- Description image (2011-06-01 22:36:41)
- Correction /récit (2011-05-30 22:46:31)
- Correction/Binge drinking (2011-05-30 18:54:36)
- Fréquence/ LW BBC news (2011-05-30 14:54:00)
- BBC/ Pensioner poverty (2011-05-31 15:16:32)
- Correction/texte personnel (2011-05-30 16:26:07)
- Correction/carte anniversaire (2011-05-30 16:57:40)
- Correction/Running (2011-05-31 15:34:11)
- Correction/Robots (2011-05-29 21:40:08)
- Correction/Personal statement (2011-05-30 04:11:12)
- Sujets agrég interne anglais (2011-05-29 12:51:04)
- PGCE ou CAPES (2011-05-29 12:45:55)
- Correction de texte/examen (2011-05-29 17:41:33)
- Traduction/bouc émissaire (2011-05-29 20:08:16)
- North & South (Ecouter) (2011-06-14 22:58:37)
- IELTS practise exercises4 (2011-05-29 11:51:06)
- Correction/Cannabis clubs, pros and cons (2011-05-29 04:25:05)
- Sentences/correction (2011-05-29 09:37:20)
- Même pas (2011-05-30 20:12:13)
- Phrases types/réception- hôtel (2011-05-28 13:07:32)
- Question/correcteur Word (2011-05-28 13:35:41)
- Outil/anglais parlé (2011-05-28 13:08:02)
- Correction/Friends (2011-05-31 01:30:44)
- 3 questions (2011-05-30 18:28:35)
- My report/in a restaurant (2011-05-27 16:28:49)
- IELTS /mobile phone (2011-06-03 19:04:22)
- Présentation orale/correction (2011-05-26 21:45:45)
- Livre de référence/CAPES (2011-05-27 13:57:37)
- Inscriptions capes 2012 (2011-05-26 11:25:54)
- IELTS practising/essay (2011-05-27 01:41:49)
- Scrambled words '113' (2011-05-27 19:49:13)
- Correction/Luck at the airport (2011-05-26 05:18:16)
- Correction/Invictus (2011-05-26 12:58:13)
- Compte rendu /stage BTS (2011-05-29 12:04:19)
- Courrier/Formule d'appel (2011-05-25 17:19:08)
- Abode-Abided (2011-05-25 16:03:41)
- Points d'intérêt (2011-05-25 11:52:52)
- Correction/ tatouages (2011-05-25 14:24:26)
- La météo au futur (2011-05-25 11:36:48)
- Correction / Pets (2011-05-26 20:12:41)
- Mine or my help (2011-05-28 13:59:31)
- How long/ how much time (2011-05-25 00:21:48)
- Mini book report (2011-05-24 23:26:24)
- Signification (2011-05-24 20:22:17)
- Correction /sujet au choix (2011-05-25 17:53:06)
- Expressions populaires aux USA (2011-05-24 20:52:07)
- Happiness/rigorous education (2011-05-25 14:42:23)
- Oral /BTS MUC (2011-05-28 22:14:21)
- Bless you (2011-05-24 18:09:03)
- Which/That (2011-05-24 16:49:12)
- Is it locked/lock? (2011-05-24 16:23:01)
- Sujet d'invention/correction (2011-06-05 19:44:43)
- Comparatif de supériorité (2011-05-23 21:28:29)
- Essay/election of president (2011-05-23 12:16:06)
- Outlets/ branch outlets (2011-05-23 02:20:21)
- Problème de temps (2011-05-30 14:57:38)
- An other/ another (2011-05-23 01:44:41)
- I want to be working (2011-05-30 16:42:16)
- IELTS/ practising (2011-05-21 18:32:16)
- President or The President (2011-05-21 12:19:45)
- Expression/gun out of politics (2011-05-21 10:52:49)
- Correction/TV (2011-05-22 08:52:35)
- He is 20 (2011-05-21 17:33:31)
- oral espagnol (2011-05-23 21:34:38)
- Oral anglais BTS /Stage (2011-05-20 11:21:09)
- Au téléphone-thème débutants (2011-05-28 18:00:33)
- Aide pour CV (2011-05-19 14:25:46)
- Scrambled words '112' (2011-05-19 20:57:52)
- Correction/Walk in rain forest (2011-05-21 02:41:43)
- Expression/Nature (2011-05-19 19:52:47)
- Correction/ dessin animé (2011-05-19 18:32:14)
- Correction/Twitter (2011-05-20 12:15:12)
- Aide/ traduction portfolio (2011-05-18 18:29:28)
- What 's going on ? (2011-05-18 20:13:31)
- Traduction/Hypothèse (2011-05-18 07:33:28)
- Phrase in English (2011-05-17 17:43:55)
- Correction/Oral anglais (2011-05-17 16:48:36)
- Correction/rapport de stage (2011-05-16 19:44:46)
- Oral/ correction (2011-05-16 17:37:15)
- Lettre de motivation (2011-05-16 12:12:36)
- Correction/Midnight’s Children (2011-05-16 08:40:05)
- Expression/bien reçu (2011-05-16 11:58:33)
- Have an appointment (2011-05-15 18:53:39)
- Doute sur traduction ! (2011-05-15 20:48:49)
- Traduction /Chef de partie (2011-05-17 17:31:22)
- Correction/change (2011-05-16 13:01:29)
- Retrouvailles mouvementées (2011-05-16 18:43:55)
- Correction/Actors Workshop (2011-05-14 19:43:33)
- Success of Fast-Food (2011-05-14 17:56:01)
- CDs de New Spring (2011-05-14 11:32:24)
- Oral anglais renforcé (2011-05-31 09:58:32)
- Sujets oral BTS MUC (2011-05-14 08:37:05)
- Oral /anglais BTS (2011-05-15 02:43:52)
- EIsland (2011-05-13 20:33:04)
- Correction /CV (2011-05-13 16:53:21)
- Prof d'anglais à l'université (2011-05-13 09:05:34)
- Correction/Questions-réponses (2011-05-13 13:05:47)
- Keep on (2011-05-13 07:31:11)
- Question/exercise (2011-05-13 09:14:12)
- Travail /Oral (2011-05-12 18:45:21)
- Mot-Mystère N°94 (2011-06-23 20:26:31)
- Correction/ mail assistante (2011-05-27 19:48:13)
- Scrambled words '111' (2011-05-18 11:01:11)
- Relative pronoun (2011-05-13 21:31:04)
- Présentation personnelle (2011-05-11 23:43:14)
- Review/The King's speech (2011-05-12 12:32:53)
- Correction/dialogue (2011-05-12 10:49:14)
- Option facultative BAC anglais (2011-05-11 14:07:09)
- Correction/ phrases (2011-05-12 20:32:05)
- BBC / vidéo (2011-05-10 17:41:57)
- Correction /oral fac (2011-05-10 23:10:14)
- Partiel oral /Afrique (2011-05-13 18:49:37)
- Laveuse de bouteille (2011-05-15 10:31:37)
- Correct sentence (2011-05-09 22:28:35)
- Courriel commercial (2011-05-10 18:50:46)
- Describing people (2011-05-09 18:58:27)
- Correction/textes pour oral (2011-05-09 20:37:26)
- Cd audio new step in 3ème (2011-05-09 16:54:10)
- Correction/Music (2011-05-11 10:21:46)
- Wanna/want (2011-05-09 18:47:41)
- Utilisation de an et a (2011-05-08 20:53:40)
- Dictionary/off day (2011-05-15 09:44:54)
- Résumé d'un livre (2011-05-09 19:42:57)
- Let's step in 3°/originaux (2011-05-08 15:41:36)
- Traduction/infinitif-gérondif (2011-05-08 15:58:57)
- Professeur à l'étranger (2011-05-08 10:14:55)
- For/ fin de question (2011-05-08 19:12:06)
- Présentation/ brevet (2011-05-15 23:02:22)
- Traduction/recette (2011-05-08 23:41:37)
- Lettre/My holidays (2011-05-08 15:06:03)
- 'Slightly more' (2011-05-07 16:35:37)
- BBC/passages manquants (2011-05-08 15:07:30)
- Traduction /Et tout (2011-05-07 10:58:12)
- Was ruled of? (2011-05-11 12:57:38)
- Correction/New buildings (2011-05-23 01:07:32)
- Archivage forum (2011-05-08 12:08:54)
- Règle/verbe Say ou Tell (2011-05-05 19:37:55)
- Pronoms réfléchis (2011-05-07 02:16:21)
- Sentences/ help needed (2011-05-05 08:51:36)
- Scrambled words '110' (2011-05-08 13:31:12)
- Devoir /questions à poser (2011-05-07 21:26:05)
- Utilisation /would et wanted (2011-05-04 15:41:51)
- Traduction/City of Glass (2011-05-04 15:56:04)
- Motivations / inscription (2011-05-12 10:20:06)
- Quelques traductions (2011-05-05 10:41:10)
- Tags (2011-05-08 02:13:50)
- Position de la bouche (2011-05-04 17:51:04)
- Correction/your holidays (2011-05-03 21:54:34)
- Traduction/building (2011-05-04 14:02:23)
- Correction/ décrire ma maison (2011-05-02 23:21:46)
- That or nothing (2011-05-03 21:35:07)
- Correction /cover letter (2011-05-02 19:07:41)
- Writing about a child (2011-05-03 07:15:00)
- Pourtant /Yet-However... (2011-05-08 11:39:54)
- Essay on crisis identity (2011-05-01 20:44:59)
- Correction/beautiful jeans (2011-05-01 16:20:34)
- Correction/Coca-Cola (2011-05-01 14:33:42)
- Etude à distance (2011-04-30 23:05:23)
- CAPES -CAPLP que choisir? (2011-05-01 23:12:14)
- Traduction/Diesel Company (2011-05-01 12:27:57)
- Essay/ technology (2011-05-01 16:01:06)
- Correction/After 9/11 events (2011-05-02 15:20:08)
- Correction / Lettre de motivation (2011-04-30 09:24:32)
- Cartoon/correction (2011-04-30 22:33:51)
- Correction/Chrysler (2011-04-30 16:12:43)
- Correction/coast of Africa (2011-05-01 06:04:11)
- Lettre /sport USA (2011-05-06 21:16:13)
- Interview BBC/mots manquants (2011-04-30 05:44:01)
- Anglais informatique parcourir (2011-04-30 02:30:46)
- E-mail/réunion (2011-05-02 22:44:38)
- Lettre /Lady Gaga (2011-04-30 02:46:55)
- Epreuve d'anglais BEP 'rénové (2011-04-29 12:00:26)
- Shouldn't have/needn't have (2011-04-30 11:08:15)
- Présent ou futur proche ? (2011-04-29 15:52:21)
- Don't have to (2011-04-28 21:09:53)
- Africa,food,medicine (2011-04-29 15:48:48)
- Correction/letter from Kenya (2011-04-29 15:43:40)
- Le verbe en action (2011-04-30 21:57:27)
- Temps de verbe recherché (2011-04-28 04:47:40)
- Scrambled words '109' (2011-04-28 17:26:22)
- Let's Step In 4ème (2011-04-27 22:36:41)
- Correction d'un devoir (2011-04-29 09:12:31)
- Traduction/récit Pâques (2011-04-30 17:04:38)
- Cours de soutien et de conversation (2011-04-27 18:32:12)
- Traduction et correction (2011-04-29 21:31:32)
- Correction like/as/such as (2011-04-27 19:21:04)
- Pourquoi le prétérit? (2011-04-27 19:14:08)
- In case + should (2011-04-28 10:25:37)
- Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / II (2011-06-06 13:02:51)
- Composés d'adjectifs exacronymes (2011-04-26 21:47:04)
- Kind of creeper (2011-04-27 03:25:57)
- Sherlock Holmes II-Ecouter (2011-05-16 20:54:27)
- tikamaj /Corres français (2011-05-03 13:44:20)
- 2010-2011 (2011-04-26 10:06:25)
- Termes / en hôtellerie (2011-04-25 19:00:22)
- Thèmes des oraux STG (2011-05-31 18:38:16)
- Conjugaison modaux (2011-04-28 21:37:38)
- Correction /present perfect (2011-04-25 12:44:47)
- Comment présenter la lettre (2011-04-25 16:50:15)
- Reported speech (2011-04-23 23:16:25)
- Correction/South Africa (2011-04-24 16:31:59)
- Coût /université anglaise (2011-04-23 12:59:55)
- All of that? (2011-05-07 22:18:18)
- Whenever /every time (2011-04-25 11:11:13)
- Lettre de motivation (2011-04-22 15:35:41)
- Enquiry/inquiry (2011-04-23 17:45:25)
- Forme active / passive (2011-04-22 11:16:57)
- Past perfect continuous? (2011-04-28 00:32:06)
- If I had (2011-04-21 20:51:17)
- Spy Dialogue/Bis (2011-04-27 17:30:51)
- Citizen in the world (2011-04-27 11:00:01)
- Rather et prefer (2011-04-21 14:46:40)
- Rather than /would rather (2011-04-22 13:44:20)
- Could ou would (2011-04-21 18:31:27)
- Scrambled words '108' (2011-04-21 19:01:09)
- Correction/The USA (2011-04-21 07:07:37)
- Spy Dialogue (2011-04-21 04:26:03)
- Set up through (2011-04-20 23:45:02)
- Phrase problématique (2011-04-23 19:36:10)
- Ing ou pas ? (2011-04-20 09:20:59)
- Such ou such a (2011-04-20 04:27:54)
- Some time (2011-04-20 08:24:37)
- Modaux (2011-04-19 19:54:30)
- A free man/Correction (2011-04-20 04:40:27)
- Use-Used (2011-04-19 12:06:23)
- Niveau anglais / Capes (2011-04-20 07:04:46)
- Better have (2011-04-18 16:47:25)
- Écrire un article de journal (2011-04-19 13:44:03)
- Traduction/ texte pour oral (2011-04-18 21:32:35)
- Dybbuk(s) (2011-04-17 16:54:19)
- Lassie come (?) home (2011-04-18 07:46:16)
- Comprendre un livre (2011-04-16 23:38:02)
- Have/ modalité au passé (2011-04-16 21:27:46)
- Compréhension d'une faute (2011-04-17 02:06:55)
- Prévenir les élèves?inspection (2011-04-16 15:51:33)
- Real patriots don't spend (2011-04-16 15:26:43)
- Les Capes (2011-04-16 11:31:15)
- Rapport de stage BTS (2011-04-16 11:16:31)
- Traduction/extract blood (2011-04-17 06:36:39)
- According to me (2011-04-16 15:45:14)
- Expecting present simple? (2011-04-16 02:24:43)
- Read a letter with index (2011-04-23 10:56:31)
- Done for me /to me (2011-04-14 22:07:23)
- Les modaux/correction (2011-04-15 09:55:37)
- Oral anglais/présentation (2011-04-15 03:34:28)
- Présent simple/questions-négations (2011-04-14 19:23:46)
- Filière/capes d' espagnol (2011-04-16 18:42:09)
- Traduction/En rester là (2011-04-24 22:02:42)
- To hit the ball out the park (2011-04-14 18:51:20)
- Scrambled words '107' (2011-04-15 00:07:52)
- Journal anglais (2011-04-13 20:51:55)
- Correction/Ideal school (2011-04-14 02:38:13)
- CAPES oral 2011 bibliographie ? (2011-04-16 11:38:16)
- Présentation orale/Correction (2011-04-13 16:16:55)
- Vacances/Correction (2011-04-13 16:05:14)
- Modern clothes (2011-04-14 18:00:13)
- Tests audio sous Linux (2011-04-13 07:20:08)
- Correction/compréhension (2011-04-13 01:37:19)
- Traduction/journalism (2011-04-12 20:56:50)
- Traduction/Prévenez-moi... (2011-04-13 14:25:47)
- Traduction /fête du bonheur (2011-04-12 17:46:45)
- Videos and subtitles (2011-04-14 22:48:26)
- Help/payment (2011-04-14 00:32:18)
- Traduction/Ivory Coast (2011-04-12 04:26:19)
- Correction/Agatha Christie (2011-04-16 13:29:37)
- Correction synthèse (2011-04-11 23:41:32)
- Cover letter/correction (2011-04-13 13:03:04)
- The defectives verbs (2011-04-11 11:43:37)
- Correction/résumé formation (2011-04-11 04:02:49)
- Traduction/phrase difficile (2011-04-10 15:31:31)
- Agregation interne anglais (2011-04-16 16:01:25)
- Correction/Study Plan (2011-04-10 05:39:20)
- Résumé/crash of their plane (2011-04-11 02:41:56)
- If I would have or in case (2011-04-10 23:21:08)
- Correction/ Erasmus exchange (2011-04-12 18:53:11)
- Correction/2 phrases (2011-04-10 02:47:38)
- Présent simple et BE+ING (2011-04-08 19:45:29)
- Correction/phrase (2011-04-07 23:16:41)
- Perhaps/Maybe (2011-04-11 09:52:34)
- Like/Love (2011-04-07 18:16:08)
- Le passif (2011-04-09 10:25:58)
- Past continuous/past simple (2011-04-07 18:51:50)
- Scrambled words '106' (2011-04-08 21:38:28)
- Correction/texte Cambridge (2011-04-12 11:18:51)
- Correction/Rapport oral (2011-04-12 17:52:31)
- Correction/Oral (2011-04-06 17:38:36)
- Grown-up (2011-04-06 12:25:08)
- Sherlock Holmes I-Ecouter (2011-04-26 07:56:22)
- Définition/blowback (2011-04-07 01:21:29)
- Present perfect continuous (2011-04-07 03:02:05)
- Correction /rédaction (2011-04-06 16:10:56)
- Be ou have (2011-04-05 19:08:42)
- Chercher la petite bête ! (2011-04-05 20:51:29)
- Go up to the plateau (2011-04-05 13:24:34)
- Version/une phrase (2011-04-05 11:40:17)
- Nonsense words (2011-04-05 13:16:03)
- Correction d'exercices (2011-04-06 00:46:41)
- Anglicisme (2011-04-05 01:12:30)
- BTS Chimie (2011-04-03 21:28:10)
- Movie/Correction (2011-04-04 19:06:37)
- Advertising/correction (2011-04-04 21:53:02)
- Ressources premières STG (2011-04-06 13:02:12)
- Correction/cv -réceptionniste (2011-04-03 16:28:02)
- Mot-mystère N°93 (2011-05-12 14:05:00)
- Passif/correction (2011-04-03 17:44:28)
- Traduction/children-parents (2011-04-03 15:30:34)
- Rédaction d'anglais (2011-04-06 02:30:44)
- Present perfect ou Past simple (2011-04-03 12:16:17)
- Correction/my parents (2011-04-04 02:57:28)
- Présenter une personne/correction (2011-04-02 17:45:31)
- JFK - correction (2011-04-01 23:30:23)
- Apollo Moon landing (2011-04-02 10:05:34)
- Think at ? of ? (2011-04-01 08:50:19)
- Traduction/hommage (2011-04-03 21:36:40)
- Still going on or just stopped (2011-04-06 11:40:54)
- Correction/2 sentences (2011-04-01 02:41:10)
- Scrambled words '105' (2011-04-01 08:07:59)
- Primary school /correction (2011-04-01 22:24:43)
- Correction/Diana's death (2011-03-30 18:35:07)
- Test 111 - an the (2011-04-01 08:38:19)
- Regular looking person (2011-04-07 09:29:01)
- Who ou What ? (2011-03-30 14:39:57)
- Roméo et Juliette/Correction (2011-03-29 23:47:56)
- Gathering (2011-03-30 04:08:43)
- Lettre de motivation/correction (2011-03-30 14:03:14)
- Help about/ faillir (2011-04-03 22:35:50)
- Prétérit ou present perfect? (2011-04-04 17:31:14)
- Livre prof new step in 3ème (2011-03-29 13:22:46)
- Near + 4 choix (2011-03-29 15:23:26)
- Help/I'm OK Corral (2011-03-29 13:59:16)
- Exceptions pour a et an (2011-03-29 10:21:54)
- La négation en anglais (2011-03-29 10:35:37)
- Expression écrite/Lou (2011-03-29 03:48:28)
- Aide / expression écrite (2011-03-28 18:32:53)
- Economic ou economy ? (2011-03-28 14:31:54)
- Verbe régulier au passé- prononciation (2011-03-27 22:49:32)
- Correction /French children (2011-03-29 00:25:57)
- Correction /lettre motivation (2011-03-29 02:08:16)
- Correction/descriptive text (2011-03-28 17:58:11)
- Le superlatif (2011-03-27 20:18:55)
- Vérification/exposé (2011-03-27 22:59:50)
- Modifications - Mise en forme avancée (2011-03-31 17:18:07)
- Article/ poverty- homelessness (2011-03-28 22:02:19)
- Expression écrite (2011-03-26 23:30:28)
- Correction / traduction (2011-03-27 19:14:22)
- Issued upon the request of X for na (2011-03-26 22:24:06)
- Comment traduire young girls (2011-03-27 12:46:58)
- Mini dialogue (2011-03-26 18:51:56)
- Bali/Correction (2011-03-27 22:59:01)
- Futur (2011-03-26 16:49:58)
- Sentences (2011-03-27 19:02:53)
- Problème d'insertion de lien (2011-03-31 10:36:27)
- When avec present perfect (2011-03-26 07:22:14)
- Correction texte (2011-03-27 12:37:35)
- Rapport de stage (2011-03-27 14:23:18)
- Attendant at birth (2011-03-26 08:18:31)
- Correction/Study Plan (2011-03-26 11:27:09)
- Question about TOEFL (2011-03-28 07:47:52)
- Conditionnel (2011-03-26 19:16:20)
- Texte anglais- Bretagne (2011-03-25 18:02:42)
- Capes 2012 (2011-04-16 20:10:58)
- Carry on - continue (2011-03-28 12:00:21)
- Lettre de motivation (2011-03-26 20:07:11)
- Correction/intensive course (2011-03-25 01:17:20)
- I'd like (2011-03-25 09:05:16)
- Correction/phrases au conditionnel (2011-03-27 09:20:31)
- Doute sur le temps utilisé (2011-03-29 09:20:22)
- Present perfect (2011-03-25 01:34:03)
- Scrambled words '104' (2011-03-28 20:29:34)
- Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/Thème (2011-05-04 08:14:22)
- Quel est ce mot? (2011-03-24 17:14:00)
- Fichier audio (2011-03-23 19:46:22)
- Petite correction (2011-03-23 20:45:22)
- The city (2011-03-23 19:29:21)
- Help for my homework (2011-03-23 14:43:44)
- Courte traduction (2011-03-23 20:09:54)
- Were I ? (2011-03-23 10:05:51)
- New York City (2011-03-23 22:13:41)
- Vérification de phrases (2011-03-22 22:49:41)
- English work (2011-03-23 16:59:54)
- Have got (2011-03-24 01:05:25)
- Lettre /avis (2011-03-22 02:50:04)
- The Secret Garden-Ecouter (2011-04-14 13:44:09)
- Phrase /anglais (2011-03-22 09:51:12)
- Correction /capitalism (2011-03-21 21:05:35)
- Forme négative/correction (2011-03-21 20:11:32)
- Relance (2011-03-24 01:21:58)
- Tests de positionnement /GRETA (2011-03-21 15:34:04)
- Détenir la vérité/correction (2011-03-21 03:51:51)
- Vacances ratées (2011-03-25 12:00:58)
- Formulation de questions (2011-03-20 17:32:23)
- Correction/send an e-mail (2011-03-23 14:07:55)
- Blow up and go off (2011-03-20 16:19:35)
- Écrire un dialogue (2011-03-22 18:35:56)
- Correction/About myself (2011-03-20 17:59:09)
- She don't/ doesn't (2011-03-20 15:57:44)
- Traduction/peintre (2011-03-19 20:48:57)
- Traduction phrase (2011-03-19 16:31:01)
- Huger ou more huge (2011-03-20 00:34:25)
- Résumé sur Shannon (2011-03-19 22:25:11)
- Abstract-Mayotte (2011-03-19 15:40:26)
- Correction d'exposé (2011-03-20 12:41:07)
- Besoin d'aide/conférence (2011-03-20 19:55:32)
- Expression écrite (2011-03-21 11:41:05)
- Exercices/correction (2011-03-17 22:18:08)
- Irish Recipe for Saint Patrick's Day (2011-03-18 13:54:27)
- Hand ground ? (2011-03-17 14:40:50)
- Cover letter/correction (2011-03-22 02:25:36)
- Report de stage Capes (2011-03-19 12:19:59)
- Scrambled words '103' (2011-03-17 21:48:31)
- Entrée en section internationale (2011-03-16 19:46:10)
- A place you regretted going to (2011-03-17 08:06:23)
- L'heure (2011-03-16 18:27:16)
- Lettre de motivation (2011-03-17 21:50:41)
- Correction de phrase (2011-03-17 15:00:46)
- Flight or plane ticket (2011-03-16 15:26:22)
- Integration into Europe (2011-03-17 18:46:05)
- Would rather, différence had-have (2011-03-15 20:19:13)
- Recherche CD n°2 enjoy 6è (2011-03-15 19:50:02)
- Correction/conjugaison (2011-03-15 18:30:40)
- Translation/back and forth (2011-03-15 20:10:55)
- New Step In 3e- livre du prof (2011-03-23 10:23:52)
- Correction script (2011-03-16 02:01:50)
- Question gone-been / réponse (2011-03-15 11:10:58)
- Traduction /palettes (2011-03-22 07:33:08)
- Sweltering ou swelteringly (2011-03-13 18:44:26)
- Prononciation mustn't (2011-03-13 15:00:46)
- Futur proche ? (2011-03-13 15:50:07)
- There or It (2011-03-18 13:43:17)
- Test d'anglais/pluperfect (2011-03-14 11:08:59)
- Traduction 'dire tout haut (2011-03-20 22:56:10)
- TPE en anglais introduction (2011-03-12 15:07:02)
- Infinif en début de phrase (2011-03-11 18:49:06)
- All right - alright - right (2011-03-12 01:25:52)
- Capitaine Cook /Correction (2011-03-11 18:51:37)
- Toad in the corner (2011-03-11 15:13:30)
- Essay on Liverpool city (2011-03-12 00:00:19)
- Professeur de français en GrandeBretagne (2011-03-10 18:50:08)
- Images inaccessibles (2011-03-10 17:27:22)
- Australie anglais 2nde (2011-03-12 11:33:44)
- Correction-Internet (2011-03-12 19:38:29)
- By foot or on foot (2011-03-20 01:00:28)
- Passer le PET- FCE ? (2011-03-10 11:16:11)
- Aide aux leçons (2011-03-10 12:14:15)
- Un S/ adjectifs ? (2011-03-10 15:17:18)
- Différence/open et open up (2011-03-10 14:02:16)
- Avant ou après le verbe? (2011-03-10 04:57:19)
- Rédaction, fautes de syntaxe (2011-03-10 01:12:07)
- Temps/sent (2011-03-10 02:10:51)
- T-Shirt 'fightituhboutit' (2011-03-09 11:31:26)
- Cherche liste verbes réguliers anglais (2011-03-09 02:55:42)
- Correction/ e-mail (2011-03-09 10:41:53)
- Traduction / Fidel Castro (2011-03-10 12:25:46)
- Traduction/a nuisance (2011-03-08 23:39:37)
- Question/ affirmatif ou négatif ? (2011-03-16 10:42:50)
- Tester mon expression écrite (2011-03-08 22:00:59)
- Préparation oral CAPES Externe Anglais 2 (2011-03-09 15:57:50)
- Neither-either (2011-03-16 05:17:59)
- Corrigé d 'une lettre (2011-03-08 05:52:05)
- Traduction/Californie (2011-03-11 21:08:12)
- How long vs how much time (2011-03-24 01:29:56)
- Hangman ! help ! (2011-03-07 19:45:25)
- [TOEIC] Tableau conversion en score (2011-03-07 09:20:34)
- Grammar /tags and questions (2011-03-07 15:18:27)
- Correction/ devoir d'anglais (2011-03-07 00:10:36)
- TPE Police scientifique (2011-03-06 19:38:06)
- Big Brother is watching (2011-03-06 18:18:18)
- Conditionnel/ correction (2011-03-06 20:44:48)
- Dressed up (2011-03-15 07:50:16)
- Poème sur New -York/correction (2011-03-06 13:26:25)
- Oral anglais /I remember (2011-03-09 18:48:19)
- From to (2011-03-06 10:46:03)
- Cela se dit ou pas ? (2011-03-10 02:22:03)
- Fête de la Francophonie (2011-03-05 22:04:45)
- Make and Do/Some and Any (2011-03-05 22:12:53)
- Sujet type BAC (2011-03-06 20:25:36)
- Well ou Good ? (2011-03-08 19:06:47)
- Help/ temps du passé (2011-03-05 06:39:06)
- Sujet type BAC (2011-03-04 18:01:19)
- Traduction/breakfast (2011-03-04 05:16:32)
- Traduction /sports extrèmes (2011-03-03 23:13:20)
- Correction /revue de presse (2011-03-07 06:45:39)
- Prétérit simple ou be + ving (2011-03-05 06:36:04)
- Traduction/Petite-Terre à Mayotte (2011-03-03 21:19:24)
- As good as (2011-03-04 16:38:18)
- Traduction français-anglais (2011-03-03 15:38:41)
- Out of (2011-03-02 22:43:10)
- Gérondif, Infinitif (2011-03-02 23:15:30)
- Temps du passé (2011-03-03 06:33:08)
- Traduction de questions (2011-03-03 11:53:35)
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |