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- Correction d'une traduction (2010-11-14 23:42:04)

- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2010-11-22 00:15:26)

- New Technologies Correction ! (2010-11-12 20:12:17)

- Correction/ some sentences (2010-11-15 02:39:31)

- Agatha Christie's home (aural) (2010-12-06 00:32:08)

- Questions/problème de justice (2010-11-14 17:45:54)

- Damned woodenhead guy (2010-11-12 03:36:07)

- Quand faut-il mettre to? (2010-11-13 00:50:16)

- Traduction/fight back (2010-11-11 12:27:32)

- Want + to ? (2010-11-11 12:05:27)

- My US cover letter (2010-11-11 10:27:11)

- Scrambled words '87' (2010-11-19 13:13:43)

- Doute/America and institutions (2010-11-11 16:34:59)

- Stage d'iut commerce au R.U. (2010-11-10 18:50:04)

- Aide à la traduction - jargon technique (2010-11-10 20:04:51)

- Traduction d'une phrase en français (2010-11-10 19:30:45)

- Lettre commerciale GB (2010-11-10 11:26:56)

- English humour - exercice(thème) (2010-11-21 18:37:04)

- Traduction de 2 phrases (2010-11-08 23:40:14)

- Was to ... (2010-11-08 23:09:28)

- Traduction de 'rags' (2010-11-08 09:10:51)

- Aide à la traduction - stérilisaton (2010-11-07 23:09:12)

- Expression écrite GB (2010-11-09 11:06:42)

- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2010-11-08 21:28:03)

- Correction- Accro aux jeux (2010-11-11 19:37:31)

- Besoin d'aide/Globalization (2010-11-10 21:04:49)

- What does it mean? (2010-11-07 16:15:28)

- Dialogue à corriger (2010-11-07 16:01:13)

- Signification - Stuff (2010-11-07 15:43:09)

- Exposé/ Galvanization (2010-11-07 14:50:42)

- The Lady with the Lamp [aural exercise] (2010-11-22 17:35:20)

- Niveau en anglais (2010-11-07 23:14:59)

- Dialogue- 'the remarkable trip' (2010-11-07 18:04:24)

- Temps et correction (2010-11-06 22:49:30)

- CD originaux classe (new spring, LV2 etc (2010-11-06 18:28:17)

- Correction/about Facebook (2010-11-07 19:14:44)

- Traduction/ temps (2010-11-06 18:54:58)

- Correction/ our daughter (2010-11-07 17:51:26)

- La distance/How far (2010-11-09 16:05:52)

- Identities [aide grammaticale] (2010-11-05 22:48:44)

- Documentaire sur photo (2010-11-05 17:34:07)

- Traduction/phrase Harry Potter (2010-11-06 14:06:43)

- Correction / e-mail de mon ami (2010-11-11 19:57:44)

- Livre du prof new step in 3e (2010-11-18 20:38:40)

- Devenir formateur en anglais (2010-11-05 10:10:47)

- Université pour LLCE (2010-11-05 22:10:56)

- Correction d'un email (2010-11-05 00:33:12)

- Question sur le temps d'une phrase (2010-11-05 13:31:16)

- LV1 anglais de complément ES (2010-11-04 19:05:42)

- Since/Prétérit - Present perfect (2010-11-09 15:25:13)

- Correction/ my resume (2010-11-04 08:47:53)

- Correction /report (2010-11-15 15:30:42)

- Falling down (2010-11-04 18:31:19)

- Scrambled words '86' (2010-11-09 13:50:17)

- Correction/orthographe (2010-11-05 00:54:10)

- On time-in time (2010-11-03 15:21:35)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-11-03 18:01:45)

- Correction version (multiculturalism) (2010-11-03 01:07:44)

- Quizz anglais (2010-11-05 23:05:06)

- Aide pour correction (2010-11-04 14:22:00)

- Cendrillon/correction (2010-11-05 02:56:23)

- Se présenter à un correspondant (lettre) (2010-11-02 20:24:25)

- Orthographe/correction (2010-11-03 23:16:20)

- Across -through (2010-11-06 15:56:23)

- Correction d'un résumé (2010-11-02 12:42:51)

- Se presenter (2010-11-02 17:08:26)

- CAFIPEMF anglais (2010-11-02 10:48:06)

- Correction d'un texte (2010-11-03 01:31:03)

- Un dialogue (2010-11-06 20:42:50)

- E-mail/correction (2010-11-01 17:59:39)

- Traduction de ' em' ' ? (2010-11-02 19:16:26)

- Correction CV (2010-11-01 12:47:20)

- Bonne partie (2010-11-01 13:45:49)

- Correction/Quel pays? (2010-11-06 00:58:46)

- Correction texte 'Knowing me-you (2010-11-01 13:02:03)

- Film histoire Canada (2010-11-01 11:27:35)

- Vocabulaire (cheval-métier) (2010-11-01 19:48:11)

- Systeme universitaire anglais ? (2010-10-31 19:48:39)

- Is there ? (2010-11-04 10:22:15)

- Correction/become a photographer (2010-10-31 14:32:51)

- Upstairs-downstairs (2010-10-31 22:21:37)

- Traduction At-in (2010-11-01 10:53:28)

- Foreign country and gap year (2010-10-31 16:40:44)

- The Floating House - Correction (2010-10-31 00:34:02)

- Anglais -trop- facile ? (2010-10-30 14:23:20)

- Correction présentation orale (2010-11-01 16:29:25)

- Preterit + would (2010-10-30 21:21:28)

- world (2010-10-29 23:15:45)

- Traduction svp (2010-10-31 19:13:40)

- Comptine anglaise (2010-10-30 18:52:16)

- Vacances/ passé bv+ed . (2010-10-30 11:03:58)

- Correction/What the Poles did for us (2010-10-29 20:27:47)

- Verbs (2010-10-30 01:21:10)

- If not for (2010-11-01 09:57:11)

- Application letter - correction needed (2010-10-30 16:49:58)

- Traduction d'un texte à revoir (2010-10-28 15:19:25)

- Scrambled words '85' (2010-10-28 20:40:11)

- Faire le nécessaire et auprès de (2010-10-30 03:11:46)

- Sherlock Holmes and students (2010-10-30 02:13:55)

- Mots Mystères N°88 (2010-12-04 17:51:55)

- Gap year/correction (2010-10-29 08:48:41)

- Correction d'une phrase (2010-10-27 22:13:09)

- L'utilisation de can't stand (2010-10-27 16:39:26)

- Up et down!? (2010-10-27 22:33:29)

- Correction/face danger (2010-11-03 20:12:46)

- Expression ou pas ! (2010-10-27 15:53:16)

- Présentation d'une personne/GB (2010-10-27 18:30:24)

- Demande d'emploi/applying for a job (2010-10-30 16:58:09)

- LEA - Filière pour Bac (2010-11-14 18:52:44)

- Peep Toe (2010-10-27 21:10:17)

- Qu'est-ce qu' un modal ? (2010-10-27 00:40:14)

- Thème journalistique/environment (2010-10-27 16:42:56)

- Une sémillante sexagénaire Version I (2010-11-28 16:44:22)

- 'Dialogue 'Rio Grande' (2010-10-30 12:27:17)

- Correction phrase (2010-10-26 10:21:12)

- Opening-to open - put aside (2010-10-25 22:12:11)

- Enseigner l'anglais à des natifs (2010-11-03 14:59:08)

- 2 traductions casse-tête (2010-10-29 15:22:53)

- A strange girl/Exercice (2010-11-09 15:43:29)

- Cela veut dire ? (2010-10-25 16:00:42)

- Théme E3a 2009 (2010-10-25 15:56:38)

- Grammar,the inverted order,novel (2010-10-26 02:36:23)

- Cette phrase est-elle juste ? -) (2010-10-24 16:14:15)

- Etudes en Angleterre après le bac (2010-10-24 19:32:38)

- Utilisation de 'get' ? (2010-10-23 19:01:35)

- Confusions avec them - those (2010-10-23 01:57:38)

- Correction + Traduction (2010-10-22 07:01:49)

- C'est la moindre des choses (2010-10-21 22:32:38)

- Room or seat (2010-10-21 19:48:54)

- Demande/pluperfect (2010-10-22 01:27:33)

- Bonne traduction ? (2010-10-21 15:30:30)

- Token window? (2010-10-21 20:00:32)

- Signification 'ae' (2010-10-21 18:13:08)

- Scrambled words '84' (2010-10-22 20:36:05)

- Mes phrases sont-elles correctes? (2010-10-23 01:40:58)

- Traduction du souhait -du regret (2010-10-20 16:20:29)

- Bonne traduction (2010-10-24 00:05:46)

- What difference/won't - doesn't (2010-10-20 00:12:22)

- Traduction ardue (2010-10-19 21:16:50)

- Memo 2 (2010-10-30 18:36:57)

- Phrases/traduction (2010-10-21 23:24:59)

- Correction de quelques questions (2010-10-19 08:28:21)

- Correction/ currency struggle (2010-10-30 21:30:06)

- Traduction expression (2010-10-18 18:00:45)

- Doyle's Pub- Correction (2010-11-01 23:09:57)

- Traduction /Oral (2010-10-22 01:52:31)

- Traduction Pop the trunk (2010-10-19 16:40:06)

- To meet someone halfway (2010-10-18 23:05:44)

- It's a little played out (2010-10-18 21:54:36)

- Emploi de It is (2010-11-01 16:33:05)

- Échange cd classe (2010-10-18 14:48:50)

- Try of translation (2010-10-19 18:45:54)

- Comment traduire cette phrase? (2010-10-19 19:04:03)

- I wish I ... (2010-10-17 23:26:21)

- Correction texte 2nd ! ! ! (2010-10-17 18:08:37)

- Text correction (2010-10-17 23:54:20)

- Correction of a text (2010-10-17 17:34:24)

- Objet inutile/ for cats (2010-10-17 13:23:48)

- Echange CD classe (Join, Enjoy, Connect) (2010-12-06 21:35:50)

- Test n°16259 - a ou the (2010-10-25 16:47:32)

- Correction de ce texte niveau 3e (2010-10-18 03:21:49)

- Pronom personnel (2010-10-17 10:38:53)

- Rephrase sentences (2010-10-16 17:52:08)

- Do ou Make ? (2010-10-16 15:16:34)

- Prépositions en anglais (2010-10-16 21:05:04)

- Freedom and love- Version (2010-11-05 15:05:21)

- Nom devenant adjectif ? (2010-10-21 23:14:47)

- Mots Mystères N°87 (2010-10-27 20:14:09)

- CD join the team 3e (2010-10-17 22:25:15)

- I couldn't get through (2010-10-16 23:11:12)

- Expression - as soon as I get (2010-10-16 10:24:22)

- Traduction phrases (2010-10-15 22:11:50)

- Logiciel ou autre (2010-10-14 21:57:19)

- Present perfect ou Prétérit (2010-10-14 10:47:42)

- Pronounce 'T' a 'D' (2010-10-19 21:34:10)

- I don't have the -a choice (2010-10-14 00:08:57)

- Scrambled words '83' (2010-10-14 18:53:48)

- Commentaire sur Frankenstein (2010-10-18 17:42:05)

- Avis sur traduction (2010-10-19 12:11:36)

- Traduction présentation (2010-10-13 16:22:02)

- Drug use, drug abuse or drug usage ? (2010-10-13 15:02:47)

- Correction d'un texte (2010-10-18 23:51:34)

- Correction traduction pour oral (2010-10-12 23:05:19)

- Emploi du gérondif/Exercice (2010-11-07 16:22:02)

- When et le futur (2010-10-13 10:38:58)

- Correction (2010-10-13 06:41:38)

- Lettre en anglais (2010-10-13 20:18:54)

- Traduction - Expression (2010-10-12 19:28:46)

- chargé de communication-une idée? (2010-10-12 11:26:49)

- Traduction/ yeux verts (2010-10-16 08:59:35)

- Exposé poker (2010-10-13 20:10:42)

- Traduction - Hell with him (2010-10-11 22:09:31)

- Traduction - It's not brain surgery (2010-10-11 22:04:06)

- Traduction/ruddy sneaky (2010-10-12 15:28:31)

- Prétérit - Present perfect (2010-10-11 20:25:19)

- Traduction-sentence (2010-10-12 09:28:36)

- Gold fish or golden fish (2010-10-11 14:49:53)

- Présentation travail (2010-10-11 15:25:22)

- Correction version- WTO-Canada (2010-10-10 23:32:17)

- Traduction/contrôle (2010-10-10 19:46:48)

- Exposé à corriger (2010-10-10 20:19:15)

- Dialogue /prendre des cours (2010-10-10 22:59:59)

- Grand test de niveau/ Who went.... (2010-10-10 19:03:23)

- Prepositions? (2010-10-10 08:01:40)

- 'On' + jours de la semaine (2010-10-10 10:53:11)

- Travel to America (2010-10-10 15:42:47)

- Traduction/number (2010-10-12 10:20:41)

- Manuel d'anglais pour Cycle 3 (2010-10-10 23:03:13)

- Ma traduction est elle juste ? (2010-10-09 17:14:30)

- Enjoy 5ème (2010-10-14 16:39:24)

- Would rather (2010-10-10 18:46:21)

- Chattered (2010-10-09 00:31:42)

- Futur prof dans le privé - questions (2010-10-22 10:11:41)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-10-09 13:37:17)

- Différence cles2-toeic-toefl (2010-10-08 14:16:10)

- Strong/meaning (2010-10-15 00:17:52)

- Mots de liaison (2010-10-10 21:53:15)

- Negative good/traduction (2010-10-11 09:32:38)

- Présent simple et présent en -ing (2010-10-10 11:46:06)

- Correction DM anglais (2010-10-07 19:31:20)

- Comme vous aurez deviné-compris (2010-10-07 20:12:13)

- Aide exercice d'anglais (2010-10-07 16:31:24)

- Cours en DESSMA (2010-10-07 15:42:59)

- For the last week/since last week (2010-10-07 17:59:23)

- Entretien téléphonique stage (2010-10-07 13:44:44)

- Can i use that (2010-10-07 06:05:26)

- Can i use that (2010-10-07 06:05:26)

- Present Perfect Tense? (2010-10-10 01:06:26)

- Up and go (2010-10-07 19:24:21)

- Scrambled words '82' (2010-10-12 20:17:55)

- Utilisation spécifique de -a- (2010-10-06 22:12:51)

- Dénombrables et indénombrables (grand co (2010-10-06 15:47:28)

- Réponse aux questions fermées (2010-10-07 02:22:07)

- Forme négative/is not ou isn't (2010-10-06 09:16:20)

- It is /This is (2010-10-05 23:44:38)

- Verbes irréguliers anglais (2010-10-05 22:32:38)

- Etre sujet à /subir (2010-10-06 20:19:46)

- Correction version- tourisme chinois (2010-10-05 16:45:31)

- Business (2010-10-08 23:19:00)

- Oral sujet d'actualité - Clementi Ty (2010-10-04 22:20:20)

- Relationnel (2010-10-04 21:43:42)

- Devoir maison anglais 3eme (2010-10-04 20:13:16)

- Traduction phrases GB (2010-10-04 17:13:07)

- Pourquoi those plutot que these (2010-10-11 06:55:39)

- Rapport jury capes anglais (2010-10-04 11:14:58)

- Would as an emphatic word (2010-10-04 22:41:22)

- Correction/ Interfere in life (2010-10-09 17:57:09)

- Expression/ dans une moindre mesure (2010-10-03 21:54:55)

- Indénombrables (2010-10-03 23:48:28)

- Possessive adjective (2010-10-03 18:43:16)

- Traduction/ filet à papillon (2010-10-03 14:16:54)

- CV en anglais pour banque (2010-10-03 01:23:49)

- What /which date of birth (2010-10-09 03:53:19)

- Jim Crow laws (2010-10-09 11:19:11)

- Voix passive (2010-10-03 20:45:00)

- 2 expressions françaises à traduire (2010-10-02 21:31:28)

- Owing to-due to or because of? (2010-10-08 00:49:31)

- Be open-minded- Version (2010-10-27 00:48:06)

- Conférences techniques en anglais (2010-10-01 19:31:53)

- Parents and children's choices (2010-10-03 10:56:47)

- Omettre The et A (2010-10-01 15:23:28)

- Entrepôts - Silos-Warehouses ? (2010-10-01 11:05:19)

- Correction /My school (2010-10-01 00:54:02)

- S'il vous plait ! aidez moi (2010-09-30 23:01:21)

- Petits doutes/exposé anglais (2010-09-30 22:59:04)

- Aide rédaction CV 2 (2010-09-30 19:38:04)

- Aide rédaction CV 1 (2010-09-30 17:54:22)

- Steam coal (2010-10-02 18:11:55)

- Look/watch (2010-09-30 14:10:21)

- Methode commentaire capes (2010-10-14 20:07:54)

- Scrambled words '81' (2010-10-05 19:40:49)

- Equivalent système scolaire (2010-10-01 15:36:52)

- Ask a question (2010-09-29 21:23:49)

- Their -its (2010-09-29 18:17:42)

- Write a dialogue (2010-10-03 18:40:40)

- Livres CAPES 2011 (2010-09-29 10:27:46)

- Forget infinitif ou ing (2010-09-29 14:13:15)

- Le monstre du Loch Ness (thème) (2010-10-07 23:57:46)

- Gérondif (2010-10-03 20:01:59)

- Lettre de motivation GB (2010-09-29 18:34:59)

- Expression /est-ce que cela bouge (2010-09-29 04:41:55)

- Recherche CDs classe (2010-10-23 09:52:22)

- Phrases lettre professionnelle (2010-09-30 00:08:35)

- Correction/dispute in Ireland (2010-09-28 17:35:16)

- Correction/reported activities (2010-09-27 21:34:35)

- Cast a few inlays? (2010-09-27 17:49:58)

- Help for idioms (2010-09-27 17:41:13)

- Choix des matières en licence LLCE L3 (2010-09-27 10:21:02)

- Traduction GB niveau seconde (2010-09-27 19:00:48)

- Present perfect or preterite (2010-09-28 19:12:31)

- The + adjectif (2010-09-27 21:56:46)

- Tests new live 5eme (2010-09-26 20:19:34)

- Correction/ A gap year (2010-09-26 21:45:46)

- Correction/describe a picture (2010-09-26 17:56:27)

- Written work- men-women's roles (2010-09-27 04:50:52)

- Présentation CV/Essay (2010-09-29 02:59:37)

- Livres de lecture collège-lycée (2010-09-30 18:20:06)

- Emploi de Just (2010-09-25 19:20:25)

- Correction/ medical tourism (2010-09-26 16:09:36)

- Dialogue/ in the Army (2010-09-27 06:39:33)

- Prononciation du H (2010-09-27 22:19:27)

- D M/ Letter to a friend (2010-09-26 11:30:25)

- Magazines professionnels en anglais (2010-09-24 16:21:25)

- Vacataire anglais (2010-09-26 20:24:36)

- Quel passé utiliser? past simple? (2010-09-24 14:41:24)

- Phrase CV (2010-09-24 21:25:56)

- Ne t'inquiète pas pour ça (2010-09-25 07:35:26)

- Pourquoi its et non pas it (2010-09-23 19:09:44)

- Eleonore/exercice et thème (2010-10-19 17:00:16)

- Presentation (2010-09-24 09:32:30)

- Homework- My career project (2010-09-23 21:54:14)

- Scrambled words '80' (2010-09-23 18:18:57)

- Essay / The Statue of Liberty (2010-09-22 23:13:50)

- Constat /aide (2010-09-22 16:50:41)

- Have not and do not have (2010-09-23 11:45:05)

- Rédaction sur un evenement (2010-09-22 14:14:19)

- Big up (2010-09-23 12:02:43)

- Anglais technique traduction (2010-10-03 11:16:18)

- Start at time/ on time ? (2010-09-22 22:00:03)

- Décrire un document (2010-09-23 18:01:28)

- English books /advanced level (2010-10-11 09:42:02)

- Could /conditionnel ou prétérit (2010-09-21 20:21:03)

- Correction/Your best friend (2010-09-20 22:40:24)

- Traduction / Indian government... (2010-09-20 21:34:35)

- Whose and questions (2010-09-19 22:53:09)

- Cela faisait /since ou for ? (2010-09-19 19:43:34)

- DM - Letter /Correction (2010-09-27 10:57:51)

- Pourquoi /has been playing ou has played? (2010-09-20 08:36:34)

- Bts gestion - épreuves d'anglais (2010-09-19 10:40:56)

- Correction / things to do in London (2010-09-19 11:31:08)

- Correction/1st day at school (2010-09-19 05:10:01)

- Description d'image (2010-09-18 12:30:38)

- Des erreurs à bannir - exercice (2010-09-27 01:06:25)

- Traduction /about music (2010-09-17 21:55:48)

- CD original New Headway (2010-09-24 14:51:40)

- Correction/ parents' behaviour (2010-09-17 23:52:50)

- Conditional sentences (2010-09-17 15:14:03)

- Problems (2010-09-16 22:25:45)

- Present perfect (2010-09-16 20:32:26)

- Langage familier (2010-09-21 18:49:25)

- Traduction GB/débutante (2010-09-27 11:41:17)

- Cherche Logiciel Labo Langue (2010-09-24 15:09:32)

- Recherche cd original Enjoy 3è! (2010-09-16 10:18:59)

- Après le M2 recherche, l'agreg ? (2010-09-17 19:21:35)

- So many - so much -such (2010-09-16 19:08:10)

- Transparent word (2010-09-15 21:08:58)

- Scrambled words '79' (2010-09-17 22:19:14)

- Is You ? (2010-09-16 18:58:27)

- Traduction / kindly asked (2010-09-15 16:59:40)

- Colocations au RU (2010-09-16 14:30:23)

- Cds prof Join the team 3è,Connect 3è (2010-09-19 01:00:50)

- Vocabulaire/award (2010-09-24 09:54:24)

- Synonymes (2010-09-15 10:34:23)

- Concordance des temps (2010-09-15 16:31:51)

- Correction / International campus (2010-09-14 20:19:02)

- Learnt/Learned (2010-09-15 12:55:01)

- Adjectif + préposition (2010-09-15 19:23:23)

- In, on, at, to (2010-09-14 15:17:35)

- It really annoys (2010-09-14 13:46:53)

- Essay/ a portrait (2010-09-14 20:13:54)

- Correction lettre/Bac 2009 (2010-09-15 08:02:41)

- Question en anglais (2010-09-13 17:52:49)

- Support d'anglais commercial (2010-09-13 17:22:42)

- Mr Tambourine Man (2010-09-13 16:15:53)

- Article THE ou non (2010-09-12 22:12:00)

- Describe your hobbies/essay (2010-09-13 08:58:34)

- Emploi de The, gérondif / infinitif (2010-09-12 19:37:49)

- Translation/vertige (2010-09-12 14:35:22)

- Correction/ lettre de présentation (2010-09-12 17:15:48)

- Beer (denombrable ou pas) (2010-09-12 15:37:16)

- Raise-Rise (2010-09-12 14:48:40)

- Expressions and vocabulary (2010-09-11 15:53:26)

- Essai/ University (2010-09-13 19:01:10)

- I need help/LLCE (2010-09-11 16:01:00)

- CAP cuisine (2010-10-10 16:41:54)

- New live, Grenzenlos, Chispa (2010-09-26 20:23:05)

- Cours particuliers à des tout-petits (2010-09-19 22:46:46)

- CV anglais ok? (2010-09-20 17:03:55)

- Mots mystères N° 86 (2010-09-13 17:45:43)

- Jeux Planet English (2010-09-09 17:01:30)

- Traduction /le mieux... (2010-09-11 08:00:05)

- Originaux New Spring 3ème (2010-09-12 21:46:00)

- Let's Step In 4e (2010-09-08 23:28:04)

- Scrambled words '78' (2010-09-09 11:25:34)

- Rapport de stage en anglais (2010-09-12 05:14:14)

- In which (2010-09-15 09:15:48)

- Cd de classe New live (2010-09-08 15:34:56)

- alynia/Correction de traduction (2010-09-16 04:24:42)

- Help with a sentence (2010-09-08 14:27:51)

- Take action Bac pro (2010-09-08 09:07:02)

- Internship application (2010-09-08 10:39:10)

- Modaux/could have (2010-09-07 22:07:16)

- Which one ? (2010-09-08 20:57:03)

- What does 'MD' mean ? (2010-09-17 08:48:58)

- bit /a little (2010-09-07 20:54:38)

- 'a' suivi d'un verbe (2010-09-08 09:09:43)

- Every day ou everyday (2010-09-07 06:04:00)

- Entrée à la fac d'Anglais de Metz (2010-09-11 23:43:08)

- Aide à la traduction - 1 phrase (2010-09-06 09:15:53)

- Vocabulaire- U.S.-backed (2010-09-13 17:58:16)

- Professeur d'anglais/ privé (2010-09-05 17:36:45)

- Drawing and drawing again (2010-09-04 18:41:37)

- CV correction (2010-09-04 09:38:25)

- Seem vs seems (2010-09-04 08:19:14)

- Anything-everything is possible (2010-09-03 23:05:28)

- Élèves de fle / penfriends (2010-09-03 16:46:47)

- Avis sur manuel scolaire (2010-09-22 17:10:26)

- Born and borne (2010-09-03 12:25:24)

- Oeuvres TL anglais complément (2010-09-03 10:39:34)

- Help for an interview (2010-09-04 19:48:58)

- Français des affaires (2010-09-03 01:04:28)

- Scrambled words '77' (2010-09-03 11:18:14)

- Daeu 2010-2011 (2010-09-01 19:36:51)

- Out of office (2010-09-01 21:35:07)

- Neither nor/seem or seems? (2010-09-01 05:04:56)

- A mysterious place (2010-09-05 23:42:00)

- 100 derniers ajouts (2010-08-31 15:40:20)

- Besoin d'Enjoy3e & New step in4e (2010-08-31 20:25:08)

- Manifest destiny (2010-09-02 07:27:29)

- Lettre de motivation (2010-09-07 23:18:24)

- Meaning of sentence (2010-08-30 17:52:27)

- Prépa cours seconde (2010-08-29 21:18:07)

- Apprentissage/anglais oral (2010-09-28 04:07:01)

- Cours de musique et dessin en Irlande? (2010-08-29 21:39:04)

- Bonne rentrée! (2010-08-31 21:57:50)

- Ceux qui ont des enfants saventThème (2010-09-22 16:06:13)

- Manuel - 3e LV2 (2010-08-30 09:06:00)

- A slim young woman ? (2010-08-30 21:53:55)

- Programme bac pro- CAP ? (2010-09-01 18:36:11)

- It's just a crime (2010-08-31 02:59:46)

- American civilization (2010-08-31 08:39:10)

- Some Help for a Cover Letter (2010-08-31 03:36:22)

- Why use 'great' ? (2010-09-05 21:37:51)

- Aide à la traduction (2010-08-29 11:30:31)

- Le lapin 'Pinpin' (2010-09-06 23:40:59)

- Suivre le manuel au collège? (2010-08-28 23:57:51)

- Is it correct to say (2010-08-31 01:36:38)

- Your help for my CV (2010-08-28 08:39:18)

- Une rime (2010-08-27 20:11:42)

- Conditionnel passé - hypothèses (2010-08-27 20:18:18)

- Present Perfect lecon 3793 (2010-08-28 04:46:18)

- Traduire se verront (2010-08-29 21:02:04)

- Recherche Let's step In 3ème (2010-09-08 19:25:37)

- Scrambled words '76' (2010-08-31 16:54:26)

- Business in English (2010-08-26 16:44:23)

- Anglais 6e... Help (2010-08-30 09:14:29)

- To be engaged (2010-08-27 20:23:24)

- Travailler en Angleterre (2010-08-27 13:26:58)

- The skateboard-correction (2010-08-29 03:28:18)

- Section européenne (2010-08-30 09:17:49)

- Exclamation how so - règle? (2010-08-26 10:57:43)

- Problème traduction 'areas are' (2010-08-27 10:09:57)

- I grab the paper ? (2010-08-26 06:12:05)

- Australie/correction (2010-08-25 02:37:20)

- Génitif pour un nom propre (2010-08-27 10:49:41)

- kankrela/Lettre de motivation (2010-08-23 17:10:39)

- Capes espagnol (2010-08-23 15:24:28)

- Clips video marrants et faciles (2010-08-23 16:50:02)

- Compréhension /lay clasped (2010-08-24 20:03:14)

- As boring as a snail (2010-08-24 19:21:47)

- Explication : present perfect (2010-08-23 04:16:11)

- Correction/ resume (2010-08-25 09:41:52)

- Correction / cover letter (2010-08-24 20:11:21)

- Web page designer (2010-08-22 14:31:14)

- Long départ linguistique en vue (2010-08-21 13:40:00)

- Police officer (2010-08-21 17:28:09)

- Affiches/Phonétique pour classe (2010-08-25 16:11:34)

- Maître chien/Correction (2010-08-20 18:56:53)

- At hand/meaning (2010-08-23 09:23:40)

- BTS SP3S (2010-08-20 08:18:05)

- Parachutisme/correction (2010-08-20 15:38:06)

- Cherche cd classe enjoy 4ème (2010-08-24 14:42:16)

- Need help for my job (2010-08-20 03:00:13)

- Scrambled words '75' (2010-08-26 18:21:26)

- Stagiaires - 2010-2011 - Ac Lille (2010-08-26 00:37:35)

- Enseigner l'anglais aux adultes (2010-08-18 20:57:42)

- My holiday-correction (2010-08-22 17:13:39)

- experiments/Correction (2010-08-18 23:35:02)

- Préparation capes-cafep (2010-08-18 20:17:46)

- have come (2010-08-18 13:34:35)

- Crazy English (2010-08-19 11:06:43)

- what needs to be done? (2010-08-18 14:51:42)

- Argent de poche/Correction (2010-08-19 11:22:00)

- Prof d'allemand en France (2010-08-17 21:08:07)

- Emissions tv américaine (2010-08-17 21:48:36)

- Correction lettre motivation (2010-08-17 17:01:02)

- Quarter (2010-08-17 19:12:55)

- Que signifie 'Threate' ??? (2010-08-17 19:51:16)

- Verbe/ to be dead set (2010-08-17 19:11:42)

- Correction présentation (2010-08-18 07:46:06)

- Compréhension d'une phrase (2010-08-18 08:46:29)

- Le passif (2010-08-18 09:36:06)

- Stage en collège ou lycée? (2010-08-30 17:20:17)

- Est-ce correct ? (2010-08-15 10:57:49)

- Mots non prononcés (2010-08-29 14:47:28)

- Three times ? (2010-08-26 14:43:04)

- Adjectif (2010-08-14 15:41:16)

- Le possessif (2010-08-15 14:34:49)

- Ladle Rat Rotten Hut (2010-08-22 17:31:04)

- Fairy-lit (2010-08-13 23:06:46)

- Le pronom 'it' (2010-08-14 15:35:18)

- Situation desvlauréats du capes interne (2010-08-12 16:54:57)

- Correction lettre motivation erasmus (2010-08-17 14:16:57)

- Nuance entre les deux présents perfect (2010-08-12 15:55:34)

- Traduction/Lever le store (2010-08-12 22:50:08)

- Demande concernant un éventuel voyage -) (2010-08-12 12:01:48)

- Audrey traductrice (2010-08-12 18:16:17)

- Autre langue (2010-08-12 09:20:10)

- Go on to+verbe (2010-08-13 20:56:01)

- Scrambled words '74' (2010-08-14 20:47:48)

- Lettre de motivation/correction (2010-08-17 22:41:30)

- Enregistrements Bridges Tmles (2010-08-19 11:51:36)

- Traduction de phrases (2010-08-12 17:48:43)

- Be used to (2010-08-13 08:36:54)

- Currently,actually,basically (2010-08-15 14:06:43)

- womb-like (2010-08-11 22:23:13)

- Mot mystère 85 (2010-09-09 16:44:36)

- Avec début et fin (2010-08-11 01:36:11)

- Lettre de motivation pr université (2010-08-12 11:55:56)

- Pédagogie différenciée (2010-08-10 12:07:15)

- Prononciation du 'i' (2010-08-11 16:03:08)

- Enigmes visuelles sous Mac (2010-08-10 10:38:02)

- Traffic-choked (2010-08-09 23:01:50)

- 2 phrases incomprises (2010-08-10 10:09:06)

- Let's go + Vb (+ ing ?) (2010-08-09 23:58:59)

- Problème grammaire (2010-08-09 15:40:31)

- Commerce international (2010-08-12 14:26:10)

- Phrase difficile/ aide (2010-08-08 12:41:07)

- Affectation et cursus iufm (2010-08-13 01:54:27)

- Fichiers audio ? (2010-08-13 11:26:23)

- Correction (2010-08-08 03:27:01)

- Sujets esp/cba (2010-08-08 23:00:35)

- Correction de traductions (2010-08-07 03:17:31)

- Obtention du NUMEN (2010-08-05 11:18:30)

- Confusion (2010-08-06 03:37:48)

- Gerondif (2010-08-07 11:30:32)

- Scrambled words '73' (2010-08-04 17:43:37)

- Come up ( to a place ) (2010-08-03 18:11:32)

- Anglais en BP coiffure, esthétique (2010-08-06 08:22:29)

- Capes espagnol 2011 (2010-08-05 20:41:27)

- Lettre de motivation/hugo_s (2010-08-02 22:14:17)

- Adverbe & prendre connaissance (2010-08-02 06:42:50)

- Recherche CD enjoy 4e (2010-07-31 13:20:44)

- Report de stage 2010 (2010-08-11 17:36:24)

- Affectation précise (2010-07-30 12:58:26)

- Mutation points, comment ca marche? (2010-07-30 20:35:48)

- Passer le CAPES avec un masters etranger (2010-08-01 13:15:01)

- Passer pour un (2010-07-29 19:18:26)

- Diplôme universitaire FLE (2010-07-29 15:19:26)

- Ecole supérieure - les synonymes? (2010-07-29 13:24:34)

- Concours 6ème année (2010-07-29 18:16:59)

- Barres d'entrée pour les stagiaires (2010-08-07 21:18:04)

- Longer or any longer ? (2010-08-07 18:57:29)

- Scrambled words '72' (2010-07-30 17:30:08)

- David Peltzer traduction (2010-07-30 16:19:06)

- 3e concours CAPES anglais (2010-08-02 17:31:19)

- Contrôle/traduction (2010-07-29 15:52:07)

- Pluriel des noms en anglais (2010-07-28 05:50:11)

- Accent canadien ou americain ? (2010-07-28 03:19:31)

- Expression ' faire noter que' (2010-08-05 11:01:53)

- Correction lettre de motivation (2010-07-29 11:19:37)

- Aidons les stagiaires 2010-2011!! (2010-07-28 11:52:08)

- Controlling idea (2010-08-12 04:43:05)

- Traduction de phrases (2010-07-26 22:51:29)

- What is Difference between till & unt (2010-07-25 11:39:42)

- Newsletter italien-facile (2010-07-25 13:14:46)

- David Peltzer/correction (2010-07-26 22:41:22)

- Le' h' aspiré (2010-08-07 14:33:40)

- Prof en France avec diplôme américain? (2010-07-24 20:42:56)

- Demander une entrevue/correction (2010-07-25 14:09:04)

- Notes dans le monde (2010-07-23 20:42:17)

- Traduire pour que (2010-08-05 15:03:15)

- M2 d'enseignement (2010-07-26 10:05:43)

- J'ai besoin d'aide pour traduct (2010-07-23 17:40:13)

- What's up ? (2010-07-25 20:38:15)

- Un doudou? (2010-07-23 10:13:30)

- Redoublement Master 2 (2010-07-23 11:22:42)

- Grands thèmes abordables collège lycée (2010-07-27 19:58:51)

- PLC2 renouvellement 2010-2011 (2010-07-25 16:21:34)

- Australia/Correction essai (2010-07-22 15:56:23)

- Besoin de séquences Tmle ES- L (2010-08-16 18:26:32)

- Cherche CD Connect 3ème (2010-07-22 09:38:36)

- English movies are needed (2010-10-02 10:06:03)

- Scrambled words '71' (2010-07-22 18:02:11)

- Etudes à l'étranger, mail (2010-07-23 19:59:50)

- Carte de visite (2010-07-22 13:05:46)

- Titulaire et concours SAENES (2010-07-20 09:08:06)

- Of ou pas of ? (2010-07-22 14:48:06)

- Did /have? (2010-07-29 22:15:47)

- Nécessaire inspection ? (2010-07-19 17:06:40)

- focusing, focus or focused? (2010-07-21 09:27:57)

- Flux à contre sens-passer à contre sens (2010-07-20 06:35:08)

- Help (2010-07-19 14:56:20)

- Profstagiaire et sécurité sociale (2010-07-19 11:44:37)

- To do - Make (2010-07-26 07:07:37)

- Persuade to quit smoking (2010-07-24 02:06:49)

- 'justice' - it or they ? (2010-07-22 14:36:30)

- Be en fin de phrase? (2010-07-19 08:34:42)

- Échec au capes 2010 questions (2010-07-19 17:35:08)

- Contacts-Professeurs d'anglais (2010-07-22 22:51:57)
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