33565 sujets
Les plus récents d'abord
Par ordre alphabétique
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Phrase /no sooner...than (2010-03-30 21:00:32)
- Formules d'exclamation (2010-03-30 07:54:08)
- Correction /music therapy (2010-03-30 10:08:35)
- Tournures GB incomprises (2010-04-05 18:31:16)
- Correction/symbol of liberty (2010-03-30 19:31:30)
- Oral d'anglais (2010-03-30 18:07:46)
- What shall we do? (2010-03-29 19:30:11)
- Present perfect and have -haven't (2010-03-30 08:53:19)
- Might not be able to (2010-03-29 18:22:40)
- It ou He (animaux) (2010-04-02 20:43:22)
- Prefer-rather (2010-03-29 07:36:12)
- Would (2010-03-29 08:36:11)
- Signification de FOR (2010-03-29 12:35:00)
- Pronoms relatifs/ exercice (2010-04-10 19:18:10)
- Singulier ou pluriel + mathematics (2010-03-28 17:17:23)
- Probabilité et modaux (2010-03-28 15:27:51)
- Correction/letter to penfriend (2010-03-31 22:45:21)
- Lettre pour famille d'accueil GB (2010-03-28 12:56:03)
- Mississippi Burning/correction (2010-03-29 16:26:22)
- Correction /système de santé américain (2010-04-01 18:51:52)
- Correction /political capital (2010-03-31 00:56:19)
- Unfortunately + affirmation? (2010-03-27 22:33:01)
- Exposé oral - Correction possible ? (2010-03-28 16:24:35)
- Correction /Australia (2010-03-27 17:50:36)
- Correction/one of the greatest scientists (2010-03-27 10:34:58)
- Since or from? (2010-03-27 13:47:01)
- We lived ou we have lived? (2010-03-27 00:09:47)
- To + adverbe + verbe (2010-04-05 23:46:07)
- I want you to be w (2010-03-27 09:41:43)
- BV+ing en tant que nom (2010-03-26 19:02:44)
- Pluriel des noms de magasins (2010-03-26 03:05:33)
- Grammaire intuitive? (2010-03-25 16:04:23)
- Prépa oraux capes anglais toulouse (2010-03-25 12:13:56)
- Scrambled words '54' (2010-03-31 21:53:17)
- Phrases/ title and culture (2010-03-24 22:50:20)
- Adjectifs suivis d'un verbe (2010-03-25 14:50:26)
- anglais99 / parler français et anglais (2010-03-24 17:04:21)
- Voix passive ? Question ? (2010-03-24 20:38:21)
- About informal expressions (2010-03-24 15:31:30)
- Mobile phone/correction (2010-03-28 11:45:09)
- Résultat Capes Externe 2010 (2010-03-24 14:40:12)
- Faire une requête/will - can ? (2010-03-27 01:39:00)
- Vérification/Charlotte was coming (2010-03-25 20:26:46)
- Les verbes irréguliers (2010-03-23 20:24:44)
- La double possession (2010-03-23 23:35:32)
- Traduction/phrases en vrac (2010-03-24 09:44:43)
- Problème avec le present perfect (2010-03-23 15:39:36)
- Arrive-come-happen (2010-03-23 14:44:48)
- Syntaxe Go + Verbe (2010-03-24 20:54:02)
- Problème de grammaire/appointed (2010-04-07 11:05:12)
- The use of unless (2010-05-04 15:48:42)
- Cover letter une petite relecture (2010-03-22 23:19:11)
- Traduction - flutterbudget (2010-03-28 03:03:32)
- 2 questions (2010-03-22 23:24:26)
- Correction - Action on climate (2010-03-25 11:31:18)
- Traduction/'la preuve en est (2010-04-05 23:00:14)
- Traduction de - je suis en 6ième année (2010-03-23 11:15:14)
- Le cas possessif (2010-03-22 12:22:59)
- Article défini nom indénombrable (2010-03-21 22:28:12)
- Les temps du passé collège (2010-03-22 11:59:36)
- LLCE à Nantes (2010-03-22 16:16:18)
- Correction/election in the UK (2010-03-22 22:51:47)
- Traduction /Sixteen years ago (2010-03-21 18:06:57)
- Summary and tenses of verbs (2010-03-24 15:11:01)
- Prépa cours (2010-03-22 08:51:58)
- Utilisation de 'I had better' (2010-03-21 13:31:56)
- A new Flash (2010-03-21 11:50:19)
- Société/ firm? (2010-03-21 13:40:27)
- Amorces de phrase (2010-03-22 15:43:10)
- Agrégation externe 2010 anglais (2010-05-05 22:07:35)
- L'étranger A Camus - Thème (2010-04-04 14:59:56)
- Attention aux droits d'auteurs (2010-04-28 10:08:03)
- Be+ing/ conso-voyelle-consonne (2010-03-22 00:54:09)
- Traduction phrase concernant ordinateur (2010-03-19 21:39:02)
- Traduction/the cupboard was mud moulded (2010-03-22 15:34:05)
- To devant un verbe? (2010-03-19 17:17:38)
- Quel temps avec 'si' (2010-03-19 16:48:10)
- Emploi de probably (2010-03-19 09:26:51)
- Over and in (2010-03-18 21:52:30)
- Correction/used to (2010-03-18 22:24:57)
- Firefox sous linux (2010-03-20 10:32:16)
- Traduction lycée des métiers (2010-03-24 22:40:01)
- Phrase technique/taking account (2010-03-18 19:07:29)
- CAPES anglais18 mars/thème (2010-03-19 22:36:29)
- Expression/réussir -manage? (2010-03-24 19:47:51)
- Scrambled words '53' (2010-03-24 21:28:56)
- Devoir /Lettre pour Famille d'accuei (2010-03-17 18:53:26)
- Brigitte Bardot en anglais !! (2010-03-18 18:48:44)
- Civi 17 mars CAPES 2010 (2010-03-17 18:18:53)
- To express purpose (2010-03-18 03:37:41)
- Objectif de séance (2010-03-17 14:40:16)
- Correction/ ask for help (2010-03-17 10:13:40)
- Traduction d'une phrase (to miss) (2010-03-18 22:11:44)
- To beat above / to disable down (2010-03-17 09:13:23)
- Correction/about my vehicle (2010-03-22 00:17:45)
- Exercice to be (2010-03-16 17:22:55)
- Créer /stock d'exercices (2010-03-17 11:48:44)
- CAPES anglais 16 mars, le Roi Lear (2010-04-19 23:18:53)
- Eighty-six (2010-03-16 16:40:48)
- Possitive (2010-03-16 09:37:41)
- S'inscrire au CAPES 2010 ou 2011 (2010-03-16 08:05:12)
- Beaucoup mieux-De loin-Bien que (2010-03-19 10:48:07)
- Eat or breakfast - traduction (2010-03-16 20:05:40)
- 'R.I.P' (2010-04-12 14:56:29)
- Emploi du Present perfect continu (2010-03-27 20:51:56)
- Stage / correction (2010-03-15 21:54:44)
- Traductions diverses GB (2010-03-24 01:28:24)
- Apple/correction (2010-03-15 17:39:25)
- Anglais-Présentation (2010-03-15 00:52:36)
- From a novel full of bite /Version (2010-04-09 20:06:10)
- Suggestions/let's et why don't (2010-03-15 09:19:47)
- Correction/Animals and art (2010-03-14 19:35:31)
- Woodstock / Correction. (2010-03-14 18:40:56)
- Bibliographie Trace écrite (2010-03-14 12:51:55)
- Présent simple ou continu ? (2010-03-16 15:44:16)
- Correction/repair a building (2010-03-15 16:59:04)
- E-mail anglais (2010-03-17 16:53:56)
- Traduction de la voix passive (2010-03-13 15:27:56)
- Lettre : catalogue (2010-03-16 12:55:04)
- Would traduit par l'imparfait (2010-03-14 04:52:49)
- Voici la famille Simpson (2010-03-13 11:32:24)
- Essay about Germany (2010-03-16 13:52:21)
- Synonyme/ involved (2010-03-12 22:53:47)
- Poursuites d'études après Erasmus (L (2010-03-30 02:51:21)
- Traduction/not negative or duce (2010-03-15 03:05:48)
- Wealth pour richesse? (2010-03-13 11:19:38)
- Rare whisky (2010-03-12 15:55:57)
- Examen Bac Pro 3 ans anglais (2010-05-04 19:12:49)
- Correction /Chinese immigrants (2010-03-12 14:47:22)
- Lettre de motivation/Cambridge (2010-03-12 21:00:45)
- Ajouter un fichier audio (2010-06-10 16:42:58)
- Exercice sur le prétérit (2010-03-12 12:12:54)
- Traduction/gurney? (2010-03-14 08:43:25)
- Question-is broken (2010-03-11 11:57:09)
- Meaning/ along with (2010-03-11 11:38:14)
- Scrambled words '52' (2010-03-17 20:19:07)
- S'il existe/if ...then... (2010-03-10 23:20:19)
- Correction/Just to describe (2010-03-11 21:40:36)
- Rédaction/leave your country (2010-03-11 13:24:25)
- Passive voice (2010-03-13 15:38:05)
- Enseigner le FLE à 23 petits Péruviens ! (2010-03-10 17:51:56)
- K7 let's step in 4ème - 3ème (2010-03-10 17:13:41)
- Cause would you support (2010-03-11 15:20:28)
- Correction/a teenager wakes up (2010-03-10 14:03:43)
- Compréhension écrite St Patrick (2010-03-09 21:15:56)
- Prétérit simple ou progressif (2010-03-09 19:04:34)
- Traduction / multimedia and association (2010-03-29 11:19:28)
- Traduction/ 4 étages (2010-03-10 12:06:54)
- Preposition/for and about (2010-04-06 16:18:16)
- Mot Mystère N°78 (2010-03-31 12:40:05)
- Aide Traduction (2010-03-09 09:25:03)
- Traduire 'monter le chauffage' (2010-03-09 21:03:01)
- Correction - court courriel commercial (2010-03-08 22:30:59)
- Traduction /enclosed a technical report (2010-03-09 09:53:16)
- Traductions français-anglais Merci (2010-03-09 13:47:47)
- To enter into the town (2010-03-10 08:42:06)
- Countable - uncountable (2010-03-08 14:57:04)
- Script d'une video (2010-03-08 19:25:47)
- Present perfect (2010-03-07 20:58:00)
- Kindest regards (2010-03-08 21:29:41)
- Traduction ' de quoi' (2010-03-07 21:52:31)
- Traduction/why'd you have to (2010-03-08 21:25:02)
- Exercice / bad news (2010-03-07 18:25:02)
- Rédaction/trying foreign food (2010-03-07 18:54:49)
- Correction/another life (2010-03-09 14:23:04)
- Prétérit/ Queen Victoria's reign (2010-03-09 11:55:35)
- Dit-on le'que' dans une phrase (2010-03-08 15:12:17)
- Origine des verbes irréguliers (2010-03-09 11:30:39)
- Cover letter (2010-03-07 02:39:32)
- Le son «J» (2010-03-07 11:08:57)
- truth mother/correction (2010-03-08 19:56:45)
- Correction Bono (2010-03-07 17:37:10)
- About transports (2010-04-19 11:04:55)
- Correction/about the bridge (2010-03-06 12:51:01)
- Correction/in a public park (2010-03-04 18:33:50)
- Correction - the Marielos in Miami (2010-03-05 14:11:02)
- C2i Labo de langue (2010-03-04 11:49:27)
- Comment prononcer ? (2010-03-03 20:06:19)
- A hero (2010-03-03 18:59:56)
- Correction texte vacances de février (2010-03-03 19:25:16)
- Document écrit sur l'australie (2010-03-03 16:41:18)
- Sujets Big challenge (2010-03-03 17:24:20)
- To Undergone-To Know (2010-03-03 15:25:11)
- Confusion/whom (2010-03-03 13:44:20)
- Temps du passé (2010-03-02 22:49:31)
- Jeux de mots (2010-03-03 10:24:41)
- To suggest (2010-03-02 14:48:29)
- Vendredi - premier cours de groupe ! (2010-03-04 11:13:57)
- Question tag (2010-03-02 21:00:33)
- Niveau pour être admise ? (2010-03-01 22:02:32)
- Correction/fashion and brands (2010-05-09 17:01:41)
- Martin Luther King (2010-03-02 19:49:24)
- Traduction/blackout (2010-03-02 19:44:01)
- Correction- Studio d'Allegra (2010-03-03 11:23:05)
- Pourquoi pas 'an' devant ' (2010-03-04 18:57:00)
- Traduction/grosse tête (2010-03-02 16:14:57)
- Correction about the weather (2010-03-03 13:33:24)
- Cassettes Ways and Means (2010-03-01 17:22:24)
- (used to) how to use it (2010-03-15 16:09:36)
- I ask to myself (2010-03-01 09:51:51)
- Dates CAPES 2011 (2010-03-27 17:34:24)
- Questions de Grammaire (2010-03-09 15:33:23)
- Traduction /He usually plays tennis (2010-02-28 00:06:32)
- Correction -Children & television (2010-03-04 22:09:07)
- I know well - I know very well (2010-04-18 06:59:50)
- Correction - message (2010-02-27 23:38:21)
- Conseil CV-Lettre (2010-02-26 20:51:06)
- The horn - Verification texte (2010-02-27 18:28:57)
- At the edge of the world? (2010-03-29 12:18:33)
- At ou in ou on !! (2010-02-27 19:03:46)
- Petite question sur Weather (2010-02-26 23:48:27)
- Mots Mystères N° 77 (2010-03-09 14:09:20)
- Rituels de début de cours, help ! (2010-03-08 00:47:00)
- Expression écrite correction (2010-02-28 09:33:41)
- Bac blanc fautes (2010-02-27 09:59:12)
- Correction pour une traduction (2010-02-25 22:21:56)
- Audios New Spring 3e (2010-02-25 15:58:58)
- Verbs with down (2010-02-26 19:33:09)
- Oral à corriger (2010-02-25 16:07:56)
- Of ou from? (2010-02-27 23:39:26)
- What city are you from/which (2010-03-07 22:32:36)
- It'll be ok (2010-02-25 16:20:15)
- Which is more acceptable? (2010-02-26 02:34:47)
- Correction of somes questions (2010-02-25 02:40:05)
- Polyethylene-coated burlap (2010-03-05 19:05:48)
- Help svp (2010-02-24 22:54:54)
- Mots qui commencent par h (2010-02-24 23:20:41)
- Will peut-il exprimer autre chose (2010-02-27 23:23:02)
- Type Bac - Correction (2010-02-25 23:00:14)
- Trouver les erreurs (2010-02-24 19:56:32)
- Étudier une nouvelle (2010-02-24 18:59:58)
- Qu'est-ce que TO ? (2010-02-24 19:13:55)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-03-01 01:58:37)
- CAPES 2011 avec une maîtrise-M1 ? (2010-02-26 23:49:23)
- Should (2010-02-25 16:47:18)
- What do you want?- What will you have? (2010-02-24 18:14:58)
- Question de grammaire (2010-02-24 16:10:59)
- Le futur et le going to (2010-02-25 09:46:37)
- Exercice / correction (2010-02-24 14:32:26)
- Interpretation texte (2010-02-24 12:33:55)
- Vocabulaire médical (2010-02-23 23:58:55)
- Lettre de motivation (2010-03-21 11:35:51)
- Utilisation du verbe 'to earn' (2010-02-24 10:26:49)
- Some - Any (2010-02-23 19:07:08)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-02-24 08:20:43)
- Vacillate/Correction (2010-02-23 17:20:05)
- Correction-voyages (2010-02-24 22:33:08)
- Expression 'rien d'autres' (2010-02-23 16:11:16)
- Question techniques ! (2010-02-23 20:28:11)
- Expression avec 'tel que nous' (2010-02-24 08:24:04)
- Questions de Grammaire (2010-02-23 18:37:01)
- Aide à la traduction - 1 phrase (2010-02-23 07:52:35)
- CDs Join the team 3° (2010-03-04 17:06:21)
- Conditional types 2&3 (2010-02-22 17:13:05)
- Luncheon (2010-02-24 15:55:31)
- Page of a travel journal (2010-02-25 18:08:08)
- He's coming- corrections phrases (2010-02-23 21:50:47)
- Preterit VS Present Perfect (2010-02-26 10:06:13)
- Spending-aide (2010-02-22 23:49:00)
- Barres d'entrée ? (2010-03-04 16:57:27)
- TOEIC (2010-02-22 12:49:16)
- Had = did + have (2010-03-23 12:09:06)
- melatina /lettre motivation /correction (2010-02-21 20:48:25)
- Correction - Easily Influenced (2010-02-20 23:34:48)
- Much-many et some-any (2010-02-20 22:06:24)
- Present perfect progressif (2010-02-21 13:55:22)
- Bug ou modification de test (2010-02-20 17:29:57)
- Sauvegarde d'un message ! (2010-02-20 09:27:32)
- Examen oral en anglais pour les BTS SP3S (2010-03-27 10:47:34)
- Sujets CNED (2010-02-19 17:36:56)
- Erasmus-/correction (2010-02-19 15:46:08)
- Present, simple past,present perfect? (2010-02-19 23:42:22)
- Correction/extinct species (2010-02-19 16:11:13)
- Small or little? (2010-03-06 17:57:26)
- Infinitif en début de phrase (2010-02-19 11:33:38)
- Texte voix passive (2010-02-19 18:05:54)
- Indirect speech (2010-03-24 16:29:54)
- Cheese pairing (2010-02-19 07:21:31)
- Prendre le risque de (2010-02-21 20:11:04)
- Correction/ my diary (2010-02-19 12:13:05)
- All New - Brand New (2010-03-01 18:30:44)
- For+period (2010-02-18 16:51:04)
- Correction/ your diary (2010-02-18 12:48:10)
- My vacation-texte (2010-02-21 14:16:07)
- Correction lettre de motivation (2010-02-24 22:22:21)
- Scrambled words '51' (2010-03-10 21:55:30)
- Vocabulaire ressources humaines (2010-02-17 21:55:41)
- Someone + pluriel (2010-02-17 22:08:30)
- Enseigner en primaire (2010-03-19 18:30:39)
- Correction de phrases (2010-02-17 18:26:10)
- L'identificateur de langue (2010-05-10 09:44:42)
- Soweto riots- Meeting point seconde (2010-02-17 15:43:29)
- Que signifie tipped? (2010-02-17 18:21:53)
- Correction ' The slaughter of seals (2010-02-17 23:33:08)
- Correction/global warming (2010-02-17 13:42:47)
- Lettre de Motivation Erasmus (2010-02-21 21:47:59)
- Correction lettre de motivation Erasmus (2010-02-17 20:29:59)
- Dialogue preterit simple et be+ing (2010-02-16 23:07:19)
- Quel temps /she's been (2010-02-16 21:43:30)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-02-16 18:01:22)
- They are ou there are? (2010-02-16 16:25:58)
- Modaux + have (2010-02-16 10:29:17)
- Traduction en Anglais (2010-02-16 17:14:53)
- Correction/ Vacances (2010-02-15 23:25:50)
- Prétérit 5ème (2010-02-16 18:40:53)
- Nature/correction (2010-02-17 19:53:36)
- Phrases au pluriel (?) (2010-02-16 10:08:06)
- Dans le cadre de mes études - 'While (2010-02-17 18:40:26)
- Jo de Vancouver (2010-02-23 21:31:18)
- Question avec le verbe acquitter (2010-02-16 11:37:12)
- Correction /Tanzania (2010-02-16 00:22:13)
- Logiciel de lecture (2010-02-15 16:18:46)
- Jeu- Traductions folles! (2010-02-15 11:04:53)
- You tired you poor (2010-02-15 12:17:53)
- And so on/ and so forth (2010-03-01 17:53:43)
- Traduction/Make a mental note (2010-02-15 16:54:21)
- Traduction /Domestic despot (2010-02-15 16:55:33)
- Traduction particulière de art ? (2010-03-31 14:51:52)
- Line cook (2010-02-14 23:15:46)
- Correction/more or less affinity (2010-02-14 14:53:59)
- Style du texte (2010-02-20 15:33:51)
- There or not ? (2010-02-14 22:12:00)
- Aide traduction (2010-02-13 23:27:31)
- Correction - Version (2010-02-15 00:20:28)
- Phrase correcte ?/that's what I was (2010-02-15 15:42:09)
- Traductions diverses anglais-français (2010-02-15 15:21:16)
- Sharing us/sharing with us (2010-02-24 14:47:18)
- Lettre- correction (2010-02-15 19:16:02)
- Not only but also (2010-02-13 21:26:11)
- Adjectif de supériorité (2010-02-12 17:27:17)
- Rapidly ou quickly (2010-02-12 14:55:32)
- Who ou whom? (2010-02-12 13:41:42)
- Le test du CECR (2010-02-12 07:10:54)
- 'leur' ou 'pas leur' (2010-02-11 22:41:04)
- Which tense ? (2010-02-11 22:10:06)
- Lettre de motivation (2010-02-14 15:03:13)
- Quel master pr Capes d'anglais (2010-02-11 15:16:37)
- Lettre (2010-02-12 08:57:30)
- Lettre /Dear future family (2010-02-12 01:40:43)
- Past continuous (2010-02-11 20:48:18)
- Plural or singular (2010-02-11 20:56:20)
- Scrambled words '50' (2010-02-17 21:37:08)
- American studies (2010-02-10 19:55:00)
- Utiliser les bons temps (2010-02-12 11:14:51)
- Utiliser les bons temps (2010-02-15 20:30:02)
- Introduire un exposé CM1 (2010-02-10 18:46:43)
- Rapport voyage/correction (2010-02-11 21:58:50)
- Enregistrements Enjoy 4e et 3e (2010-03-01 18:46:09)
- Choix du temps (2010-02-14 17:42:05)
- Correction/Mark invited his girlfriend (2010-02-10 15:25:03)
- Groupe nominal complexe GB (2010-03-15 11:50:16)
- Combien de temps/How long ? (2010-02-10 16:39:23)
- New Year /correction (2010-02-10 19:07:50)
- Erasmus lettre (2010-02-10 01:48:04)
- Aide à la traduction-contexte commercial (2010-02-10 17:07:37)
- Traduction maladroite? (2010-02-09 22:22:06)
- Aide / 26 Celsius (2010-02-10 22:18:06)
- Traduction de mal de mer (2010-02-09 19:56:26)
- Both or 'at the same time'? (2010-02-10 10:53:19)
- Utilisation prétérit (2010-02-10 10:50:22)
- Following our telephone conversation..... (2010-02-27 12:20:16)
- Phrase 'commerciale' (2010-02-10 17:08:20)
- Cours d'anglais pour les primaires (2010-02-12 11:07:18)
- African voice/your way seconde (2010-02-11 15:41:55)
- Le sens/particules (2010-02-19 09:00:30)
- Question sur les dates (2010-02-09 00:38:38)
- Dialogue between three characters (2010-02-09 20:54:25)
- Mot-Mystère N°76 (2010-02-26 14:31:38)
- Not only-but also (2010-02-08 21:20:32)
- Correction Expression - El padre (2010-02-09 18:54:30)
- Différence/present perfect simple ou -ing (2010-02-15 20:51:09)
- Tag/prétérit à corriger (2010-02-08 21:01:04)
- Lettre de motivations en Anglais (2010-02-08 18:31:44)
- Correction - Wireless sensor networks (2010-02-08 20:01:57)
- Prétérit simple et progressif (2010-02-09 15:07:44)
- Notes en anglais (2010-02-08 15:06:35)
- Always-Verbe (2010-02-08 10:52:23)
- Who wants to be a millionaire-correction (2010-02-08 23:47:51)
- Traduction français-anglais (2010-02-07 23:30:42)
- CD classe join the team 5e (2010-02-07 21:07:22)
- Correction /windows of the ground floor (2010-02-07 22:27:31)
- Traduction/the problems (2010-02-07 21:02:05)
- Correction/choose my orientation (2010-02-07 19:15:33)
- La fonte des glaces (2010-02-07 15:18:00)
- Labour shortage (2010-02-11 01:00:50)
- Correction/Eunice is a maid (2010-02-07 13:06:12)
- Expression /sens dessus dessous (2010-02-07 14:44:15)
- The Media - Version (2010-02-07 12:13:57)
- The Media - Thème (2010-02-07 17:47:54)
- Correction of Text- Richard Lion Heart (2010-02-06 20:44:03)
- New Live 4ème File 7 (2010-02-09 11:25:13)
- Shall I marry him /Correction (2010-02-07 18:45:12)
- Correction/letter to Mummy (2010-02-06 18:25:19)
- Cardinal numbers (2010-02-06 11:27:07)
- Choix du temps - je pensais que (2010-02-05 21:05:58)
- Adjectifs composés d'un nom +ed (2010-02-07 18:26:58)
- Tu ne devais pas/shouldn't? (2010-02-04 23:56:05)
- Exemple de mail (2010-02-04 19:36:05)
- Correction- Essay - A World Without rule (2010-02-04 18:08:41)
- Comment traduire some such way? (2010-02-05 11:14:03)
- Devenir professeur d'italien (2010-02-04 18:24:54)
- Phrases-correction-explication (2010-02-05 16:07:33)
- Be + ing/picnicking (2010-02-05 07:35:27)
- Scrambled words '49' (2010-02-10 21:47:32)
- Expression pour le courriel (2010-02-03 20:10:26)
- Correction & Aide pour un texte -) (2010-02-04 11:08:38)
- Me dire si mon texte est correct (2010-02-03 18:37:50)
- Correction-free-time GB (2010-02-04 17:45:08)
- Entretien Suppléance (2010-02-02 21:45:53)
- idioms? (2010-02-03 13:39:04)
- Traduire 'en' (2010-02-02 19:18:45)
- Traduction /parcel been sent (2010-02-03 19:26:52)
- Procédés de traduction (2010-02-02 15:31:53)
- Following, sequel, continue, pursue (2010-02-03 17:11:32)
- Fun et funny (2010-02-03 08:19:38)
- Chanson 3ème? (2010-02-04 15:05:51)
- Loin de + infinitif (2010-02-02 19:03:01)
- Intonation tag (2010-03-27 01:31:41)
- Of the variety insidious signification (2010-02-01 21:25:11)
- Explication-No I'm afraid not (2010-02-01 14:41:07)
- Devenir professeur d'anglais (2010-06-15 22:03:00)
- Correction d'un rapport (2010-01-31 23:58:52)
- Linking words2 / correction (2010-01-31 19:53:34)
- Success of fast food / correction (2010-01-31 20:16:46)
- Maison de rêve. (2010-01-31 18:15:21)
- Correction d'une lettre formelle (2010-02-05 10:02:22)
- Description of Paris/correction (2010-02-06 00:36:06)
- Get sick- Be sick (2010-01-31 14:58:32)
- Correction/secret of my life (2010-01-31 15:37:59)
- 'Of' ou ' 's ' (2010-01-31 19:04:52)
- Linking word (2010-02-01 13:57:50)
- Notion de Chez/ in- at ? (2010-01-31 21:49:53)
- She answers the phone? (2010-01-31 10:31:45)
- CAPES 2011, BO? (2010-02-18 15:55:30)
- Anglais et dyslexie (2010-01-30 21:18:40)
- Résumer un film/about ghosts (2010-01-31 16:07:50)
- Expression de polyvalent pour un cv (2010-02-20 12:37:53)
- Explication-what about you? (2010-01-31 02:52:21)
- Correction/mobile phone (2010-01-30 19:11:44)
- Caplp lettres-anglais 2010 (2010-06-07 11:45:13)
- Correction/World of Poker (2010-01-31 13:20:16)
- Strange way!?!?! (2010-01-29 23:04:28)
- Traduction de Lors de (2010-01-29 16:47:09)
- Correction-much- a lot of (2010-01-29 18:55:12)
- Équivalent à 'écriture ? (2010-02-07 21:39:47)
- Colours - colors (2010-01-29 11:12:24)
- Correction-préposition (2010-01-31 10:43:57)
- Traduction/Barclays International Bank, (2010-01-28 21:35:33)
- Mot-Mystère N°75 (2010-02-08 21:04:21)
- Marilyn Monroe/Biographie/correction (2010-01-29 17:07:31)
- Présent simple ou progressif? (2010-02-01 15:45:22)
- Expression 'revenir sur' (2010-01-28 14:57:00)
- Correction version sécurité scolaire (2010-01-29 21:26:09)
- Correction/our payment (2010-01-28 08:46:15)
- Dialogue éthique/correction (2010-01-28 22:15:04)
- Indiquer un lieu dans une ville (2010-01-28 00:17:49)
- Scrambled words '48' (2010-02-03 21:50:34)
- Question tag (2010-01-31 22:16:30)
- Fiche Speakeasy (2010-01-27 21:20:17)
- Le TOEFL (2010-01-28 12:36:41)
- Relative pronouns (2010-01-27 19:16:01)
- Who or whom (2010-01-27 17:45:00)
- Traduire une phrase sans verbe (2010-01-27 18:23:27)
- Traduction de phrases.... Aidez-moi svp (2010-01-27 21:12:36)
- Agrégation interne 2010 (2010-01-28 19:20:36)
- Correction/They play in the street... (2010-01-27 15:52:14)
- Correction-phrases GB (2010-01-31 16:16:20)
- Dates des épreuves du Capes d'anglai (2010-01-27 11:20:36)
- Explication never-not ever (2010-01-27 09:48:36)
- CAPLP-Lettres Anglais - convocation (2010-01-27 10:15:20)
- To lose (2010-01-26 18:07:44)
- 'The' with a surname (2010-02-05 07:13:52)
- To be going to go? (2010-01-31 13:50:09)
- Prononciation de 'and' (2010-01-27 15:54:23)
- Signification de 'sponsor' pour (2010-01-26 17:18:15)
- Correction/ in the sixties... (2010-01-27 15:29:26)
- Réserver bien des surprises (2010-01-27 10:45:20)
- Langage soutenu et quotidien (2010-01-26 20:43:57)
- Correction traduction 'Municipalités (2010-01-27 17:41:43)
- Que faire avec un BAC S en UK (2010-01-26 12:50:57)
- On christmas ou At Christmas (2010-01-26 20:05:01)
- Forme passive (2010-01-26 11:06:52)
- Search-seek-look for (2010-01-27 21:36:42)
- Différences entre what don't you hav (2010-01-25 23:04:55)
- Aide pour traduire From What ? (2010-01-31 21:18:36)
- Traduction 'entretien collectif' (2010-01-25 21:11:15)
- Phrases interrogatives (2010-01-25 16:15:15)
- Pourquoi MOST ? (2010-01-25 18:54:29)
- Correction d'une question (2010-01-25 11:26:05)
- Question simple 'How far' (2010-01-25 10:32:54)
- Traduire bronkin'buck (2010-01-28 23:05:31)
- Une phrase en anglais (2010-01-25 02:05:56)
- Mail pour postuler a un stage (2010-01-24 23:40:36)
- Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème IV (2010-03-09 15:34:58)
- Quel temps? (2010-01-24 19:07:03)
- Give it a go - He is to do it (2010-01-25 17:03:41)
- Vérification exercices GB (2010-01-24 23:30:13)
- Inspiration / correction. (2010-01-25 16:46:26)
- Enquête / Correction (2010-01-24 17:23:24)
- Traduction de phrase (2010-01-24 15:51:09)
- Face expressions (2010-02-18 08:56:13)
- Traduction d'une dissert en anglais (2010-01-24 13:46:04)
- Traduction (2010-01-24 13:36:14)
- Correction /Oliver Twist (2010-01-24 14:05:56)
- Futur proche (2010-01-25 14:40:40)
- Study of the image (2010-01-24 20:20:56)
- Correction- I didn't have (2010-01-26 08:48:51)
- Correction/I would drop you a line (2010-01-23 23:07:53)
- Corrigé /is there a car? (2010-01-23 21:39:20)
- Transcrire en API (2010-01-23 17:52:27)
- Grammaire (2010-01-23 16:01:00)
- Rédaction/ ideal school (2010-01-24 15:35:24)
- Idealism/professional career /correction (2010-01-24 10:23:17)
- Trip in Australia/your experiences (2010-06-29 13:30:59)
- PLC2 situation (2010-01-23 19:39:27)
- I hope ou I wish (2010-04-18 18:20:58)
- Corrigé d'un essai (2010-01-23 16:09:17)
- Reprise de l'auxiliaire/Tags (2010-01-23 10:31:26)
- Correction-phrase (2010-01-22 16:20:40)
- Aide pour texte/introduce myself (2010-01-22 19:44:36)
- Durée et vente en anglais pour les NRC (2010-01-24 10:09:03)
- Traduction de worked-out (2010-01-22 14:03:56)
- Who are they? (2010-01-21 23:27:22)
- Look like (2010-01-21 23:51:43)
- Softly (2010-01-21 22:45:56)
- 's (2010-01-21 20:08:27)
- 'good' or 'well' (2010-02-15 05:25:17)
- Besoin explication sur les articles (2010-01-21 19:20:11)
- Devoir sur uneTraduction de texte (2010-01-21 21:13:08)
- Shopping /Correction (2010-01-24 15:42:36)
- Toward or towards (2010-02-15 18:41:42)
- Différence Workplacement- internships? (2010-01-21 00:02:49)
- Scrambled words '47' (2010-01-27 22:07:01)
- Expression/ politicians' family lif (2010-01-24 11:04:22)
- Aide pour devoir , BTS MUC (2010-01-21 18:08:49)
- Expression à traduire (2010-01-20 18:16:16)
- Discours indirect 2 (2010-01-20 16:49:58)
- Corrigé d'un essai (2010-01-20 16:51:30)
- A boy's journey (2010-01-21 14:59:51)
- Style indirect (2010-01-20 17:06:08)
- Traduction d'expression (2010-01-20 15:58:14)
- Correction traduction de phrases (2010-01-21 00:41:28)
- Explication-reading (2010-01-20 15:32:19)
- At the weekend-correction (2010-01-20 10:36:21)
- travail en 2x8 (2010-01-20 09:48:38)
- getting off track ? (2010-01-19 23:54:30)
- Sujet d'anglais-concours/aide (2010-01-21 14:35:20)
- Dates/Mondays? (2010-01-20 01:37:38)
- Confirmation d'inscription CAPES (2010-01-22 12:57:02)
- Raconter/ One day Tony got up... (2010-01-19 23:22:03)
- Traduction d'une phrase (2010-01-19 19:03:49)
- Explication de phrases(différence THE-A) (2010-01-19 20:00:42)
- Can et to be able to (2010-01-20 00:09:03)
- Mot-Mystère N°74 (2010-01-29 17:55:43)
- Thèmes-Versions E3A (corrigés?) (2010-01-18 23:03:07)
- Discussion dans un hôtel - corrections (2010-01-18 19:38:40)
- Difference entre as if et as though (2010-01-19 15:34:50)
- Valeur des formes en -ing (2010-01-18 18:50:05)
- Correction (2010-01-18 19:02:04)
- Date admissibilité CAPES (2010-01-18 16:00:10)
- Dessins humoristiques pour débat (2010-01-19 13:01:50)
- Passive form (2010-01-18 16:24:19)
- Citations (2010-01-18 13:57:54)
- Correspondance technique-correction (2010-01-18 19:48:34)
- Corrections-phrase (2010-01-19 18:16:09)
- Essay / first meeting at school (2010-01-20 20:55:08)
- 'Best remembered ' (2010-01-18 18:57:09)
- Correction / I live in New-York (2010-01-17 20:00:26)
- Rip problem? (2010-01-17 20:56:33)
- Histoire/live nowhere (2010-01-17 19:54:53)
- Anglais/section européenne (2010-01-18 21:01:34)
- Ecology and correction (2010-01-17 19:15:19)
- Everybody et présent (2010-01-17 16:48:10)
- Correction/Take one's time (2010-01-17 17:39:12)
- Quantifiers (2010-01-17 19:53:29)
- Essay+ideas (2010-01-17 20:50:58)
- There is ou there is about ? (2010-01-17 13:17:48)
- Préparation TOEIC (2010-01-17 15:57:44)
- Question Orthographe - Anglais (2010-01-17 12:04:06)
- Le test TCF (2010-01-16 23:19:12)
- Correction/become a doctor (2010-01-16 21:09:33)
- Correction/beautiful voice (2010-01-16 20:50:41)
- Mots avec diphtongues (2010-01-16 18:05:00)
- Rester ouvert/accept ? (2010-01-17 19:34:25)
- Join the team + Enjoy collège (2010-03-22 22:06:53)
- Correction grammaire 'currently' (2010-01-17 13:55:38)
- Like + ing ? (2010-01-16 14:43:03)
- Comparatif/wider (2010-01-16 19:18:45)
- Le - s - du pluriel , sa prononciation (2010-01-16 13:25:33)
- Correction,explication GB (2010-01-16 14:24:25)
- Vocabulaire Audio Confirmé (2010-01-16 09:37:47)
- Mal être/ill-being? (2010-01-16 04:03:11)
- Ought to et should have (2010-01-16 08:59:37)
- My day/correction (2010-01-18 17:49:26)
- Affirmative action, rédaction (2010-01-15 23:15:50)
- Means - get down stay down (2010-01-21 05:20:43)
- Always+Verbs of State (2010-01-21 06:28:32)
- Landlady (2010-01-18 10:04:30)
- Nuance entre answer et response (2010-01-15 17:22:27)
- Futur antérieur en anglais (2010-01-16 18:15:35)
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