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- Questions tags (2010-01-06 16:07:53)

- Dissertation/je- nous- on (2010-01-05 15:36:35)

- Question à créer GB (2010-01-05 23:03:25)

- Aide Correction Mini rapport stage (2010-01-04 22:22:19)

- Correction/Today it's a dark day (2010-01-05 11:00:40)

- The car keys ? (2010-01-05 01:20:49)

- CV /équivalences diplômes (2010-01-11 21:37:03)

- Comparatif et superlatif (2010-01-04 20:07:34)

- 'il y avait' (2010-01-04 16:36:58)

- Forme interrogative (2010-01-04 17:02:43)

- Difference in meaning (2010-01-05 05:10:13)

- Expression idiomatique (2010-01-04 14:27:00)

- Prétérit (2010-01-04 16:20:34)

- Was were wasn't et weren't (2010-01-04 16:43:45)

- Traduction doc/Canterbury Tales (2010-01-04 11:35:41)

- Comparatif et superlatif (2010-01-04 19:35:55)

- Can I Say (2010-01-12 01:07:22)

- Article/a train ticket (2010-01-04 08:48:04)

- Le passif un petit probleme (2010-01-04 09:51:51)

- Direct-Indirect speech (2010-01-03 22:02:04)

- food and medicine/Correction (2010-01-03 21:10:20)

- Correction (2010-01-03 20:23:26)

- Explication-phrase (2010-01-03 16:19:41)

- Rosa Parks/correction (2010-01-03 16:06:57)

- Correction/collective panic (2010-01-03 16:17:25)

- While (2010-01-03 13:48:31)

- Correction/Asterix (2010-01-03 11:43:36)

- Correction/kerosene lanterns (2010-01-03 19:24:17)

- Les unites de mesure (2010-01-03 08:03:38)

- Place de yet (2010-03-19 17:04:37)

- Aidez-moi/modaux (2010-01-03 09:36:38)

- Wish (2010-03-05 09:01:09)

- Prépositions et adverbes (2010-01-02 20:54:02)

- Corriger/change one's life (2010-01-03 12:03:26)

- Structure d'un titre de graphique (2010-01-02 19:14:52)

- Condemned or doomed? (2010-01-17 13:05:44)

- Stagiaire / difficultés (2010-02-28 16:35:09)

- Traduction de 'faire débat' (2010-01-02 12:02:30)

- Question tag (2010-04-21 10:57:40)

- Correction /love my country (2010-01-03 22:54:16)

- Qu'est-ce qu'une emphase? (2010-01-01 18:41:20)

- Correction /Déchets (2010-01-02 09:52:13)

- Expression-passion in life (2010-01-02 11:56:49)

- Mutualisation des cours (2010-01-01 15:13:33)

- Correction-phrase (2009-12-31 16:51:10)

- Correction/major role in your life (2010-01-03 21:38:53)

- Expression (2010-01-18 20:23:53)

- Traduction / have already asked... (2009-12-31 12:24:04)

- French handball /correction (2009-12-31 15:11:38)

- Fermeture d'un sujet (2009-12-31 12:09:38)

- Traduction-Voici du thé (2009-12-31 11:44:40)

- Town-city (2009-12-31 11:37:03)

- Correction-phrases diverses GB (2010-01-03 11:02:22)

- Traduction/farms into fuel plants (2009-12-31 00:56:18)

- Scrambled words '44' (2010-01-06 21:57:00)

- Several + nombre (2009-12-30 21:35:35)

- Have known ou have been knowing (2009-12-30 21:35:30)

- Traduction/her late twenties (2009-12-30 20:55:52)

- Correction/films and subtitles (2009-12-30 22:01:37)

- Traduction/How many educations (2009-12-31 17:00:57)

- Élève ; besoin d'aide (2010-01-10 20:22:40)

- Correction/Nobel Peace Prize (2010-01-03 20:54:00)

- Holiday job or holiday work? (2010-01-07 11:18:05)

- Correction-dialogue (2009-12-30 14:14:07)

- Test et superlatif (2009-12-30 09:44:21)

- Le brevet (2010-03-22 19:29:14)

- Un texte au passé/Holidays (2010-01-03 15:50:59)

- be+ing/simple present/correction (2009-12-29 22:53:36)

- Accompagnement des élèves difficiles (2010-01-09 13:25:26)

- Problemes de traduction (2009-12-29 19:10:55)

- Correction-phrases (2009-12-30 09:38:38)

- Ce qui fait (traduction) (2009-12-29 16:35:52)

- May could (2009-12-29 16:31:46)

- Différence if+present simple et if+past (2009-12-29 15:59:52)

- Have to-must (2009-12-29 18:36:36)

- Mode-traduction (2009-12-29 16:19:16)

- Aide à la traduction-contexte technique (2009-12-29 20:42:50)

- There are or is enough (2009-12-29 11:44:55)

- Your way seconde cassette audio (2009-12-29 11:10:25)

- Same-comparaison traduction (2009-12-29 12:02:09)

- Comparative-superlative (2010-01-28 19:23:44)

- Correction/Sean Mortimer (2009-12-29 00:22:55)

- woman welcomes/correction (2010-01-02 10:38:07)

- Section européenne (2010-02-10 11:18:20)

- Tags (2009-12-29 15:04:20)

- Correction/my life changed a lot (2009-12-28 19:54:39)

- TOEIC et phrasal verbs (2009-12-28 11:45:14)

- Traduction - one-foot-square ! (2010-01-04 06:45:41)

- Apprentissage verbes irréguliers 5e (2010-03-11 18:24:36)

- Lettre de motivation- correction!!! (2009-12-27 19:15:58)

- London / correction (2010-01-03 11:12:05)

- King Lear Q et F (2009-12-28 17:21:20)

- Exercice /Correction (2009-12-26 19:29:02)

- Correction/busy Saturday (2009-12-30 10:15:19)

- Correction/school today (2010-01-02 15:29:09)

- Correction traduction de phrases (2009-12-25 16:25:35)

- self-studying (2009-12-24 18:58:34)

- Scrambled words '43' (2009-12-30 21:48:14)

- Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année (2010-02-01 13:39:08)

- Chanson oceana/we were in... (2009-12-24 13:42:50)

- On the phone - Traduire (2009-12-23 22:41:58)

- What would you say in these situations? (2009-12-23 19:29:56)

- Actualité-News/aide (2009-12-29 20:44:00)

- Accord 3eme pers singulier (2009-12-23 08:55:34)

- Lettre de motivation/correction (2010-01-21 15:00:18)

- Traducteur avec le curseur (2009-12-23 15:23:45)

- Traduction/ appearance (2009-12-23 02:11:01)

- Correction /description (2009-12-23 15:01:57)

- Commenter une image (2009-12-22 15:28:15)

- Ça ne fait rien/ask for (2009-12-22 19:24:57)

- Correction - Demande de logement (2009-12-21 19:25:59)

- Vocabulaire économique (2010-02-25 02:25:31)

- Texte à trous (2009-12-21 18:03:01)

- Application letter /correction (2009-12-22 02:20:41)

- Correction /lettre de motivation (2009-12-21 15:25:06)

- Correction/fourmis (2009-12-22 02:47:41)

- Traduction-phrases (2009-12-21 11:37:54)

- Emploi de « alacrity » (2009-12-22 11:56:55)

- Mot-Mystère N°72 (2010-01-05 21:37:40)

- Give or take (2009-12-21 14:30:33)

- Questions tags ? (2009-12-21 00:52:12)

- Correction - go (2009-12-19 16:10:54)

- Help/going to read (2009-12-21 12:08:18)

- Intonation (2009-12-19 11:46:08)

- Finally or Eventually? (2009-12-22 19:59:07)

- Used to and be used to (2009-12-20 11:02:25)

- Traduction/ termes cv (2009-12-30 13:44:02)

- Traduction GB/arbre qui tombe (2009-12-19 06:43:52)

- Proverbe/ omelette (2009-12-18 22:40:36)

- Tâche finale et coefficient (2009-12-26 20:58:27)

- Quelle est la bonne question? (2009-12-18 15:08:40)

- Devenir prof d'anglais/ trop tard? (2009-12-18 11:56:44)

- Someone-somebody (2009-12-18 09:44:27)

- Present perfect (2009-12-21 14:00:39)

- Correction/nothing without diplomas (2009-12-18 10:13:34)

- Claude Gueux by Victor Hugo/correction (2009-12-17 23:39:01)

- Conditionnel progressif (2009-12-17 22:06:13)

- Questions with do and be (2009-12-19 16:14:16)

- Auxiliaires (2009-12-17 23:31:36)

- Why -the? (2009-12-18 18:03:58)

- Being (2009-12-17 17:56:11)

- Traduction /report of no account (2009-12-17 15:17:53)

- Correction /electronic engineer (2009-12-17 13:40:38)

- Correction/ Can ou know (2009-12-21 14:12:46)

- Hurry up (2009-12-17 00:29:34)

- Scrambled words '42' (2009-12-23 22:22:04)

- Correction d une phrase - temps passé (2009-12-17 15:01:25)

- Expression with stupid (2009-12-19 20:32:30)

- Mettre en douceur (2009-12-17 19:27:00)

- Prepositions- at, in (2009-12-29 23:18:54)

- Correction-phrases (2009-12-16 18:01:17)

- Traduire/voici la clé de votre chambre (2009-12-16 15:27:02)

- A little letter/correction (2009-12-16 16:12:20)

- Help/like to or like - ing (2009-12-17 14:03:58)

- Sentence (2010-01-12 15:18:48)

- Idées pour animation d'1 cours (2009-12-15 23:17:00)

- Traduction diplôme du baccalauréat (2009-12-15 20:35:26)

- cover letter / correction (2009-12-16 14:56:47)

- Problème comparatif- gros doute ! (2009-12-16 12:36:22)

- Aide sur le 'de' (2009-12-15 16:02:06)

- Me too- so am I (2009-12-15 22:10:02)

- Help/high time (2009-12-16 13:13:20)

- Correction/used to (2009-12-15 12:23:32)

- Traduction/millionaire (2009-12-16 16:25:00)

- Ordre des adjectifs épithètes (2009-12-15 13:17:58)

- Your picture in fifteen years (2009-12-14 23:34:20)

- Correction (2009-12-14 23:20:01)

- Correction /I would go to work (2009-12-21 08:58:35)

- Correction/ au bar (2009-12-14 19:47:55)

- Abolition de l'esclavage (2010-02-23 18:26:59)

- Notation en tiers temps (2009-12-25 19:30:18)

- Rédaction/Eiffel Tower (2010-01-16 17:49:40)

- Traduction/going to know (2009-12-14 14:27:59)

- Ecrire à une amie imaginaire (2009-12-15 08:15:29)

- To say hello (2009-12-14 21:51:52)

- Correction/Thank you very much... (2009-12-14 18:04:36)

- Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème III (2010-02-02 17:11:31)

- Correction /forests in Australia (2009-12-14 18:48:10)

- Here is (2009-12-13 23:19:58)

- Correction voix passive (2009-12-13 21:45:58)

- Prétérit+ever (2009-12-13 20:16:05)

- Essay sur les vacances (2009-12-13 18:29:15)

- Correction/petit dialogue (2009-12-13 20:19:03)

- Exposé (2009-12-15 18:24:03)

- Correction Had it not been (2009-12-16 10:55:40)

- Summary/Global Warming (2009-12-14 19:24:36)

- Mots d'encouragements pour élèves (2009-12-16 18:36:37)

- Traduction -Peter rabbit (2009-12-13 11:27:26)

- Explication/once upon a time (2009-12-13 10:33:27)

- Traduction d'expression (2009-12-13 11:50:48)

- Do ou rien (2009-12-13 06:36:34)

- Impératif de Be? (2009-12-13 15:07:58)

- Correction exposé sur JO Londres (2009-12-13 13:47:35)

- Correction rapport de stage (2009-12-16 21:09:59)

- Idioms at work- Thème (2010-04-01 18:20:07)

- Dans 15 ans / correction (2009-12-14 10:43:15)

- Still et yet (2009-12-13 04:12:37)

- Will you or won't you? (2009-12-14 18:18:23)

- Correction/my internship (2009-12-12 13:50:51)

- Dès que-as soon as (2009-12-11 16:43:44)

- Present Perfect or Preterit? (2009-12-11 23:33:35)

- How have you been ? (2009-12-11 19:01:38)

- Futur et never (2009-12-13 05:05:56)

- Prétérit ???? (2009-12-11 12:54:53)

- This / that (2009-12-11 13:49:03)

- Questions-phrases (2009-12-11 17:03:03)

- Correction dialogue Nespresso (2010-01-09 17:48:33)

- tags / correction (2009-12-10 23:17:35)

- This-that (2009-12-10 12:31:41)

- Utilisation de to be present in (2009-12-10 10:46:02)

- Devoirs à la maison en théorie (2009-12-30 15:47:37)

- Just-traduction (2009-12-10 10:50:59)

- Traduction /10° de plus que (2009-12-13 04:28:04)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2009-12-11 11:32:04)

- Utiliser des adjectifs en ed (2009-12-10 17:58:40)

- Is it correct ? (2009-12-18 20:01:47)

- Utilisation de reproduce-recreate (2009-12-10 09:22:32)

- Phrase un peu lourde à revoir svp (2009-12-10 09:21:57)

- Joggle français et anglais (2009-12-16 18:24:37)

- Cover letter (2009-12-11 01:10:03)

- Scrambled words '41' (2009-12-16 22:51:55)

- Aide phrases simples en anglais (2009-12-10 18:42:20)

- PET ou FCE (2009-12-09 21:06:12)

- Traduction :pour - for or to? (2009-12-13 05:00:52)

- Correction -phrase (2009-12-09 20:35:49)

- Traduction : Rdv en terre inconnue (2009-12-09 19:32:53)

- Fiche sur le débat (2009-12-09 16:52:17)

- My son (correction) (2009-12-08 23:02:00)

- Help ! 'Ils se sont nommés !' ? (2009-12-09 00:14:28)

- Idée de tâche finale (2009-12-13 13:00:04)

- Echange Cds Enjoy New Spring (2009-12-12 14:06:43)

- Traduction-here (2009-12-09 20:46:24)

- Traduction/contingent-fortuitous (2009-12-15 08:50:10)

- Formation/entrées sorties permanentes (2009-12-07 23:39:42)

- Correction/iron-grey breast-feather (2009-12-08 17:47:48)

- Correction/tourism (2009-12-08 00:24:35)

- Utilisation de as well (2009-12-07 22:16:52)

- Traduction 'confine' (2009-12-07 20:47:27)

- Mariebru (2009-12-08 01:55:35)

- Génitif (2009-12-13 04:51:22)

- Emploi avec if - will ou would ? (2009-12-07 19:34:51)

- Récit/new technology (2009-12-07 08:50:16)

- Correction texte- fiction (2009-12-07 23:26:49)

- Las Vegas/Correction (2009-12-06 22:23:07)

- Traduction de AOC et AOP (2009-12-07 17:54:52)

- Correction structure (2009-12-06 19:05:43)

- Peur des concours (2009-12-07 08:45:55)

- Dialogue/ 2 friends on the phone (2009-12-06 21:35:56)

- Plus les ... plus (2009-12-06 20:25:36)

- Dialogue/ about alcohol (2009-12-07 23:13:31)

- Correction/science fiction story (2009-12-06 23:59:57)

- GET + participe passé (2009-12-07 17:27:02)

- Correction/comic strip (2009-12-06 18:51:04)

- Traduction/takeaway food (2009-12-06 17:29:16)

- Petites expressions à traduire (2009-12-07 23:11:46)

- Pronoms relatives- That et Who (2009-12-06 16:27:12)

- Portrait/suffragette movement (2009-12-06 16:18:55)

- Traduction/help my owner (2009-12-06 10:57:11)

- I wish + past perfect modal (2009-12-06 13:21:49)

- Les nombres ordinaux (2009-12-06 07:02:44)

- Correction - Friends (2009-12-07 23:12:45)

- Prefer- traduction (2009-12-05 18:24:31)

- Correction /Golden Gate Bridge (2009-12-11 18:55:08)

- Correction/Durée moyenne de séjours (2009-12-05 18:42:35)

- How long? (2009-12-05 16:04:31)

- L'écologie (2009-12-06 11:25:22)

- violence/correction (2009-12-09 19:58:12)

- I-me (2009-12-05 12:22:54)

- Traduction/consacrer du temps (2009-12-05 15:30:57)

- Mot-Mystère N°71 (2009-12-20 14:13:41)

- Sa fille ? / Correction (2009-12-06 12:55:47)

- letter to The Observer /correction (2009-12-05 07:47:15)

- Correction /space station (2009-12-05 14:33:24)

- When should we use “ do” (2009-12-13 03:24:38)

- COrrection-incapable d'un discours (2009-12-05 23:51:03)

- Nombres de pages dans CV anglais (2009-12-04 17:04:44)

- Does not have (2009-12-03 20:18:00)

- Prononciation du 'h' (2009-12-03 19:17:25)

- Traduction/an indigent man (2009-12-03 17:49:47)

- Present perfect (2009-12-03 15:45:07)

- Signification en français ? (2009-12-04 15:12:01)

- Scrambled words '40' (2009-12-09 21:56:52)

- Continuer à (2009-12-03 22:50:02)

- Désamorçage (2009-12-02 20:54:51)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2009-12-02 21:13:45)

- Traduction/shopping (2009-12-05 16:23:59)

- Critère évaluation de langue renforcée (2009-12-02 14:28:31)

- Tenses- (2009-12-09 23:47:53)

- Correction - Summary (2009-12-06 14:39:40)

- Traduire/sentences (2009-12-06 02:19:32)

- Traduction/The Dakota crept lower (2009-12-02 11:46:02)

- Compréhension/speedboat (2009-12-01 20:24:56)

- Where - Wherever (2009-12-01 10:56:08)

- New Spring 4e/Enjoy 4e (2010-02-18 19:49:46)

- Are to (2009-12-01 13:57:28)

- Je ne comprends pas 'you saw' (2009-11-30 18:50:53)

- CV et lettre de motivation en anglais (2009-11-30 05:58:42)

- Reste-t-il encore du temps? (2009-11-29 20:29:42)

- Différence Infringe et Enforce (2009-11-29 17:31:44)

- Concerne exo 50055 (2009-11-29 16:53:27)

- Liaison s ou ch avec th à prononcer (2009-11-29 23:16:48)

- Need for an explanation (2009-11-29 15:55:00)

- Describe the market (2009-12-04 18:57:48)

- Big surprise (2009-12-01 06:34:30)

- Résumé étude scientifique - Correction (2009-11-29 23:35:30)

- Dialogue écrit (2009-11-29 15:43:52)

- Rédaction - Reality TV (2009-12-02 22:44:25)

- Correction/hens from her neighbours (2009-12-06 17:10:32)

- Help traduction! (2009-11-29 10:11:27)

- Cadre européen des langue, niveau A, B C (2009-11-28 15:24:46)

- Y'a t-il des fautes ? (2009-11-29 17:56:58)

- Correction dialogue !! (2009-11-28 13:31:25)

- Correction / interview (2009-11-28 18:40:06)

- Expressions avec 'happen' (2009-11-28 20:42:01)

- CO - Compréhension de l'oral (2009-11-29 14:48:37)

- Correction d une phrase (2009-11-28 22:08:40)

- What have you done - Been doing today ? (2010-02-15 14:18:32)

- Survivors/correction (2009-12-05 21:39:38)

- Traduction/career record (2009-11-30 18:10:09)

- Neither and so (2009-11-30 17:06:54)

- Conditionnel (2009-11-28 16:55:35)

- Texte - Fautes (2009-11-26 20:04:04)

- Correction/missing information (2009-11-26 19:42:05)

- Vocabulaire/atmosphere (2009-12-01 21:43:51)

- Révisions et CAPES (2010-01-11 18:16:32)

- Lettre de motivation en anglais (2009-11-26 16:39:38)

- L'examen d'anglais des CAP (2009-11-26 14:51:06)

- Scrambled words '39' (2009-12-02 21:34:56)

- Reading passages (2009-12-23 22:10:31)

- Help for some exercises (2009-11-25 17:41:14)

- the best vacations /correction (2009-11-25 17:04:14)

- Dialogue/ Family life (2009-11-28 21:30:30)

- Oral à corriger. (2009-11-28 06:20:43)

- Correction -Stm about myself (2009-11-28 06:12:35)

- Present perfect ou prétérit (2009-11-26 22:06:22)

- Mot-Mystère N°70 (2009-12-05 10:14:18)

- Les pompiers/correction (2009-11-25 07:23:58)

- Accord avec none (2009-11-25 15:26:27)

- City Council of Lille /Correction (2009-11-25 12:36:30)

- Utilisation de à la force de (2009-11-25 13:33:06)

- N Rockwell c0rrection (2009-11-29 20:45:24)

- Traduction /présentation va durer... (2009-11-24 20:28:44)

- Pb de traduction de l'appartenance (2009-11-26 10:29:29)

- Here we go/ Here we come (2009-11-24 11:57:15)

- L'assistante d'anglais (2009-11-24 06:51:14)

- Test Bright Evolution (2009-11-23 21:29:32)

- Correction Text (2009-11-28 06:47:08)

- Il se fait (2009-11-29 02:50:55)

- Lisa raconte / correction. (2009-11-28 07:03:49)

- Comparaitre devant le tribunal (2009-11-24 16:29:51)

- Le pronom 'que' (2009-11-23 18:36:01)

- Utilisation du the (2010-02-09 19:11:39)

- Ordre des mots (2009-11-24 11:28:51)

- Traduction de donnée calendaire (2009-11-24 10:11:01)

- L'un et l'autre (2009-11-23 19:02:11)

- Essay/ You are what you eat (2009-11-23 19:05:45)

- Correction globalization 2 (2009-11-22 18:47:09)

- Utilisation de 'ere long' (2009-11-22 18:25:43)

- Chronologie / aide (2009-12-17 19:44:14)

- Phrase de traduction (2009-11-25 12:45:48)

- Correction globalisation (2009-11-24 18:05:32)

- Aide pour traduction (2009-11-24 23:00:10)

- Petits romains pre-intermediate (2009-11-21 19:44:30)

- Preterit ou present perfect (2009-11-21 23:33:50)

- Lettre de motivation - correction (2010-02-22 17:50:43)

- Correction de texte (2009-11-21 17:06:46)

- Le genre du navire? (2009-11-22 06:00:03)

- Comment traduire 'government-run (2009-11-21 14:11:42)

- Correction fautes dans phrases (2009-11-21 15:24:17)

- Inspection en TL-ES complément (2009-11-20 21:09:57)

- Since for (2010-06-15 18:43:36)

- Billy Elliot (2009-11-24 11:47:00)

- Exercice d'entrainement (2009-11-20 19:27:29)

- That or which (2009-11-20 16:48:07)

- Ecologie / correction (2009-11-22 11:48:49)

- Mot-Mystère N°69 (2009-11-28 16:26:52)

- Mutations, mode d'emploi (2009-11-20 15:33:31)

- Chat audio et vidéo (2010-07-25 11:37:23)

- Traduction/pumps and brewery (2009-11-19 11:04:04)

- Verbes de perception (2009-11-19 14:55:13)

- Scrambled words '38' (2009-11-25 21:11:07)

- Place de l'adverbe (2009-11-20 19:12:27)

- conférence climatique /Correction (2009-11-19 18:50:30)

- Correction de texte (2009-11-18 17:53:14)

- German film /! ( Correction ) (2009-11-18 19:55:58)

- Correction demandée d'1 petit paragr (2009-11-23 18:17:15)

- Correction de description pour film !!!! (2009-11-18 18:25:44)

- Répartition trace écrite en renforcé (2009-11-18 12:30:46)

- Dialogue en Anglais (2009-11-18 18:35:12)

- Comment traduire dont ? (2010-01-04 19:25:26)

- Doute sur le terme 'terre-plein' (2009-11-18 10:31:15)

- Résumé/Hitchcock (2009-11-18 11:38:31)

- Se tourner le dos ??! (2009-11-18 12:53:40)

- Aide/different data transmission speeds (2009-11-19 20:41:04)

- Capes allemand 2009 (2009-11-27 10:54:04)

- Révision allemand (2009-12-27 23:58:33)

- Commande sur un site anglais AIDE please (2009-11-18 08:49:10)

- Help correction text (2009-11-17 16:33:34)

- Aide formule de politesse-excuse (2009-11-17 15:42:45)

- Revenir vite / aide (2009-11-18 10:33:03)

- English courses (2009-11-17 11:59:24)

- Cartoon / correction. (2009-11-19 11:33:14)

- Is it polite? (2009-12-03 14:45:41)

- Joyeux anniversaire Bridg (2009-11-17 13:50:03)

- Misunderstanding (2009-11-28 07:06:40)

- Thème (2009-11-17 00:24:20)

- Correction lettre de motivation Job! (2009-11-16 23:57:14)

- Vérification de texte (2010-03-09 16:58:18)

- Temps de verbe ! (2009-11-17 11:36:02)

- Correction d'un poster !!!!!! (2009-11-17 20:03:44)

- Nombre (2009-11-17 16:34:44)

- Traduction 'une grande ville' (2009-11-17 12:09:43)

- Traduction abbréviation française (2009-11-17 10:15:05)

- aquabuoy ? (aide) (2009-12-03 09:31:59)

- When, what ou how ? (2009-11-16 16:42:55)

- And dans la date (2009-11-16 20:16:46)

- Lettre de Motivation (correction) (2009-11-16 10:11:36)

- Association de correspondants (2009-11-16 08:56:51)

- Traduction - communication interne (2009-11-16 22:29:37)

- Correction d'une phrase (2009-11-17 23:03:31)

- Get right! (2009-11-16 16:40:10)

- Une miraculée pas ordinaireThème II (2009-12-13 14:45:08)

- Energie verte/ Correction (2009-11-16 11:53:50)

- Programme 2011 CAPES Anglais (2009-11-24 22:46:07)

- Traduire 'Stage' (2009-11-16 01:21:28)

- Choix du verbe après meanwhile (2009-11-16 12:49:36)

- Correction/ Globalisation (2009-11-16 12:45:16)

- Present perfect ou preterit+ing (2009-11-16 21:29:36)

- Traduction (2009-11-15 20:23:19)

- Commentaire - Brazil takes off (2009-11-15 21:40:04)

- Vocabulaire sportif (2009-11-15 19:33:03)

- Since when (2009-11-15 16:00:03)

- Expression oral anglais (2009-11-15 15:40:57)

- futur dans 9 ans/ correction (2009-11-15 18:38:17)

- Report about a visit through Vietnam (2009-11-15 14:34:16)

- To use the tense (2009-11-16 22:38:41)

- Correction- avenir des enfants (2009-11-15 07:13:20)

- familial house/correction (2009-11-14 17:30:37)

- Pauline / correction (2009-11-15 13:19:53)

- Doute entre prétérit et Past perfect (2009-11-15 07:22:49)

- Aide traduction (2009-11-15 11:07:14)

- Professeur en Angleterre (2009-11-14 19:26:17)

- Lettre de motivation/correction (2009-11-24 11:52:00)

- Refus (correction) (2009-11-16 13:07:01)

- Traduction (2009-11-14 08:14:44)

- Correction d'un E-mail (devoir) (2009-11-13 18:49:38)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2009-11-13 18:12:41)

- CV en anglais (2009-11-13 14:19:36)

- Programme d'anglais en maths sup-spé (2009-11-12 23:57:56)

- Help fiche pédagogique !!!! (2009-11-12 23:28:58)

- Jeu de rôle / correction (2009-11-22 15:04:35)

- How should I say?! (2009-11-13 13:58:27)

- “ The most dangerous advice you can give (2009-11-12 14:02:59)

- Traduction de 'I feel like a walk (2009-11-14 16:31:51)

- Conditionnel (2009-11-12 12:47:42)

- Scrambled words '37' (2009-11-18 22:28:04)

- Choix du temps (2009-11-13 08:19:12)

- Traduction d une phrase (2009-11-12 10:05:21)

- Correction thème (Nick Griffin on the BB (2009-11-13 11:42:10)

- Composed or compound (2009-11-12 10:10:52)

- Destination Nouvelle Zélande ? (2009-11-13 14:20:48)

- Prénoms Anglais (2009-11-15 16:00:20)

- Faute - texte (2009-11-12 19:03:10)

- Vocabulaire sportif (2009-11-11 21:09:50)

- Adresses Américaines (2009-11-11 21:48:25)

- Correction- Texte (2009-11-11 18:03:23)

- Lettre commerciale en anglais (2009-11-11 20:31:01)

- Correction /Federer a famous tennisman (2009-11-14 10:38:55)

- Comment dit on ? (2009-11-11 16:55:14)

- Aide rédaction (2009-11-15 17:49:56)

- To wish (2009-11-11 14:50:25)

- Correction/home in West-End (2009-11-11 00:06:48)

- Aide pour une lettre (élève de terminale (2009-11-12 13:13:59)

- The haunted house (rédaction à corriger) (2009-11-11 13:00:19)

- L'écriture phonétique (2009-11-11 19:47:24)

- Correction lettre de motivation (2009-11-16 23:31:57)

- Comment dit on 2008 en anglais? (2009-11-19 20:32:16)

- Would you mind my opening the door? (2009-11-10 10:35:24)

- Cherche chanson alphabet (2009-11-10 21:32:44)

- Master en linguistique anglaise (2009-11-09 19:44:58)

- Correction /e-commerce (niv L2) (2009-11-10 11:16:35)

- I kind of feel the same way (2009-11-11 16:19:44)

- Traduction d une question (2009-11-09 21:48:51)

- Gérer sa classe (2009-11-10 19:52:46)

- Correction -le lendemain matin (2009-11-10 18:14:36)

- Traduction 'C'est bien son genr (2009-11-09 18:12:50)

- Correction/we look closely at a man (2009-11-09 22:35:22)

- Du Secondaire à l'université (2009-11-10 12:16:37)

- Recherche chanson sur l'alphabet (2009-11-08 20:56:42)

- Traduire 'direction' (2009-11-09 11:10:29)

- Question grammaire/ 30 years old (2009-11-13 11:39:19)

- Simply a question (2009-11-08 15:35:39)

- Haruki Murakami / Correction (2009-11-09 16:03:55)

- Sandra to John, her boyfriend/correction (2009-11-09 15:47:39)

- Le mur / correction (2009-11-17 16:18:35)

- Titres et abréviations (2009-11-08 15:29:44)

- Traduction - Se lancer à l'assaut (2009-11-08 12:04:47)

- Human being /correction (2009-11-07 14:53:28)

- Stepmom/correction (2009-11-10 14:36:03)

- still? (2010-04-22 10:43:37)

- Omission du sujet (2009-11-07 18:43:05)

- Is it true or false? (2009-11-08 16:04:14)

- Option Anglais au Bac ? (2009-11-09 16:34:34)

- Textes menuiserie (2009-11-08 14:17:01)

- Internet/Correction (2009-11-07 23:14:40)

- Reported speech (2010-03-23 19:38:28)

- Help for translation (2009-11-06 20:53:37)

- Conditionnel passé/wolves barked-barking (2009-11-06 18:07:37)

- Sens de 'aside' (2009-11-05 22:00:40)

- Besoin d'aide pour rédaction (2009-11-05 19:47:05)

- Compréhension orale crime stories (2009-11-06 16:11:03)

- David / Correction (2009-11-06 23:22:49)

- Parents-enseignants? Correction (2009-11-05 15:56:38)

- Past Perfect ou Past Perfect Progressif (2009-11-09 14:41:10)

- Needn't - Don't have to (2009-11-07 12:24:24)

- A person = (she or he)? (2009-11-05 19:41:16)

- Traduction de l'imparfait - thème (2010-05-16 18:16:39)

- Les parents / correction (2009-11-05 17:26:27)

- Scrambled words '36' (2009-11-11 22:57:13)

- Mot-Mystère N°68 (2009-11-19 19:37:25)

- Aide devoir maison ( DM ) (2009-11-05 21:52:25)

- Traduction d'une expression (2009-11-04 19:53:24)

- 3 phrases à traduire (2009-11-05 19:08:25)

- Besoin aide - négation (2009-11-04 18:35:10)

- Correction devoir (2009-11-04 21:47:19)

- That's me - That would be me (2009-11-06 21:05:53)

- 2 futurs ? (2009-11-05 17:21:06)

- Traduction d'une phrase (2009-11-05 17:03:04)

- aleksander kudajcyk/Correction (2009-11-04 17:08:33)

- Expression 'fine tuning' (2009-11-04 15:31:27)

- Jury pour BTS (2010-01-01 15:34:58)

- Traduction /balayer d'un geste (2009-11-05 17:28:35)

- Application letter (2009-11-04 11:11:48)

- Correction/parents-enfants (2009-11-04 14:59:11)

- Correction/ auxiliaire (2009-11-04 09:57:49)

- Correction /Cal and his father (2009-11-04 10:01:30)

- Stop speaking or talking ? (2009-11-04 07:28:12)

- Petite précision (2009-11-03 21:11:45)

- Boss = IT ou HE ? (2009-11-03 21:31:07)

- Correction-Presentation orale (2009-11-06 23:51:48)

- structure correcte ? (2009-11-03 17:04:09)

- Passage au passif (2009-11-03 17:51:45)

- Difficultés avec les questions (2009-11-03 18:48:47)

- Voyage /Aide Rédaction (2010-02-17 13:38:34)

- Se présenter (2009-11-03 12:58:06)

- Ce qui la faisait ... (2009-11-03 20:06:27)

- Traduction et choix du temps des verbes (2009-11-03 18:33:36)

- Un café? (2009-11-03 11:39:06)

- which/whose (2009-11-03 11:20:27)

- About different customs (2009-12-04 18:33:40)

- Expression /misery in the world (2009-11-03 16:27:05)

- Need help cover letter ! (2009-11-02 21:18:42)

- Inspection - IPR etc (2009-11-03 08:23:37)

- Idealism and career/aide SVP (2009-11-02 17:03:41)

- Traduction (2009-11-02 14:06:31)

- Accident / correction. (2009-11-03 11:58:11)

- Correction/special day in my life (2009-11-04 12:55:22)

- Faire au plus simple !! (2009-11-02 18:59:57)

- Do et be (2009-11-02 13:12:36)

- Correction/imagine your future (2009-11-07 09:46:38)

- Présent be+v-ing (2009-11-02 13:35:46)

- Infinitive or verb+ing (2009-11-03 10:22:55)

- natural disasters /Correction (2009-11-02 11:48:02)

- Extrait audio avec texte TOEIC (2009-11-05 20:26:55)

- Correction de présentation anglais 2 (2009-11-02 11:40:09)

- Correction/a big snake, (2009-11-01 19:44:35)

- Tag? do you? (2009-11-02 12:01:15)

- Correction de présentation anglais (2009-11-01 19:05:40)

- Correction/London and GB (2009-11-03 15:43:57)

- Besoin d'aide/paintball (2009-11-04 16:08:33)

- Australie / lettre de motivation (2009-11-02 22:04:04)

- Question d'écriture (2009-11-01 15:55:37)

- Now it's the time (2009-11-01 16:01:48)

- New-York / correction. (2009-11-01 11:15:24)

- Translate [What's this in English?] (2009-12-26 09:08:42)

- Correction /un mail à une amie (2009-10-31 14:36:52)

- Armée et pronoms (2009-11-01 15:32:18)

- Traduction/choose your establishment (2009-11-04 12:32:24)

- Quel jour est-on ? (2009-10-31 18:07:40)

- Différence anglais USA- Royaume Uni (2009-10-31 12:39:16)

- Traduction Aidez-moi (2009-10-31 08:09:00)

- Etats-Unis / Correction (2009-10-31 15:06:43)

- To commute on ou by metro (2009-11-01 09:35:24)

- Expression écrite - What is your idea of (2009-10-31 20:17:21)

- Is it a good CV? (2009-10-30 16:58:39)

- Let's step in originaux (2010-05-22 08:13:07)

- How long (2009-11-01 09:40:34)

- Disneyworld (2009-11-06 01:04:42)

- Prof d'anglais plus tard (2009-11-05 20:24:22)

- Étudier aux USA (2009-11-16 22:22:46)

- Exercice/amélioration en anglais (2009-10-31 12:39:06)

- Ethics - Version (2009-11-01 12:00:12)

- Ethics - Thème (2009-10-31 15:27:27)

- Faits de langue/CAPES (2009-10-30 09:04:18)

- Traduction d'expressions (2009-11-02 11:23:34)

- Scrambled words '35' (2009-11-04 23:12:49)

- Traduction du participe passé français (2009-10-28 13:28:13)

- Rédaction d'anglais/description (2009-11-01 12:09:57)

- Un paragraphe descriptif-correction (2009-10-28 14:58:59)

- Traduction d'une question (2009-10-28 09:13:43)
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