33538 sujets
Par ordre alphabétique
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 |
- Which phrase is correct/help (2022-11-17 12:10:14)
- Which sentence/ use (2012-04-09 10:39:03)
- Which sentence/help (2013-03-24 08:28:08)
- Which sentence/help (2015-02-02 11:18:28)
- Which sentence/help (2017-12-27 23:59:08)
- Which tense /help (2013-04-03 21:49:44)
- Which tense ? (2010-02-11 22:10:06)
- Which tense/ graph (2018-04-07 16:35:24)
- Which tense/correct (2019-07-20 11:56:19)
- Which tense? (2005-01-29 11:48:18)
- which transport do you prefer ? (2005-12-23 21:18:55)
- Which variant/help (2013-04-29 08:12:12)
- which what how ? (2008-02-26 17:26:49)
- Which who / prépositions (2012-12-03 17:20:36)
- Which words should be used? (2011-08-03 01:06:36)
- Which, of which/ whose (2022-01-05 10:11:24)
- Which, who/aide (2018-08-09 03:55:02)
- Which-that/différence (2015-09-18 21:22:59)
- Which...petite question... (2005-05-12 13:14:00)
- Which/ best answer (2021-01-02 16:40:42)
- Which/ that (2021-06-27 22:46:50)
- Which/ utilisation (2020-04-24 09:52:08)
- Which/aide (2015-03-03 17:28:55)
- Which/aide (2016-06-16 23:16:28)
- Which/help (2017-11-16 09:59:01)
- Which/That (2011-05-24 16:49:12)
- Which/That..... (2005-02-01 19:18:04)
- Which/the subject (2022-01-20 12:07:05)
- Which/whom (2017-03-07 22:10:07)
- which/whose (2009-11-03 11:20:27)
- Which/whose (2020-06-04 17:40:01)
- which/would rather (2006-10-20 14:33:41)
- Whichever/aide (2020-06-21 18:05:38)
- While (2010-01-03 13:48:31)
- While - during - for (2005-06-22 05:48:02)
- While - Present perfect ? (2008-02-20 17:21:53)
- While / prétérit (2018-02-09 16:09:41)
- while and when (2006-03-19 18:38:39)
- While stock last (2011-08-08 08:53:00)
- While/ question (2018-03-09 14:53:25)
- While/aide (2021-10-20 11:09:51)
- While/tense of verb (2013-01-19 11:38:30)
- While/when (2005-05-16 17:52:11)
- While/When (2005-11-20 14:54:33)
- While/When (2005-08-10 02:05:49)
- While/when (2017-04-23 21:38:06)
- While/when/just as (2004-12-28 14:34:25)
- whisper?! (2005-01-29 16:48:52)
- White house (2014-01-29 14:56:38)
- Who (2008-04-15 18:24:43)
- Who / Sujet (2008-09-23 11:03:13)
- Who / which (2021-03-23 17:47:38)
- Who / whom (2019-02-04 21:11:29)
- who ; whom ???? (2007-01-14 15:06:42)
- Who are these Writers (2005-07-23 17:26:40)
- Who are they? (2010-01-21 23:27:22)
- Who can translate for me (2004-11-13 13:47:14)
- Who do you feel closer to.. (correction) (2007-11-06 11:11:55)
- Who do/Who does (2015-02-23 11:01:03)
- Who does he live with? (2011-08-26 16:30:26)
- who et whom ! (2006-10-13 15:50:34)
- Who is Henry David Thoreau (2007-01-10 11:40:17)
- Who is it/Who is he (2015-04-04 17:31:57)
- Who is skilful? (2004-06-07 12:48:21)
- Who is/Who are? (2014-10-06 13:04:34)
- who like the dance???? (2005-01-09 19:21:12)
- who loves smallville? (2004-09-21 11:38:40)
- Who or what/help (2014-12-08 00:17:39)
- Who or whom (2010-01-27 17:45:00)
- Who or whom/aide (2014-02-12 16:36:54)
- Who ou What ? (2011-03-30 14:39:57)
- Who ou which (2004-10-18 07:34:53)
- Who ou Which ? (2004-11-13 13:27:41)
- Who ou whom? (2010-02-12 13:41:42)
- Who saw...?Qui a vu....? (2004-09-18 11:47:02)
- Who wants discuss with me (2004-03-15 11:51:34)
- Who wants to be a millionaire-correction (2010-02-08 23:47:51)
- Who which (2010-12-09 09:33:24)
- Who won ? (2004-07-18 03:59:35)
- Who's/ aide (2013-12-28 17:11:44)
- Who, whom, which ou rien (2004-11-19 16:45:12)
- Who, whom, which, whose... (2005-07-16 23:25:12)
- who, whose, which .... (2005-01-09 11:52:21)
- Who,Which/aide (2018-02-13 09:00:30)
- Who-whom (2009-10-31 18:34:39)
- Who-Whom (2010-05-24 15:17:55)
- Who/ did (2012-02-23 06:21:10)
- who/ which and that (2006-07-07 23:21:03)
- Who/ whom (2019-05-27 07:34:02)
- Who/aide (2020-05-10 20:43:49)
- who/that/which (2004-12-09 09:37:37)
- Who/what (2015-05-24 21:49:50)
- Who/whom (2020-01-17 21:08:31)
- Whoever/ whomever (2011-11-04 00:36:02)
- whole / the whole (2008-05-07 10:10:46)
- Whole and while (2005-02-10 16:55:40)
- whom (2005-02-10 23:17:43)
- whom (2005-09-19 21:34:44)
- whom (2008-06-16 17:28:49)
- Whom /correct (2017-10-04 02:07:22)
- Whom and who (2008-08-28 00:26:14)
- Whom-whose-who/aide (2021-10-02 20:11:27)
- Whom/ COI or COD (2024-10-13 15:10:34)
- Whom/ them (2014-11-28 13:50:16)
- Whom/aide (2012-12-10 18:30:26)
- Whom/whose (2012-02-15 14:46:41)
- Whose (2005-03-24 13:15:55)
- Whose / Whom (2012-05-06 15:07:20)
- Whose /emploi (2013-02-14 09:56:10)
- whose ? (2004-12-14 14:29:11)
- whose ?? (2007-03-05 14:42:08)
- Whose and questions (2010-09-19 22:53:09)
- Whose interrogatif/aide (2018-04-15 16:47:25)
- Whose is this pen/whose pen is this? (2010-05-29 19:53:13)
- Whose of/Of whose (2021-11-01 16:25:06)
- whose or which? (2004-08-08 13:52:35)
- Whose, whom, who/aide (2017-06-16 22:11:36)
- Whose/ question (2017-11-17 20:06:23)
- Whose/ That (2019-11-23 10:45:26)
- Whose/ which (2014-02-10 14:38:32)
- Whose/help (2014-09-14 13:25:53)
- Whose/of which (2019-09-16 19:56:24)
- Whose/of which (2019-11-25 08:11:50)
- Whose/of which (2021-04-19 19:03:07)
- Whose/pronom interrogatif (2015-04-04 23:17:25)
- Whose/which (2020-05-08 16:50:07)
- why (2005-02-26 20:26:19)
- Why (2009-04-29 05:42:26)
- Why use 'great' ? (2010-09-05 21:37:51)
- Why - topic - Correction (2010-12-28 03:19:53)
- Why -the? (2009-12-18 18:03:58)
- Why / for what (2013-11-12 17:16:32)
- Why /be explained (2019-08-07 21:52:40)
- Why :think and thinking ? (2006-03-03 08:59:02)
- Why do you speak French (2004-07-01 20:32:22)
- why do you write in french ? (2004-04-06 19:24:21)
- Why don't you/help (2013-05-09 08:01:58)
- Why don't we make friend (2004-08-26 08:42:39)
- Why is travelled spelt with two L's? (2007-02-13 16:08:13)
- Why is/ not are (2018-03-06 16:41:09)
- Why learn a language? ABC (2005-05-25 03:52:20)
- Why like and love (2005-10-27 16:16:23)
- why not? (2004-04-17 20:07:29)
- why this correction?? (2006-11-06 12:56:11)
- Why to find a correspondent? (2005-06-24 16:41:21)
- why trying to be in fashion ? (2005-06-10 12:21:06)
- Why use As/help (2013-09-16 15:19:21)
- Why,what for/correction (2019-10-28 22:19:48)
- Why...?i want know how (2004-09-05 10:00:48)
- Why/ less (2013-11-05 08:09:23)
- Why/ no hyphen (2023-01-07 10:57:29)
- Why/ Questions (2016-10-27 16:49:53)
- Why/adjective clause (2021-01-28 19:01:29)
- Why/double consonant (2021-02-05 18:16:39)
- Wide-wider/widder (2013-09-17 13:09:12)
- Wiggle/move (2020-03-26 18:44:25)
- Wikipedia (2012-08-16 22:54:35)
- Wilcox (correction) (2006-04-12 13:54:04)
- will & be going to (2008-03-21 02:20:59)
- Will + verbe / Will + be-ing (2007-12-04 19:58:40)
- Will - would/ Shall - Should (2018-11-26 14:32:49)
- will -going to (2007-03-30 11:04:47)
- Will / be going to (2016-04-13 22:51:39)
- Will / be going to do (2013-10-30 20:33:41)
- Will / going to (2014-03-10 02:03:20)
- Will / Going to (2015-03-05 07:08:13)
- Will / Going to (2016-08-03 15:05:57)
- Will / habitude (2019-03-16 08:47:39)
- Will / has+ pp (2012-12-11 23:42:00)
- Will / would (2014-04-21 10:35:07)
- Will /aide (2024-04-08 12:18:39)
- Will /going to (2013-03-17 18:07:59)
- Will /will-would (2012-04-27 08:32:13)
- Will /would be given (2011-12-30 18:16:31)
- will and won't (2005-07-31 18:04:05)
- Will be + ing/ going to (2016-08-08 21:28:15)
- Will be + verbe vs Will + verbe (2024-11-15 11:16:58)
- Will be able to/aide (2017-04-20 23:51:18)
- Will be doing or will have done (2005-05-28 20:12:11)
- will et won't (2004-08-20 02:30:12)
- Will et would (2010-04-02 19:07:01)
- Will have + participe passé (2009-02-04 19:19:27)
- Will have + pp/temps (2012-08-31 13:22:16)
- Will have been/ temps (2013-10-16 17:00:29)
- Will look/will be looking (2011-11-19 18:06:39)
- Will or be going to (2005-01-31 18:17:54)
- Will or Going to (2004-10-16 23:32:13)
- will or would ??? (2008-04-05 21:07:29)
- will ou be+going to (2007-01-11 20:03:12)
- Will peut-il exprimer autre chose (2010-02-27 23:23:02)
- Will there be/help (2013-12-02 13:52:44)
- Will will/aide (2012-09-10 07:39:46)
- will would ou would have ? (2008-04-07 16:01:32)
- Will you /do you (2012-04-20 00:29:58)
- Will you enjoy those ? (2004-11-08 13:45:03)
- Will you or won't you? (2009-12-14 18:18:23)
- Will, won't + be (2009-02-03 09:36:10)
- will,would,could,must? (2004-11-10 07:48:11)
- Will/ be going to (2021-03-05 00:02:48)
- Will/ going to (2016-12-04 17:16:30)
- Will/ going to (2017-04-16 06:28:14)
- Will/ going to (2019-02-11 13:27:57)
- Will/ would (2018-04-23 17:32:53)
- will/are going to/presen (2005-01-28 14:10:03)
- Will/Be going to (2019-03-22 08:31:21)
- Will/Be going to (2020-05-28 19:07:06)
- Will/going to (2020-06-22 14:46:50)
- william somerset / correction (2008-04-26 07:03:20)
- William Wallace (Braveheart) (2005-10-08 19:50:30)
- willing? (2008-01-30 07:04:45)
- Windows (correction) (2008-11-08 19:34:39)
- Wine and viticulture (2011-11-19 17:43:35)
- Wings 4e-New Wings 4 (2011-03-01 22:55:04)
- Wings et staging/aide (2016-12-13 15:56:14)
- Winston Churchill/aide (2014-12-10 15:21:33)
- Winter sport (2010-01-13 17:52:32)
- Wisdom and Vanity (2004-10-05 13:03:06)
- Wish (2004-09-07 00:29:08)
- Wish (2006-06-19 17:03:42)
- Wish (2010-03-05 09:01:09)
- WISH (2013-03-06 11:17:10)
- Wish + it/aide (2020-05-27 10:09:38)
- wish + past perf (2007-10-19 13:47:01)
- wish + preterit & would like (2006-05-11 11:58:57)
- Wish / compliqué (2013-09-08 01:27:05)
- Wish / emploi (2013-08-29 21:16:34)
- Wish / emplois (2015-10-19 09:58:57)
- Wish / would (2022-04-07 15:53:47)
- Wish /espoir et souhait (2013-07-30 16:15:45)
- Wish /Problème (2015-04-07 19:37:42)
- Wish /to (2021-04-27 15:18:05)
- Wish and hope (2008-11-27 19:17:41)
- Wish le regret/aide (2014-09-04 16:48:40)
- Wish or would pour un regret (2010-06-18 14:57:29)
- Wish/ plus temps (2021-01-29 08:57:11)
- Wish/ were (2011-10-04 00:09:43)
- Wish/aide (2020-04-22 11:28:23)
- Wish/préterit modal (2018-09-26 10:44:31)
- wish/regret... ?! (2005-04-23 19:17:01)
- Wish/Savoir l'utiliser (2023-01-10 12:54:59)
- Wish/would/rather (2007-02-19 07:21:10)
- Wishes & regrets (2009-01-18 14:05:10)
- wishes and regards (2004-08-25 15:21:52)
- Wishes or regret /help (2022-09-18 11:38:45)
- With (2024-11-14 16:48:27)
- With / to (2013-11-13 22:16:50)
- With Always? Present ing or present s? (2009-10-12 10:20:40)
- with David ( correction) (2006-03-29 19:55:02)
- With love/signification (2015-12-12 14:40:11)
- with or without the (2005-03-06 19:31:07)
- With the water (correction) (2005-11-26 11:09:11)
- With,on, of/choisir (2013-02-05 21:26:18)
- With/emploi (2013-01-15 09:23:30)
- With/to each other (2012-08-18 00:04:38)
- Within - by (2009-10-11 13:07:18)
- Within/ confusion (2017-02-10 22:55:41)
- Without / aide (2014-03-18 11:45:47)
- Without / But that (2015-05-09 09:26:57)
- Without /aide (2021-11-22 10:48:46)
- Without /Préposition (2020-08-19 12:29:02)
- Without any doubt/Doubtless (2015-05-18 23:17:13)
- Without/ With no (2015-10-11 15:10:50)
- Without/aide (2014-11-12 22:43:40)
- Witness/documents (2010-05-15 19:42:41)
- woman welcomes/correction (2010-01-02 10:38:07)
- womb-like (2010-08-11 22:23:13)
- Won't - Didn't/aide (2014-03-13 20:24:06)
- Won't be/ won't (2013-03-25 20:32:37)
- Won't have to/aide (2013-10-08 06:17:05)
- wonder (2004-04-29 03:45:15)
- Wood/ humeur (2010-01-11 15:39:35)
- Woodstock / Correction. (2010-03-14 18:40:56)
- Woody plants/traduction (2011-02-13 14:49:28)
- Word / Help (2013-04-11 20:11:57)
- Word /Britannique (2013-07-25 13:12:08)
- word building! (2005-08-20 00:17:42)
- word hunt (2004-06-13 11:11:31)
- Word Matching (2006-03-27 20:27:04)
- Word order (2005-02-09 16:08:56)
- Word order (2005-02-24 22:06:31)
- Word order 2 (2005-02-28 20:19:49)
- Word order/help (2022-10-26 21:35:02)
- Word order/passive (2011-11-15 15:01:43)
- Word Stress (2007-12-22 23:30:50)
- Word stress/phonetics (2009-05-25 15:28:16)
- word study (2004-10-04 22:20:36)
- Word/Cellar (2017-05-09 14:08:53)
- Word/words (2018-02-04 13:52:50)
- Wording/ correction (2012-09-08 11:12:04)
- wordreference (2006-10-08 19:21:23)
- Wordreference /aide (2015-06-14 23:06:38)
- words (2004-06-17 16:53:46)
- Words /I can't understand (2019-07-22 16:25:20)
- Words confused (2004-12-21 16:29:58)
- Words Enough (2004-09-16 00:13:53)
- WORDS FROM OTHER LANGAGE (2004-05-31 11:08:37)
- Words games (2004-11-06 00:27:00)
- Words order (2009-09-09 18:34:30)
- Words order ! (2005-04-25 16:28:41)
- Words that begin with ' W ' (2005-04-04 22:55:18)
- Words that begin with ' Y ' (2005-04-04 23:06:07)
- Words that begin with 'C' (2005-04-16 03:46:50)
- Words that begin with 'D' (2005-04-07 21:46:46)
- Words that begin with 'P' (2005-04-12 00:42:12)
- Words that begin with 'S' (2005-04-19 01:03:13)
- Words to make (2005-01-17 21:09:42)
- Words with similar ..... (2004-06-19 13:28:04)
- words' game (2004-10-10 09:13:21)
- Words/ communication (2013-02-25 22:02:20)
- Work /lifestyle (2017-11-16 16:18:23)
- Work coronavirus/help (2020-04-01 01:21:00)
- work et wrought (2007-05-01 22:59:16)
- Work experience/correction (2009-01-29 23:06:57)
- Work in a different environment/correctio (2009-03-03 19:20:34)
- Work it out / Figure it out (2007-07-26 02:40:05)
- Work on Saturday (corriger les erreurs) (2007-03-11 15:20:13)
- Work out/aide (2016-10-31 09:05:55)
- Work out/find out-figure out (2017-03-08 21:08:35)
- Work placement /Presentation (2014-10-16 12:29:53)
- work placement report.Need help!!!! (2006-10-30 18:22:24)
- work, works ou job? (2004-12-02 19:55:28)
- work-lifestyle balance (2009-09-20 19:04:33)
- Working age/active (2012-03-06 22:06:02)
- Working from home/aide (2015-05-23 00:22:55)
- Workout/aide (2016-11-16 21:42:12)
- Workplacement/oral (2011-11-11 12:24:46)
- world (2010-10-29 23:15:45)
- World is gonna bend/traduction (2011-01-09 15:24:03)
- worried about? (2007-04-18 15:22:11)
- Worry/countable or uncountable (2017-11-28 11:56:11)
- Worrying sides of video-games/correction (2009-09-20 18:26:04)
- worth next to nothing (2005-11-22 19:58:06)
- Worthless/ help (2017-08-19 01:18:07)
- Wouahh - Grammaire et business (2008-04-25 17:53:18)
- Wouaou !! (2007-06-26 16:57:49)
- Would (2008-11-08 01:03:02)
- Would (2009-02-21 16:37:05)
- Would (2010-03-29 08:36:11)
- Would - wouldn't (2009-01-12 13:30:42)
- Would -could/ conditionnel (2013-04-25 08:24:22)
- Would / be + ing (2014-07-22 21:53:39)
- Would / had (2016-05-08 20:53:51)
- Would / Should (2015-03-01 23:57:38)
- Would / Should ? (2008-12-28 14:36:54)
- would / will? (2006-12-03 17:27:37)
- Would /Aide (2016-08-26 15:51:38)
- Would ? (2011-12-07 12:13:07)
- Would and used to (2010-06-19 09:52:19)
- Would as an emphatic word (2010-10-04 22:41:22)
- Would au passé (2007-04-18 22:11:15)
- Would be better/Had better (2021-10-01 10:03:46)
- Would go/would have gone (2018-08-04 17:06:56)
- Would have died ou would have been dead? (2008-09-22 15:21:45)
- Would like ... to + négatif (2007-12-29 17:46:49)
- Would like ou pas? (2007-12-19 14:35:32)
- would like, wants,should (2004-12-18 10:32:42)
- would ou had ? (2004-11-08 04:15:00)
- Would plutôt que will? (2011-02-25 19:11:04)
- Would prefer/ IF (2019-03-12 17:59:33)
- Would prefer/ V-ing (2022-06-06 04:04:42)
- Would rather (2010-10-10 18:46:21)
- would rather + quel temps? (2006-02-24 16:19:22)
- Would rather than/ instead of (2020-07-16 12:12:01)
- Would rather, différence had-have (2011-03-15 20:19:13)
- Would rather/help (2013-10-14 17:23:56)
- Would rather/help (2017-03-28 20:04:31)
- Would that/help (2013-02-26 10:45:46)
- Would traduit par l'imparfait (2010-03-14 04:52:49)
- Would want (2008-10-30 17:04:18)
- Would wish/aide (2019-10-22 16:39:24)
- would you be ready or not ready ...? (2007-11-11 16:32:57)
- Would you better understand? (2009-09-01 15:40:00)
- Would you like to live abroad for a time (2007-10-24 14:00:29)
- Would you like/ to be ing (2020-04-14 14:16:49)
- Would you mind (2009-06-20 13:22:46)
- Would you mind (2011-10-25 22:46:39)
- Would you mind if / v-ing (2013-04-03 17:42:44)
- Would you mind my opening the door? (2009-11-10 10:35:24)
- Would you mind/aide (2015-09-07 14:04:10)
- Would you mind/aide (2015-10-12 16:43:50)
- Would you mind/aide (2017-04-14 07:53:41)
- Would you mind/aide (2017-10-20 14:27:12)
- Would you prefer/aide (2013-01-22 19:38:38)
- Would-May /Name (2011-10-05 00:15:30)
- Would/ aide (2014-02-21 10:48:27)
- Would/ could (2018-10-13 15:42:39)
- Would/ Could (2020-05-23 17:24:54)
- Would/ subordonnée (2017-08-03 18:37:18)
- Would/aide (2020-02-09 19:32:57)
- Would/could (2011-12-11 23:02:09)
- Would/past habit (2022-08-17 19:17:01)
- Would/will you (2016-03-25 15:00:19)
- Would? (2005-02-11 16:15:04)
- Wouldn't + when/aide (2013-07-28 22:15:15)
- Write - Written Besoins d'aide (2009-03-11 21:49:52)
- Write a dialogue (2010-10-03 18:40:40)
- Write a diary/correction (2014-01-15 01:41:06)
- Write a report/aide (2023-09-11 17:20:10)
- Write a review/Film (2013-02-10 21:59:47)
- Write song in English (2005-12-02 22:03:22)
- Write the questions (2006-09-25 16:42:10)
- Write/crazy (2020-07-16 20:56:25)
- Writer in Residence (2005-02-21 23:17:43)
- Writing (2009-09-27 11:12:54)
- writing (correction) (2008-06-10 13:10:30)
- Writing /help (2019-04-23 07:57:59)
- Writing a report/CAE (2018-04-03 16:11:41)
- Writing about a child (2011-05-03 07:15:00)
- Writing about Marketing and Advertising (2009-03-30 18:10:33)
- Writing correction/help (2024-02-07 16:38:48)
- writing en anglais (2005-01-19 21:10:34)
- Writing English (2004-07-20 09:36:00)
- Writing English resume (2004-07-23 16:43:04)
- Writing project/com (2015-04-30 23:06:04)
- Writing skills test (2005-01-04 18:21:22)
- Writing Time (2009-01-25 17:36:25)
- Writing time- Policeman report (2009-03-30 13:54:36)
- Writing TOEFL (2009-10-16 22:25:20)
- Writing/ correction (2013-12-24 16:55:52)
- Writing/aide (2014-10-21 21:42:29)
- Writing/aide (2019-04-27 14:37:38)
- writing/correction (2005-01-23 23:06:06)
- Writing/correction (2012-12-28 01:44:40)
- Writing/help (2012-09-01 16:46:32)
- Writing/Robbery (2010-11-26 00:59:19)
- Writing/wedding ring (2010-12-26 19:34:33)
- Writing2/aide (2019-04-21 10:30:02)
- Written expression/aide (2019-01-10 18:55:37)
- Written press (correction) (2008-05-06 10:57:35)
- Written work- men-women's roles (2010-09-27 04:50:52)
- Wrong / correct (2018-02-15 22:17:48)
- wrong place (2006-11-15 15:46:36)
- Wuthering Heights /correction (2010-05-09 21:23:14)
- wuthering heights ; idiomatisms (2005-11-16 20:03:17)
- Wyoming (2005-06-03 08:39:04)
- X can cause hearing loss (2010-12-03 09:41:20)
- x. prepositions (2004-10-03 12:13:46)
- XBOX (2004-05-16 18:40:05)
- XL Anglais 1re CD classe (2015-06-03 17:04:50)
- Xmas card (2004-12-16 15:44:33)
- Xoxo/hugs and kisses (2018-11-03 04:40:21)
- Y a qq'1? (2004-04-06 20:30:13)
- Y a t-il des fautes ?? (2007-01-21 14:16:30)
- y a-t-il des fautes? :) (2008-06-03 01:05:12)
- y arrivez vous? (2005-07-16 11:30:28)
- Y rester/expression (2011-11-16 10:05:54)
- Y'a t-il des fautes ? (2009-11-29 17:56:58)
- y'en na qui venerd!!!!! (2004-04-23 20:19:37)
- Y/ vowel-consonant (2013-04-04 00:20:58)
- Ya gotta (2008-11-29 14:07:23)
- ya til un prof d'anglais ici (2004-03-27 22:45:43)
- Ya, abréviation de yet? (2009-03-18 21:02:11)
- yeah ! (2005-05-13 10:58:51)
- Years /2000-2009 (2018-10-02 11:50:08)
- Years old/Adverbe ou Adjectif (2015-09-16 21:17:11)
- Yeomen Warders/correction (2014-01-04 19:49:42)
- yes I do (2005-08-16 01:10:09)
- Yes I do/aide (2023-10-08 10:35:00)
- Yes, I am ? (2010-12-26 22:33:01)
- Yesterday's (2011-07-25 06:14:15)
- Yet / Still (2013-05-20 20:30:42)
- Yet - as yet/aide (2015-06-14 23:45:59)
- Yet / sens de mais (2014-07-21 15:54:32)
- Yet /not the final word? (2011-06-18 09:40:32)
- Yet /To be (2015-01-23 11:13:46)
- Yet/emploi (2013-01-29 08:41:58)
- Yet/utilisation (2006-11-28 20:34:50)
- Yeux en forme d'amandes, Traduction (2006-12-13 17:07:08)
- ymca (2005-04-21 21:56:57)
- You ain't no lonely !?!? (2006-05-01 19:37:45)
- You and I ou you and me? (2006-05-01 17:02:45)
- You and me or you and I ?? (2005-02-28 12:58:26)
- You and me/and I (2016-05-20 16:24:55)
- You and me/you and I (2019-02-19 21:24:24)
- You are /You is (2015-06-11 19:25:22)
- You are being /You are (2023-01-22 13:58:58)
- You are being... (2006-09-20 10:34:36)
- You are lucky/aide (2013-05-08 20:10:07)
- you bet ! expression ? (2006-03-10 15:58:19)
- You can simply dial (2004-09-16 22:22:01)
- You did not mean it, did you? Version I (2009-05-04 21:01:43)
- You did not really mean it ,did you? Ver (2009-04-12 12:09:16)
- YOU DO SPEAK / YOU SPEAK (2004-06-05 20:27:05)
- You don't seem to/aide (2023-02-02 17:42:11)
- You formal / informal (2014-07-31 05:18:05)
- You have to stick with it ? (2009-08-25 05:16:34)
- You make me feel ? (2008-05-19 12:52:20)
- You or they/help (2013-09-14 06:07:24)
- You ou to you/aide (2016-10-05 14:51:22)
- You say (2004-11-19 12:25:24)
- You should have told me (2008-12-20 10:17:54)
- You tired you poor (2010-02-15 12:17:53)
- You was? (2009-10-10 13:57:16)
- You were missed/aide (2019-11-14 08:32:13)
- You're settled down (2011-10-21 05:35:53)
- You're welcome/You got it (2021-09-23 00:09:33)
- you're ansome (2005-01-25 15:50:26)
- You're the one that I want (2004-06-18 15:53:18)
- You/Tu ou Vous (2018-05-13 17:16:32)
- Your best forum/correction (2013-06-20 17:54:53)
- your brother like (2005-01-28 17:54:18)
- Your choice of feeding yourselves? (2006-03-16 19:44:47)
- your favourite actor (2004-07-23 15:35:17)
- Your favourite actress (2004-09-06 19:38:49)
- your favourite computer games (2005-06-07 17:43:51)
- your favourite singer? (2004-07-08 14:54:55)
- Your fears. (2004-08-08 01:36:20)
- Your help for my CV (2010-08-28 08:39:18)
- Your last holidays (correction) (2006-03-26 22:38:09)
- Your pets (2006-05-03 17:11:59)
- Your picture in fifteen years (2009-12-14 23:34:20)
- Your use of English/help (2013-08-11 13:13:06)
- Your way seconde cassette audio (2009-12-29 11:10:25)
- Yours/aide (2020-11-08 14:34:48)
- Yours/your (2016-02-01 21:45:58)
- ZEP zone violence (2006-08-25 10:42:42)
- [ Prétérit, Present perfect, Voc ] (2005-05-27 14:14:12)
- [5ème] Descriprtion? (2012-01-04 17:13:19)
- [Aide] Je cherche un mot (2010-06-23 17:28:35)
- [BAC 2019] Apprendre anglais et espagnol (2018-06-19 10:06:44)
- [Conseil] Un livre d'anglais (2005-04-12 08:46:30)
- [Correction] Texte court (2008-06-14 23:02:46)
- [Désactivé] Enregistrement New Step In 5° (2013-02-22 08:55:30)
- [Désactivé] Langue et littérature françai (2019-04-23 09:40:50)
- [Désactivé] Vecteurs (2021-03-04 15:43:07)
- [DM] Compréhension orale (2011-01-02 13:24:14)
- [Exercice]Subordonnées relatives (2007-04-19 19:54:48)
- [London, Adventure, ] (2013-01-28 19:43:00)
- [Oz] /Correction CV (2014-01-03 19:20:41)
- [TOEIC] Tableau conversion en score (2011-03-07 09:20:34)
- [Traduction] Dig the garden (2006-11-07 20:35:33)
- [Traduction]Ancien Anglais vers Anglais (2009-09-11 20:44:16)
- [vocabulaire]fonctionnement interne (2007-01-24 22:52:55)
- “ The most dangerous advice you can give (2009-11-12 14:02:59)
- “hook-and-ladder truck” (2008-09-11 18:58:32)
- ´n en anglais (2005-10-02 23:25:03)
- ø, the ou ’s (2005-10-01 03:20:00)
- ø, the, a ou an (2) (2005-10-09 03:18:05)
<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 |