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- The missing vowels/268 (2018-08-22 20:46:16)

- Participe passé/aide (2018-08-15 21:58:06)

- Mot/crâner (2018-08-15 18:26:14)

- Solidarité/ traduction (2018-08-28 15:53:25)

- Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 (2018-08-31 13:37:18)

- Question /structure (2018-08-15 14:20:22)

- Proportion/aide (2018-08-18 15:32:43)

- Banque/traduction (2018-08-18 15:42:59)

- Question/baisser (2018-08-15 14:24:22)

- Question/chiffres (2018-08-13 16:22:47)

- Question /permit (2018-09-15 21:59:21)

- Question/retraités (2018-08-13 16:43:06)

- Phrases/Correction (2018-08-14 22:01:19)

- Traduction/Antonia (2018-08-15 18:56:13)

- Can't/don't (2018-08-12 02:30:34)

- Question/ thème (2018-08-21 20:38:51)

- Question/vocabulaire (2018-08-12 22:45:08)

- Question/ structure (2018-08-12 22:58:44)

- Mistakes/help (2018-08-21 13:05:38)

- The/zero article (2018-08-11 14:25:24)

- Question/Une fois de plus (2018-08-09 19:53:23)

- Force / compel (2018-08-18 18:26:55)

- Traduction/entretien (2018-08-12 23:36:43)

- The missing vowels /267 (2018-08-15 17:56:32)

- Traduction/phrases (2018-08-11 17:16:07)

- Correction/better job (2018-08-08 18:26:18)

- Audio-video manuels BTS (2018-08-08 12:33:30)

- Difference between Sailor and Seaman (2018-08-08 08:54:08)

- If / aide (2018-08-09 14:56:34)

- Which, who/aide (2018-08-09 03:55:02)

- Article the/aide (2018-08-07 21:10:57)

- Aide /phrase (2018-08-08 01:13:35)

- Omelette baveuse/aide (2018-08-07 07:48:35)

- Grammar/preposition (2018-08-07 10:28:19)

- Photo-picture/Aide (2018-08-05 14:39:19)

- Différentes/ écritures (2018-08-04 22:58:38)

- Prononciation/ i (2018-08-05 12:11:21)

- Future/help (2018-08-05 16:29:51)

- Would go/would have gone (2018-08-04 17:06:56)

- Thème/aide (2018-08-06 14:45:49)

- Phrase / being able (2018-08-03 04:18:13)

- Question/Ce dont (2018-08-09 14:42:58)

- Question /Hilary Clinton (2018-08-09 14:45:49)

- Question/sortir en boite (2018-08-23 22:07:19)

- Question/thème grammatical (2018-08-13 15:43:59)

- Preposition / adverb (2018-08-03 10:23:30)

- The missing vowels/266 (2018-08-07 11:10:10)

- Of / aide (2018-08-01 21:28:45)

- Our Story/37 (2018-08-16 22:20:59)

- Ex 137/ oppressed by the heat (2018-08-16 23:27:47)

- Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 (2018-08-15 23:36:37)

- Of/ between gerund and noun (2018-07-28 13:58:36)

- Aide/ 's de possession (2018-07-30 16:13:24)

- Difference than/ that (2018-07-28 12:44:43)

- Ma traduction /correcte (2018-07-30 18:36:20)

- I've made/ what amends (2018-07-27 13:59:24)

- What are you doing/aide (2018-08-03 09:22:04)

- Question/ traduction (2018-08-02 16:56:56)

- Follow-up/ communications (2018-07-26 16:00:46)

- The missing vowels/265 (2018-08-01 18:00:14)

- 12-00am-minuit /confusion (2018-07-26 15:29:22)

- Of ou from/aide (2018-07-27 14:38:00)

- Question/ conjugaison (2018-08-09 14:53:34)

- I did + verbe/aide (2018-07-24 18:13:30)

- Give up/give in (2018-07-25 16:48:02)

- Questions/that (2018-07-23 07:10:19)

- CD audio New Spring lv2 4è (2018-07-22 11:09:49)

- Correction/ thème (2018-07-22 23:10:23)

- Prononciation/Heure (2018-07-22 12:00:09)

- Correction/virus (2018-07-20 19:00:13)

- Portal 2 /Affiche (2018-07-20 11:30:37)

- How come/aide (2018-07-20 03:44:59)

- Mes traductions/correctes (2018-07-23 20:43:06)

- A lot/ so much (2018-07-23 14:43:38)

- The missing vowels /264 (2018-07-25 22:08:51)

- Exprimer/avis (2018-07-18 16:37:20)

- Livre anglais/aide (2018-07-18 14:18:47)

- Laisser passer/ quelqu'un (2018-07-18 11:59:08)

- Question/about verbs (2018-07-18 14:39:26)

- Correction/ CV (2018-07-17 11:27:25)

- A question/Fly (2018-07-17 17:44:20)

- Our Story/ N° 36 (2018-08-01 22:37:17)

- Sentences/ below (2018-07-16 23:21:44)

- Even if /even though (2018-07-17 06:54:05)

- Any subject/ verb agreement (2018-07-17 06:51:51)

- Ex 136/ after emotions and suspense (2018-07-30 21:58:47)

- Aide/ of a (2018-07-15 18:30:46)

- Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 (2018-08-02 21:58:48)

- Correction/Coconut Drove (2018-07-18 01:18:56)

- Conjugation/help (2018-07-16 10:28:05)

- Description/ oeuvre (2018-07-13 22:11:01)

- Présentation/oeuvre (2018-07-17 11:10:18)

- The missing vowels/263 (2018-07-18 21:47:08)

- Correction/ thèmes (2018-07-12 04:20:29)

- It-that-this /modal (2018-07-12 13:35:57)

- Corrections/ nouns (2018-07-12 08:34:05)

- Since zero/aide (2018-07-11 11:36:04)

- They don't/she isn't (2018-07-14 11:46:21)

- Traduction/faux amis (2018-07-08 14:38:31)

- Question/v-ing (2018-07-07 22:34:36)

- Suggestion pour les tests avec liste (2018-07-06 22:39:32)

- Pluriels / mots (2018-07-11 11:41:19)

- The missing vowels/262 (2018-07-11 21:10:43)

- Conjuguer/ il y a (2018-07-05 09:43:54)

- Be used to do/aide (2018-07-04 19:35:12)

- CD audio Bloggers 4è (2018-07-03 15:46:40)

- Traduction/aide (2018-07-07 02:01:47)

- By the time/before (2018-07-04 07:49:42)

- Our Story/35 (2018-07-16 22:29:58)

- Ex 135/ hard to connect (2018-07-16 23:28:50)

- Drip/ drop (2018-07-01 13:46:58)

- Aide/ Question (2018-07-01 14:55:38)

- Rack your brains and help!/ 25 (2018-07-18 21:37:49)

- Is-are/aide (2018-06-28 18:32:29)

- The missing vowels/261 (2018-07-04 16:03:51)

- If/ present simple (2018-07-02 12:37:00)

- Soutenance/ stage (2018-06-24 23:18:02)

- New user/penfriend (2018-06-24 09:19:39)

- Le temps/aide (2018-06-24 11:41:43)

- The missing vowels /260 (2018-06-27 21:42:28)

- Utilisation /be-ing (2018-06-22 08:45:17)

- Aidez-moi (2018-06-21 15:10:09)

- Bookcase/ bookshelf (2018-06-20 21:07:53)

- Gérondif/ nuance (2018-06-21 18:29:41)

- Aide /lettre motivation (2018-07-10 14:44:45)

- Avis sur Let's meet up! (édition Hat (2018-06-18 15:16:27)

- Comment dire/anglais (2018-06-19 09:13:54)

- Darts/other sports (2018-06-20 15:19:26)

- Our Story/ 34 (2018-07-01 10:48:15)

- Remplacer/ no some any (2018-06-18 09:58:43)

- Explication/at (2018-06-16 19:08:26)

- Ex 134/ going on steady (2018-06-30 19:27:52)

- Get-have/aide (2018-06-16 05:18:17)

- Rack your brains and help!/ 24 (2018-07-02 22:12:13)

- Passif/verbes perception (2018-06-17 14:20:43)

- Pronom neutre/aide (2018-06-16 05:30:23)

- Résumé/stage (2018-06-16 19:25:35)

- Explication/is (2018-06-15 19:23:39)

- Some /any no (2018-06-19 22:04:34)

- The missing vowels/259 (2018-06-18 19:57:28)

- Traduction/Dont (2018-06-14 17:35:56)

- Aide/own (2018-06-14 16:25:14)

- By/aide (2018-06-13 16:07:50)

- Infinitive/ -ing (2018-06-14 09:29:58)

- Conditional/ help (2018-06-17 01:46:15)

- Translate/sentence (2018-06-13 12:24:54)

- Présentation/spectacle (2018-06-15 18:59:27)

- Vocabulaire /Aide (2018-06-13 06:45:16)

- Correction/ texte Dunno (2018-06-12 17:03:31)

- Traduction/sinon,au moins (2018-06-12 11:59:08)

- So / such (2018-06-12 12:45:48)

- Oral anglais/ BTS (2018-06-12 11:14:42)

- Traduction/Service credit (2018-06-11 15:54:55)

- Interro-négatives/ Be+Ing (2018-06-11 14:23:46)

- Correction/only (2018-06-20 13:13:20)

- Forme interrogative/aide (2018-06-11 11:20:02)

- Road safety/help (2018-06-14 10:29:38)

- Présent simple/v-ing (2018-06-11 13:06:45)

- Bulats/stock exchange (2018-06-10 15:08:37)

- Preposition/ help (2018-06-10 16:45:51)

- Must-can /aide (2018-06-10 13:23:58)

- Aide/au détriment de (2018-06-10 07:16:25)

- Futur antérieur simple/aide (2018-06-10 09:26:53)

- Correction/extrait de roman (2018-06-09 23:54:04)

- Conjuguer / Drive (2018-06-09 18:17:14)

- Oral/écrivain (2018-06-10 14:52:39)

- Oral/Voyage Initiatique (2018-06-10 18:11:43)

- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2018-06-09 23:26:10)

- Oral/ idea of progress (2018-06-10 14:35:38)

- Remplacement / pronom (2018-06-09 11:47:18)

- Correction/ traduction (2018-06-09 07:59:00)

- Question / discuss (2018-06-08 12:45:00)

- Correction/ traduction (2018-06-08 06:55:03)

- Pluriel / aide (2018-06-08 09:19:57)

- Vocabulaire /Aide (2018-06-07 22:23:42)

- Grammaire /Aide (2018-06-07 15:43:46)

- Never forget/that (2018-06-06 22:40:12)

- Old age/aide (2018-06-07 09:32:56)

- Ordinateur/batterie (2018-06-06 22:58:56)

- Aide/spaces and exchanges (2018-06-06 23:20:54)

- Vocabulaire/Aide (2018-06-06 18:34:11)

- Paragraphe/Espagne (2018-06-07 11:13:51)

- Commandes/ logiciel (2018-06-05 13:32:16)

- Fixer une date/aide (2018-06-07 13:23:19)

- Champagne/aide (2018-06-03 21:51:51)

- Aide / traduction (2018-06-05 19:35:42)

- Cd audio New live 3è (2018-06-03 11:22:51)

- Translation/will (2018-06-04 17:28:01)

- Produit imaginaire/aide (2018-06-03 08:29:03)

- Grammaire/Aide (2018-06-03 09:09:34)

- Aide/phrasal verbs (2018-06-02 22:58:07)

- Vocabulaire/Aide (2018-06-05 09:23:33)

- Correction/CCTV cameras (2018-06-02 20:35:43)

- Vocabulaire/aide (2018-06-02 06:25:14)

- May I ask you/aide (2018-06-08 19:17:31)

- Our Story/ 33 (2018-06-17 23:12:03)

- [BAC 2019] Apprendre anglais et espagnol (2018-06-19 10:06:44)

- Articles/ the-a-an (2018-05-31 19:42:25)

- Aide/dystopian world (2018-05-30 23:37:42)

- Traduction/ expression (2018-05-30 23:31:45)

- Present perfect/-ing (2018-06-01 06:00:45)

- Help/cover letter (2018-05-30 19:29:01)

- Brevet/ stage (2018-05-30 20:04:09)

- Rapport de stage/aide (2018-06-10 23:08:38)

- Ex 133/with computers on our side (2018-06-20 23:13:32)

- Rack your brains and help!/ 23 (2018-06-25 17:39:05)

- Passive/help (2018-05-30 21:46:43)

- Tipped to make/aide (2018-05-30 15:17:13)

- Correction/ résumé (2018-05-29 11:24:07)

- Let's step in 3° (2018-05-28 06:44:08)

- Adjectifs /ordre (2018-05-27 19:44:10)

- Aide /Sport (2018-05-28 17:54:56)

- Special/ reported speech (2018-05-26 16:29:22)

- Him and Me/ He and I (2018-05-26 16:23:17)

- My dream job /2 (2018-05-26 16:11:41)

- My dream job/aide (2018-05-27 18:12:36)

- Aide/Version (2018-05-26 18:15:00)

- Vocabulaire/Aide (2018-05-24 12:26:34)

- Aide/Places and power (2018-05-24 11:30:13)

- CD New Spring 5è (2018-05-23 12:25:15)

- Spaces and exchanges/Bac (2018-05-22 19:15:59)

- Emploi/auxiliaires modaux (2018-05-24 12:25:00)

- Close to/V-ING (2018-05-22 11:21:03)

- Preposition/help (2018-05-22 22:23:57)

- I am stuck/help (2018-05-21 20:08:21)

- Aide/presentation d'entreprise (2018-05-30 13:53:44)

- Traceability/aide (2018-05-21 21:43:49)

- Notion/ spaces and exchanges (2018-05-20 15:00:56)

- Aide/salary (2018-05-20 17:35:42)

- Locations and forms of power/Bac (2018-05-21 20:21:36)

- Essai/TV programme (2018-05-19 19:28:52)

- Aide-test (2018-05-19 19:36:19)

- Aide / tho (2018-05-19 12:09:59)

- Enjoy your meal/aide (2018-05-28 11:13:47)

- Vocabulaire/Aide (2018-05-19 10:44:30)

- EO/Myths and heroes (2018-05-19 14:58:08)

- EO/Places and forms of power (2018-05-19 14:51:01)

- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2018-05-19 11:44:36)

- Meeting,love,friendship/LELE (2018-05-18 17:10:52)

- Guys-Buddies-mates/aide (2018-05-18 23:44:21)

- To swing by/aide (2018-05-19 01:33:03)

- Oral/Locations and forms of power (2018-05-19 15:48:43)

- Can see/See (2018-05-19 18:01:06)

- Résumé de stage/aide (2018-05-17 14:40:19)

- Oral/Banksy Space girl and bird (2018-05-16 16:56:08)

- Places & forms of power/Oral (2018-05-17 11:17:07)

- Oral/ spaces and exchanges (2018-05-17 11:09:18)

- Myths and heroes/aide (2018-05-17 10:50:33)

- Grammaire /Aide (2018-05-17 13:45:53)

- Oral/ idea of progress (2018-05-20 19:28:22)

- Our Story/ 32 (2018-06-01 12:55:27)

- Ex 132/ back to normal (2018-05-30 23:52:25)

- Notion/Idea of progress (2018-05-15 15:08:04)

- It's me / It's I (2018-05-16 10:27:00)

- Stative verb/confusion (2018-05-15 08:12:06)

- Verbes / syllabes (2018-05-14 15:06:38)

- Code Quantum/aide (2018-05-14 14:15:49)

- Every day/ present perfect (2018-05-14 17:26:31)

- Notion/places and forms of power (2018-05-13 21:38:17)

- Letter/sports facilities (2018-05-13 21:24:10)

- Myths and heroes/aide (2018-05-14 10:24:52)

- Oral/ idée de progrès (2018-05-13 17:04:37)

- Mythes et Héros/Oral (2018-05-13 14:02:09)

- Rack your brains and help!/ 22 (2018-05-30 22:07:52)

- Past perfect/aide (2018-05-13 23:15:38)

- Notion/Espaces et échanges (2018-05-13 09:22:20)

- Living in city/aide (2018-05-13 21:35:59)

- Traduction/titre stage (2018-05-12 16:27:07)

- Oral/ spaces and exchanges (2018-05-13 16:49:05)

- Which / What (2018-05-12 13:00:36)

- The/ Nothing (2018-05-12 11:03:50)

- Myths and heroes / Bac (2018-05-11 16:09:13)

- Notion/Mythes et héros (2018-05-10 18:28:46)

- Bac/places and forms of power (2018-05-10 15:00:22)

- You/Tu ou Vous (2018-05-13 17:16:32)

- Notion/ Idea of Progress (2018-05-10 13:09:15)

- Vocabulaire/Aide (2018-05-10 08:46:09)

- Les temps verbaux dans les chansons (2018-05-13 17:36:08)

- Aide / traduction (2018-05-09 20:18:20)

- Bac/Mythes et héros (2018-05-10 18:20:39)

- Aide/ c'est  (2018-05-08 20:40:43)

- Rédaction /gap year (2018-05-08 14:52:33)

- Quel temps/choix (2018-05-09 09:40:11)

- Insistance/aide (2018-05-08 08:01:35)

- Oral/mythes et héros (2018-05-10 10:55:42)

- For or To/aide (2018-05-08 12:20:43)

- Ask /Aide (2018-05-06 21:18:13)

- TOEIC/There is (2018-05-06 19:34:42)

- Urban environment/essay (2018-05-05 23:07:33)

- Aide/conditionnel ou futur (2018-05-15 14:59:12)

- Myths and heroes/Women (2018-05-08 18:20:29)

- Espaces et échanges/Oral (2018-05-06 08:54:23)

- Projet professionnel/aide (2018-05-05 16:18:58)

- Notion/Places and forms of power (2018-05-09 23:21:29)

- Could/be able to (2018-05-13 23:58:10)

- Notion/Places and forms of power (2018-05-05 14:39:41)

- Notion/The Idea of Progress (2018-05-05 14:53:27)

- Notion/Myths and Heroes (2018-05-05 14:47:45)

- Notion/Spaces and Exchanges (2018-05-05 15:01:41)

- Aide-différencier/adjectifs-adverbes (2018-05-04 09:59:42)

- Oral/ idea of progress (2018-05-09 10:29:32)

- She did live/aide (2018-05-04 00:08:24)

- Large important/aide (2018-05-18 23:55:25)

- TOEIC /Aide (2018-05-07 00:28:59)

- Emploi/temps du passé (2018-05-02 21:35:38)

- Very/aide (2018-05-03 16:01:49)

- Traduction français/anglais (2018-05-03 14:48:07)

- Artificial intelligence/aide (2018-05-05 20:23:44)

- Modaux/tous les temps (2018-05-03 12:46:45)

- Notion/espaces et échanges (2018-05-05 14:30:19)

- Notion/mythes et héros (2018-05-05 14:55:15)

- Points (2018-05-01 21:28:48)

- Blue colour / colour blue (2018-05-05 08:42:57)

- Bac/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2018-05-02 09:53:38)

- Open to/aide (2018-04-30 15:47:47)

- Correction/ texte (2018-04-30 15:43:32)

- Choix du verbe/aide (2018-04-29 19:02:36)

- In-within/aide (2018-05-02 00:39:33)

- Notion/lieux, formes de pouvoir (2018-05-01 18:02:42)

- Ex 131/ more days off (2018-05-15 22:58:49)

- Oral/places and forms of power (2018-04-30 20:31:23)

- Temps/aide (2018-04-29 21:37:44)

- Aide/Food industry (2018-05-01 00:17:01)

- Our Story/ 31 (2018-05-16 17:27:45)

- Quel présent/aide (2018-04-29 11:14:55)

- Auxiliaires/Do - Be (2018-04-27 23:56:46)

- Différence/aide (2018-04-27 11:31:55)

- Commentaire/ Frederick Douglass (2018-04-27 10:06:11)

- Rack your Brains and Help/ 21 (2018-05-19 13:23:49)

- Subordonnées/ condition (2018-04-27 21:03:10)

- Idea of progress/correction (2018-05-01 11:33:27)

- Must / have to (2018-04-27 00:13:36)

- Tâche/Spaces and exchanges (2018-04-26 11:47:30)

- Tâche/Idea of progress (2018-04-26 11:44:48)

- Help/Tâche finale (2018-04-26 11:42:01)

- Pourquoi/ participe passé (2018-04-26 08:16:37)

- The missing vowels/258 (2018-04-29 16:23:14)

- Bac notion/LELE (2018-04-27 12:40:54)

- For /aide (2018-04-25 19:47:43)

- Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2018-04-28 15:28:42)

- Oral/notion espace et échanges (2018-04-28 15:42:19)

- Oral/notion de progrès (2018-04-25 17:35:20)

- Myths and heroes/Bac (2018-04-27 00:22:42)

- Aide/ ordre adjectifs (2018-04-25 10:21:27)

- CNED CAPES Anglais Externe (2018-04-24 00:04:57)

- Idea of progress/Bac (2018-04-24 18:58:12)

- Aller faire/ quelque chose (2018-04-23 21:25:42)

- Aide /dyspraxie (2018-05-01 19:52:01)

- Correction/ oral Bac (2018-04-27 00:36:22)

- Explications/To be+ing (2018-04-22 17:49:09)

- Langage familier/aide (2018-04-22 03:05:13)

- Please help/ important (2018-04-23 14:40:20)

- Qcm / grammaire (2018-04-23 23:24:27)

- EOC/////Défendre idée (2018-04-22 15:38:10)

- Oral présentation/aide (2018-04-22 08:06:23)

- Hobbies /proposal (2018-04-22 22:34:02)

- Will/ would (2018-04-23 17:32:53)

- Notion/Places and forms of power (2018-04-21 00:16:39)

- Traduction/ phrase (2018-04-20 17:02:02)

- Notion/Space and exchange (2018-04-20 16:03:11)

- Faire faire/aide (2018-04-20 11:48:01)

- L2 psychology/spring semester (2018-04-23 19:29:50)

- Synthèse Bac/ correction (2018-04-29 11:17:21)

- The missing vowels/257 (2018-04-25 21:54:25)

- Expressions/aide (2018-04-18 17:46:42)

- Traduction/aide (2018-04-18 17:41:36)

- Sens d'un mot/aide (2018-04-18 21:15:57)

- Oral/ Myths & Heroes (2018-04-18 09:36:50)

- Titre /dessin animé (2018-04-19 21:40:17)

- Avis/ CV- full time job (2018-04-20 19:19:59)

- Auxiliaire/ question (2018-04-16 20:56:47)

- Aide/prétérit- parfait (2018-04-16 17:26:46)

- Aide /traduction (2018-04-16 11:43:22)

- Aide / EE (2018-04-16 19:01:50)

- Pas autant /aide (2018-04-16 11:10:56)

- Our Story/ 30 (2018-04-29 12:05:37)

- Whose interrogatif/aide (2018-04-15 16:47:25)

- Idée de progrès/Bac (2018-04-14 14:11:25)

- Temps de narration/BD (2018-04-14 17:27:04)

- Saluer/aide (2018-04-14 11:58:50)

- Passif et present perfect/ for (2018-04-13 20:02:45)

- Ex 130/ hard enough? (2018-04-30 21:21:24)

- Rack your Brains and Help/ 20 (2018-04-29 16:20:47)

- Correction/ petit texte (2018-04-21 14:59:13)

- Notion/myths and heroes (2018-04-14 20:02:35)

- Aide/Roman empire (2018-04-13 17:22:38)

- Documents/ anglais (2018-04-11 23:30:39)

- The missing vowels/256 (2018-04-18 20:33:29)

- Mythes et héros/synthèse (2018-04-12 12:08:32)

- Exam/correction (2018-04-11 21:59:22)

- Presentation/cyberbullying (2018-04-13 19:49:31)

- Oral/ gap year (2018-04-14 10:24:15)

- Question passif/aide (2018-04-11 23:26:43)

- Oral gap years problème/// (2018-04-11 16:26:12)

- Exposé/aide (2018-04-11 10:44:04)

- see, hear/present perfect (2018-04-10 22:01:27)

- Oral/ idée de progrès (2018-04-10 15:38:45)

- Aide/trouver l'erreur (2018-04-10 11:42:49)

- Essay/facilities in cities (2018-04-11 11:52:41)

- Méthodologie /aide (2018-04-11 20:22:34)

- I need help/ please (2018-04-09 19:08:39)

- Lettre/ motivation (2018-04-08 20:37:34)

- Since when/aide (2018-04-09 10:47:34)

- California /aide (2018-04-09 12:08:03)

- Questions/vocabulary + grammar (2018-04-08 17:43:02)

- Texte/ New York (2018-04-08 13:16:38)

- Stories/ for young children (2018-04-09 13:15:33)

- Questions indirectes/prépositions (2018-04-08 17:07:46)

- Aurait dû/aide (2018-04-07 15:13:33)

- Which tense/ graph (2018-04-07 16:35:24)

- Concours/ prépa (2018-04-08 10:57:12)

- Concours/ passerelle (2018-04-09 16:45:27)

- Auxiliaire modal/ BV (2018-04-06 16:27:38)

- Verbes d'état/ action (2018-04-05 11:20:11)

- The missing vowels/255 (2018-04-10 20:20:13)

- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2018-04-05 17:22:06)

- Signification/magic ... (2018-04-05 18:56:19)

- Use/ apostrophe (2018-04-20 00:51:00)

- Aide/ US immigration (2018-04-05 01:58:44)

- Poème/aide (2018-04-05 19:20:01)

- Correction/ traduction BD (2018-04-05 22:20:28)

- Exposé DNL/Correction (2018-04-06 17:36:46)

- Swinging sixties/aide (2018-04-06 12:24:44)

- Notion/Mythes et héros (2018-04-03 15:06:46)

- Passif/ traduction (2018-04-02 22:51:29)

- Writing a report/CAE (2018-04-03 16:11:41)

- Oral anglais / progress (2018-04-02 20:44:39)

- Internship report/help (2018-04-03 14:20:44)

- Soutenance orale/aide (2018-04-02 04:33:21)

- SOS/ oral Bac (2018-04-02 04:27:37)

- Fable/ Le corbeau et le renard (2018-04-01 16:24:08)

- Through/ via (2018-04-01 15:10:05)

- Possessive pronouns/help (2018-03-31 18:40:19)

- Our Story/29 (2018-04-15 15:33:19)

- CV/aide (2018-03-30 13:53:11)

- Copains d'avant/aide (2018-03-30 16:37:53)

- Some sentences /aide (2018-03-30 11:53:47)

- The missing vowels/254 (2018-04-03 17:44:46)

- Info/ correction (2018-03-29 15:15:23)

- Cover letter/aide (2018-03-28 19:28:30)

- Correction/ phrases (2018-03-29 16:39:14)

- Almost barely/aide (2018-04-03 11:34:54)

- Ex 129/ Enjoy yourselves (2018-04-15 07:57:28)

- Rack your Brains and help!/ 19 (2018-04-16 14:47:45)

- Apprendre / grammaire (2018-03-29 18:48:14)

- Lettre motivation/ 2nd euro (2018-03-26 11:59:35)

- Correction/ texte (2018-03-26 09:08:55)

- The most/aide (2018-03-27 06:46:50)

- Cela va de soi/aide (2018-03-25 21:41:37)

- New city/ correction (2018-03-26 16:46:56)

- Notion/évolution des familles (2018-03-25 12:15:23)

- Pieces/aide (2018-03-24 18:11:20)

- Explaining/ beautiful song (2018-03-24 20:32:14)

- Places and forms of power/aide (2018-03-23 18:31:35)

- Order of adjectives/help (2018-03-23 18:27:03)

- To do/ to make shopping (2018-03-23 18:52:37)

- Preposition/ At vs In (2018-03-23 18:56:12)

- Recherche/ cd audio goodnews 5e (2018-03-23 06:27:16)

- It was too much long/aide (2018-03-22 15:44:20)

- Changement/aide (2018-03-22 18:40:15)

- Conjugaison/aide (2018-03-22 12:30:16)

- The missing vowels/253 (2018-03-28 18:07:07)

- Had used to/Had been used to (2018-03-26 16:58:42)

- Correction/ lettre (2018-03-22 14:22:11)

- Nouns and verbs/help (2018-03-21 10:13:11)

- Forme to + v-ing/aide (2018-03-22 10:35:02)

- Correction/Idea of Progress (2018-03-20 14:55:16)

- Traduction / maths (2018-03-21 15:16:27)

- Some,any,a little/aide (2018-03-19 14:31:45)

- Manège/aide (2018-03-19 11:10:35)

- Aide/Trial Court (2018-03-18 19:27:28)

- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2018-03-20 05:59:28)

- My cover letter/aide (2018-03-18 13:44:19)

- Message vocal à enregistrer (2018-03-18 11:08:39)

- Dialogue/ futur (2018-03-18 23:43:35)

- Aide/ résumé (2018-03-18 06:12:20)

- Motivation/ 2nd européenne (2018-03-18 06:24:54)

- Trouver l'erreur/aide (2018-03-18 17:51:04)

- Notion/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2018-03-17 16:14:20)

- Request /aide (2018-03-17 15:02:50)

- None of/have or has (2018-03-19 17:15:11)

- Verbes et temps /test (2018-03-16 22:16:48)

- Conditionnel/aide (2018-03-16 20:37:39)

- Trouver/erreur (2018-03-16 10:04:39)

- Trouver erreur/aide (2018-03-15 16:03:14)

- Question conditionnel/aide (2018-03-16 09:48:19)

- The missing vowels/252 (2018-03-20 18:31:29)

- Second-hand smoke/aide (2018-03-14 22:01:15)

- Question /Than (2018-03-15 14:01:41)

- Problématique Lele bac (2018-03-15 00:11:51)

- Dialogue/ correction (2018-03-14 17:17:20)

- Mrxx and I or me/aide (2018-03-21 08:54:05)

- Oral d'anglais BP Carrelage mosaïque (2018-03-14 07:56:55)

- Our Story/ 28 (2018-03-30 21:47:15)

- Maybe,perhaps/left,more (2018-03-13 23:39:18)

- Ex 128/ cooler, now (2018-03-29 23:45:32)

- Rack your Brains and Help/ 18 (2018-03-30 10:34:11)

- TIP-TOP English CAP (2018-03-12 20:00:05)

- Débat/Buy Nothing Day (2018-03-14 11:36:58)

- Parcoursup /motivation (2018-03-21 19:21:07)

- Correction /projet (2018-03-12 15:59:11)

- Oral/ idée de progrès (2018-03-11 23:00:50)

- Carpe Diem/aide (2018-03-18 16:13:25)

- Vérification/Mother Nature (2018-03-12 04:58:53)

- Traduction/phrase New York (2018-03-11 14:51:50)

- Correction/Copenhague (2018-03-10 23:03:23)

- Rédiger/literary commentary (2018-03-10 14:58:08)

- Place/ adjectifs (2018-03-10 16:14:10)

- Lettre /motivation (2018-03-10 12:27:10)

- Phrase/aide (2018-03-09 18:08:53)

- Oral stage/correction (2018-03-20 18:22:42)

- My interests/B1 (2018-03-09 15:31:16)

- La possession /have (2018-03-09 22:57:55)

- Bac/Notion of progress (2018-03-08 20:43:47)

- Trouver l'erreur/aide (2018-03-08 17:19:58)

- While/ question (2018-03-09 14:53:25)

- Do-Did/aide (2018-03-08 22:00:50)

- The missing vowels/251 (2018-03-14 22:14:06)

- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2018-03-08 21:33:58)

- Mot/aide (2018-03-07 22:53:43)

- Could be/aide (2018-03-11 18:02:22)

- Traduction/aide (2018-03-07 17:52:10)

- Oral/places and forms of power (2018-03-10 14:43:07)

- Aide / texte (2018-03-09 18:40:16)

- Spoken / written (2018-03-13 21:34:41)

- Bac/lieux et formes de pouvoir (2018-03-06 22:41:30)

- Intransitive/phrasal verb (2018-03-06 18:53:00)

- Pourquoi/ intéressé (2018-03-09 11:34:21)

- Les adjectifs/a et an (2018-03-05 17:10:01)

- Phrase/aide (2018-03-07 18:02:47)

- Checking/video transcription 2 (2018-03-10 19:30:45)

- Checking/video transcription 1 (2018-03-21 11:40:15)

- Aide latin (2018-03-08 12:26:15)

- Synonyme/aide (2018-03-05 10:49:21)

- Pospositive adjectives/aide (2018-03-05 18:29:11)

- Trouver/erreur (2018-03-04 09:38:02)

- Traduction/jean, jeans (2018-03-03 21:29:50)

- Introducing myself/help (2018-03-03 00:36:23)

- Aide/ présentation (2018-03-03 11:50:22)

- Questions/aide (2018-03-02 21:59:14)

- Conditionnel/aide (2018-03-02 12:22:48)

- Problème/traduction (2018-03-02 14:32:57)

- Why is/ not are (2018-03-06 16:41:09)

- Vocabulaire/aide (2018-03-02 11:38:58)

- Rendez-vous/aide (2018-03-02 09:53:18)

- Spaces and form of power/oral (2018-03-02 09:41:14)

- The missing vowels/250 (2018-03-07 06:50:03)

- Our Story/27 (2018-03-14 08:13:40)

- Question/ grammaire (2018-02-28 20:31:13)

- Children / class (2018-02-28 16:35:55)

- Uncountable/verb (2018-02-28 19:37:30)

- Use /than (2018-02-28 13:44:52)

- Aide / traduction (2018-02-28 14:41:27)

- Questions/who-whom (2018-03-02 13:15:59)

- Temps du passé/aide (2018-02-27 22:46:49)

- Road 66/Correction (2018-02-28 19:45:40)

- Lettre/ motivation (2018-02-27 18:27:52)

- Présentation/aide (2018-02-27 15:33:39)

- Où trouver les corrigés des tests ? (2018-02-27 13:43:37)

- Besoin /aide (2018-03-20 00:16:51)

- Souci d'exercice/Superlatif (2018-02-27 14:48:13)

- Ex127/ frozen? not our brains (2018-03-15 23:49:32)

- Prétérit + now / If (2018-02-27 16:52:44)

- Any more/Anymore (2018-02-27 00:02:40)

- Confusion / due to (2018-02-26 22:39:06)

- Prononciation /often (2018-03-01 07:14:19)

- I need me/aide (2018-02-26 19:46:20)

- Etre ou avoir/ pourquoi (2018-02-28 14:05:49)

- Present perfect -ing/aide (2018-02-27 14:34:28)

- Prétérit /Have -EN (2018-03-01 13:02:48)

- Could/ 1st conditional (2018-02-28 14:17:43)

- Rack your Brains and Help/17 (2018-03-16 19:16:13)

- Not anymore/2 (2018-02-26 11:17:53)

- Not anymore/aide (2018-02-25 16:43:08)

- Intend/A(n) University (2018-02-25 18:24:36)

- Don't / doesn't (2018-02-25 00:41:25)

- Différences/ temps (2018-02-24 21:41:33)

- Traduction/ discours direct (2018-02-24 17:45:30)

- Hence/aide (2018-02-23 19:25:55)

- Répétition/ sujet (2018-02-23 18:56:20)

- Question/aide (2018-02-23 17:52:00)

- Correction/mail (2018-02-23 11:54:13)

- Question/mot (2018-02-25 18:32:38)

- Meaning / phrase (2018-02-27 15:21:42)

- Suite et série (2018-02-24 16:37:48)

- Adjectif qualificatif/aide (2018-02-22 10:30:43)

- The missing vowels/249 (2018-02-27 21:36:38)

- Comparatif/Superlatif (2018-02-22 21:54:30)

- Trouver l'erreur/aide (2018-02-28 18:26:17)

- Utilisation temps/aide (2018-02-21 19:33:50)

- Proposer des énigmes jeu du coffre (2018-03-03 16:26:34)

- Stress words/aide (2018-02-22 09:47:44)

- Indirect object/direct object (2018-02-21 11:21:48)

- Forte probabilité/aide (2018-02-21 11:43:13)

- Correction-avis sur une analyse (2018-02-19 18:24:11)

- Capacité/aide (2018-02-19 18:10:21)

- Dialogue/ réclamation (2018-02-19 23:03:09)

- Besoin/aide (2018-02-18 20:27:18)

- Aide/verbes (2018-02-22 18:29:56)

- Check/grammar (2018-02-23 18:18:13)
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