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Baccalauréat (ancienne formule)- Section Eco - Corrigé

Attention: il s'agit d'un corrigé! N'oubliez pas de construire des phrases complètes.


EX 1. Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme et au temps appropriés (changez l'ordre des mots si nécessaire)

1. If I were you, I (tell) WOULD TELL him what to do.

2. I'd rather you (not go) YOU DID NOT GO out tonight.

3. Why you (not leave) AREN'T YOU LEAVING straight away? Then you are sure to arrive on time.

4. If she (be) HAD BEEN more helpful, I would have liked her more.

5. How about (go) GOING to the pictures tonight?

6. He was meant (repair) TO REPAIR his car himself.

7. It is the third time she (have) HAS HAD a dress made by a tailor.

8. (You/not notice) DIDN'T YOU NOTICE anyone near the building when the bomb went off?

9. They (walk) HAD BEEN WALKING for a long time when at last they saw a sign-post.

10. I heard someone (slam) SLAM the door, and then there was silence.


EX2: Complétez le passage ci-dessous à l'aide de la liste suivante: what / which / when / where / whose / that / zéro

The young man, WHOSE name I can't remember, told me about an an unfortunate accident WHICH had happened to him. I don't know WHEN or WHERE it took place, but he said THAT/pronom zéro the only thing THAT mattered to him was his car. WHAT he had not foreseen was THAT it would be completely smashed one day. All THAT is so sad THAT I can hardly believe it.


EX3: Construisez 5 phrases cohérentes en utilisant pour chaque phrase un élément de chacune des 3 colonnes:

1. Paul had to sell his car 1. in order to 1. he desperately needs some money.
2. The government poured money into rural development 2. as long as buy a house abroad.
3. He will not be able to go abroad for a holiday 3. although 3. improve the quality of life in the country.
4. I will live happily 4. so as to 4. he saves up a lot of money
5. He refuses to sell his car 5.unless 5. I can do what I like

Vos réponses (ex: 1-2-3-4)

1 - 1 - 2

2 - 4 -3

3 - 5 - 4

4 - 2 - 5

5 - 3 - 1


EX4 Complétez avec: can, can't, may, might, couldn't, must, should, ought to, needn't, dared. Chaque modal ne peut être utilisé qu'une fois.

1. You (do) NEEDN'T DO the shopping now; tomorrow will do.

2. Since she isn't here, I'm sure she (forget) MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN about the meeting.

3. I was so surprised that I (say) COULDN'T SAY a word.

4. She (commit) CANNOT HAVE COMMITTED the murder; she has an alibi.

5. The weather forecast says it (rain) MAY RAIN this afternoon.

6. Before letting everybody else know about it, you (tell) YOU SHOULD/OUGHT TO TELL your parents first.

7. He overcame his fear, and for once he (oppose) HE DARED OPPOSE his father.

8. He said that he (fall) MIGHT HAVE FALLEN asleep at the wheel, but he really did not remember the cause of the accident.

9. When (you)(deliver) CAN YOU DELIVER the goods?

10. Why didn't you come? You (come) OUGHT TO/SHOULD HAVE COME at once.


EX5: réécrivez les phrases suivantes sans en changer le sens, en commençant par l'amorce proposée.

1. If anything happened to him, I would be upset.

anything happen...

2. He doesn't like coffee or whisky.

neither coke nor whisky.

3. I cannot see him anywhere.

cannot be seen anywhere.

4. I like playing golf - me too.

I like playing golf - So do I.

5. Whatever he does he will succeed.

what he does, ...

6. How about changing your mind?

you should change your mind.

7. I regret having left so early.

I had not left so early.

8. Can I use your disctionary?

if she could use my dictionary.

9. "I will go to England next year."

he would go to England the following year (/He thought of going to England: il a envisagé...)

10. The headmaster was telling the boys off.

were being told off by the headmaster.




------Marian was walking slowly down the aisle, keeping pace with the gentle music that swelled and rippled around her. "Beans", she said. She found the kind marked "Vegetarian" and tossed two cans into her wire cart.

------The music swung into a tinkly waltz; she proceeded down the aisle, trying to concentrate on her list. She resented the music because she knew why it was there: it was supposed to lull you into a euphoric trance, lower your sales reistance to the point at which all things are desirable. But just because she knew what they were up to didn't mean she was immune. These days, if she wasn't careful, she found herself pushing the cart like a somnambulist, eyes fixed, swaying slightly, her hands twitching with the impulse to reach out and grab anything with a bright label. She had begun to defend herself with lists, willing herself to buy nothing, however deceptively priced or subliminally packaged, except what was written there. When she was feeling unusually susceptible she would tick the things off the list with a pencil as an additional countercharm.

------But in some ways they would always be successful: they couldn't miss. You had to buy something sometime. She knew enough about it from the office to realize that the choice between, for instance, two brands of soap or two cans of tomato juice was not what could be called a rational one. In the products there was no real difference. How did you choose then? You could only abandon yourself to the soothing music and make a random snatch.

------She steered her cart towards the vegetable area and picked listlessly through the vegetables. She used to be fond of a good salad but now she had to eat so many of them she was beginning to find them tiresome. How she longed to become again a carnivore, to gnaw on a good bone! Christmas dinner had been dfficult. "Why Marian, you're not eating!" her mother had fussed when she had left the turkey untounched on her plate. She had said she wasn't hungry, and had eaten huge quantities of cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes when no one was looking. Her mother had set her strange loss of appetite down to overexcitement. She had thought of saying she had taken up a new religion that forbade her to eat meat, but it wouldn't have been a good idea: they had been pathetically eager to have the wedding in the family church. Their reaction though, as far as she could estimate the reactions of people who were now so remote of her, was less elated glee (elated glee=a feeling of great joy and excitement) than a quiet, rather smug satisfaction, as though their fears about the effects of her university education, never stated but always apparent, had been calmed at last. They had probably been worried she would turn into a high-school teacher or a maiden aunt or a dope addict or a female executive. But now, their approving eyes said, she was turning out all right after all.

(c) Margaret Atwood, The Edible Woman, 1969.




1. What is the setting of:

1. the first part? a supermarket

2. the second part? at home


EX2 In the following pairs tick the box corresponding to the correct statement.

1. As Marian did her shopping she disliked the music. "She resented the music."

2. When Marian left school

she went to university. (university education)

3. Marian is at present unmarried

she is about to get married. (the wedding)

4. formerly Marian was not a vegetarian (become a carnivore again)




1. Marian knew that the music in shops made people buy more.

R: She knew... it was supposed to lower your sales resistance to the point at which all things are desirable.

2 . She herself was able to resist its influence.

W: (She was not able to resist)... just because she knew didn't mean she was immune.

3. She crossed the items off her list to make sure she had not forgotten anything.

W: (She crossed the items off her list) when she was feeling unusually susceptible...

4. She was no longer keen on eating salads.

R: had to eat so many of them she was beginning to find them tiresome.

5. Her mother knew she was a vegetarian.

W: ... she had fussed when she had left her turkey untouched.

6. Marian did not have much appetite for Christmas dinner.

W: "had eaten huge quantities of cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes when no one was looking."

7. She told her family that she had changed her religion.

W: "she had thought of saying)

8. She felt out of touch with her family.

R: she felt out of touch: people were now so remote

9. They had said that they were afraid of the bad influence of a university education.

W: fears about univeersity: never stated, always apparent

10. Her family thought that a woman who had a career but no husband was a failure.

R: had probably been worried she would turn into a maiden aunt, a female executive.


EX4: Choose the right answer

1. "keeping pace with the gentle music" means: moving in time to the gentle music

2. "she knew what they were up to" means:

was aware of their intentions

3. "make a random snatch" means:

seize any product at all

4. "she was turning out all right" means:

was becoming a likeable person


EX5: Quote 2 phrases that show:

1. that Marion considers shopping to be a sort of war in which she is on the weaker site.

She had begun to defend herself


2. that the music in shops turns people into unthinking zombies.

"unthinking zombies"



EX6: Find the words in the text with the same meaning as:

1. bite gnaw

2. to fail to miss

3. to want very much to long/to be eager to

4. to attribute to to set to

5. far away remote

6. to become to turn into


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