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Figure emblématique des Etats-Unis, Martin Luther King s'est notamment rendu célèbre pour ses combats politiques ainsi que son discours historique "I have a dream". Retour sur la vie de cette figure historique des Etats-Unis.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted black and white Americans to live happily together. On the third Monday in January, many Americans honour this hero.

Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, was a black pastor. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia on 15 January, 1929. He was the leader of the Civil Rights movement demanding equality for black people. Many Southern states in the USA like Georgia, were segregated in the 1950s: black children couldn’t go to the same schools as whites; Blacks and Whites couldn’t sit in the same bus seats, theatres or use the same public toilets. King believed that was wrong.

In December 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, was on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. A white man demanded her seat and she refused. She was arrested. King, who was working in Montgomery, led a black protest. For a year, black people refused to use the buses. Finally, segregation on the buses was declared illegal.

Dr King was now famous and he continued with many other protests. Some white people supported him, but many opposed him. His house was bombed.

In 1964, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. But he continued to have enemies and on April 4, 1968 he was assassinated. Ironically, the death of this non-violent man provoked riots all over America.


VOCABULAIRE Aller au texte

a dream = un rêve
happily = joyeusement, avec bonheur
a pastor = un pasteur
to demand = exiger
equality = égalité
Southern states = Etats du Sud
a seat = un siège
to lead, led, led = diriger
famous = célèbre
to support someone = soutenir quelqu'un
the Nobel Peace Prize = le prix Nobel de la Paix
riots = des affrontements


QUESTIONS Aller au texte

    A. What was the Civil Rights movement?

  1. a movement fighting against poverty
  2. a movement fighting for the rights of black people
  3. a movement fighting against smoking


    B. What happened in December 1955?

  1. a black woman was killed
  2. a black woman was arrested because she refused to give her seat to a white man
  3. a black woman became the first black mayor of the USA.


    C. What happened in 1968?

  1. Martin Luther King was arrested
  2. Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize
  3. Martin Luther King was killed


A2 | B2 | C3

Les questions:

  1. Qu'était le "Civil Rights movement"? un mouvement luttant contre la pauvreté / pour les droits des noirs / contre le tabac?
  2. Que s'est-il passé en décembre 1955? une femme noire a été tuée / a été arrêtée pace qu'elle refusait de donner son siège à un homme blanc / est devenue le premier maire noir des Etats-Unis?
  3. Qu'est-il arrivé en 1968? MLK a été arrêté / a reçu le Prix Nobel de la Paix / a été tué?


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