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Cours d'anglais > Etats-Unis > Etudier aux USA

Conseils pour aller étudier aux Etats-Unis

Foreign students who want to study in the United States have many questions. Some of these include: How do I find out about American colleges? How do I choose the right one for me? What tests must I take? What kinds of official documents will I need? How much will it cost? We will answer these kinds of questions in our reports.

We will discuss the American system of higher education. We will tell about financial aid. We will describe rules concerning foreign students who want to work while studying. We will explain the English language requirement. We will discuss required tests. We will tell how to prepare for them. And we will tell you where to find help in your own country.

Some of the programs will tell about a few of the three-thousand colleges and universities in the United States. These reports will discuss study programs that may interest you. We will tell about living at an American college. We also will explain about ways to use a computer to study at an American university without leaving home. And we will discuss how the terrorist attacks last year have changed some of the rules for foreign students in the United States.

To prepare these reports, we talked to government officials, foreign students and university officials in different parts of the country. Most students say planning ahead helped make their American educational experience successful. That is the purpose of this series — to help you plan.


First Steps
Experts say to begin planning at least two years before you want to start your studies in America.

College or University?

Online Education

New Government Rules

New Security System





Health Insurance

Financial Aid

Fulbright Program

Student Handbook

Institute of International Education Report

Dorm or Apartment?

Teaching Assistants

Military Colleges
One American military college that welcomes foreign students is the Virginia Military Institute. Another is The Citadel in South Carolina.

Agriculture Studies
About 100 of the 2,400 four-year schools in the United States began as public agricultural colleges, and continue to teach agriculture.

Master of Business Administration students learn to deal with all kinds of situations. They learn to solve business problems. They develop skills needed by many different companies.


This VOA Special English EDUCATION REPORT was written by Nancy Steinbach.



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