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Mini thème/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Mini thème/correction
Message de vaiana posté le 01-08-2019 à 01:07:27 (S | E | F)

Hello everyone! Here I am with 5 new sentences that I have tried to translate

Would someone mind helping me correct them? thanks in advance for your time!

1. Cela fait trois ans qu’elle travaille à Paris et elle envisage de changer d’emploi.
It has been three years since she has worked in Paris and she's foreseeing changing her job.
She has worked /She has been working in Paris for three years and she's foreseeing a change of job.
She's planning changing her job after having worked for three years in Paris. (Does it exist another word for 'job?' - I found 'employment' but I don't know whether it fits in that particular case)

2. Je t’ai demandé il y a cinq minutes si cela ne te dérangerait pas d’aller faire les courses.
I asked you five minutes ago whether you wouldn't mind going and shop. /going shopping

3. Pourquoi ne pas leur envoyer un courriel immédiatement ? Ce serait tellement plus pratique, n’est-ce pas ?
Why not immediatly send them an email? / Why not send them an email right away/straight away/right now?
It would be more practical, wouldn't it?

4. Moins il y aura de véhicules dans nos villes, plus la vie sera agréable pour nos concitoyens.
The less vehicles in our cities there will be, the more enjoyable our fellow citizen's life will be. (I'm in trouble with that kind of sentence )

5. S’il avait voulu contribuer à la sauvegarde de la planète, il aurait acheté une voiture qui consomme peu.
If he had wanted to contribute to the safeguard of the planet, he'd have bought a car which consumption is low.
Had he wanted to contribute to the safeguard of the planet, he would have bought a car which consumption is low.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-08-2019 09:24

Réponse : Mini thème/correction de here4u, postée le 02-08-2019 à 14:14:20 (S | E)
1. Cela fait trois ans qu’elle travaille à Paris et elle envisage de changer d’emploi.
It has been three years since she has worked in Paris and she's foreseeing changing her job.
She has worked /She has been working in Paris for three years and she's foreseeing a change of job.
She's planning changing her job after having worked for three years in Paris. (Does it exist another word for 'job?' - I found 'employment' but I don't know whether it fits in that particular case)
Lien internet

2. Je t’ai demandé il y a cinq minutes si cela ne te dérangerait pas d’aller faire les courses.
I asked you five minutes ago(word order) whether you wouldn't mind going and shop. /going shopping

3. Pourquoi ne pas leur envoyer un courriel immédiatement ? Ce serait tellement plus pratique, n’est-ce pas ?
Why not immediatly send them an email? / Why not send them an email right away/straight away/right now?
It would be more practical, wouldn't it? OK

4. Moins il y aura de véhicules dans nos villes, plus la vie sera agréable pour nos concitoyens.
The less vehicles in our cities there will beWORD ORDER ! , the more enjoyable our fellow citizen's life will be. (I'm in trouble with that kind of sentence )
Lien internet

Lien internet

5. S’il avait voulu contribuer à la sauvegarde de la planète, il aurait acheté une voiture qui consomme peu.
If he had wanted to contribute to the safeguard of the planet, he'd have bought a car which consumption is low.
Had he wanted to contribute to the safeguard of the planet, he would have bought a car which consumption is low.

Allez, courage !

Réponse : Mini thème/correction de vaiana, postée le 02-08-2019 à 14:41:18 (S | E)
Hello Here4u! Thanks for your help!

1. Cela fait trois ans qu’elle travaille à Paris et elle envisage de changer d’emploi.
It has been three years since she worked in Paris and she is planning to change her job.
Sur ce topic, j'avais cru comprendre que, pour cette structure, il fallait utiliser le present perfect après "since" si l'action était toujours en cours.
Lien internet
She has worked /She has been working in Paris for three years and she is planning a change of job.
She is planning to change her job after having worked (or: after working) for three years in Paris.
Does it exist --> Does another word exist...

2. Je t’ai demandé il y a cinq minutes si cela ne te dérangerait pas d’aller faire les courses.
I asked you whether you wouldn't mind going shopping five minutes ago.
J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre pourquoi mettre ces deux verbes au gérondif. Sur le site j'avais appris que pour traduire deux verbes à la suite en français ("aller cueillir les cerises" par exemple) il fallait utiliser le "and" --> "go and pick the cherries"

4. Moins il y aura de véhicules dans nos villes, plus la vie sera agréable pour nos concitoyens.
The fewer vehicles there will be in our cities, the more enjoyable our fellow citizen's life will be.

5. S’il avait voulu contribuer à la sauvegarde de la planète, il aurait acheté une voiture qui consomme peu.
If he had wanted to contribute to the saveguard of the planet, he would have bought a car that consumes little.
Had he wanted to contribute to the saveguard of the planet, he would have bought a car that consumes little.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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