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Let's Suggest /39

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Réponse : Let's Suggest /39 de magie8, postée le 17-06-2023 à 09:33:37 (S | E)
hello ultime correction
EXPRESSION N° 3 follow up

I wouldn’t have liked to live in the Middle Ages, because it was quite a barbarous time ( when some people killed other people quite easily. Equality in life and real respect for other people’s lives didn't exist.
Before the industrial revolution, people seemed quite happy. They lived simply and were satisfied with simple things . They cultivated the land, ate some vegetables which they produced and the little meat they got from the hens and pigs they raised. Radio, and TV did not exist, but there was a lot of gossip. I think it was a happy time. Children ( studied( FOR a short time only, but they knew the basics.
In the country, people didn’t dream of travels and huge cities that they had hardly ever heard of, they were satisfied with what they had: a little house with no water or electricity, there was no pollution, but much fresh air and space, woods, forests, nature for them!

EST CE bien ou y a t il encore des fautes ? Merci à bientôt

Réponse : Let's Suggest /39 de here4u, postée le 18-06-2023 à 18:55:52 (S | E)
Hello dear magie!

Here I am... but I can't get why you have posted this same correction twice...

EXPRESSION N° 3 follow up

I wouldn’t have liked to live in the Middle Ages, because it was quite a barbarous time, when some people killed other people quite easily.* Equality in life and real respect for other people’s lives didn't exist. TB
Before the industrial revolution, people seemed quite happy. They lived simply and were satisfied with simple things. TB They cultivated the land, ate some/ the/ vegetables which/ that they produced and the little meat they got from the hens and pigs they raised. Radio, and TV did not exist, but there was a lot of gossip. I think it was a happy time. Children studied FOR a short time/ a few years/ only, but they knew the basics.
In the country, people didn’t dream of travels and huge cities that they had hardly ever heard of, they were satisfied with what they had: a little house with no water or electricity, there was no pollution, but much fresh air and space, woods, forests, nature for them!
C'est très bien, Magie ! Tu vois que tu sais corriger !

* ... when people killed one another/ each other quite easily/ casually/ frequently...


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