Rack your brains and Help!/ 53
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basRack your brains and Help!/ 53
Message de here4u posté le 28-08-2019 à 20:31:17 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,
Voici votre nouvel exercice Rack Your Brains… C’est un devoir de Rentrée : exercices courts, avec des « reprises » (vous savez que les connaissances doivent être revues, révisées et utilisées pour être bien ancrées dans nos esprits et y rester … )
Maxwell vous a concocté un bel « abacus » de Rentrée et j’espère que vous lui ferez honneur… 
En ce début d’année scolaire, pour les nouveaux et futurs arrivants – et les « anciens » … il me semble important de clarifier quelques bases de notre système, qui ne tourne pas si mal mais peut toujours être amélioré. Je vous rappelle que chacun peut faire des suggestions et exprimer des désirs, et que vous êtes toujours totalement libres de faire un exercice, ou pas … (L’ensemble est suffisamment long et chaque exercice se suffit à lui-même.)
Cependant, il me paraît important de renouveler notre « engagement moral » : beaucoup de travail, moins de travail, peu importe, mais toujours «Your Best»
, et jusqu’au bout … Puisque vous en ressentez le besoin, et m’avez assuré de sa grande utilité, le follow-up work (la traduction des textes travaillés et corrigés) apparaît comme partie importante du travail et elle ne devrait pas toujours être laissée aux mêmes volontaires …
Si chacun s’engageait pour une petite part de ce travail, en même temps qu’il met son devoir « ready for correction » par exemple, tout serait beaucoup plus facile … et créateur de moins de stress pour tous … (et surtout pour moi …
Désolée d’être « égoïste »
… mais chacun a ses limites … ) J’espère que vous comprendrez et répondrez favorablement.
J’en suis certaine … 
Un autre petit rappel : Notre travail ensemble comporte en tout TROIS exercices bi-mensuels.
- Les traductions : issues de documents authentiques et qui vous permettent d’entretenir et/ou faire progresser votre niveau de compétence.
- Le Rack Your Brains : qui devrait vous demander moins de travail
(sauf si vous tenez vraiment à « décortiquer » les documents sous toutes leurs coutures …
Il se veut plus ludique, mais si possible informatif, vous permettant d’actualiser un vocabulaire – et une grammaire en contexte – moins classiques, plus actuels …
- Our Story + Grammar : C’est un exercice collectif, apparemment sans prétentions, où vous participez à l’élaboration (guidée et contrôlée) d’une histoire commune mais qui respecte la liberté de tous et de chacun. Mes corrections se bornent à enlever les grosses fautes, mais respectent les idées et (en général) la « façon de dire » (sauf si elle est grammaticalement fausse). Le but annoncé est de « construire ensemble », le but atteint est une histoire à rebondissements qui vous permet de vous amuser et de maîtriser vraiment un point de grammaire particulier.
J’avais été obligée de dissocier ce travail-jeu des traductions car vous participiez trop et trop souvent,
et c’était ingérable …
Maintenant, l’isolement de l’exercice,
et la nécessité de suivre la logique entamée réduit la participation à cet exercice à un noyau dur (et souvent brillant) de participants
. Or, tout le monde peut intervenir, quel que soit le niveau de compétence, à condition de respecter les règles (de bons sens). 
Je ne saurais trop vous conseiller, inviter, pousser à participer à cet exercice. Vous avez le droit de ne pas «accrocher» à une histoire particulière, mais au début, au moins, auriez tout intérêt « pédagogique » à vous lancer dans l’aventure et à faire profiter le groupe de votre richesse d’imagination … J’espère sincèrement que vous entendrez mon appel …
Un petit passage sur le fil, de temps en temps, à un rythme régulier ou juste à l’occasion, quand vous en avez le loisir serait idéal … A vous de choisir. Je vous attends … 
Et pour que cette nouvelle année scolaire s’ouvre bien … triple ration de THE FORCE !

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )
This text contains many mistakes... (to be corrected!)
Many millennials aren’t satisfied of their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the top of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 peoples at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate situation. To remind those days, he laughs in unbelief. “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss of it at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he wins 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of to drive a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, however. In exchange, he gets to participate to projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job satisfaction is high: following a global survey of more than 13,000 peoples, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the two next years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional lanes before it will become too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management situations for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ask myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quitted his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality to a happiness-driven one” was the better decision of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let to go. “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and ….. (1) them to people. He was fond of …. (2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting … (3) student life was … (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used ….. (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in …. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his ….. (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write …… (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone …. (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of …. (10).”
III. ABACUS made by Maxwell:
slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well!
You'll soon realize that this is no game!
. The theme is «Back to School» !
Go for it, and ENJOY !

Ce devoir, composé de 3 exercices est un
et la correction sera en ligne le Jeudi 12 septembre tard.
Message de here4u posté le 28-08-2019 à 20:31:17 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,
Voici votre nouvel exercice Rack Your Brains… C’est un devoir de Rentrée : exercices courts, avec des « reprises » (vous savez que les connaissances doivent être revues, révisées et utilisées pour être bien ancrées dans nos esprits et y rester … )

En ce début d’année scolaire, pour les nouveaux et futurs arrivants – et les « anciens » … il me semble important de clarifier quelques bases de notre système, qui ne tourne pas si mal mais peut toujours être amélioré. Je vous rappelle que chacun peut faire des suggestions et exprimer des désirs, et que vous êtes toujours totalement libres de faire un exercice, ou pas … (L’ensemble est suffisamment long et chaque exercice se suffit à lui-même.)
Cependant, il me paraît important de renouveler notre « engagement moral » : beaucoup de travail, moins de travail, peu importe, mais toujours «Your Best»

Un autre petit rappel : Notre travail ensemble comporte en tout TROIS exercices bi-mensuels.
- Les traductions : issues de documents authentiques et qui vous permettent d’entretenir et/ou faire progresser votre niveau de compétence.
- Le Rack Your Brains : qui devrait vous demander moins de travail

- Our Story + Grammar : C’est un exercice collectif, apparemment sans prétentions, où vous participez à l’élaboration (guidée et contrôlée) d’une histoire commune mais qui respecte la liberté de tous et de chacun. Mes corrections se bornent à enlever les grosses fautes, mais respectent les idées et (en général) la « façon de dire » (sauf si elle est grammaticalement fausse). Le but annoncé est de « construire ensemble », le but atteint est une histoire à rebondissements qui vous permet de vous amuser et de maîtriser vraiment un point de grammaire particulier.
J’avais été obligée de dissocier ce travail-jeu des traductions car vous participiez trop et trop souvent,

Maintenant, l’isolement de l’exercice,

Je ne saurais trop vous conseiller, inviter, pousser à participer à cet exercice. Vous avez le droit de ne pas «accrocher» à une histoire particulière, mais au début, au moins, auriez tout intérêt « pédagogique » à vous lancer dans l’aventure et à faire profiter le groupe de votre richesse d’imagination … J’espère sincèrement que vous entendrez mon appel …

Et pour que cette nouvelle année scolaire s’ouvre bien … triple ration de THE FORCE !

I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )

Many millennials aren’t satisfied of their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the top of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 peoples at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate situation. To remind those days, he laughs in unbelief. “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss of it at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he wins 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of to drive a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, however. In exchange, he gets to participate to projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job satisfaction is high: following a global survey of more than 13,000 peoples, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the two next years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional lanes before it will become too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management situations for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ask myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quitted his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality to a happiness-driven one” was the better decision of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let to go. “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and ….. (1) them to people. He was fond of …. (2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting … (3) student life was … (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used ….. (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in …. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his ….. (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write …… (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone …. (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of …. (10).”
III. ABACUS made by Maxwell:

Work well!

Go for it, and ENJOY !

Ce devoir, composé de 3 exercices est un

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de magie8, postée le 29-08-2019 à 03:51:02 (S | E)
hello , il ne faut pas perdre le souffle aussi je garde la cadence.
This text contains many mistakes... (to be corrected!)
Many millennials aren’t satisfied WITH their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the BOTTOM of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 peoples at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove IN a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate POSITION. REMEMBERING those days, he laughs in DISbelief. “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss (SANS of) it at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he wins 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of drivING a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, ANYWAY or ANYMORE. In exchange, he gets to participate IN projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job DISsatisfaction is high:ACCORDING TO a global survey of more than 13,000 peoples, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT TWO years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional PATHS before it becomeS (PAS will) too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management POSITIONS for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ask myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I DO instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quitted his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality FOR a happiness-driven one” was the beST decision of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let go.(PAS TO) “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and TELLING…or SHARING.. (1) them to people. He was fond of SPORT…. (2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting TO… (3) student life was CHALLENGING… (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used …..?? (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in WHICH…. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his MINSTERNSHIP….. (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write NEWS or STORIES…… (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone CALL…. (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of HAPPINESS…. (10).”
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de taiji43, postée le 31-08-2019 à 17:05:55 (S | E)
I always take a great palaisir correcting the student’s text; which requires being in search of grammatical rules. But the result is not always correct so thank you for tyour correction
Have a nice day
Many millennials aren’t satisfied WITH their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the top ??? BOTTOM of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 PEOPLE at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate POSITION (situation , pour une offre de situation ; position=bonne situation)
REMEMBERING those days, he laughs IN DISBELIEF(avec incrédulité) “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t MISS IT at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he wins 500 euros per month ¬– less ( ok ici wage is uncoutable) than half of the ( = du) minimum wage
( on peut peut être aussi traduire ainsi : halt as much as wage as minimum wage ????)
. Instead of DRIVING a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, ANYWAY
In exchange, he gets to participate IN projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job satisfaction is high: ACCORDING TO a global survey of more than 13,000 peoples, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT TO years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months.
As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional WAY before BECOMING too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management POSITION for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ask myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quitted (OR QUIT, 2 formes) his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies.
For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality FOR a happiness-driven one” was the BEST(superlatif) decision of his life.
“As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let GO “I realised I wasn’t 20( anymore,ok en américain mais en anglais strict ANY MORE ) but I wasn’t yet 40 (correct en anglais soutenu yet après not , mais peu usité OR I wasn't 40 YET) ,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and TEACHING….. (1) them to people. He was fond of ???,…. (2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting TO … (3) student life was … (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used NOT EARNING….. (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in …WHICH. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his MINTERSHIP….. (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write REPORTS…… (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone CALL…. (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of HAPPINESS…. (10).”
III) j'abandonne l'Abacus (désolée). je dois préparer mon voyage aux USA : Lectures, vocabulaire divers
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-09-2019 à 19:32:12 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell!

Hi Everybody!

Je traduirai la première partie de ce texte qui m'a fait tant chercher, et quelle qu’en soit la longueur que Here4u décidera.

Here is my try:
I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !
Many millennials aren’t satisfied 1 = WITH their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting 2 = “INTERNSHIPS’’ purposely returning themselves to the 3 = BOTTOM of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 4 = PEOPLE at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove 5 = IN a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate situation. 6 = REMEMBERING those days, he laughs in unbelief . “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss 7 = [] it at all.
”Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he 8 = EARNS 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of 9= DRIVING a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, 10 = ANYWAY. In exchange, he gets to participate 11 = IN projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become 12 = AN ‘INTERN’ or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
.”Millennial job 13 = DISATISFACTION is high: following a global survey of more than 13,000 4 bis PEOPLE, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the 14 = NEXT TWO years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional 15 = PATHS before it 16 = BECOMES too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management situations for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ask myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he 17 = QUIT his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality 18 = FOR a happiness-driven one” was the 19 = BEST decision of 20 =HIS life.
“As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let to go. “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (FINISHED !
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and EXPLAINING (1) them to people. He was fond of STORYTELLING/WRITING ???(2), which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting TO (3) student life was /GREAT/CHALLENGING ??? (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used TO NOT HAVING (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in WHICH (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his EXPERIENCE ??? 7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write A DIARY (= journal intime)??? (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone CALL (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of …HAPPINESS. (10).”
III. ABACUS made by Maxwell: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!) FINISHED !
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is «Back to School» !

01 Ruler = règle.
02 Rubber = gomme.
03 Sharpener = taille-crayons.
04 Tape-tip = bout de ruban adhésif Scotch.
05 Felt pen = feutre, but also: Felt tip = feutre.
06 Eraser = gomme, brosse à tableau.
07 Slate = ardoise.
08 Diary = agenda.
09 Protractor = rapporteur.
10 Folder = classeur, chemise.
Go for it, and ENJOY !
I did my very best, thanks

Thanks Here4u, it was harder, but very interesting, and I've taken more time to do your work, all is done now.

Have a very sweet Week. I can have my short rest now !

See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de maxwell, postée le 07-09-2019 à 12:05:54 (S | E)
hello Here4U!

Heureusement que j'avais conçu l'abacus. Je n'aurais pas eu le temps de le faire

Merci encore ! tes exercices sont tellement intéressants

I) Help my student:
Many millennials aren’t satisfied WITH their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘MINTERNSHIPS’(*), purposely returning [] to the BOTTOM of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 PEOPLE at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate situation. REMEMBERING those days, he laughs in unbelief. “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss ANY of THEM at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he EARNS 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage.
Instead of DRIVING a company car, he rollerblades to work; HOWEVER, with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport. In exchange, he gets to participate to projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not THE ONLY ONE.
Millennial job satisfaction is high: ACCORDING TO a global survey of more than 13,000 PEOPLE, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT two years. About a quarter of them reported TO HAVE left an employer in the past 24 months.
As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch THEIR careers, or switch CAREER PATHS before it BECOMES too late.
Some have even renounced high-PAID management situations for a chance FOR personal fulfilment.
“I’d ASKED myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?”
Soon after turning 30, he QUIT his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona.
The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally.
Switching FROM a “money-driven mentality to a happiness-driven one” was the BEST decision of his life.
“As a generation, we should not be AFRAID to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let [] go. “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
(*) Mid-Career Internships
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and TRANSMITTING them to people. He was fond of SPORTS, which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting TO student life was CHALLENGING. Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used WITHOUT (*) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in WHICH you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his GRADUATION, Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write ARTICLES every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone CALL from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of HAPPINESS.”
(*) "Wild guess"! Si j'avais eu droit à plus qu'un mot, j'aurais mis : TO THE ABSENCE OF
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de icare29, postée le 08-09-2019 à 10:54:13 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, and all hard workers, here is my work, OK FOR CORRECTION
Many millennials aren't satisfied WITH their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting INTERSHIPS, purposely returning themselves to the BOTTOM of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 PEOPLE at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate POSITION.
REMEMBERING those days, he laughs IN DISBELIEF. (ne pas en croire ses oreilles ).I don't have any of that now, he says. And I don't miss (of) it at all.
Today, now aged 32, he is back TO the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he EARNS 500 euros per month , less than half of the minimum wage.
Instead of DRIVING a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn't afford public transport, UNFORTUNATELY.
In exchange, he gets to participate IN projects dealing with modern urban design.
Alejandro has willingly become a MIDTERM, or middle-career intern. And HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE
Millennial job DISSATISFACTION is high: following a global survey of more than 13,000 PEOPLE, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT TWO years.
About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in THE LAST 24 months.
As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard INTERNSHIP as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional PATHS before it BECOMES too late.
Some have even renounced high-paying management situations for a chance OF personal fulfilment.
I'd ask myself, what am I bringing to the world? he says. ?How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead OF . Soon after turning 30s, he QUIT his job and enrolled in a master's degree at the University of Barcelona.
The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a money-driven mentality to a happiness-driven one was THE BEST decision of his life.
As a generation, we should not be scared to say, I'm not happy and I want to do something about it. As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let to go.
I realised I wasn't NO LONGER 20s but I wasn't 40s YET,It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and DELIVERING(1) them to people. He was fond of DISCOVERING(2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting AS SIMPLE (3) student life was VERY HARD(4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used TO DEALING WITH (5) a steady income. ?It's like a déjà vu to a time in your life in THE LAST FEW YEARS. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn't necessarily repeat, he describes.
After his INTERNSHIP(7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write MANY ARTICLES (8) every day.
I just aspired to be satisfied, he said recently during a phone CALL (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. And I have found a moment of JOYFULNESS(10)..
Dear Here thanks a lot for your good exercise
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de alpiem, postée le 08-09-2019 à 10:57:46 (S | E)
Hello, dear friends here is my
Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 READY FOR CORRECTION

Many millennials aren't satisfied WITH their jobs.A FEW are taking THE drastic measure of starting "minternships",purposely returning themselves to the top of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 peoples at a multinational welding manufacturing company in
He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate situation.Reminding those days, he laughes in unbelief. Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he wins 500 euros per month--less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of DRIVING a compaany car,he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn't afford public transport, however. In exchange, he gets to participate IN projects dealing with
modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a 'mintern', or middle-career intern. And he's not alone.
Millennial job satisfaction is high: following a global survey of more than 13,ooo peoples, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT TWO years. About a quarter of them reported having left
an employer in the past 24 months. As un alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or TO switch professional lanes before it BECAME too late. A FEW have even renounced high-PAYED management situations for a chance
OF personal fulfilment.
"I'd ask myself what I AM bringing to the world!" he says. "How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be
doing instead?" Soon after turning 30, he quitted his job and enrolled in a master's degree at the university of Barcelona.
The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a "monay-driven mentality FOR an happiness-driven one"was the BEST decision of his life. AS a generation, we should not be scared to say THAT "I'm not happy and I want to do something fOR it". As his 30ths got clother, however, Ajelandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had LET GO. "I realised I wasn't 20 anymore, but I wasn't 40 YET, "It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de joe39, postée le 09-09-2019 à 18:30:01 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Hereunder is my try,
Ready to be corrected
I.Please, help my student! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger ! (en majuscules !) (les fautes répétées ne comptent, bien sûr, qu’une fois … )
This text contains many mistakes... (to be corrected!)
Many millennials aren’t satisfied WITH - 1 their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the BOTTOM-2 of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 peoples at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate POSITION-3. REMEMBERING-4 those days, he laughs in unbelief. “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss (of- 5) it at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he EARN- 6 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage. Instead of DRIVING -7 a company car, he GOES -.8 to work BY-9 rollerblades; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, however. In exchange, he gets to participate IN-10 projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job DISSATISFACTION -11 is high: ACCORDING TO-12 a global survey of more than 13,000 peoples, THE 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the NEXT TWO- 13 years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months.
As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch OVER TO professional PATHS - 14 before it will become too late. Some have even renounced TO high-PAID -15 management POSITIONS- 16 for a chance at personal fulfilment.
“I’d ASKED - 17 myself, what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quitted his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally.
Switching FROM - 18 a “money-driven mentality to a happiness-driven one” was the BEST -19 decision of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. ” As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let (to-20) go. “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40,“It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and EXPLAINING….. (1) them to people. He was fond of STORYTELLING…. (2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enroll in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting TO… (3) student life was CHALLENGING… (4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used TO….. (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in WHICH…. (6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his MINTERNSHIP….. (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write STORIES…… (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone CALL…. (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of HAPPINESS…. (10).”
III. ABACUS made by Maxwell: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! . The theme is «Back to School» !
01I---R---R-------S-------------F------------------- ------ ---------- --P--------F-----
02I--- ----------------T---- ------------ E-- ---S------ -D------- --R--------O----------
03I---U------------H-----A-----------------R-- ---- ----- ---I---------O-------------
04I-------U--------A-----P---- -E----------A ----------------------- ---- T------ -L-----
05I---L------------R--------------L--------S ---- -L ----- ---A---------R---------------
06I--------B-------P------E------T---------E ------- ----- - ---R--------A---------------
07I-------B----- -E--------------- ------ R----- , --A------------Y--------C --D--------
08I--------E-------N------T------P---------- -------- T---------------- - T--------------
09I-----E---R------E------I------E--------- ------ --- ----------- O-----------
10I-----R----------R------P------N--------- --------- E ------------- - -R------- R-
The related words are: ruler, rubber, sharpener, tape tip, felt pen, eraser, slate, diary, protractor, folder.
I hope you’re well and I thank you and Maxwell very much for the exercise.
So long.
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de boubouille, postée le 12-09-2019 à 13:52:37 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Ready to be corrected
I hope be to live up to your expectations.
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and... SPREADING (1) them to people. He was fond of... TRAVEL(2) , which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting...BELATED(3) student life was...REVIVIFYING(4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used ….PEACEFULLY(5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in …. ARCHIVED(6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his ….. EXPERIENCE(7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write …… CHAPTER(8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone …. IMPROVISED(9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. “And I have found a moment of …. ELATION(10).”
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de here4u, postée le 12-09-2019 à 22:29:41 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Voici votre correction. J'y rajoute, bien sûr, le follow -up work que j'avais oublié ...Nous avons donc besoin de 3 volontaires pour le texte et j'aurais bien dit 2 pour l'exercice 2 (mais il semble que Magie ait pris double ration.

Vos travaux étaient très bons, souvent même excellents, et je vous en félicite.

Quelques petits détails à revoir ...

I. Please, help my student!

Many millennials aren’t satisfied with (1) their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the bottom (2) of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 people (3) at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate position(4). Remembering (5) those days, he laughs in disbelief (6). “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss it (7) at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he earns (8) 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage.///END OF PART ONE /// Instead of driving (9) a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, anyway (10). In exchange, he gets to participate in (11) projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job dissatisfaction (12) is high: according to (13) a global survey of more than 13,000 people, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the next two years 14. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional paths (15) before it becomes (16) too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management positions for a chance at personal fulfilment. ///END OF PART TWO///
I’d ask myself, "what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quit (17) his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality for (18) a happiness-driven one” was the best decision (19) of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let go (20). “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40… It was the right moment to reinvent my life."///END OF TEXT///
TOUJOURS LIRE LES TEXTES EN ENTIER au moins une fois, afin de saisir la logique du texte et d’adapter vos corrections à cette logique. Evitez de retranscrire le texte en le recopiant (ce qui vous entraîne à des erreurs … et puis, c’est très long !)

(1) To be satisfied WITH something (mais : to satisfy someone of something)
(2) Normally, the (social and/ or) « career ladder » goes from the bottom - where young people have to start - and goes up to reach the TOP. After being at the top of this ladder, these people decide to go down again and start anew.
(3) PEOPLE = indénombrable invariable mais verbe au pluriel.
(4) Une bonne situation = a good position.
(5) Difference between « remember » et « remind » = Test N° 106510.
Lien internet
(6) Belief => disbelief. Voir unbelief
- disbelief is unpreparedness, unwillingness, or inability to believe that something is the case while unbelief is an absence (or rejection) of belief, especially religious belief. However, with ‘believable, believably & believer’ only the prefix “un…” is used – not the prefix ‘dis…’
(7) To MISS something = Manquer DE quelque chose (ou de qqn)
(8) Différence entre WIN, won won = gagner à un jeu, à une lotterie et EARN= gagner, mériter par son travail ou un effort.
(9) Instead of + V + ing = au lieu de
(10) anyway = even if he had wanted to pay for his transport…
(12) Millennial job dissatisfaction is high: c’était la logique du texte qui vous guidait. Deux SS à « dissatisfy »=> « dissatisfaction ».
(13) according to a survey= selon une étude
(14) the next two years/ the past 24 months. Attention à l’ordre des mots !

(15) switch professional paths : le pluriel s’impose (il y en a un avant et un après !) cf to change schools.
(16) before it becomes=> before / after/ once/ when/ as soon as … + présent (ou présent perfect – ou prétérit)
(17) To quit, I quit, quit est irrégulier.
(18) To switch (exchange) something FOR something else.
(19) The best decision of his life= superlatif de «good»= vraiment la toute meilleure.
(20) to LET se construit avec l’infinitif SANS TO. => to let go.
II. FILL IN THE BLANKS: in this text, a few words (10) have been deleted… Can you try to guess the missing words… (Of course, there are several «right possibilities»… Yet, you’re required to choose the most satisfactory ones, fitting the situation and tone of the text.)
dans les corrections que je vous ai envoyées, le vert indique que vous avez trouvé LE bon mot, le bleu, que le mot donné ne convenait pas, et si votre trouvaille était possible, je l'ai soulignée.

In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and explaining (1) them to people. He was fond of storytelling(2), which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting to (3) student life was challenging(4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used to not having (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in which(6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his minternship (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write STORIES (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone call (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. And I have found a moment of happiness."(10)
- Le 2 était difficile à trouver avec précision … mais de nombreux mots convenaient, ici ...

- To adapt TO something=> readapt TO
- "To get used to" est FORCEMENT suivi de TO (+ V + ing). Attention à la difficulté d’insertion de la négation. To get used to having=> to get used to not having...
- « minternship » était un mot créé. Ceci est fréquent en anglais qui est, comme beaucoup d’autres langues vivantes à des degrés variés, une langue qui vit et évolue en fonction de la société qu’elle décrit …
III. ABACUS: slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well!

Voici la réponse :
02I-----------------------------T--------------E-------S-------D-------R------ O-------I
a rubber = une gomme
a ruler = une règle
a (pencil) sharpener = taille-crayons
some tape = du ruban adhésif
a felt-tip (pen) = un feutre
a slate = une ardoise
a diary = un agenda
a protractor = un rapporteur
a folder = une chemise
an eraser pen = un effaceur. Bravo et MERCI, Maxwell !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-09-2019 à 04:28:09 (S | E)
Hello Here4u !
Il n'y a pas de Following work cette fois-ci, je ne vois pas de limites au texte… ou alors dois-je tout traduire ?

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de maxwell, postée le 13-09-2019 à 07:58:10 (S | E)
Lol Choco, laisse-m'en un peu

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de here4u, postée le 13-09-2019 à 08:49:17 (S | E)
Hello !
Pas de panique les petits ! J’ai posté très tôt hier et dans de très mauvaises conditions .... J’ai juste "oublié" ... Patience, j’arrive ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de magie8, postée le 13-09-2019 à 09:59:25 (S | E)
bonjour comme je n'ai pas vu d 'amateurs inscrits pour cette traduction de l exercice II je m'y essaye que cela n'empêche personne de faire mieux. à bientôt magie 8
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de magie8, postée le 13-09-2019 à 10:54:56 (S | E)
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant,and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and explaining(1)them to people.He was fond of storiestelling(2),which had no place in his current job.He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting to (3) student life was challenging(4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used to not having (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in which(6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his minternship (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write STORIES (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone call (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. And I have found a moment of happiness."(10)
Dans les débuts de sa vingtaine d'années,il avait travaillé en tant qu'assistant enseignant et aimait la sensation de comprendre les choses et les expliquer aux gens.Il aimait beaucoup raconter des histoires ce qui n'avait aucune place dans son emploi actuel.Il décida de s'inscrire à un Master de journalisme à Barcelone.
Après avoir été un dirigeant,pendant des années ,la réadaptation à la vie d'étudiant a été un vrai défi.La plupart de ses camarades de classe avaient tout juste 20ans et il a dû s'habituer à ne pas avoir de revenu régulier."C'est comme un déjà vu d'une époque de votre vie où vous étiez heureux mais que vous ne voudriez pas forcément revivre"décrit-il.
Après son stage de milieu de carrière Alejandro a décroché un contrat permanent aux services des sports où sept ans plus tard il continue d'écrire des histoires chaque jour.
"J'aspirais juste à être satisfait a-t-il déclaré récemment lors d'un appel téléphonique depuis Rio de Janeiro où il avait été envoyé pour couvrir la coupe d'Amérique."Et j'ai trouvé un moment de joie. "
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de maxwell, postée le 13-09-2019 à 20:44:42 (S | E)
Je prends la partie 2 puisque je suis arrivé 2e

Instead of driving a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, anyway. In exchange, he gets to participate in projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job dissatisfaction is high: according to a global survey of more than 13,000 people, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the next two years. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional paths before it becomes too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management positions for a chance at personal fulfilment.
Au lieu de conduire une voiture de fonction, il va au travail en roller ; avec son salaire à temps partiel, il n'avait pas les moyens d'utiliser les transports en commun de toute façon. En échange, cela lui permet de participer à des projets ayant trait à l'urbanisme moderne. Alejandro est devenu de son plein gré un "mintern" ou stagiaire de milieu de carrière. Et il n'est pas le seul.
L'insatisfaction au travail de la génération Y est grande : selon une étude globale portant sur plus de 13 000 personnes, 49% de la génération Y démissionnera de son travail dans les deux prochaines années. Environ un quart d'entre eux ont indiqué avoir quitté un employeur dans les deux dernières années. Comme alternative, beaucoup de gens de la génération Y qui commencèrent leur carrière dans des emplois traditionnels ont commencé à considérer les stages comme une opportunité pour relancer leur carrière ou changer de parcours professionnel avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Certains ont même renoncé à des postes de directeur bien payés pour avoir une chance de s'épanouir personnellement.
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-09-2019 à 23:06:29 (S | E)

Voici ma traduction de la première partie du texte : FINISHED.
Many millennials aren’t satisfied with (1) their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the bottom (2) of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 people (3) at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate position(4). Remembering (5) those days, he laughs in disbelief (6). “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss it (7) at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he earns (8) 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage.///END OF PART ONE ///
De nombreuses personnes de la Génération Y ne s'épanouissent pas dans leur travail. Certaines prennent la mesure drastique de commencer un stage de reconversion, recommençant délibérément leur carrière au bas de l'échelle.
À 29 ans, Alejandro a mené une équipe de plus de 25 personnes à la société de production multinationale des soudeurs à Mexico. Il a conduit une voiture de fonction, volé en classe affaires, et joui des avantages d'avoir une bonne situation. En se souvenant de ce temps là, il rit de façon incrédule. "Je n'ai plus rien de tout cela actuellement" dit-il. "Et cela ne me manque pas le moins du monde."
Maintenant âgé de 32 ans, il est au bas de l'échelle. Comme stagiaire dans une Technopole à Barcelone, il gagne 500 Euros par mois, moins que la moitié du SMI.
Trois difficultés encore pour moi, après cette correction, afin de rendre au plus juste les idées du texte.
1) Millennials* = millésimes : euh, pas terrible en français…

2) Minterships qui m'a fait tant chercher… !!! (Par ailleurs ce mot est introuvable dans Word Reference et Collins.) Stage de milieu de carrière, de reconversion... ( donc forcément en milieu de carrière... )
3) Dire le SMIC, c'est rapporter l'idée du Salaire Minimum perçu en Espagne à la France… Nous sommes à Barcelone, les Espagnols l'appellent le SMI...
Lien internet
J'espère ne pas avoir trahi les idées de ce texte...

Merci pour ta correction Here4u!

Mais non, Maxwell, je t'en aurai laissé volontiers

Merci notamment à ceux qui se sont déjà dévoués pour ce "Following Work" !

Have a very sweet week, the last one of Summertime!

See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de here4u, postée le 16-09-2019 à 10:20:17 (S | E)

Voici votre "follow-up work". Voyons, voyons ce que vous nous avez accompli ...

I. Please, help my student!
Many millennials * aren’t satisfied with (1) their jobs. Some are taking the drastic measure of starting ‘minternships’, purposely returning themselves to the bottom (2) of the career ladder.
At 29, Alejandro led a team of more than 25 people (3) at a multinational welding manufacturing company in Mexico. He drove a company car, flew business class and enjoyed all the benefits of a cushy corporate position(4). Remembering (5) those days, he laughs in disbelief (6). “I don’t have any of that now,” he says. “And I don’t miss it (7) at all.”
Today, now aged 32, he is back at the bottom of the ladder. As an intern at a tech hub in Barcelona, he earns (8) 500 euros per month ¬– less than half of the minimum wage.
De nombreuses personnes de la "Génération Y" ne s'épanouissent pas dans leur travail. Certaines prennent la mesure drastique de commencer un stage de reconversion, recommençant délibérément leur carrière au bas de l'échelle.

À 29 ans, Alejandro a dirigé une équipe de plus de 25 personnes dans une société multinationale de fabrication de matériels de soudure à Mexico. Il conduisait sa voiture de fonction, prenait l'avion en classe affaires, et jouissait des avantages d'une bonne situation. En se souvenant de ce temps là, il rit de façon incrédule.

Maintenant âgé de 32 ans, il est au bas de l'échelle. Stagiaire dans un ** Technopôle à Barcelone, il gagne 500 Euros par mois, moins que la moitié du "salaire minimal"****.
* Lien internet
Lien internet
** Malgré une annonce contraire, c'est bien du masculin, en français !

***Minterships/ Minternship : Mot "inventé" ... Stage de milieu de carrière, de reconversion... ( donc forcément après expérience professionnelle préalable ... )
****Dire le SMIC, c'est rapporter l'idée du Salaire Minimum perçu en Espagne à la France… Nous sommes à Barcelone, les Espagnols l'appellent le SMI... Pour ne pas être trop technique = le salaire minimun.
Un grand merci, Choco et BRAVO !

Instead of driving (9) a company car, he rollerblades to work; with his part-time salary he couldn’t afford public transport, anyway (10). In exchange, he gets to participate in (11) projects dealing with modern urban design. Alejandro has willingly become a ‘mintern’, or middle-career intern. And he’s not alone.
Millennial job dissatisfaction (12) is high: according to (13) a global survey of more than 13,000 people, 49% of millennials will quit their jobs within the next two years 14. About a quarter of them reported having left an employer in the past 24 months. As an alternative, many millennials who began in traditional jobs have started to regard internships as an opportunity to relaunch careers, or switch professional paths (15) before it becomes (16) too late. Some have even renounced high-paying management positions for a chance at personal fulfilment.
Au lieu d'avoir sa voiture de fonction, il va au travail en rollers ; avec son salaire à temps partiel, il n'aurait pas les moyens d'utiliser les transports en commun de toute façon. En échange, cela lui permet de participer à des projets ayant trait à l'urbanisme moderne. Alejandro est devenu de son plein gré un "mintern" ou stagiaire de milieu de carrière.

L'insatisfaction au travail de la "génération Y" est grande : selon une étude globale portant sur plus de 13 000 personnes, 49% de la génération Y démissionnera de son travail dans les deux prochaines années.

* Le present perfect est un temps du présent ...
Un grand merci, Maxwell et BRAVO !

I’d ask myself, "what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quit (17) his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality for (18) a happiness-driven one” was the best decision (19) of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let go (20). “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40… It was the right moment to reinvent my life."
VOLONTAIRE (différent des contributeurs actuels, si possible) demandé ! Merci d'avance.

"Je me demandais * " Qu'est-ce que j'apporte au Monde ? = interrogative directe, ? obligatoire et INVERSION SUJET-VERBE)" dit il. " Comment puis-je laisser une empreinte/ trace ? Que pourrais-je faire d'autre à la place ?" Peu après ses trente ans, il a quitté son travail, et s'est inscrit à l'Université de Barcelone pour un Master. Le stage s'est imposé comme une exigence de ses études supérieures.

Un GRAND grand merci, Choco et BRAVO !

- * il s'agit ici d'un 'd = would fréquentatif, indiquant la répétition d'une action. Il se traduit par un imparfait.
In his early 20s he had worked as a teaching assistant, and enjoyed the feeling of understanding things and explaining (1) them to people. He was fond of storytelling(2), which had no place in his current job. He decided to enrol in a journalism Masters in Barcelona.
After having been a manager for years, readapting to (3) student life was challenging(4). Most of his classmates were in their early 20s, and he had to get used to not having (5) a steady income. “It’s like a déjà vu to a time in your life in which(6) you were happy, but that you wouldn’t necessarily repeat,” he describes.
After his minternship (7) Alejandro landed a permanent contract at the sports desk, where, seven years later, he still gets to write STORIES (8) every day.
“I just aspired to be satisfied,” he said recently during a phone call (9) from Rio de Janeiro, where he had been sent to cover the Copa America. And I have found a moment of happiness."(10)
Au début de sa vingtaine d'années (Peu après ses 20 ans), il avait travaillé en tant qu'assistant enseignant et aimait la sensation de comprendre les choses et de les expliquer aux gens. Il aimait beaucoup raconter des histoires ce qui n'avait aucune place dans son emploi du moment. Il décida de s'inscrire à un Master de journalisme à Barcelone.

Après avoir été dirigeant pendant des années, la réadaptation à la vie d'étudiant a été un vrai défi. La plupart de ses camarades de classe avaient tout juste 20 ans et il a dû s'habituer à ne pas avoir de revenu régulier.

Après son "stage de milieu de carrière" Alejandro a décroché un contrat permanent aux services des sports où sept ans plus tard il continue d'écrire des histoires chaque jour.
"J'aspirais juste à être épanoui a-t-il déclaré récemment lors d'un appel téléphonique depuis Rio de Janeiro où on l'avait envoyé couvrir * la coupe d'Amérique. "Et j'éprouve un moment de bonheur. "
Un grand merci, Magie et BRAVO !

* "on" est beaucoup plus idiomatique en français ...
Merci aux généreux volontaires ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de chocolatcitron, postée le 19-09-2019 à 21:06:55 (S | E)
Hello !

Voici une traduction de ce follow-up work, comme je le lui ai promis en MP, afin de libérer notre amie Here4u de ce forum.
Malgré TOUS SES rappels et SES appels, il n'y a pas eu de volontaires. Dommage, (…) : vous devriez TOUS essayer… : le travail est déjà bien décortiqué…, et les difficultés réellement aplanies.
Ces attentes sont du stress supplémentaire et de l'énergie perdue dont personne n'a besoin ! (…)

Sachant que c'est toujours la traduction des mêmes exercices demandés, chacun de nous, en travaillant sur ses forums pourrait faire déjà une esquisse de traduction personnelle, à revoir avec les notes finales de Here4u, et ce travail serait déjà bien avancé en cas de nomination…

MERCI Here4u, Lucile, et ce Super Site de Laurent !!!

Voici mon travail : FINISHED !
"I’d ask myself, "what am I bringing to the world?” he says. “How am I leaving a mark? What else could I be doing instead?” Soon after turning 30, he quit (17) his job and enrolled in a master’s degree at the University of Barcelona. The internship came about as a requirement of his graduate studies. For him, the transition came quite naturally. Switching a “money-driven mentality for (18) a happiness-driven one” was the best decision (19) of his life. “As a generation, we should not be scared to say, ‘I’m not happy and I want to do something about it’. As his 30s got closer, however, Alejandro began to think about all the alternative career paths he had let go (20). “I realised I wasn’t 20 anymore, but I wasn’t yet 40… It was the right moment to reinvent my life."///END OF TEXT///
"Je me demandais ce que j'apportais au Monde ?" dit il. " Comment puis-je laisser une empreinte ? Que pourrais-je faire d'autre à la place ?" Après qu'il est devenu trentenaire, il a quitté son travail, et s'est inscrit à l'Université de Barcelone pour un Master. Le stage s'est imposé comme une exigence de ses études supérieures. Pour lui, la transition s'est faite presque naturellement. Changer une mentalité construite sur l'argent par une mentalité axée sur le bonheur a été LA meilleure décision de sa vie. En tant que génération (Y), nous ne devrions pas avoir peur de dire : " Je ne suis pas heureux, et je veux faire quelque chose pour changer ce fait. En approchant de la trentaine, cependant, Alejandro commença à réfléchir à tous les chemins de carrière alternative qu'il avait lâchés. " J'ai réalisé que je n'avais plus vingt ans, mais que je n'étais pas encore quadragénaire… C'était le bon moment pour réinventer ma vie."

See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 53 de here4u, postée le 21-09-2019 à 12:01:20 (S | E)
Hello !

Ouh là!

Je ne veux cependant pas faire intervenir Lucile dans la tâche ingrate de désignation des volontaires. Ce n'est pas son rôle et le travail est de la responsabilité de chacun, pas de la sienne, ni vraiment de la mienne, d'ailleurs !

Tu as raison ... Pour tenir les délais et dans la mesure où les travaux "ready now!" sont parfois tardifs à arriver, je suis en ce moment en train de travailler sur le ... 55 ! Devoir revenir au 53 alors que le 54 est en pleine correction et encore réflexion ... demande une souplesse qui n'est pas toujours évidente ...

Donc, je remercie les volontaires pour cet exercice de Follow-up work

Allez, je vais terminer le contrôle de la dernière partie. Encore MERCIaux travailleurs.

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