Rack your brains and help!/65
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basRack your brains and help!/65
Message de here4u posté le 26-02-2020 à 15:08:11 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Voici la nouvelle édition du travail de "My Poor Student", who's trying so hard... L'actualité du moment ne s'améliore pas ... et il lui a été impossible de trouver un sujet "improbable et divertissant", comme il les aime ...
Il vous fait plutôt cette fois-ci un "compte-rendu" d'événements (récurrents, hélas !
) et essaie de vous donner une méthode pour s'en sortir aussi bien que possible !
Cet exercice est un
et sa correction sera en ligne le jeudi 12 mars tard.
PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text...(He has excuses,
the text is so long that I had to divide it into 4 parts...
(The 20 mistakes must be corrected IN CAPITAL LETTERS, please!
In England and Wales homes and businesses have affected the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their ever higher levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from farther downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some roads;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worst that any time since 2000. "It's coming across any gap it can get across. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 /// Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an ear on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been unadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" has required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home assurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as much as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken stairs to protect your family, check weather there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man of his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a rafter. /// END OF PART 3 /// More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences have been built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resident to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Thanks a lot for your help
... Of course, THE FORCE IS WITH you!
Message de here4u posté le 26-02-2020 à 15:08:11 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Voici la nouvelle édition du travail de "My Poor Student", who's trying so hard... L'actualité du moment ne s'améliore pas ... et il lui a été impossible de trouver un sujet "improbable et divertissant", comme il les aime ...

Cet exercice est un

PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text...(He has excuses,

In England and Wales homes and businesses have affected the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their ever higher levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from farther downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some roads;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worst that any time since 2000. "It's coming across any gap it can get across. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 /// Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an ear on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been unadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" has required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home assurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as much as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken stairs to protect your family, check weather there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man of his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a rafter. /// END OF PART 3 /// More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences have been built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resident to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Thanks a lot for your help

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de magie8, postée le 28-02-2020 à 18:43:04 (S | E)
hello bonjour , je me lance bon courage à tous

(The 20 mistakes must be corrected IN CAPITAL LETTERS, please! )
In England and Wales homes and businesses have BEEN affected BY the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their HEIGHEST-EVER levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some ROUTES;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming THROUGH any gap it can get THROUGH. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 /// Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an EYE on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding HE said to have been INADEQUATE.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" has required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home INSURANCE documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as WELL as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken STEPS to protect your family, check WHETHER there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man FROM his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a RAFT. /// END OF PART 3 /// More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences WERE built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESILIENT to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Thanks a lot for your help ... Of course, THE FORCE IS WITH you!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de maxwell, postée le 29-02-2020 à 08:39:12 (S | E)

Je prendrai la 2ème partie pour le follow-up

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de boubouille, postée le 29-02-2020 à 10:29:16 (S | E)
Hello dear Here, hello everybody

In England and Wales homes and businesses have BEEN affected the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their ever THE HIGHEST levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from THE MOST FARTHEST downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some roads;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was THE worst THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming across any gap it can get across. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 /// Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keep an ear on the pump". A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been INADEQUATE.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" has required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables INTO a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home assurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as much as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets*
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken stairs to protect your family, check WHETHER there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man FROM his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a rafter. /// END OF PART 3 ///
OVER 6 km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood DEFENSES have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood DEFENSES have been built.
THE People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resident to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de maya92, postée le 29-02-2020 à 11:00:36 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text...(He has excuses, the text is so long that I had to divide it into 4 parts... )
(The 20 mistakes must be corrected IN CAPITAL LETTERS, please! )
In England and Wales homes and BUSINESS have BEEN affected BY the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their ever HIGHEST levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER downpours also means speed restrictions have been APPLIED on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some ROUTES;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming THROUGH any gap it can get THROUGH. We're trying to brush it AWAY into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 ///
Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an ear on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been INADEQUATE.
What to do if you're RUNNING RISKS of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" IS required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family AND pets and PUT valuables IN a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home INSURANCE documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable GOODS, SUCH as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water MAIN supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken MEASURES to protect your family, check WHETHER there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man of his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a RAFT. 8 /// END OF PART 3 ///
More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 PROPERTY. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences have been built.
People in flood-hit HOUSES can apply for financial hardship FUND up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and FALL back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected (CONCERNED) residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESISTANT to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
As I found it easier I expect I've forgotten some mistakes..! TU

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de taiji43, postée le 29-02-2020 à 19:03:03 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Here is my correction


In England and Wales homes and businesses have BEEN affected )BY the floods in the wake (à la suite de Ok) of downpours brought by Storm Dennis.
Rivers reached their ever HIGHEST levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from farther downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some roads
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming across any gap it can get THROUGH We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out.
" /// END OF PART 1 /// Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an ear????(EYE conviendrait sûrement mieux???) on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding HE said HAS been unadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" REQUIRED . But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables (to a safe safe = coffre fort = the valuable ???) or In a SAFE PLACE/// END OF PART 2 ///
Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home assurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as much , AS WELL warm AS , waterproof clothing and blankets
If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains (OK nom = canlisations donc S) supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken THEM UP THE STAIRS (faire monter dans les escaliers) to protect your family, check weather, IF there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man FROM his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and kept him in safe (mis en sécurité) on a RAF T( rafter = chevron en architechture RAFT = radeau)/// END OF PART 3 /
More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties.
These places have been flooded before but( not this badly = pas à ce point OK) and not since flood defences have been built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said FUNDING (f sans the? financement) would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support FUNDS also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESILIENT to future loods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de maxwell, postée le 01-03-2020 à 09:13:05 (S | E)
Hello Here4U

I'm not sure I've found all your tricky hidden mistakes but what I've found out didn't seem too hard to discover. No matter how many mistakes I've left, I did my best.

In England and Wales homes and businesses have BEEN affected BY the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers HAVE reached their ever higher levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER downpours also means speed restrictions BEING introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some roads;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming THROUGH any gap it can GO across. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out."
/// END OF PART 1 ///
Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an ear on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he FELT "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been INADEQUATE.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings MEANING "immediate action" has BEEN required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a SAFER PLACE
/// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home assurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable FOOD, as WELL as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains SUPPLY
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken STEPS to protect your family, check WHETHER there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams HAVE evacuated an elderly man FROM his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and TAKEN him to safety on a rafter.
/// END OF PART 3 ///
More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences WERE built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESILIENT to future floods.
/// END of the TEXT ///
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de joe39, postée le 02-03-2020 à 19:09:32 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u
I'm sending you my work,
ready to be checked,
before I can get the virus
Please help my student…. He has left 20 mistakes.
In England and Wales homes and businesses have BEEN - 1 affected BY- 2 the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their HIGHEST-EVER- 3 levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER-4 downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some ROUTES-5 (referred to /railways/trains);
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN -6 any time since 2000. "It's coming across any gap it can get THROUGH - 7. We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 ///
Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an EYE-8 on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he FELT-9 "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been INADEQUATE -10.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" IS -11 required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe PLACE -12/// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home INSURANCE – 13 documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as WELL – 14 as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken STEPS - 15 to protect your family, check WHETHER - 16 there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man FROM - 15 his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a RAFT - 17. /// END OF PART 3 //
More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. These places have been flooded before but not SO - 18 badly and not since flood defences WERE - 19 built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESILIENT- 20 to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
hoping to have given a good help to your poor student, I thank you very much and wish you a pleasant week.
So long
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 05-03-2020 à 09:47:46 (S | E)

Come on, Joe, RESIST! ( as we’re all trying to...) Remember... THE FORCE is with You!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de alpiem, postée le 09-03-2020 à 18:04:56 (S | E)
hello,hello everybody

here is my try: Rack 65 which is FINISHED
England'S AND WALLES' Homes and businesses HAVE BEEN affected BY the floods in the wake of downpours brought by storm Dennis.
Rivers reached their HIGHER LEVELS EVER , with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas.
The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains -with delays of up to 30 minutes expected
on some LINES.
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her step-father,63, and
grandmother,92-said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worst THAN any time since2000.
It'S GETTING across any gap it can come across (Ç'A PASSE PAR LA MOINDRE FENTE). We are trying to GET IT BRUSHED OFF INTO THE PUMPS.
Her step father had not been sleeping, she said,"just keeping an EYE on the pump ".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. he said he FELT
" resigned"after four or five major floods since 2000.
"There is nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to.
The government's response to the flooding is said to have been unadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warning POINTS OUT "immediate action" IS required.
But what should you do? Here is what the agency suggests:
-Move family, pets and valuables yo a safe PLACE.
-Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home INSSURANCE documents, a torch and spa-
-re batteries, a portable radio,baby care items, bottles of water and non-perisable foods as Well as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets.
-If It's safe to do so,turn off gas,electricity,and water mains supplies.
-Put flood protection equipment in place, such as boards or sandbags.
-Once you have taken STEPS to protect your family,check WETHER there are vulnerable
neighbourgs or relativeswho need help.
In a town,mountain rescue teams HAD evacuated an elderly man OFF HIS HOME by
breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety
on a rafter.
More than 6 km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across england and
flood defences have protected nearly 25.000 properties.
These places HAD been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood
defences have been built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up
to £500 for short-term relief the government announced on tuesday.
Local Governant Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit
areas to recover and get back on their feet."
The government support fund also includes up to £5,ooo for affected residents
and business owners to help make their properties more RESILIENT to future
Modifié par alpiem le 15-03-2020 09:40
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 11-03-2020 à 14:02:40 (S | E)
Hello Boubouille!

Je vois que, bien que modifié hier, ton travail est, à ce jour, toujours IN PROGRESS ... Tant pis, je le prends tel quel sinon, ça va "coincer" au niveau des corrections ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 12-03-2020 à 10:43:23 (S | E)

Quelques inquiétudes ...

J'espère que d'autres volontaires vont s'annoncer ...
Correction comme prévu ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 12-03-2020 à 23:24:11 (S | E)
Hello Dear Friends

Voici votre correction

Une petite inquiétude …

In England and Wales homes and businesses have been affected (1) by the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their highest-ever levels (2), with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from further (3) downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on (4) trains - with delays of up to 30 (5) minutes expected on some routes(6);
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worse than(7) any time since 2000. "It's coming through (8) any gap it can get through (8) /// END OF PART 1 /// . We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out,". Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an eye (9) on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been inadequate. (10)
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" is required(11). But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place (12) /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home insurance (13) documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as well as(14) warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken steps (15) to protect your family, check whether (16) there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help.
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man from (17) his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a raft (18). More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. /// END OF PART 3 /// These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences were (19) built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resilient (20) to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
(1) homes and businesses have been affected by the floods/Il fallait, bien sûr, une forme PASSIVE : Present perfect de bilan d’action à la forme passive. L’agent est connu et mentionné « the floods ».
(2) reached their highest-ever level= superlatif qui indique le plus haut niveau ; highest-ever= highest level ever reached.
(3) further downpours= comparatif de far=> farther = comparatif concret // further=> comparatif abstrait.
(4) introduced on trains= c’était bon

(5) up to 30 minutes= "jusqu’à" pour exprimer un temps.
(6) a route= un trajet, un itinéraire
- n (bus, coach, train line) trajet nm
parcours nm
(de bus, de tram,...) ligne nf
(7) their neighbourhood was worse than= comparatif tout à fait normal… suivi de THAN (et non that)
(8) "It's coming through any gap it can get through : Lien internet
. Je n'ai pas compris la logique de ceux d'entre vous qui ont mis un "across" et un "through" ...

(9) "just keeping an eye on the pump". = Là, mon élève délirait …

(10) adequate=> contraire en in- =>inadequate.
(11) "immediate action" is required = forme passive du verbe require au présent.
(12) "A safe" seul= un coffre-fort. A safe place= en sécurité.
(13) An insurance= Lien internet
assurance= Lien internet
(14) as much as= autant que // as well as= Lien internet
- water mains supplies:Lien internet
(15) To take steps= Lien internet
(16) weather= le temps /// whether= Lien internet
(17) to evacuate FROM a place
(18) Ne pas confondre "a raft" = Lien internet
and "a rafter" Lien internet
(19) flood defences were built= to be built (verbe to build au prétérit de la forme passive. )Le prétérit était nécessaire après "since"

(20) to be resilient to : Lien internet
Bravo encore à tous ... et merci aux futurs volontaires du Follow-up!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-03-2020 à 01:10:32 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u!

Hi Everybody!

Voici la première partie, d'autant plus volontaire, puisque je n'ai pu participer à ce forum à temps.

In England and Wales homes and businesses have been affected by the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their highest-ever levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from further downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some routes.
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worse than any time since 2000. "It's coming through (8) any gap it can get through. (8)
En Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, les maisons et les entreprises ont été touchées par les inondations à la suite des averses provoquées par la tempête Dennis. Les rivières ont atteint leur niveau le plus élevé, les gens ayant été évacués des zones à risque voisines. Le risque de glissements de terrain et d’inondations causées par d’autres averses ultérieures signifie également que des restrictions de vitesse ont été introduites sur les trains - avec des retards allant jusqu’à 30 minutes, attendus sur certains trajets.
Une femme qui aidait à dégager l’eau de la maison de son beau-père, 63 ans, et sa grand-mère, 92 ans, - a déclaré que les inondations dans leur quartier étaient les pires depuis 2000. "L'eau s'évacue par toute interstice dans laquelle elle peut s'infiltrer.
Have a very sweet Week, each of You!
See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-03-2020 à 01:31:59 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u!

Voici la dernière partie de la traduction du texte :
These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences were built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resilient to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
Ces lieux ont été inondés auparavant, mais pas autant, et pas depuis que des digues contre les inondations ont été construites.
Les personnes modestes vivant dans les foyers touchés par les inondations peuvent demander des secours monétaires allant jusqu’à 500 euros pour un soulagement à court terme, a annoncé le gouvernement mardi.
Le secrétaire des gouvernements locaux a déclaré que le financement « aiderait les habitants des zones les plus touchées à se rétablir et à se remettre sur pied ».
Le fonds de soutien gouvernemental comprend également jusqu’à 5 000 euros pour les résidents touchés et les propriétaires d’entreprises afin de rendre leurs propriétés plus résistantes aux inondations futures. END du TEXT ///
Have a very sweet Week!
See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de chocolatcitron, postée le 13-03-2020 à 01:58:47 (S | E)
Hello my dear Here4u !

Voici la troisième partie du texte :
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home insurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as well as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken steps to protect your family, check whether there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help.
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man from his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a raft. More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties. /// END OF PART 3 ///
- Gardez un kit d’inondation prêt, avec des copies de votre police d’assurance habitation, une torche et des piles de rechange, une radio portative, des articles de soins pour bébés, des bouteilles d’eau et des aliments non périssables, ainsi que des vêtements chauds et imperméables et des couvertures.
- S’il est sécuritaire de le faire, coupez le gaz, l’ électricité et fermez le robinet d’alimentation en eau.
- Mettre en place l’équipement de protection contre les inondations, comme des panneaux d’inondation ou des sacs de sable.
- Une fois que vous avez pris des mesures pour protéger votre famille, vérifiez s’ il y a des voisins vulnérables ou des parents qui ont besoin d’aide.
Dans une ville, les équipes de secours en montagne ont évacué un homme âgé de sa maison en brisant sa porte arrière avec un marteau et en l’emmenant en lieu sûr sur un canot de sauvetage. Plus de 6 km de barrières temporaires contre les inondations ont été mises en place à travers l’Angleterre et les défenses contre les inondations ont protégé près de 25 000 propriétés. END OF PART 3 ///
Tu n'as plus besoin de stresser : tu as ton follow-up-work assuré, avec Maxwell qui fera la deuxième partie !

Merci Maxwell!

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon.
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de maxwell, postée le 13-03-2020 à 07:07:46 (S | E)

Follow-up : Here's part II:
We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out,". Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an eye on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been inadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" is required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place
"On essaye de la pomper à l'aide du balai-brosse pour l'en faire sortir." Son beau-père n'avait pas pu dormir, dit-elle, "il avait juste surveillé la pompe".
Un homme entrait et sortait de sa maison dans un bateau en ramant. Il s'est dit résigné après quatre ou cinq inondations majeures depuis 2000. Il n'y a rien y faire, il s'agit de savoir jusqu'où cela va aller." On dit que la réponse du gouvernement à l'inondation a été inappropriée.
Que faire si vous risquez une inondation ?
Les alertes aux inondations de l'Agence pour l'Environnement exigent une action immédiate. Mais que devriez-vous faire ? Voici ce que l'agence conseille :
Déplacer la famille, les animaux domestiques et les objets de valeur dans un endroit sûr.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 13-03-2020 à 11:16:29 (S | E)

"he said he feels" m'a un peu choquée aussi, mais on a là un journaliste qui rapporte du discours alors que le sentiment rapporté par le locuteur est encore vrai. Dans la conversation on l'entend parfois (souvent) même si ce n'est pas de l'anglais parfait ...

Merci pour le Follow-up work, dear Choco and Max! je vais cependant ATTENDRE UN PEU pour laisser AUSSI à d'autres membres la possibilité de participer et je corrigerai, sur Forum toutes les versions postées jusque, disons samedi soir. Il n'y a pas d'urgence, comme je l'ai déjà dit, et je serais très reconnaissante si d'autres pouvaient aussi participer dans la mesure de leurs possibilités.

Strength in Unity, here too...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de magie8, postée le 13-03-2020 à 12:58:36 (S | E)
bonjour, voici ma traduction de la 1ere partie
En Angleterre et au pays de Galles ,des foyers et des entreprises ont été touchés par les inondations consécutives aux pluies diluviennes provoquées par la tempête Dennis.Les rivières n'avaient jamais atteint un niveau aussi élevé avec des gens évacués des zones à risque situées à proximité.Les risques de glissements de terrain et d'inondations dus à des nouvelles averses ont également entrainé les réductions de vitesse des trains avec des retards pouvant atteindre 30 minutes sur certains itinéraires.Une femme qui aidait à évacuer l'eau de la maison de son beau-père,63 ans et de sa grand-mère,92ans a déclaré que les inondations de leur quartier avaient été pire qu'à tout autre moment depuis 2000.L'eau arrive par n'importe quelle ouverture qu'elle puisse trouver. Nous essayons de brosser l'intérieur des pompes pour que l'eau s'écoule . .
Modifié par magie8 le 14-03-2020 18:23
Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de maya92, postée le 13-03-2020 à 14:38:37 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
In England and Wales homes and BUSINESS have BEEN affected BY the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their HIGHEST ever levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from FURTHER downpours also means speed restrictions have been APPLIED on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some ROUTES;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was WORSE THAN any time since 2000. "It's coming THROUGH any gap it can get THROUGH. We're trying to brush it AWAY into the pumps to get it out." /// END OF PART 1 /// 11
Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an eye on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been INADEQUATE.
What to do if you're RUNNING RISKS of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" IS required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family AND pets and PUT valuables IN a safe /// END OF PART 2 ///
- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home INSURANCE documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable GOODS, SUCH as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water MAIN supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken MEASURES to protect your family, check WHETHER there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man of his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a RAFT. 8 /// END OF PART 3 ///
More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 PROPERTY. These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences have been built.
People in flood-hit HOUSES can apply for financial hardship FUND up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and FALL back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected (CONCERNED) residents and business owners to help make their properties more RESISTANT to future floods. /// END of the TEXT ///
En Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, habitations et entreprises ont été affectés par les inondations après les pluies torrentielles provoquées par l’ouragan Dennis. Les rivières ont atteint un niveau jamais atteint et les gens on été évacués des zones à risqué les plus proches. Les risques de glissements de terrain et d’inondation dus à de nouvelles pluies ont amené des restrictions de vitesse pour les trains avec des trajets pouvant avoir jusqu’à 30 minutes de retard. Une femme qui aidait à enlever l’eau de la maison de son beau-père de 63 ans et de sa grand-mère de 92 ans raconte que l’inondation était la pire qu’elle ait vue depuis 2000 “Ca passe par toutes les ouvertures possible. Nous essayons de l’évacuer en repoussant l’eau vers les pompes. Son beau-père n’a pas dormi dit-elle, il a gardé un oeil sur la pompe. Un homme entrait et sortait dans une barque. Il dit qu’il était “résigné” après quatre ou cinq importantes inondations depuis 2000. “On ne peut rien y faire la question est jusqu’où l’eau va-t-elle monter. La réaction du gouvernement à ces inondations n’est pas jugée à la hauteur de la situation. Que faire si vous courez le risque d’une inondation ? la recommandation de l’Agence de protection de l’environnement est une action rapide. Mais que faire ? Voilà ce que l’Agence préconise : - évacuer la famille et les animaux domestiques et mettre les objets de valeur dans un coffre
- Garder une trousse d’inondation prête avec les documents relatifs à l’assurance de la maison, une torche électrique avec des piles neuves, une radio portable, une trousse pour bébé, des bouteilles d’eau et des provisions non périssables ainsi que des vêtements impermeable et des couvertures.
Si nécessaire, éteindre le gaz, l’électricité et les principales arrivées d’eau
Installer des protections contre l’eau telles que des planches ou des sacs de sable. Lorsque vous pris ces mesures pour protéger votre famille, verifier s’il y a des voisins ou des parents vulnerable qui ont besoin d’aide. Dans une ville les equipes de secours ont évacué un home âgé de sa maison en cassant la porte de derrière avec une masse et l’ont emmené sur un radeau pour le mettre en sécurité
Plus de 6 km de barrières anti-inondation ont été installées en Angleterre et les defenses anti-crues ont protégé plus de 25.000 biens. Ces endroits avaient été inondés auparavant mais pas aussi gravement et pas depuis que les defenses anti-crues ont été installées.
Le gouvernement a annoncé mardi dernier que les personnes dont les maisons ont été touchées par les inondations peuvent faire une demande à un fonds d’aide jusqu’à 500 livres sterling pour une aide à court terme. Le Secretaire pour le gouvernement local a dit que “ce fonds aiderait les personnes dans les secteurs les plus touches pour leur permettre de retomber sur leurs pieds” Le fonds d’aide gouvernemental inclut également 5000 livres destinés aux residents concernés et aux propriétaires d’entreprises pour les aider à faire les travaux nécessaires pour rendre leurs biens plus résistants à de futures inondations.
Voilà je n'avais pas compris que tu manquais de traducteurs (trices) alors j'ai fait (vite fait) une petite traduc rapide qui te conviendra j'espère …
Have a nice 'virusless' Week-end

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 14-03-2020 à 22:20:28 (S | E)

Je m'occupe de ces corrections demain ... Pour ce soir, je termine la mise en page de la correction de l'exercice 175.
Les "exercices nouveaux" sont arrivés !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/65 de here4u, postée le 15-03-2020 à 11:23:44 (S | E)

Voici vos corrections du Follow-up work! Merci à tous ceux qui ont bien voulu participer, au nom de tous ...

In England and Wales homes and businesses have been affected by the floods in the wake of downpours brought by Storm Dennis. Rivers reached their highest-ever levels, with people evacuated from nearby at-risk areas. The risk of landslips and flooding from further downpours also means speed restrictions have been introduced on trains - with delays of up to 30 minutes expected on some routes;
A woman who was helping to clear the water from the home of her stepfather, 63, and grandmother, 92 - said the flooding in their neighbourhood was worse than any time since 2000."It's coming through any gap it can get through.
En Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, des maisons et des entreprises ont été touchées par les inondations à la suite des averses provoquées par la tempête Dennis. Les rivières ont atteint leur niveau le plus élevé( un peu faible: un niveau jamais atteint), les gens ayant été évacués des zones à risque voisines.

Une femme qui aidait à dégager l’eau de la maison de son beau-père, 63 ans, et sa grand-mère, 92 ans, - a déclaré que les inondations dans leur quartier étaient les pires depuis 2000. "L'eau s'évacue par toute interstice dans laquelle elle peut s'infiltrer. Bravo et merci, Choco!

En Angleterre et au pays de Galles, des foyers et des entreprises ont été touchés par les inondations consécutives aux pluies diluviennes

En Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, habitations et entreprises ont été affectées par les inondations après les pluies torrentielles

We're trying to brush it into the pumps to get it out". Her stepfather had not been sleeping, she said, "just keeping an eye on the pump".
A man was rowing a boat into and out of his house. He said he feels "resigned" after four or five major floods since 2000. "There's nothing we can do about it, it's a question of how high it's going to get to". The government's response to the flooding is said to have been inadequate.
What to do if you're at risk of flooding?
The Environment Agency's flood warnings mean "immediate action" is required. But what should you do? Here's what the agency suggests:
- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place
"On essaye de la pomper à l'aide du balai-brosse pousser l'eau au balai jusque dans les pompes pour l'en faire sortir." Son beau-père n'avait pas pu dormir, dit-elle, "il avait juste surveillé la pompe".
Un homme entrait et sortait de sa maison dans un bateau à rames. Il s'est dit résigné après quatre ou cinq inondations majeures depuis 2000. Il n'y a rien y faire, il s'agit de savoir jusqu'où cela va aller." On dit que la réponse du gouvernement à l'inondation a été inappropriée.
Que faire si vous risquez une inondation ?
Les alertes aux inondations de l'Agence pour l'Environnement assurent qu' une action immédiate est nécessaire. Mais que devriez-vous faire ? Voici ce que l'agence conseille :
Déplacer la famille, les animaux domestiques et les objets de valeur dans un endroit sûr. Bravo et merci, Maxwell !

Son beau-père n’a pas dormi dit-elle, il a gardé un oeil sur la pompe.

- Keep a flood kit ready, with copies of home insurance documents, a torch and spare batteries, a portable radio, baby care items, bottles of water and non-perishable foods, as well as warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
- If it's safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water mains supplies
- Put flood protection equipment in place, such as flood boards or sandbags
- Once you've taken steps to protect your family, check whether there are vulnerable neighbours or relatives who need help.
In a town, mountain rescue teams evacuated an elderly man from his home by breaking down his back door with a sledgehammer and taking him to safety on a raft. More than 6km of temporary flood barriers have been put up across England and flood defences have protected nearly 25,000 properties.
- Gardez un kit d’inondation prêt, avec des copies de votre police d’assurance habitation, une torche et des piles de rechange, une radio portative, des articles de soins pour bébés, des bouteilles d’eau et des aliments non périssables, ainsi que des vêtements chauds et imperméables et des couvertures.
- S’il est sécuritaire de le faire, coupez le gaz, l’ électricité et fermez le robinet d’alimentation en eau.

- Mettre en place l’équipement de protection contre les inondations, comme des panneaux d’inondation ou des sacs de sable.
- Une fois que vous avez pris des mesures

Dans une ville, les équipes de secours en montagne ont évacué un homme âgé de sa maison en brisant sa porte arrière avec une masse et en l’emmenant en lieu sûr sur un canot de sauvetage. Plus de 6 km de barrières temporaires contre les inondations ont été mises en place à travers l’Angleterre et les défenses contre les inondations ont protégé près de 25 000 propriétés. Bravo et merci ENCORE, Choco !

- Garder une trousse d’inondation prête avec les documents relatifs à l’assurance de la maison, une torche électrique avec des piles neuves (de rechange), une radio portable, une trousse pour bébé, des bouteilles d’eau et des provisions non périssables ainsi que des vêtements imperméables et des couvertures.
Si nécessaire, éteindre le gaz, l’électricité et les principales arrivées d’eau
Installer des protections contre l’eau telles que des planches ou des sacs de sable. Lorsque vous avez pris ces mesures pour protéger votre famille, vérifier s’il y a des voisins ou des parents vulnérables qui ont besoin d’aide. Dans une ville les équipes de secours ont évacué un homme âgé de sa maison en cassant la porte de derrière avec une masse

These places have been flooded before but not this badly and not since flood defences were built.
People in flood-hit households can apply for financial hardship payments of up to £500 for short-term relief, the government announced on Tuesday.
Local Government Secretary said the funding would "help people in the worst-hit areas to recover and get back on their feet".
The government support fund also includes up to £5,000 for affected residents and business owners to help make their properties more resilient to future floods.
Ces lieux ont été inondés auparavant, mais pas autant, et pas depuis que des digues contre les inondations ont été construites.

Les personnes modestes? vivant dans les foyers touchés par les inondations peuvent demander des secours monétaires financiers allant jusqu’à 500 euros pour un soulagement à court terme, a annoncé le gouvernement mardi.
Le secrétaire des gouvernements locaux a déclaré que le financement « aiderait les habitants des zones les plus touchées à se rétablir et à se remettre sur pied ».
Le fonds de soutien gouvernemental comprend également jusqu’à 5 000 euros pour les résidents touchés et les propriétaires d’entreprises afin de rendre leurs propriétés plus résistantes aux inondations futures. Bravo et merci ENCORE, Choco !

Plus de 6 km de barrières anti-inondation ont été installées en Angleterre et les défenses anti-crues ont protégé plus de 25.000 biens. Ces endroits avaient été inondés auparavant mais pas aussi gravement et pas depuis que les défenses anti-crues ont été installées.
Le gouvernement a annoncé mardi dernier que les personnes dont les maisons ont été touchées par les inondations peuvent faire une demande à un fonds d’aide jusqu’à 500 livres sterling pour une aide à court terme.

Bravo et merci ENCORE, Maya !

Bravo à tous ...

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