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Let's Suggest/34

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Let's Suggest/34
Message de here4u posté le 11-03-2023 à 17:00:48 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!

Here is the new topic for you to write about. I hope many will participate enthusiastically, and that you'll do it as well as ever...

You mustn't be afraid of making mistakes... We LOVE mistakes, because they give us an opportunity to explain and correct!

Here is today's topic:
Write about the first two items of your bucket list... (130 to 150 words)
Lien internet

Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à
m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment là, comme il se doit.) Si un autre membre a déjà indiqué des erreurs en bleu, VOUS DEVEZ repartir de cette correction et la confirmer ou la corriger... Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger… Vous pourrez ensuite donner vos suggestions de correction (en vert!)

IMPORTANT ! Pour me faciliter le transfert des corrections successives de vos travaux sur le site, pourriez vous m'indiquer par un "(" le mot ou segment de phrase qui devrai(en)t être modifié(s), s'il vous plaît ?
ie. (I'm repeating for years... ou (was not only to want something,... Pourquoi ? Simplement parce que le site ne "garde" pas les indications de couleurs ou de soulignement etc. dès que l'on copie... Donc, je prends vos travaux, je les corrige avec les codes "bleu" ou "souligné" ou "vert", mais au moment où je vous poste la correction, je perds tout mon travail... et dois tout refaire mot à mot en direct avec deux fenêtres ou même deux écrans pour un travail fastidieux de copie point par point... Merci de votre aide !

Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet

( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez : ou ou ** Do your best, I trust You!
Correction en ligne le samedi 25 mars 2023.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.


Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 13-03-2023 à 11:25:34 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Here we go for a new Let's Suggest!- You know you can help us...

EXPRESSION N°1: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

My bucket list has evolved with each passing day.
When I was eighteen, the first item of my wishes was to travel around Europe; and I did it, with some good friends, during several summer holidays. We went, backpacking, hitchhiking or taking the train when we had enough money. We slept in youth-hostels or in people's houses in exchange for a little work.
That's how I visited London and many other capital- towns.It gave me the opportunity to discover other ways of life and wonderful people.It was in Berlin, in 1961, that I met the man of my life.❤️..but that's another story!
I added an item at the beginning of this year, and it will be my second one. It's very simple and doesn't require any special skills or expenses.I just want to spend many quality times with my loved-ones, so that they will have happy, tender and sweet images when I leave this world forever! 160 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 15-03-2023 à 18:35:15 (S | E)
Hello dears!

No volunteers... I'll do it!

EXPRESSION N°1: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

My bucket list has evolved with each passing day.
When I was eighteen, the first item of my wishes was to travel around Europe; and I did it, with some good friends, during several summer holidays. We went, backpacking, hitchhiking or taking the train when we had enough money. We slept in youth-hostels or in people's houses in exchange for a little work.
That's how I visited London and many other capital- towns.It gave me the opportunity to discover other ways of life and wonderful people.It was in Berlin, in 1961, that I met the man of my life.❤️..but that's another story!
I added an item at the beginning of this year, and it will be my second one. It's very simple and doesn't require any special skills or expenses.I just want to spend many quality times with my loved-ones, so that they will have happy, tender and sweet images when I leave this world forever! 160 words

Green allowed now! and EXPRESSION N°2 will be posted tomorrow morning.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 15-03-2023 à 19:08:12 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: please, suggestions.

My bucket list has evolved with each passing day.
When I was eighteen, the first item of my wishes was to travel around Europe; and I did it, with some good friends, during several summer holidays. We went, backpacking, hitchhiking or taking the train when we had enough money. We slept in youth-hostels or in people's houses in exchange for a little work.
That's how I visited London and many other (capital cities in Europe.It gave me the opportunity to discover other ways of life and wonderful people.It was in Berlin, in 1961, that I met( the man who shares my life .❤️..but that's another story!
I added an item at the beginning of this year, and it will be my second one. It's very simple and doesn't require any special skills or expenses.I just want to spend ( as much time as possible with my loved-ones, so that they will have happy, tender and sweet images when I leave this world forever! 160 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 16-03-2023 à 09:21:02 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

This’s a difficult question. I’m not adventurer: i don’t want to swim with dolphins nor go to walk near alligators in florida… I don’t want to cross a suspended bridge or bungee jumping or scuba diving in turquoise seas…I like watching the sky the night. I always did and now, i will like to see the aurora borealis in Island. I have gone there already, but have not seen one and I was deceived.
But that I want to do more is to see my kids becoming adult and succeed in life. They are small now, but the time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them so much than possible. I want they get a good job and to be good people. 135 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 17-03-2023 à 17:47:54 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2 please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

This's a difficult question. I'm not x adventurer: (i don't want to swim with dolphins ( nor ( go to walk near alligators in ( florida I don't want to cross a ( suspended bridge or x bungee jumping or scuba diving in turquoise seas?I like watching the sky ( the night . I always ( did and now, (i will like to see the aurora borealis in Island. I (have gone there already , but ( have not seen one and I was deceived.
But that I want to do ( more is to see my kids' becoming adult and succeed in life. They are small now, but ( the the time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them (so much than possible. I want ( they get a good job and to be good people. 135 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 17-03-2023 à 22:32:11 (S | E)

Green allowed.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 19-03-2023 à 09:41:35 (S | E)

No suggestions? Nobody wants to help? Come on! We need you!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 19-03-2023 à 10:46:00 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2 suggestions..

This's a difficult question. I'm not ( an adventurer: (I don't want to swim with dolphins ( or walk near alligators in (FloridaI don't want to cross a ( suspended bridge or (go bungee jumping or scuba diving in turquoise seas.I like watching the sky ( at night . I (ve always done it , (I would like to see the aurora borealis in Island. I (have already been there , but (I didn't see any and I was deceived.
But that I want to do ( the most is to see my kids' becoming adults and succeed in life. They are small now, but ( time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them (as much as possible. I want (them to have a good job and to be good people. 135 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 20-03-2023 à 10:07:27 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2: just a little help...

This's a difficult question. I'm not an adventurer: I don't want to swim with dolphins or walk near alligators in Florida. I don't want to cross a suspended bridge or go bungee jumping or do scuba diving in turquoise seas. I like watching the sky at night. I've always done it, (I would like to see the aurora borealis in Island. I have already been there, but I didn't see any and I was deceived.
But that I want to do the most is to see my kids' becoming adults and succeed in life. They are small now, but time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them as much as possible. I want them to have a good job and to be good people. 135 words

I hope it will help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 20-03-2023 à 11:04:23 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here is EXPRESSION N°2: .

This is a difficult question. I'm not an adventurer: I don't want to swim with dolphins or walk near alligators in Florida. I don't want to cross a suspended bridge or go bungee jumping or do scuba diving in turquoise seas. I like watching the sky at night. I've always done it, (I would like to see ( aurora borealis in( Iceland . I have already been there, but I didn't see any and I was (disappointed.
But( what I want I want to do most is to see my kids becoming adults and succeed in life. They are small now, but time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them as much as possible. I want them to have a good job and to be good people. 135 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 21-03-2023 à 10:07:29 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°3: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. There’s many things I want to do but I haven’t time and money enough.
First, i want to go to norway and go to youth hostel because the hotels are so expansive . In norway, i will take a boat and admired fjords in the south. I know the landscape are beautiful , and that there are beautiful cascades and falls of water making real swimming pools, but they are very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in norway. The water is very cold, i think.I will eat fish, specialy salmon and visit places where the salmons grow up.
I like to visit united states too. It’s my country of dreams… i know every thing is big here, i will go in californie and swim in the hot sea. ( much more hot that norway…) californie is sea and sun… a real dream.160 words

for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 21-03-2023 à 13:23:23 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. There ('s many things I want to do but I haven’t(time and money enough
First,( i want to go to (norway and go to( youth hostel because( the hotels are (so expansive . In ( norway,( i will take a boat and (admired fjords in the south. I know the (landscape are beautiful , and that there are beautiful falls of water making real swimming pools, but they are very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in (norway . The water is very cold,(i think.I will eat fish, (specialy salmon and visit(places where the (salmons grow up.
I (like to visit( united states too. It’s(my country of dreams …(i know( every thing is big here,(i will go in (californie californie and swim in(the hot sea. (much more hot that( norway …)(californie is sea and sun… a real dream.160 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 22-03-2023 à 21:47:11 (S | E)

green allowed tomorrow morning.

EXPRESSION N°4 will be published tomorrow night or on Friday morning.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de amalia80, postée le 23-03-2023 à 13:04:44 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°3: suggestios...

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. There ( are a lot of things I want to do but I haven’t( enough time and money
First,(I want to go to (Norway and go to( a youth hostel because hotels are ( too expensive . In (Norway,( I will take a boat and ( admire fjords in the south. I know the landscapes are beautiful , and that there are beautiful falls of water making real swimming pools, but they are very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in (Norway. The water is very cold, (Ithink.I will eat fish, ( especially salmon and visit(places where ( salmon grow .
I ( would like to visit( the USA too. It’s my ( dream country …( I know( everything is big here,(I will go to California and swim in( the warm sea. (much warmer than Norway).( California[ is sea and sun… a real dream.160 words

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 23-03-2023 à 18:14:36 (S | E)

here is EXPRESSION N°4: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

When I think of bucket list, the first thing which comes to my mind is my trip to San Francisco.
It was the first time I travelled by plane. Some plane: Airbus 380. I could have hugged the customs officer, when I set my foot on the American soil.
A dream come true. San Francisco lives up to its reputation.
I biked the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's wonder! It's enormously photogenic! A real star even when it's playing hide and seek in the fog.
I enjoyed walking and running through the Golden Gate Park and along the coastal trail.
I even drove a Ford Mustang like Steve Mac Queen, down the crookedest street.
I visited the legendary Alcatraz island on a Tour. I enjoyed every part of it.
But don't go to San Francisco, if you love sunbathing or bathing in warm waters. More often than not, it's windy and foggy.(154 words)

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de magie8, postée le 24-03-2023 à 11:12:54 (S | E)
here is EXPRESSION N°4: please, indicate possible mistakes in blue and underline what you consider is clumsy...

When I think of bucket list, the first thing ( which comes to (my mind is my trip to San Francisco.
It was the first time I travelled by plane. Some plane: Airbus 380. I could have hugged the customs officer, when I (set my foot on the American soil.
A dream come true. San Francisco lives up to its reputation.
I biked the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's ( wonder! It's enormously photogenic! A real (star even when it's playing hide and seek in the fog.
I enjoyed walking and running through the Golden Gate Park and along the coastal trail.
I even drove a Ford Mustang like Steve Mac Queen, down the crookedest street.
I visited the legendary Alcatraz island on a (Tour. I enjoyed every part of it.
But don't go to San Francisco, if you love sunbathing or bathing in warm waters.( More often than not, it's windy and foggy.(154 words)

Je croyais que "a bucket list" c'était un projet en attente, ici c'est déjà réalisé. Est-ce que l'on met cela aussi dans une bucket list? En peu de mots j'ai bien revu et reconnu l'ambiance et le décor de San Francisco. Pour moi c est bien, ce n'est pas grave quelques fautes de majuscules, un s, ou un (the) en trop ou en moins le principal c'est que ce soit compréhensible et vivant On peut toujours améliorer ou exprimer autrement. Je ne ferais pas beaucoup mieux , même plutôt moins bien

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 25-03-2023 à 11:37:57 (S | E)

Thanks a lot, Magie!
green allowed.

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 25-03-2023 à 21:55:15 (S | E)
Hello, dear writers, correctors and readers,

I) EXPRESSION N°1: initial text and my preliminary indications.

My bucket list has evolved with each passing day.
When I was eighteen, the first item of my wishes was to travel around Europe( ; and I did (it, with some good friends,
during several summer holidays. We went, backpacking, hitchhiking or taking the train when we had enough money.B
We slept in youth-hostels or in (people's houses in exchange for a little work.
That's how I visited London and many other (capital- towns.It gave me the opportunity to discover (other ways of life
and wonderful people.It was in Berlin, in 1961, that I met (the man of my life.❤️..but that's another story!
I added an item at the beginning of this year, and it will be my second one. It's very simple and doesn't require any special skills
or expenses.I just want to spend (many quality times with my loved-ones, so that they will have happy, tender and sweet images/(memories when I leave this world forever! 160 words TTB

EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions N°1.

My bucket list has evolved with each passing day.
When I was eighteen, the first item of my wishes was to travel around Europe; and I did it,(*) with some good friends,
during several summer holidays. We went, backpacking, hitchhiking or taking the train when we had enough money. We slept in
youth-hostels or in people's houses in exchange for a little work.
That's how I visited London and many other (capital cities in Europe.It gave me the opportunity to discover other
ways of life/ lifestyles and wonderful people.It was in Berlin, in 1961, that I met( the man who shares my life
(OK! mais un peu trop développé... .❤️..but that's another story!
I added an item at the beginning of this year, and it will be my second one. It's very simple and doesn't require any special skills
or expenses.I just want to spend ( as much time as possible with my loved-ones, so that they will have happy, tender
and sweet images when I leave this world forever! 160 words TB correction!

(*) j’aurais changé la ponctuation et mis «and I did, with… » ou alors, je supprimerais le «and» (dont il faut se méfier, surtout
en début de proposition…)
- chez l’habitant : with a local/ stay in homestay/ stay with locals/ (in B & Bs/ in bed and breakfasts/as a paying guest)
- mode de vie : lifestyles (is more common).
- une capitale : a capital city
- l’homme/ la femme de ma vie : the love of my life
- many quality moments/ much quality time/


II) EXPRESSION N°2: initial text and my preliminary indications.

(This’s a difficult question. I’m not (adventurer: (i don’t want to swim with dolphins
(nor go to walk near alligators in (florida… I don’t want to cross a suspended bridge (or),
bungee jumping or DO scuba diving in turquoise seas…I like watching the sky (the night. I always did
and now, (i (will/ would like to see (the aurora borealis in (Island. I
have (gone
there already, but have not seen one and I was (deceived.
But (that I want to do (more is to see my kids (becoming adult and (succeed in life. They are
small now, but (the time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them (so much
than possible. I want (they get a good job and to be (good people. 135 words
OK! Attention aux majuscules, aux temps...


This's a difficult question. I'm not x adventurer: (i don't want to swim with dolphins ( nor
(go to walk near alligators in (florida I don't want to cross a (suspended bridge or x bungee jumping or
scuba diving in turquoise seas?I like watching the sky (the night . I always (did and now, (i will
to see the aurora borealis in Island. I (have gone there already , but (have
not seen
one and I was deceived.
But that I want to do (more is to see my kids' becoming adult and succeed in life. They are small now, but
(the the
time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them (so much than possible. I
want (they get
a good job and to be good people.
135 words OK!

Here is EXPRESSION N°2 suggestions N°1.

This's a difficult question. I'm not (an adventurer: (I don't want to swim with dolphins (or
walk near alligators in (Florida I don't want to cross a (suspended bridge or (go bungee jumping or
scuba diving
in turquoise seas.I like watching the sky ( at night . I (ve always done it ,
(I would like
to see the aurora borealis in Island. I (have already been there , but
(I didn't see
any and I was deceived.
But that I want to do ( the most is to see my kids' becoming adults and succeed in life. They are small now,
but (time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them (as much as possible. I
want (them to have
a good job and to be good people. 135 words TBonnes corrections ! BRAVO!

Here is EXPRESSION N°2: just a little help...

This's a difficult question. I'm not an adventurer: I don't want to swim with dolphins or walk near alligators
in Florida. I don't want to cross a suspended bridge or go bungee jumping or do scuba diving in turquoise seas.
I like watching the sky at night. I've always done it, (I would like to see the aurora borealis in
Island. I have already been there, but I didn't see any and I was deceived.
But that I want to do the most is to see my kids' becoming adults and succeed in life. They are small now,
but time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them as much as possible. I want them to have
a good job and to be good people. 135 words

Here is EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions:

This is a difficult question. I'm not an adventurer: I don't want to swim with dolphins or walk near alligators in Florida. I don't want
to cross a suspended bridge or, go bungee jumping or do scuba diving in turquoise seas. I like watching the sky at night. I've
always done it, (I would like to see (aurora borealis in(Iceland . I have already been there, but I didn't see any and I
was (disappointed.
But (what I want I want to do most is to see my kids becoming adults and succeed in life. They are
small now, but time is passing so quickly and I want to be a good parent and help them as much as possible. I want them to have a good
job and
to be good people. 135 words Très bonne correction.

- I’m not an adventurer : «adventurer », attribut du sujet, doit être précédé de l’article indéfini.
- "I" prend toujours une majuscule.
- Le verbe porte une négation => il ne faut pas en mettre 2! "or go to walk…"
- Florida : majuscule : Islande : Iceland
- La nuit : at night.
- Etre déçu : disappointed // to be deceived : être trompé// a deception: une tromperie/ to be deceptive: être trompeur.
- Ce que je veux : WHAT I want to do most : That : que// what : ce que/
- Parallèle entre les deux structures des verbes : see my kids become adults (on voit toute l’action, jusqu’à l’âge adulte) and succeed
in life (idem)
- Le temps (qui passe) ; mot abstrait : pas d’article
Lien internet

Lien internet
I have been/ I have gone
- the northern lights/ aurora borealis.
- autant que possible : as much as possible
- différence entre good people et good persons. Lien internet

When should you use persons?
Many usage guides over the years have suggested that there is a clear distinction between these two words; people is used when referring
to a collective group or indeterminate number, and persons serves better when referring to individuals (or a number of individuals).
People should always be used when a collective noun referring to the entirety of a group or nation (i.e., "French People") is called for.
For references to groups of a specific or general number, either people or persons may be used. However, modern style guides tend to
prefer people where earlier guides preferred persons, especially for countable groups.


EXPRESSION N°3: initial text and preliminary indications:

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. (There’s many things I want to do but I (haven’t time and
money enough.
First, (i want to go to (norway and go to (x youth hostel(or plural) because (the) hotels are (so too (expansive . In (norway, (i will take
a boat and (admired (Pourquoi ce passé ?) fjords in the south. I know the (landscape are beautiful, and that there are beautiful cascades and (falls of water making real swimming pools, but they
are very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in (norway. The water is very cold(,(i think.I
will eat fish, (Especialy salmon and visit places where the (salmons grow up.
I XXXXX like to visit XX united states too. It’s my (country of dreams
know every thing is big (here, (i will go (in (californie
and swim in the hot sea. ( much (more hot : adjectif court : warmer) that XX (norway…) (californie (is sea and sun… a real dream.160
Trop de fautes en fin de texte surtout… Attention au mélange des temps, mélange singulier/ pluriel/ entre autres… A revoir

EXPRESSION N°3: indications:

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. There ('s many things I want to do but I haven’t(time and money enough
First,( i want to go to (norway and go to(x youth hostel because(the hotels are
(so expansive. In(norway,( iwill take a boat and (admired fjords in the south. I
know the (landscape are beautiful, and that there are beautiful falls of water making real swimming pools, but they are very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in (norway. The water is very cold,(i
think. I will eat fish, (specialy salmon and visit(places where the (salmons grow up.
I (like to visit( united states too. It’s(my country of dreams …(i know( every thing is big here,(i will go in (californie californie and swim in(the hot sea. (much more hot that( norway …)(californie is sea and sun… a real dream.160 words
Bonnes indications de fautes.

EXPRESSION N°3: suggestions...

Yes, I’m sure I can write a long bucket list…. There (are a lot of things I want to do but I haven’t
(enough time and money.
First,(I want to go to (Norway and go to (a youth hostel because hotels are (too expensive. In (Norway,(I will take a boat and ( admire fjords in the south. I know
the landscapes are beautiful, and that there are beautiful falls of water making real swimming pools, but they
very very cold. I don’t know if it’s possible to swim in (Norway. The water is very cold, (Ithink.
I will eat fish, (especially salmon and visit(places where (salmon grow .
I (would like to visit(the USA too. It’s my (dream country …( I know (everything
is big here,(I will go to California and swim in(the warm sea. (much warmer
than IN Norway)
.(California[ is sea and sun… a real dream.160 words

- revoir les emplois de : I haven't GOT // I don't have
Lien internet

- Une chute d’eau : a waterfall
- expensive
- So expensive : si cher/ too expensive : trop cher
- Surtout : especially
- Norway/ Florida/ California/ the United States/
- It’s the country of my dreams/ my dream country/ land of my dreams/ dreamland/


EXPRESSION N°4: initial text and my preliminary indications:

When I think of (X bucket list, the first thing (which comes to my mind is my trip to San Francisco.
It was the first time I XXX travelled by plane. (Some plane:?? (XX Airbus 380. I could have hugged the
customs officer, when I set my foot on the American soil.
A dream come true. San Francisco lives up to its reputation.TB
I biked xxxxxx the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's (wonder! It's enormously photogenic! A real star
even when it's playing hide and seek in the fog.
I enjoyed walking and running through the Golden Gate Park and along the coastal trail.
I even drove a Ford Mustang like (Steve Mac Queen, down the (crookedest street.
I visited the legendary Alcatraz island on a Tour. I enjoyed every part of it.
But don't go to San Francisco, if you love sunbathing or bathing in warm waters. More often than not, it's windy and foggy.
(154 words)
TTB D’excellents passages … et quelques erreurs inattendues quand même ! Un peu trop "journal de voyage"...

EXPRESSION N°4: indications

When I think of bucket list, the first thing ( (which/) that comes to my mind is my trip to San Francisco.
It was the first time I travelled by plane(Oui ! le temps est faux !). Some plane: Airbus 380.(Construction un peu étrange… et peu claire !) I could have hugged the customs officer, when I (set my foot OK on
the American soil. A dream come true. San Francisco lives up to its reputation.
I biked xxxxxx the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's ( wonder! OK une erreur à corriger. It's
enormously photogenic! A real (star ? even when it's playing hide and seek in the fog.
I enjoyed walking and running through the Golden Gate Park and along the coastal trail.
I even drove a Ford Mustang (like Steve Mac Queen (il y a bien une erreur !), down the crookedest
(idem !)
I visited the legendary Alcatraz island on a (Tour(pourquoi la majuscule ?). I enjoyed every part of it.
But don't go to San Francisco, if you love sunbathing or bathing in warm waters.( More often than not(No! it's
, it's windy and foggy.(154 words)

Je croyais que "a bucket list" c'était un projet en attente, ici c'est déjà réalisé. Est-ce que l'on met cela aussi dans une
bucket list?
En peu de mots j'ai bien revu et reconnu l'ambiance et le décor de San Francisco. Pour moi c est bien, ce n'est pas grave quelques
fautes de majuscules, un s, ou un (the) en trop ou en moins le principal c'est que ce soit compréhensible et vivant. On peut
toujours améliorer ou exprimer autrement. Je ne ferais pas beaucoup mieux , même plutôt moins bien.
Come on! You did
quite well!

Merci Magie de cette indication de fautes. Bravo ! Tu as bien repéré des fautes … et tu en as « rajouté » aussi !

- To set foot in/ on= mettre les pieds en OK
- More often than not= most of the time : la plupart du temps ! OK
- The first thing that comes to mind… : "that" s’emploie plus fréquemment que "which" après un superlatif et "first" et "last"…
- It’s the first time + present perfect => it was the first time + past perfect.
- One of the … est forcément suivi d’un pluriel. One of the wonders…
- Une Ford Mustang comme celle de SMQ= like Steve McQueen’s (sous entendu la Ford)
- Crooked au superlatif : the most crooked

Voilà ! Indications et explications des erreurs des quatre EXPRESSIONS... Comme toujours, vous avez tous, (même ceux
d'entre vous qui n'en sont pas les "auteurs"...) la possibilité de reprendre tout ou partie des textes sous forme de Follow
up Work.

Bravo à vous pour les textes originaux et aux correcteurs pour les efforts de recherches et les trouvailles !

de ce très bon travail !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de magie8, postée le 27-03-2023 à 08:18:48 (S | E)

EXPRESSION N°4: Le follow up

When I think of bucket list, the first thing THAT comes to my mind is my trip to San Francisco.
It was the first time I had travelled by plane. The plane was an Airbus 380. I could have hugged the customs officer, when I set my foot on the American soil.
A dream come true. San Francisco lives up to its reputation.
I biked on the Golden Gate Bridge, one of the world's wonders. It's enormously photogenic! A real Star even when it's playing hide and seek in the fog.
I enjoyed walking and running through the Golden Gate Park and along the coastal trail.
I even drove down the most crooked street in a Ford mustang car like that of Steve Mac Queen.
I visited the legendary Alcatraz island on a tour. I enjoyed every part of it.
But don't go to San Francisco, if you love sunbathing or bathing in warm waters? more often than not it's windy and foggy.(154 words)

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de here4u, postée le 27-03-2023 à 11:47:44 (S | E)
Hello, Magie!

de ton Follow up Work! C'est TB! Il n'y a aucune faute...
(je rajouterais simplement l'article devant "bucket list" (a bucket list) et je n'oublierais pas que "that of Steve McQueen" peut avantageusement être remplacé par un "cas possessif" (très commun, surtout à l'oral!)

Encore !

Réponse : Let's Suggest/34 de mamylistele, postée le 27-03-2023 à 20:08:09 (S | E)
pour le Follow up work
Je voudrais juste rajouter que Lombard Street, la rue sinueuse que Steve Mac Queen descend dans le film 'Bullitt" avec sa Ford Mustang a été surnommée "the crookedest street in the world".


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