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Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry

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Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry
Message de here4u posté le 10-07-2015 à 23:14:58 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear hardworking friends!

Every time I read your work I'm really quite amazed... I notice the quality of the work done, the effort and motivation which are obvious in all of them... You keep telling me that the exercises are difficult, and they are, Yet, to speak the truth, I must say that I'm not feeling you're suffering while doing them... Even if, at times, you don't give me 'the' expression I was hoping for, most of the time, you manage to write some correct English expressions and I congratulate you all...
Newcomers keep arriving and I understand how difficult it must be, for them, to try and catch up with the 'regulars', the 'veterans' as one of you calls the group! That's why I try to send the individual corrections sooner now, to help those of you who want to work on their errors before the collective correction is out.
I know that many of you have excellent methods of work and do clever revision forms.

Now, this N°47... It's still a 'serious' exercise... I wasn't really in the mood for games yet... Please, don't give up on N°II, thinking it's a game... It's not! It's a vocabulary exercise, not an easy one, although you should know the 10 (vertical) words which belong to the same theme. It took me more than 4 hours to conceive and get it ready for the site, and it would really be hard on me if you didn't give it a little attention...(you may hide your attempts if you fancy it ...) N°III is less difficult, but the whole work is well worth
The collective correction will be posted on Monday, July 20th (please, protest if it's too soon...) for your hunger and kind words... You're simply GREAT !

I) Translate into English :
1) Il m'arrive souvent de me demander pourquoi le temps semble passer plus vite au fil des ans. Lorsque j'avais 13 ans, une année me paraissait des siècles.
2) Pourquoi abandonner des habitudes quand elles étaient bonnes. Il vaudrait mieux faire un tri réel : garder le bon et jeter le mauvais ...
3) Tu me manques terriblement, mais je manque aussi de temps, d'argent et de place pour ranger correctement mes affaires.
4) Plus il me faisait attendre, moins j'avais envie de le rencontrer, et plus j'étais en colère contre lui.
5) Avec beaucoup de nostalgie, il se souvint des fins d'années scolaires de son enfance, et des foules de souvenirs se bousculèrent dans son esprit.

II) VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game!

|---E--- C ---- W ----------- H------------T--------------|
|--------S--------------S---------H ----------------------|
|---P----- E---------S --------------U--------------------|
|---- T-----------A --------------------------------------|
|-------- I ------------ R -----------------A-------------|
|------L------H---------- R------L -------R-------N-------|
|------- E-----------M -----------------------------------|
|--- O ---------------T----------- R------------ D -------|
|-A------- ---A----------I-------A------------------------|
|-----O--------- N--------I------------I------------------|
|---- I --------R- ---U---------O-------------------------|
|---- -----C ------L-------T--G -----N-----N--------------|
|--E-----K -----D -------------N-------G----E-------------|

III) Jim thinks he's finished his essay. He's just asked you to correct his mistakes. Can you help, please?

Oh yes, he reminded it... It was the first time he left her home, her parents, and was among stranger in foreigner country. He asked to oneself how long he will feel so alone and didn't know what answering. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends advices. He needed them really and will make his best telling everyone about those news informations. He's wanted help other.

Bon courage ! I give you the Force !

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-07-2015 07:06

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 11-07-2015 à 08:50:01 (S | E)
Hello all of you !
De bonnes questions ... Merci de les avoir posées ...
Je n'ai jamais joué à ce jeu de lettres (GRR! ce n'est pas un jeu! mais un méchant exercice!) et je n'en connais pas bien les règles donc :
1. Les mots ont-ils tous le même nombre de lettres ?
2. Peut-on utiliser les mêmes lettres plusieurs fois ?
3. Peut-on faire commencer les mots par la rangée qu'on veut ?

1 = NON ; 2 = NON ; 3 = pas certaine de comprendre ... Oui, vous pouvez commencer par la rangée (le mot) qui vous saute aux yeux..., mais ça ne changera rien aux mots, finalement. Si vous les combinez 'mal', vous allez trouver une foule de mots qui seront 'existants', mais pas 'bons pour l'exercice' ...

- J'explique : Les lettres glissent sur les lignes ... Elles sont dans le bon ordre donc, vous ne pouvez pas les faire 'sauter' ...
- Tous les mots n'ont pas le même nombre de lettres (loin de là! )Très important !
- Une lettre ne peut être utilisée qu'une fois. Vous avez toutes les lettres dont vous avez besoin ! Il ne faut pas en rajouter ... ni en retirer !
- Les mots appartiennent à un même thème (par exemple : des fleurs (cf exercice 22). Je préfère ne pas donner le thème au début, parce qu'il y a des Pros parmi vous. Si vous peinez trop, je vous le donnerai ... disons, lundi ...

Voilà, je peux vous assurer que vous connaissez la plupart des mots employés, peut-être tous ... ils sont écrits devant vous ... ils vous sautent aux yeux (ou pas! ) et si vous m'en donnez la traduction, je serai parfaitement heureuse !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 12-07-2015 à 23:10:17 (S | E)
Just a little help...
Among the 10 words, 2 have 7 letters, 2 have 3 letters, One has 4, 3 have 5 letters, and 2 have 6 letters should help...

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 13-07-2015 à 14:35:33 (S | E)
WOW! BRAVO ! Tu as bien trouvé le thème ... qui est donc : les poissons! CONGRATS ! Tu as ENORMEMENT fait progresser l'exercice. Super chocolat !
Bon, entre nous, il me parait normal de vous creuser 'un peu' la tête sur cet exercice, vu comment je me suis 'pris la mienne' pour le concevoir et réaliser ! Just kidding, of course ! ) maintenant, il ne vous 'reste plus'qu'à aligner les mots trouvés ... et les mots manquants vont vous 'sauter dessus' ... j'espère que ce ne sera pas celui de 5 lettres !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de alpiem, postée le 13-07-2015 à 15:48:05 (S | E)
Hello everybody,:

1)I often happen to wonder why time seems to fly faster as years go by.When I was thirteen, one year would look like centuries.
2)Why abandon habits though they were good habits. We would rather make an exhaustive selection: keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.
3)I am tremendously missing you, but I am also missing time, money and room to put away my belongings properly.
4)The more he was keeping me waiting the less eager I was to meet him and the angrier at him Iwas getting.
5)With much nostalgia he remembered the ends of schoolyears of his childhood and memories galore jostled in his head.
II)Maybe later, je ne suis pas arrive à trouver herring meme avec la solution, j'ai honte mais

III)Help jim:
Oh yes, he remembered it....It was the first time he had left home, his relatives, and was a stranger in a foreign country. He asked himself how long he would feel so alone and didn't know what to answer. Next time he knew he would rather wait for his friends'advice. He really needed them and he would make his best to tell everyone about these new informations. He wanted to help the others.

ready now, thanks here 4u

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-07-2015 16:27

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de chrys, postée le 13-07-2015 à 16:36:40 (S | E)
Hello here4u, Hello everybody here !!!!
I am posting only the two translations. For the 2nd exercise (and not the game, I have understood !!! ), I am not ready, I have found one word only, and I think it not belongs does not belong to the words we have to look for.

I) Translate into English :
1) Il m'arrive souvent de me demander pourquoi le temps semble passer plus vite au fil des ans. Lorsque j'avais 13 ans, une année me paraissait des siècles.
---> I often wonder why time seems to go faster over years. When I had 13, a year seemed last for centuries. (or last centuries ?)
2) Pourquoi abandonner des habitudes quand elles étaient bonnes. Il vaudrait mieux faire un tri réel : garder le bon et jeter le mauvais ...
---> Why give up habits when they were good. It would be better to sort really : keep the good and throw the bad away ...
3) Tu me manques terriblement, mais je manque aussi de temps, d'argent et de place pour ranger correctement mes affaires.
---> I terribly miss you, but I run out of time too, I lack of money and place to tidy up my belongings correctly .(ou : but I lack of time too, money and place ...)
4) Plus il me faisait attendre, moins j'avais envie de le rencontrer, et plus j'étais en colère contre lui.
--->The more he kept me waiting, the less I wanted to meet him, and the more I was angry with him.
5) Avec beaucoup de nostalgie, il se souvint des fins d'années scolaires de son enfance, et des foules de souvenirs se bousculèrent dans son esprit.
--->With a great deal of nostalgy, he remembered his childhood’s end of school years, and a crowd of memories rushed in his mind.

II) I add this part.
I had found only 7 first (with a list found on the site in a lesson about fishes), but with another list with fish names, I have found the ten. And I had a "T" which had disappeared so I couldn't find whiting, the word didn't exist in the dictionnaries I have consulted.
Finally, from the left to the right: plaice (carrelet), eel (anguille), shark (requin), trout (truite), cod (cabillaud), salmon (saumon), whiting (merlan), herring (hareng), sardine (sardine), tuna (thon).
|---E----------C ---------W ---H---------T-----------|
|------S------------S-----H ----------------------|
|P-----------------------------E----S ---U--------------------|
|----------T--------A -----------------------------------------------|
|-------------------------I----R ---A-------------|
|L-----H---R--------L --------------R----N-------|
|---E--- -----------M -----------------------------------|
|----------O--------------T----R----D -------|
|I ----R---U----O-----------------------------|
|C--L------T--------------G ---N----N--------------|
|E-----K -------D --N----------G----E-------------|

Contrary to Chocolatcitron, I haven't calculated how long I spent on the exercise, but I kwow I have spent several hours too !!!!

III) Jim thinks he's finished his essay. He's just asked you to correct his mistakes. Can you help, please?
Oh yes, he reminded it... It was the first time he left her home, her parents, and was among stranger in foreigner country. He asked to oneself how long he will feel so alone and didn't know what answering. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends advices. He needed them really and will make his best telling everyone about those news informations. He's wanted help other.

---> Oh yes, he remembered it... It was the first time he left his home, his parents, and was among strangers in a foreign country. He asked to himself how long he would feel so lonely and didn't know what to answer. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends’ advice. He needed them really and would make his best telling everyone about that new information. He wanted to help the others.

It That's all for the moment !!!
See you soon ...

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-07-2015 16:39
it not belongs... j'ai failli tomber de ma chaise !!!
Modifié par chrys le 13-07-2015 17:07
Ouffff ça n'a que failli !

Modifié par chrys le 16-07-2015 23:59
here4u, you can correct my try, I think I can't improve more than that.
Thanks ...

Modifié par chrys le 17-07-2015 11:12

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 14-07-2015 à 00:52:35 (S | E)
Ah non ! Ne corrige pas leurs exos ...(ou alors je te laisse corriger toute la série!! )
Laisse-leur la '2è chance' de voir les erreurs seuls ... et tant pis si tu tombes de ta chaise !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de chrys, postée le 14-07-2015 à 01:01:39 (S | E)
here4u, ce n'est pas l'exercice qu'a corrigé Lucile, juste l'introduction ( et je suis désolée d'avoir failli provoquer involontairement un accident ! )
Bonne nuit

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 14-07-2015 à 07:48:04 (S | E)
Hello choco !
Bravo pour cette belle persévérance !
Tu as encore fait progresser l'exercice! ... et montré que le cerveau liquéfié et ne sais pas compter jusque 3,... TROIS A SEPT LETTRES ....
Je vais revoir l'ensemble pour éviter d'autres erreurs ....
Maintenant, réfléchis à ton ' I didn't found', sinon lucile va encore tomber de sa chaise !
Malgré ce slip of the finger ... énormes bravos !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de lucile83, postée le 14-07-2015 à 09:01:50 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Si tu relis le message de chrys tu verras que je n'ai en aucun cas corrigé l'exercice lui-même. J'ai corrigé l'introduction personnelle afin d'aider gentiment chrys à progresser en anglais, sans oublier que cela fait aussi partie de mon 'job' de modératrice.
Je pense que chrys ne fera plus cette erreur
I didn't found them fait partie de l'exercice, je ne corrige donc pas.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 14-07-2015 à 12:09:44 (S | E)
Hello à tous !
ATTENTION ! Je viens de repasser presque deux heures sur l'exercice 2 (juste pour aligner les mots et surtout parce que je suis nulle devant un ordinateur ...) et sur la 2è ligne, il faut rajouter un S . Lire : S....S.... H.... (un S s'est perdu dans le transfert Vraiment désolée...
J'ai essayé de vous le rajouter aussi en haut (pas traîtreusement, ne vous inquiétez pas ... ) mais Lucile doit être en train de chercher et le sujet est bloqué pour le moment !
Vous allez en connaître, des poissons ... et à la correction, je vous expliquerai pourquoi j'ai choisi ce thème!
Bonne journée et merci de votre travail ...

PS Lucile : I didn't found ne fait pas, pour moi, partie de l'exercice,(il risque de me donner des boutons!) et je ne veux vraiment pas que tu tombes de ta chaise !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de chrys, postée le 14-07-2015 à 13:34:10 (S | E)
Ah ben voilà !!! C'est pour ça que je ne trouvais pas tout !!!!!

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de lucile83, postée le 14-07-2015 à 13:38:10 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Crois-tu vraiment que j'aie le temps de lire tous les exercices???
Je suis sûre que tu indiques ou corriges les fautes éventuelles incluses dans l'exercice, même si elles n'en font pas directement partie, ce qui les différencie de la présentation du message. chrys a très logiquement rectifié ta confusion et je l'en remercie.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de benett, postée le 14-07-2015 à 14:10:04 (S | E)
Hey, Here4u here is my work,
I)To translate into English
1)I often wonder why times seem to run so quickly over the years. When I was thirteen a year seemed to me centuries.
2)Why to forsake customs when they were good, they should have done a real sorting: keep the good thing and keep out the wrong.
3)I miss you so much but I miss time too, money, and place to keep away correctly my stuffs.
4)The most he made me waiting, the least I wanted to meet him, and the most I was angry with him.
5)With much nostalgia, he remembered the ends of his school years of his childhood and a lot of memories rushed into his spirit

Oh yes, he reminded it… it was the first time he left his home, his parents, and was among foreigner in a foreign country. He asked to himself how long he would feel so alone and did not know what to answer. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends’ advice. He really needed them and would make his best to tell everyone about those new information. He wanted to help others.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de koreen2012, postée le 14-07-2015 à 14:19:51 (S | E)
Hello here4u!
Thank you for this new exercise After a long absence I am back and I must say that it was not obvious ....I did my best except for the abacus, too difficult !!!!

I) Translate into English :
1) Il m'arrive souvent de me demander pourquoi le temps semble passer plus vite au fil des ans. Lorsque j'avais 13 ans, une année me paraissait des siècles.
I often find myself wondering why the time seems to pass faster with the years. When I was thirteen, one year seemed centuries.

2) Pourquoi abandonner des habitudes quand elles étaient bonnes. Il vaudrait mieux faire un tri réel : garder le bon et jeter le mauvais ...
Why give up habits when they were good. It would be better to make a real selection: keep the good (the sweet) and leave the bad (the bitter)....

3) Tu me manques terriblement, mais je manque aussi de temps, d'argent et de place pour ranger correctement mes affaires.
I terribly miss you, however I am also running out of time, money and place to tidy up correctly my things.

4) Plus il me faisait attendre, moins j'avais envie de le rencontrer, et plus j'étais en colère contre lui.
The more he kept me waiting, the less I wanted to meet him and the more angry I was with him.

5) Avec beaucoup de nostalgie, il se souvint des fins d'années scolaires de son enfance, et des foules de souvenirs se bousculèrent dans son esprit.
With great nostagia he remembered endings of school years during his childhood, and a flood of memories rushed into his mind.


III) Jim thinks he's finished his essay. He's just asked you to correct his mistakes. Can you help, please?
Oh yes, he reminded it... It was the first time he had left his home, his parents, and was among strangers in a foreign country. He asked himself how long he would feel so lonely (sentiment de solitude) and didn't know what to answer. He knew he would wait next time to have his friends' advice /to be advised by his friends. He really needed them and would do his best to tell everyone about that new information. He wanted to help the others.

Voili voilà!!!! Il faut encore que je me relise, certaines petites choses me travail encore spécialement pour la phrase n°5....
Bonne journée

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de taiji43, postée le 14-07-2015 à 17:54:22 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u. I am sending the third part , for the moment, between two visits of the Cathare castles . Thanks you for this 47 exercise. There is a follow - up...

Oh yes, he remembered it....It was the first time he had left home, his parents and was among unknows in a foreign country. He asked himself how long he would feel so alone and didn't know what to answer about. Next time he knew he would rather wait for his friends'advice. He really needed them and he would do his best to say to everybody about these new information. He wanted to help the others.

Dear Here 4u, here is my translation from the castle of Peyrepertuse (cathare).I am runninng out of time to find all your fish.I sorry.sorry...

1)I often find myself wondering why time seems to fly faster troughout the years.
When I was thirteen, one year would look like hundred of years.
2)Why give up habits even though they were good ones.We'd better really sort them through, then , keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.
3)I miss you terribly, but I am also running out of time , money and room to put away my belongings properly.
4)The more he was keeping me waiting the less eager I felt like meeting him and the angrier with him I was getting.
5)With great nostalgia he remembered the ends of schoolyears of his childhood and memories jostled in his mind.

You can correct.Thanks you very much.Have à nice day.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 14-07-2015 à 21:26:02 (S | E)
Hello Lucile !
Comment ? Tu ne lis pas tous les exercices ? Oh! Là, tu me déçois ! Désolée, en tout cas d'avoir regardé trop vite et ne t'inquiète pas, j'indique toutes les fautes et je corrige aussi le français (dans les versions) pour les non-francophones qui s'en sortent remarquablement bien, d'ailleurs !

Hello chocolat! (pas envie de citron...)
Comment peux-tu habiter Toulon et partir 'pêcher sans filet' ou épuisette (landing net) ??? Tu en as sorti, des poissons, et je te félicite de ton courage d'avoir tant cherché rien que pour le plaisir de trouver 10 malheureux mots ! J'espère que ton mal de mer est terminé ...

Please, everyone, put me in a playing mood ... (for the following exercise, I mean ...) Still a little difficult to let off steam...

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de lucile83, postée le 14-07-2015 à 21:50:38 (S | E)
Hello here4u and chocolate
Pas de panique, tout va bien...pour ne plus tomber de ma chaise j'ai installé mon ordinateur par terre et moi avec; je ne risque plus rien

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de maxwell, postée le 14-07-2015 à 22:23:17 (S | E)
What a brilliant and unforgettable exercise ! We've certainly all had our work cut out for us
At last, I've finished my try. I think I deserve a rest

1)I often happen to ask me why time seems to fly faster over the years. When I was thirteen, one year seemed like ages.
2) Why give up habits when they were good? You would rather sort out genuinely : Keep what's good and throw away what's bad...
3) I miss you so much, but I'm also running out of time, money and place to tidy up my things properly.
4) The longer he kept me waiting, the less I felt like meeting him, and the more I was angry with him
5) He remembered his childhood's school-year endings with great nostalgia, and lots of memories raced through his mind.

II. This abacus was worth !
|------------S---------------S-------H ------------------------------|
|P--------------------------------------------- E----S -------U------|
|-----------------T----------A --------------------------------------|
|--------------------------------------I ------- R ---A--------------|
|L----------H----R----------L ----------------------R--------N-------|
|-----E----------------------M --------------------------------------|
|-----------------O-------------------T-------- R----D---------------|
|I ---------R-----U---------O----------------------------------------|

Carrelet = plaice (6)
anguille = eel (3)
requin = shark (5)
truite = trout (5)
cabillaud, morue = cod (3)
Saumon = Salmon (6)
merlan = whiting (7)
hareng = herring (7)
sardine = sardine (7)
Thon = Tuna (4)

Oh yes, he remembered it... It was the first time he had left his home, his parents, and was among strangers in a foreign country. He asked himself how long he would feel so lonely and didn't know what to answer. He knew he would have to wait next time to ask his friends for advice. He really needed them and would do his best to tell everyone about this new information. He wanted to help other people.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 14-07-2015 à 22:43:27 (S | E)
Lucile ! T'es 'trop' comme disent les élèves !

Chocolat (noir, ou au lait?) dis, combien de fois tu vas me dire que je peux prendre ton nouvel essai ??? et puis ton horreur de faute , tu me la corriges, please... Là, je ne tombe pas de ma chaise, mais tu me fais souffrir ... J'ai mal ...S'il te plaît, tu peux essayer de me les mettre en colonnes, mes poissons ? P l e a s e ....

et Maxwell ... pourquoi rajouter ce W? Le typo était le manque d'un S en deuxième ligne ...
Pour le reste, vous(chocolat + maxwell!) ne prenez pas les bonnes lettres au bon endroit ! Vous m'arrangez mes poissons à votre sauce ! Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette cuisine ?

Taiji, tu m'impressionnes... Au milieu de 2 châteaux, hop, une petite phrase ... Si ce n'est pas de la motivation, c'est quoi ? Je vais me faire tuer par ton époux! Bonnes visites! Je sais que beaucoup sont en train de travailler ... Bravo !

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de jo06, postée le 15-07-2015 à 15:28:12 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
This my try and it’s OK for me.

I) Translate into English :
1) I often find myself wondering why time seems to run more quickly over the years. When I was thirteen years old, one year appeared to me centuries.
2) Why to abandon habits when they were good. It would be better to make a real sorting : to keep the good and throw the bad...
3) I miss you terribly, but I have also a lack of time, and money, and place to tidy up my things properly.
4) The more he kept me waiting, the less I wanted to meet him, and the more I was angry with him.
5) With a lot of nostalgia, he remembered the end-of-the-year of school of his childhood, and mass of memories crowded in his mind.

De gauche à droite:
Eel= Anguille

III) Jim thinks he's finished his essay. He's just asked you to correct his mistakes. Can you help, please?
Oh yes, he remembered it... It was the first time he left his home, his parents, and was among strangers in a foreign country. He asked to himself how long he will feel so alone and didn't know what to answer. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends’ advices. He really needed them and will make his best to tell everyone about this new information. He wanted to help others.

pour ce très passionant exercice, pleins de rebondissements...

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 15-07-2015 à 15:52:53 (S | E)
Merci, Jo ! Dommage de ne pas avoir essayé d'aligner les 'perles' ... C'est vraiment le plus 'amusant'. Je sais de quoi je parle, j'y ai passé ... 'quelques heures'. OK, choco ? Vous m'avez fait une partie (aligner en 'trichant', ou l'autre, trouver quelques lettre et induire les autres ... Allez ! QUI me fera l'exercice complet, demandant logique, rigueur et méthode ...???
Faites 'trembler le site' ... et trouvez moi mes poissons dans le bon ordre ..., pas au 'hasard'...

hello Chocolatcitron (quand je donne ton pseudo en entier, c'est mauvais signe!) Tu as beau avoir trouvé (presque) tous les poissons et fait une soupe savoureuse, tu ne m'as pas corrigé ton 'horreur' (je suis proche de la crise cardiaque et tu en seras responsable!)
Fais-le vite avant que je te torde le cou ...: Réfléchis !.... 'I didn't...'= [auxiliaire au prétérit négatif ... quelle forme verbale dois-je mettre derrière? GRRRRR ... ] Hop hop ! On se dépêche ...

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de lakata, postée le 15-07-2015 à 16:17:29 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u!
(Ready to be corrected)

I) Translate into English:
1) Il m'arrive souvent de me demander pourquoi le temps semble passer plus vite au fil des ans. Lorsque j'avais 13 ans, une année me paraissait des siècles.
I often wonder why time seems to be passing faster over the years. When I was 13, one year lasted centuries.

2) Pourquoi abandonner des habitudes quand elles sont bonnes ? Il vaudrait mieux faire un tri réel : garder le bon et jeter le mauvais.
Why change one's habits when good? Sorting out genuinely would be better: keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.

3) Tu me manques terriblement, mais je manque aussi de temps, d'argent et de place pour ranger correctements mes affaires.
II miss you dreadfully, but I'm also running out of time, money and room to put my stuff away properly.

4) Plus il me faisait attendre, moins j'avais envie de le rencontrer, et plus j'étais en colère contre lui.
The more he kept me waiting, the less I felt like meet him and the angrier I was with him.

.5) Avec beaucoup de nostalgie, il se souvint des fins d'années scolaires de son enfance, et des foules de souvenirs se bousculèrent dans son esprit.
He looked back nostalgically to the ends of the school years during his childhood, and his head was a jumble of memories.

II) Extremely grateful to Chocolatcitron.

III) Oh yes, he remembered it...It was the first time he had left his home, his parents, and had been among unknowns abroad. He asked himself how long he would feel so lonely and didn't know what answer. He knew he would wait for the following time to ask his friends for advice. (sorry but I don't get what happens next...)

Have a pleasant week and weekend, dear Here4u.

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de dinoza, postée le 15-07-2015 à 16:54:24 (S | E)
Hello here4u and hello workmates,
here is my work,

I-Translate into English
1/ I often ask myself why time seems to pass so fast as years go by. When I was 13, a year seemed centuries.
2/ Why give up habits when they were good. One should rather make a selection : keep the good ones and throw the bad ones away...
3/ I miss you so much but I also miss time, money and room to tidy my things properly.
4/ The more he made me wait, the less I wanted to meet him, and the angrier I was with him.
5/ With a lot of nostalgia, he remembered the ends of school years of his childhood, and masses of memories came tumbling out of his mind.

I didn't find any....sorry. Après avoir regardé la correction, je me rends compte que je ne connais que salmon et tuna et encore, je ne les aurais pas trouvés! Shame on me!

III- passage correction
Oh yes, he reminded it... It was the first time he (had) left her (his)home, her (his) parents, and was among stranger(s) in (a) foreigner country. He asked to oneself (himself) how long he will (would) feel so alone and didn't know what answering (how to answer? / - the answer). He knew he would (/ could) wait next time to ask his friends (for) advices. He (really) needed them (it) really and will (would) make his best telling everyone about those news informations (the latest news). He's wanted (to) help other(s).
Bon, je ne sais pas si je n'ai pas fait plus de fautes que la version originale à corriger...

Mais? les réponses au II- ne sont pas correctes, il me semblait que les dix noms de poissons ont été donné par Maxwell

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 15-07-2015 à 19:39:52 (S | E)
hello, dear lakata ! for your work and welcome to dinoza! (a friend of Tony's?)

Thank you for your work... Please, don't forget to mention if it's OK or not (whether I can correct them!) Thanks!
(and thank you choco ! I'm feeling better... You could also have said 'I couldn't find...'

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 15-07-2015 à 22:46:52 (S | E)
Thanks for this huge effort ! and

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de mamou3, postée le 16-07-2015 à 07:20:16 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, hello everybody ! :

First of all, I am sorry, I didn't do the exercise of vocabulary n°2, I nevertheless tried certainly the same time as you put to create it but in vain. I need an extra pair of glasses perhaps ! On the other hand the solutions should be masked otherwise the search for the following ones is wasted..It's just my opinion hein !

I. Into English
1. I often wonder why time seems flying more quickly over the years. When I was 13, one year seemed centuries for me.
2. Why give up habits when they were good. It would be better off really sorting : keep the good things and throw the bad ones away.
3. I miss you terribly but I'm also lacking of time, money and space to properly tidy up my things.
4. The more he kept me waiting the less I wanted to meet him and the more I was angry with him.
5. With a lot of nostalgia he remembered the ends of his childhood's school years and a wealth of memories came tumbling in his mind.


III Correction
Oh yes, he remebered it. It was the first time he had left his home, his parents and had been among strangers in a foreign country.
He asked himself how long he would feel so alone and he didn't know what to answer. He knew the next time he would wait to ask for advices from his friends. He really needed them and would do his best to tell everyone about this new information. He wanted to help the others.

Thank you again ! It's when you want for the correction

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de dinoza, postée le 16-07-2015 à 11:14:01 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Indeed, Tony is a close friend of mine (I wish it were true ) Otherwise, my try is OK. You can correct it. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the time you spend for us to improve in English. I pledge I will try harder on the next abacus if there is any...

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de checo75, postée le 16-07-2015 à 19:07:39 (S | E)
Could you please take a look about what I did?
Thank you for your help.

I) Translate into English :
1)Sometimes I ask myself why time seems fly faster over the years. When I was 13 years old, one year seemed one century to me.
2)Why give up habits when they looked good. It had better make a real sort : keep the good and discard the bad.
3)I miss you so much, but I don't have much time as well, neither money nor place to tidy up my stuff.
4)More I was waiting for him, less I wanted to meet him, and more I was angry against him.
5)With a lot of homesickness, he reminded the end of school years of his childhood, and host of souvenirs shoved in his mind.

Sorry I have a headache, I go take asperin and call the doctor.

III) Jim thinks he's finished his essay. He's just asked you to correct his mistakes. Can you help, please?
Oh yes, he reminded it... It was the first time he left HIS home, HIS parents, and was among strangers in fOREIGN country. He asked to oneself how long will HE feel so alone and didn't know what answer. He knew he would wait next time to ask his friends advices. He needed them really and will make his best telling everyone about those news informations. He wanted help other.

Here is my homework (I did my best)

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-07-2015 21:41

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de chrys, postée le 16-07-2015 à 23:08:38 (S | E)
hello here4u

exercice 2 ---> est-ce qu'à la fin, toutes les lettres doivent être utilisées ?

merci d'avance (même si je ne suis pas sûre que ça m'aide à en trouver plus ! )

Bonne nuit

Réponse : Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry de here4u, postée le 16-07-2015 à 23:19:52 (S | E)
Hello mamou ...

I'm sorry I gave you a headache ...I don't think that you need new or extra glasses... but I'll indicate one of the methods ... You'll see that if you follow it, it's much easier ... (especially if you can work on a computer better than I do ! - an easy performance !- )
I had suggested hard workers hid the solutions ...('(you may hide your attempts if you fancy it ... I shouldn't have given the choice, but I hate being a dictator! )

Have a peaceful night!

Oui, chrys (Hello!), toutes les lettres doivent être utilisées aucune ne doit être rajoutée ... C'est pourquoi je n'étais pas tout à fait d'accord avec maxwell !


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