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Exercice 54/ Patiently...

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Exercice 54/ Patiently...
Message de here4u posté le 18-09-2015 à 23:58:56 (S | E | F)
Hello Hardworkers, Regulars, Newcomers, 'strangers' and future volunteers!

Well well! I'm still sending the corrections of 53, but want to give the full weekend to those of you who can only work at that moment... (I won't look before Monday...)
I've had a few grumbles about the commercial vocabulary in the last two exercises and will go back to some more general themes just now, giving a few commercial sentences from time to time... OK?
Well! This exercise is different again... and I hope it will satisfy most of you! It is a and the collective correction will be given on Friday, October 9th. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Exercice 54/Patiently... - I) Translate into English :

Courir ... Attendre...
Jour après jour, c'est toujours la même chose ... La vie, en tout cas MA vie, ne semble être faite alternativement que de course et d'attente ...
Levée très tôt, (aucun mérite : je n'ai pas " besoin" de beaucoup de sommeil,) j'arrive très en avance pour pouvoir faire, sans trop de bousculade, les démarches indispensables avant mon 'rendez-vous' quel qu'il soit ...
Puis, j'attends ... J'attends, j'attends encore, longtemps, en commençant à m'inquiéter parce que jamais, si cela continue, je ne serai à l'heure à mon rendez-vous suivant, à une heure de là, et "j'angoisse" ...
Finalement, la porte s'ouvre, grands sourires, je fais part de mes inquiétudes, et je repars, en courant, quelques minutes plus tard. Je cours, je cours ... et j’attendrai !
Je suppose que nous avons tous expérimenté, au quotidien, de telles anecdotes ... mais il me semble que les inquiétudes, et les mesures prises pour les rendre supportables ne sont pas du tout les mêmes en fonction des individus, et il m’est bien difficile de trouver ‘la solution’ ... Si vous l’avez, ne m’oubliez pas !
Et puis, de temps en temps, ô miracle, j'arrive hors d'haleine à un rendez-vous. Soudain, surprise et en nage de m'être trop hâtée, j'entends appeler mon nom ...
Passer à l'heure? En avance, même ? Quel émerveillement !
Les trois rendez-vous précédents n'étaient tout simplement … pas venus !

II) Translate into French.
Finally, towards the end of the afternoon, when my feet ached and my shoulder hurt from the weight of my bag and my empty stomach groaned with hunger, my luck changed. I happened to look down a side street and saw, to my delight, a man up a ladder, paintbrush in hand. As I approached, I saw that he was short, dark-haired and sun-tanned: the typical Englishman’s idea of the typical Italian! Moreover, he was painting the front of a shop. I called up to him.
“Scusi, signore. Excuse me’, I said in my best Italian. Are you Mr Mangiarotti?’
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

Have fun, (if you can! ) and in all cases, work well !

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2015 07:08

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de kazan, postée le 19-09-2015 à 16:49:16 (S | E)
Hi again,
Here is my attempt!

I) Running… waiting…
Day after day, it is always the same thing… Life, well MY life at least, seems to be a succession of periods of rush and waiting periods…
Woken up soon (I have no merit: I don't "need" much sleep), I come early to be able to accomplish, without being rushed, the indispensable tasks before my 'appointment' whatsoever…
Then, I wait… I still wait, for a long time, starting to worry for, never, if it goes on, will I be on time for my next appointment, one hour drive form there, and I "worry"…
Eventually, the door opens, broad smiles, I share my worries, and I leave, running, a few minutes later. I run, I run… and I'll wait!
I suppose we have all experienced, in our daily lives, such anecdotes. .. but it seems to me that worries and the measures taken to make them bearable are not at all the same according to the individuals, and I find it difficult to came across "the solution"… If you happen to find it, don't forget it!
And then, from time to time, by a miracle, I arrive out of breath at an appointment. All of a sudden, surprised and sweaty because I made too much haste, I hear someone call my name…
Attending my interview on time? Early, even? What a wonder!
The three previous interviewees had simply... not come!

II) Finally, towards the end of the afternoon, when my feet ached and my shoulder hurt from the weight of my bag and my empty stomach groaned with hunger, my luck changed. I happened to look down a side street and saw, to my delight, a man up a ladder, paintbrush in hand. As I approached, I saw that he was short, dark-haired and sun-tanned: the typical Englishman’s idea of the typical Italian! Moreover, he was painting the front of a shop. I called up to him.
“Scusi, signore. Excuse me’, I said in my best Italian. Are you Mr Mangiarotti?’
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

Finalement, vers la fin de l'après-midi, quand mes pieds me faisaient souffrir, que mon épaule était douloureuse à cause du poids de mon sac et que mon estomac grognait de faim, la chance tourna en ma faveur. Je regardais au bout d'une petite rue et vis, à ma grande joie, un homme en haut d'une échelle, un pinceau en main. Quand je me suis approché, je vis qu'il était petit, brun et le teint halé: l'image typique d'un italien qu'aurait un anglais! De plus; il peignait la façade d'une boutique. Je le hélai:
-Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi, dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. Etes-vous Mr Mangiarotti?

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de taiji43, postée le 19-09-2015 à 18:17:47 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Just before flying towards Namibia , I am very pleased to send you my 54th try . I couldn’t resist to do it .I will read the correction over there, if I can find a WIFI ,somewhere.
Thank you for this new exercise. It is always a pleasure to do it.
I have divided your test into 10 sentences for easy of readability. to make it easy to read.

1.Jour après jour, c'est toujours la même chose... La vie, en tout cas MA vie, ne semble être faite alternativement que de course et d'attente ...
Day in day out, it is alike…Life in any case, my life seems, to be made no more than running and waiting in turn

2. Levée très tôt, (aucun mérite : je n'ai pas " besoin" de beaucoup de sommeil) , j'arrive très en avance pour pouvoir faire, sans trop de bousculade, les démarches indispensables avant mon 'rendez-vous, quel qu'il soit ...
Got up very early, (I have no merit, I don’t need much sleep), I come very early in order to be able to take essential steps without too much rush before my appointment whatever it is…

3. Puis , j'attends... J'attends, j'attends encore, longtemps, en commençant à m'inquiéter parce que jamais, si cela continue, je ne serai à l'heure à mon rendez-vous suivant, à une heure de là, et j'angoisse ...
Then, I’ am waiting, waiting and I am still kept waiting longer, beginning to get worried because if this situation carries on any longer, never I won’t be on time to get my next appointment taking one hour from there, and I get .distressed

4. Finalement, la porte s'ouvre, grands sourires, je fais part de mes inquiétudes, et je repars, en courant, quelques minutes plus tard. Je cours, je cours ... et j'attendrai !
Finally the door is opening, broad smiles, I express my concerns, and I run away a few minutes later. I am running, running and… I will be waiting.

5 Je suppose que nous avons tous expérimenté, au quotidien, de telles anecdotes ... mais il me semble que les inquiétudes, et les mesures prises pour les rendre supportables ne sont pas du tout les mêmes en fonction des individus, et il m'est bien difficile de trouver la solution'...
I assume that each one of us have experienced, day to day, such anecdotes…However it seems to me that the anxieties and the measures adopted to make them bearable are not at all analogous according to individuals, and it is very hard for me to find "the one" solution

7. Si vous l'avez, ne m'oubliez pas
If you have found out "the worthwhile one", don’t forget me

8. Et puis, de temps en temps, ô miracle, j'arrive hors d'haleine à un rendez-vous.
Besides, from time to time, real miracle, I get to my appointment out of breath.

9. Soudain, surprise et en nage de m'être trop hâtée, j'entends appeler mon nom .... Suddenly, surprise, and bathed in sweat for hastening too much I heard my name to be called

10.Passer à l'heure? En avance, même ? Quel émerveillement !
Les trois rendez-vous précédents n'étaient tout simplement pas venus !
Being received on time? Even earlier, what amazement!Simply, the three previous persons hadn’t shown up for their appointments

II) Translate into French.
Finalement, vers la fin de l’après-midi, alors que mes pieds étaient douloureux et que mon épaule me faisait mal d’avoir porté mon sac et qu’en plus mon estomac vide me tiraillait de la faim, la chance me souriait. Je parvenais à apercevoir le haut d’ une petite rue transversale et vis à mon grand plaisir un homme en haut d’une échelle, un pinceau de peinture à la main. Comme je m’approchais vers lui, Je vis qu’il était de petite taille, les cheveux foncés et le teint basané : la typique idée que se font les Anglais de l’italien typique En outre, il était en train de peindre la devanture d’une boutique. Je l’interpellait ainsi : Scusi signore. Excusez-moi dis je dans mon meilleur italien. Etes-vous MR Mangiarotti ?

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de maya92, postée le 20-09-2015 à 17:27:06 (S | E)
Hello here4u,

Translate into English
To run...To wait...
Day after day, always the same stuff…The life, actually MY life seems to be made alternately of running and waiting...
Up very early (no merit I don’t need much sleep), I arrive very early in order to prepare, without rushing too much, what I need before my appointment whatever it may be…
Then I keep on waiting a long time, and I begin to worry because,if this keeps going on, I will never be on time for my next appointment, one hour far away from here, and I’m worried sick…
At last, the door opens up, big smiles, I tell how anxious I feel, and I go off some minutes later. I run, run… and wait !
I imagine that such situations have been tested out by everyone in everyday life… but it seems that each character reacts differently to these concerns and takes various measures to make them bearable and I find it difficult to get the answer… If you happen to get it, please let me know !
Then, from time to time, by some miracle, I get to an appointment, breathless. Suddenly, surprised and sweaty for hurrying up too much, I hear somebody calling my name.
To be on time ? Early maybe ? How marvelous ! The previous three appointments simply did not turn out…

Translate into French
Finalement, vers la fin de l’après-midi, les pieds douloureux, l’épaule endolorie par le poids de mon sac et l’estomac vide criant la faim, ma chance tourna. Dans une petite rue transversale, je vis à ma grande joie, un homme sur une échelle, un pinceau à la main. En m’approchant, je vis qu’il était petit, les cheveux noirs et le teint hâlé : l’idée reçue d’un Anglais vis-à-vis d’un Italien ! En outre, il était en train de peindre la façade d’une boutique. Je l’interpellai : « Excusez moi, Monsieur », dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. Etes-vous Monsieur Mangiarotti ? »

More and more difficult but thank you here4u -

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de jo06, postée le 21-09-2015 à 15:47:45 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Hello everybody
This is my Work, it’s OK for me.
Exercice 54/Patiently...

- I) Translate into English :
Day after day, it’s always the same…The life, anyway MY life, seems to be made alternately only by race and expectation…
Raised very early, (Any merit in that: I don’t need a lot of sleep.) I arrive very early for being able to do, without too much rush, the necessary steps before my appointment whatever it is.
Then, I am waiting…waiting, I am still waiting, a long while, I am getting worried because never, if this continues, I will be on time for my next appointment, within an hour from now, and “I feel anxious”…
At last, the door opens, big smiles, I express my concerns and I go back, rushing out, few minutes later. I run, I run…and I will wait!
I guess we all have experienced, everyday, such anecdotes…but the concerns and the actions making them bearable seem not to be the same according to individuals, and I feel it’s very difficult to find “the solution”…If you have got it, don’t forget me!
And then, from time to time, hey presto, I arrive breathless at a meeting. Suddenly, surprised and being sweaty for having too much hurried, I hear my name…
To be at the right time? Even, earlier? What amazement!
The three previous appointments didn’t simply… come!

II) Translate into French.
Finalement, vers la fin de l’après-midi, alors que mes pieds étaient douloureux et que mon épaule me faisait mal par le poids de mon sac et que mon estomac grognait de faim, ma chance tourna. Je regardai par hasard dans une ruelle et vis, à ma grande joie, un homme en haut d’une échelle, pinceau à la main. Alors que j’approchai, je vis qu’il était petit, aux cheveux bruns et bronzé : l’idée de l’anglais typique sur l’italien! De plus, il peignait la devanture d’un magasin. Je l’interpellai :"Scusi, signore. Excusez moi" dis je dans mon meilleur italien."Êtes-vous M. Mangiarotti ?"

Thank you very much for this new exercise.

Modifié par jo06 le 22-09-2015 08:17

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de alpiem, postée le 23-09-2015 à 12:18:20 (S | E)
hello, here4u,very interesting monologue!

Day after day, it's always the daily grind....Life --- My life in all events --- seems to be alternatively all but made of running and waiting.......
Early risen --- I deserve no credit: I don't need much sleeping --- I turn up way ahead in order to take the essential steps without too much shoving prior to my rendez-vous whatever it may be......
Then I wait.......I wait, wait again for long , while beginning to worry because if it keeps on going this way never will I be in due time for my following rendez-vous an hour's time from then and I am in an "agony".
Ultimately, the door opens up, broad smiles, I share my concerns and I run again a few minutes later. I run, I run......and I will wait!
I suppose all of us have experienced on a daily basis such anecdotes......but in my opinion the worries and the steps we'll take to make them bearable are not exactly the same,
depending on each individual and it's rather hard for me to find the solution......If you get it don't forget me!
And then, from time to time, miracle! I turn up breathlessly at a rendez-vous. All of a suden, very surprised and dripping with sweat from having rushed, I hear someone calling my name......
Coming in due time? Even ahead of time? How amazing!
The three latest rendez-vous had quite simply........never come!

........ready for correction here4u

Modifié par alpiem le 25-09-2015 08:17

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 23-09-2015 à 15:08:04 (S | E)
Hello !
Juste un petit 'rappel'...

Au moment où je poste la correction collective d'un exercice, vous devez TOUS avoir reçu vos corrections individuelles. Si tel n'est pas le cas, sauf avis contraire, c'est forcément une erreur ou un oubli ... (vous commencez à être très nombreux et je me trompe de destinataire ou de N° de pseudo, entre autres ... Surprise de recevoir des avis de learners qui me remercient d'une correction mais qui n'avaient pas fait le travail ...) Donc, réclamez aussitôt en mp !
Bon courage à tous ...

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de bibi62, postée le 23-09-2015 à 16:54:32 (S | E)
Hello Here4you,
I hope you're doing well.
Here is my try

Run... Wait...
Day after day, it is always the same thing... Life, in any case My life, seems alternately to be made only of rushing and waiting... Got out of bed very early, (none merit :I don’t need a lot of sleep,) I arrive very early to be able to take, without too much jostling, all the necessary steps before my appointment whatever it is. Then, I wait again and again for a long time, beginning to worry because, never, if it continues, I’ll be on time in my following appointment, at one o'clock from there, and I get very nervous...
Finally, the door opens, big smiles, I announce my concerns, and I leave, running, a few minutes later. I run, I run and I’ll wait!
I suppose that we all experimented such anecdotes every day but it seems to me that the concerns, and the measures taken to make them bearable are not at all the same according to the individuals, and it is very difficult to me to find the solution. If you catch it, do not forget me!
And then, from time to time, o miracle, I arrive out of breath at an appointment. Suddenly, surprised and dripping with sweat because I had rushed, I hear someone calling my name... To be interviewed on time? Early, even? What an amazement!
The previous three appointments had not simply come !

Finalement,vers la fin de l'après-midi,les pieds douloureux,l'épaule endolorie par le poids de mon sac et l'estomac vide grondant de faim,ma chance tourna.J'étais sur le point d'arriver à une petite rue et vis,pour mon plus grand bonheur,un homme en haut d'une échelle,pinceau en main.Comme je m'approchai de lui,je vis qu'il était petit,qu'il avait les cheveux foncés et la peau hâlée:l'Italien type selon un Anglais!En plus,il était en train de peindre la devanture d'un magasin.Je l'interpellai:"S'il vous plaît Monsieur,excusez-moi",dis-je dans mon meilleur italien."Etes-vous Mr Mangiarotti?"

Ok,it's done.I'm waiting for the correction now!

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de chrys, postée le 23-09-2015 à 18:15:32 (S | E)
Hello, here4u !!! Hello, all hardworkers !
Here is my version.
2)Translate into French
Finalement, vers la fin de l’après-midi quand mes pieds furent douloureux, que mes épaules me firent souffrir sous le poids de mon sac et que mon estomac vide grogna de faim, ma chance tourna. Il se trouve que je regardais en bas vers une rue transversale et vis, pour mon grand plaisir, un homme en haut d’une échelle, un pinceau à la main. Comme j’approchais, je vis qu’il était petit, brun et bronzé : la représentation de l’italien typique par un anglais typique ! De plus, il était en train de peindre la façade d’une boutique. Je l’appelai. « Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi, dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. Etes-vous Monsieur Mangiarotti ?

You can correct it when you want, It's ok !
The first part will come later. I need more time and more reflection : it's not completly ready !
See you soon !
have a good evening

Hello, here4u,
I come and post the first part of the exercise.

I) Translate into English :
Day after day, it’s always the same thing ... Life, anyway MY life, seems to be done alternately only with race and waiting time.
Got up very early (no merit : I don’t need a lot of sleep) I arrive early to be able to do , without too much rush, the essential steps before my appointement, wathever it is ...
Then I wait ... I wait, I still wait, a long time, while I am beginning to be worried because never, if it continues, I won’t be on time at my next appointment, at one hour from here, and "I’m getting worried".
Finally, the door opens, wide smiles, I tell how worry I am, and I set off again, a few minutes later. I run, I run ... and I will wait !
I imagine that all of us have experimented, daily, such anecdotes ... but I feel that worries, and measures taken to make them tolerable, are not at all the same according to the characters, and it‘s definitely difficult for me to find “the solution” ... If you have it, don’t forget me !
And then, from time to time, oh miracle, I arrive out of breath at an appointment. Suddently, surprised and dripping with sweat for having rushed, I ear my name called ...
To pass at the hour ? In advance, even ? What an amazement !
The three previous appointments had simply ... not come !

I'm not sure of my translation but it's the best I can do. It's Ok, Here4u, you can correct it.
Have a good evening ...

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de tereda, postée le 23-09-2015 à 18:28:14 (S | E)
Hello everyone and you HERE4U,
I've liked the idea to translate the following text to the one we had in n° 53,
this is my "work"

Running and Waiting ....
Day after day, it's always the same thing ... life, in any case, my life seems to be alternately run and wait ....
Got up very early, (no merit, I don't need too much sleep), I arrive a long time ahead to prepare, without too much haste , what I have to do before my meeting, whatever it is. Then, I wait... I wait and wait again, a long time, and I begin to worry because if that lasts too much, I'll never been at time to my next meeting, one hour far from here, and I am worrying a lot....
At the end, someone opens the door, large smiles, I tell my worry, and some minutes later, gone and running again ; I run, and run again.... and I'll wait something or someone ! I guess that we have, all, everyday, experienced identical situations.... But it seems to me that the worries, and the solutions taken to resolve and to render them tolerable are not the same. It depends on the people, and it's difficult to find a solution.... The right solution...
If you have one, above all, don't forget me !!
But then, occasionally, ô miracle, I arrive out of breath at my next appointment. And suddenly, surprised and pouring with sweat because too much haste... I hear my name called....
being called on time ? before time, even ? What wonder !
People for the three previous appointments hadn't come, quite simply.

II) Translate into French.
Finalement, en fin d'après midi, quand mes pieds n'en pouvaient plus, et que mes épaules ne supportaient plus le poids de mon sac, que mon estomac vide gémissait de faim, la chance tourna.
J'ai regardé par hasard vers le bas d'une rue latérale et j'ai vu, à ma grande joie, un homme sur une échelle, le pinceau à la main. Comme je m'approchais, j'ai vu qu'il était petit, brun et la peau sombre . Le type italien par excellence pour un Anglais typique, lui aussi !
Il était de surcroît en train de peindre la façade d'un magasin. Je l'appelais : excusez moi, Monsieur, excusez-moi, lui dis-je dans mon meilleur italien, êtes-vous Mr. Mangiarotti ?

Thank you for this exercice that you can correct when you can.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 24-09-2015 à 12:21:09 (S | E)
Hello !
Thank you for your finished tries! I correct them as soon as I can/could, (as you say)!
Yet, I must disappoint bibi! No illusions... you won't receive your correction before "D-day - 2". No need to expect anything before ... (in exceptional cases, I send an mp to draw your attention on a particular point), but usually, your work is corrected (offline- a few are already) but stored till I warn you.

Sorry for the loss of illusions, but experience has taught me that if I send the corrections as soon as they're done, my own work is never 'done'... It has also taught me that 'it's mission impossible' if I can't start correcting very quickly, especially as only posting the corrected try can take veeeerrrrrry long. (One of you has suggested a method... and I will experiment it, but I think I've already tried something similar. )
Be sure that I'm trying to do my best, just as you are!

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de bibi62, postée le 25-09-2015 à 19:51:32 (S | E)
Coucou here4you,
Je crois que je me suis mal exprimée,lorsque j'ai dit ''I 'm waiting for the correction now ''.C'était comme si je disais''J'ai passé les examens,il n'y a plus qu' à attendre les résutats maintenant.''
Voilà,je voulais que ce soit clair.
Bonne soirée.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 26-09-2015 à 00:23:55 (S | E)
Pas de problème, bibi ...
Savez-vous tous que j'ai fait une erreur ? J'avais prévu la correction du 54 pour le 30/09 et du suivant pour le 09/10 ... Et je me suis emmêlée dans mon calendrier en postant ... Bref, je nous ai "fait des vacances à tous" !!! Contents ?
Bon week- end !

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de joe39, postée le 26-09-2015 à 12:23:10 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,

After working hard and patiently I beg to present my try to you.
Exercise 54
Courir ... Attendre...
Day after day it’s always the same thing….Life, anyway MY life, seems to be made alternately of racing and waiting.
I Wake up very early (No merit: I don’t need to sleep a lot) and that allows me to prepare/ to set up, without too much trouble, all the necessary files before my rendezvous, whatever it is.
Then I wait...I wait for long time, starting to get worried, because, if this continues, I won't be on time for my following appointment, fixed for an hour later from now, and I'm getting anxious/anguished.
Finally the door opens, big smiles, I express my concerns and then I hastily leave,
a few minutes later. I run, I run ….to wait again.
I suppose all of us have experienced such kind of anecdotes in everyday life, but it seems to me that the concerns and steps taken to make them bearable, are not at all
the same which could properly be applied individually/by all the individuals involved. It’s very difficult to me to find out “The Solution”. If you have got it, please don’t forget me!
And then, now and then, a sudden miracle makes me arrive, breathless and profusely perspiring after having too much run, at a rendezvous just in time to hear my name called...
So, would I be on time? Even in advance? What a wonder!
People waited to be interviewed in the previous rendezvous had simply not come.
II) Translate into French.
Enfin, vers la fin de l'après-midi, quand mes pieds me faisaient mal et mon épaule blessée du poids de mon sac et mon estomac vide gémit avec la faim, ma chance changea. Je me trouvais à regarder vers le bas une rue latérale et vit, à ma grande joie, un homme sur une échelle, avec un pinceau à la main.
Comme je m'approchai, je vis qu'il était court, brune et bronzée:
le type distinctif des hommes italiens, selon l'idée traditionnelle d'un Anglais ! En outre il peignait la façade d’un magasin. Je l’appelai : "Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi, dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. Êtes-vous Monsieur Mangiarotti?

I thank you very much for the excellent and engrossing exercise, another one which makes me more and more engaged to follow you up through your path of linguistic meanders.
Have a great weekend, Madame le Professeur.
So long.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de palindrome23, postée le 26-09-2015 à 18:20:20 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
I'm a newbie here and have eventually decided to jump in at the deep end !
So, here is my try, hoping that I haven't made too many mistakes.

Rushing …. Waiting
Day in day out, It is the daily grind: Life, well my life at least, seems only to be all but rushing and waiting alternately. Up very early- though deserving no praise for I don't need much sleep, I arrive very early so that I can quietly take all required action prior to my first appointment, whatever it may be ...
Then I wait, I wait, again and again, for a long time, beginning to fret because never, if things should continue in this way, would I be on time for my next appointment – an hour's time from here – and I stress out.
Finally, the door opens, big smiles are exchanged, I express my worries and rush off a few minutes later. I run, run and I'll be waiting...
I suppose that we all have experienced those stories on a daily basis but it seems to me that the worries and all the steps taken to make them bearable vary widely from one person to another and I find it rather difficult to come up with the right answer. Let me know if you should ever find it yourself!
And sometimes, like a miracle, I breathlessly get to my appointment. Suddenly, surprised and dripping with sweat resulting from my rushing too much, I hear someone call my name...
Being attended to on time? Or even ahead of time? What a great surprise!
The three previous people I had an appointment with simply .... never turned up.

Finalement, en fin d'après-midi, alors que j'avais mal aux pieds et que l'épaule me faisait souffrir sous le poids de mon sac et que mon estomac gargouillait, la chance me sourit. Mon regarda se posa par hasard au bas d'une rue transversale et j'aperçus, pour mon plus grand plaisir, un homme en haut d'une échelle, un pinceau à la main. En me rapprochant, je vis qu'il était de petite taille, cheveux foncés et la peau bronzée : le parfait exemple de l'Italien tel qu'un Anglais typique peut se le représenter ! Qui plus est, il peignait la façade d'une boutique. Je l'interpela :
"Scusi Signore, excusez-moi, lui dis-je, recourant à mon meilleur italien. Vous êtes M.Mangiarotti" ?
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de mamou3, postée le 27-09-2015 à 08:34:21 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, Hello everybody,
Thank you very much for this new exercise !

Into English,
Day after day, it's always the same thing...Life, in any case MY life, seems only to be alternately made of running and waiting.
Got up very early ( no special credit : I don't need a lot of sleep)I arrive very early to can do, without rush, the essential formalities before my appointment whichever it is.
Then, I'm waiting, ...I'm waiting. I'm still waiting for longtime, begining to worry because never, if it continues, I won't be on time for my next appointment at one hour from now and "I panic".
Finally, the door opens, big smiles, I tell about my concerns and I run away a few minutes later. I run, I run and I'll wait.
I suppose that we have all of us experienced such anecdotes in daily life but it seems to me that the concerns and the taken steps to make them bearable are not at all the same ones accorded to people and it very difficult for me to find "the solution". If you have it, don't forget me!
And then, from time to time, o miracle, I arrived out of breath at an appointment. Suddenly, surprised and in a sweat because I had hurried too much,
I heard to call my name..Be on time ? Be even early ? What a wonderful thing ! The previous three appointments didn't simply come !

En français
Finalement, vers la fin de l'après-midi alors que mes pieds me faisaient mal, que mon épaule souffrait sous le poids de mon sac et que mon estomac vide grognait de faim, ma chance tourna. Je baissai les yeux par hasard sur une rue latérale et vis un homme sur une échelle, un pinceau à la main.
Comme je m'approchai, je vis qu'il était petit, les cheveux noirs et la peau basanée : l'idée typique qu'un anglais se fait d'un italien typique. En outre, il était en train de peindre la façade d'un magasin. Je l'appelai " Scusi Sinore. Excusez-moi" dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. "Êtes-vous Mr Mangiarotti ?".

Thank you again! Have a nice and sunny Sunday !
It's when you want for the correction !

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de maxwell, postée le 27-09-2015 à 12:59:31 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for this exercise Here4U ! I'll patiently wait for the correction

Day after day, it's always the same ... Life, in any case My life, only seems to be full of rush and waiting alternately...
Up very early (no merit : I don't need much sleep), I arrive very early in order to take the necessary steps before whatever meeting I need to go to, without rush.
Then, I wait... I wait, I still wait, for a long time, starting to worry because if this keeps up, I'll never be on time for my meeting in the next hour, and I anguish ...
Finally, the door opens, big smiles, I tell about my concern, and I run away, a few minutes later. I run, I run, .... and I will wait !
I guess all of us have experienced such anecdotes in daily living... But it seems to me that worries, and the measures taken to make them bearable, are not at all the same, depending on the individual, and it's hard for me to find that magic bullet... If you've found it, don't forget me !
And then, from time to time, lo and behold, I arrive for an appointment, short of breath. Suddenly, surprised and drenched with sweat from rushing, I can hear my name called...
To be welcomed on time ? Even ahead of time ? What a wonder ! The three previous appointments were simply not ... honoured !

Finalement, vers la fin de l'après-midi, tandis que mes pieds me faisaient mal, que mon épaule me faisait souffrir à cause du poids du sac, et que mon ventre vide gargouillait, la chance tourna. En jetant par hasard un coup d'oeil dans une rue adjacente, je vis, à ma grande joie, un homme en haut d'une échelle, un pinceau dans la main. Comme je m'approchai, je vis qu'il était petit, avec les cheveux bruns et le teint hâlé : la représentation anglaise typique de l'italien typique ! Qui plus est, il était en train de peindre la devanture d'une boutique. Je le hélai.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de icare29, postée le 28-09-2015 à 18:55:52 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , and all the hardworkers , here is my work
Exercice 54/Patiently... -

I) Translate into English :
Day after day , it's always the same thing ....Life , in any case My life, seems only be made alternately either of running or waiting
Got up very early , ( no merit , I don't need much sleep ), I arrive very early so that I can perform ,without too much jostling , all the essential approachs before my appointment whatever happens.
Then I have been waiting , waiting, waiting again and again , for a long time , and then, I am starting to get worried because , if this continues, I will never be on time to my next appointment , an hour away , and I am anguishing .
At the end, the door is opened , broad smiles , I express my concern ,, and I run back , some minutes later , I am running , running ,always running...... and I will wait!
I suppose we have all of us experienced , in everyday life ,of such anecdotes....but it seems to me that the worries , and the measures taken to make them bearable aren't at all the same between individuals , and it's very hard for me to find the right solution ,.... whether you get it , don't forget me
And then , from time to time, miracle of miracles, I arrive , out of breath ,at my appointment. Suddenly , surprised and dripped with sweat after hastening too much, I hear my name called.Being interviewed on time ,even early, what a wonderful surprise ,isn't it !
The interviewers were simply not present at the three previous appointments

II) Translate into French.
Enfin , vers la fin de l'après -midi , alors que mes pieds me faisaient souffrir et que mon épaule était endolorie sous l'effet du poids de mon sac , que mon estomac vide criait famine , la chance me sourit . Mon regard obliqua en direction d'une ruelle et j'aperçus , à ma grande joie , un homme haut perché sur une échelle qui tenait une brosse de peintre entre les mains .Comme je m'approchais , je vis qu'il était petit , brun et bronzé : Une représentation typique de l'italien par un représentant non moins typique anglais . De surcroît, il peignait la façade d'un magasin .Et. dans mon meilleur italien ,je l'interpellai en ces termes, ; "Hé , monsieur ,excusez-moi , vous êtes bien monsieur Mangiarotti?"
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

for this new exercise . Alea jacta est ...... I am always delighted to do your exellent exercises

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de dinoza, postée le 29-09-2015 à 20:19:52 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
these extra days are most welcome and I scheduled my work accordingly. So, it's too late to change anything. Sorry to make everyone wait...

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 29-09-2015 à 20:37:50 (S | E)
Hello !
Don't worry, dinoza ... I'd never advance a date after announcing it... I love Life too much!
All the works are corrected, till now... but EXCEPTIONALLY, those who have already been corrected may ask for changes ONCE, provided they do it by mps and not after October 2nd. Exceptionally too, I'll take advantage of next weekend to start posting your individual corrections... (but please, no complaints or questions before the collective correction... please... ) That will be my punishment for being so scatterbrained !
For those who have time galore, I would suggest you revised the 5 first exercises (N° 1 to 5 ) and I will add a few similar sentences to the next exercise for extra training!

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de ronald1955, postée le 30-09-2015 à 02:22:50 (S | E)
Hello Here4u Here is my work, I have just finished now, you can correct it whenever you like - A big thanks

Exercice 54/Patiently... - I) Translate into English :

Courir ... Attendre...
Running... Waiting...

1)Jour après jour, c'est toujours la même chose... La vie, en tout cas MA vie, ne semble être faite alternativement que de course et d'attente ...
- Day in day out, it's always the daily grind... Life, in any case the daily routine of my live only seems to be all but running and waiting alternately...

2) Levée très tôt, (aucun mérite : je n'ai pas " besoin" de beaucoup de sommeil), j'arrive très en avance pour pouvoir faire, sans trop de bousculade, les démarches indispensables avant mon 'rendez-vous, quel qu'il soit ...
- Got up/Up very early, ( I have no merit, I don’t need much sleep ), I come very early in order to be able to take the necessary steps without too much hustling/pushing and shoving before my appointment, no matter what it might be ...

3) Puis , j'attends... J'attends, j'attends encore, longtemps, en commençant à m'inquiéter parce que jamais, si cela continue, je ne serai à l'heure à mon rendez-vous suivant, à une heure de là, et j'angoisse ...
- Then, I wait... I wait, I still wait, for a long time, starting to worry because if this continues, I will never be on time for my appointment in the next hour and I get/feel anxious ...

4) Finalement, la porte s'ouvre, grands sourires, je fais part de mes inquiétudes, et je repars, en courant, quelques minutes plus tard. Je cours, je cours ... et j'attendrai !
- Finally/Eventually, the door is opened by somebody, big/wide smiles, I express my worries/concerns that could arise and I will be rushing off/be leaving quickly a few minutes later. I will still be running, running... and I will still be waiting!

5) Je suppose que nous avons tous expérimenté, au quotidien, de telles anecdotes ... mais il me semble que les inquiétudes, et les mesures prises pour les rendre supportables ne sont pas du tout les mêmes en fonction des individus, et il m'est bien difficile de trouver la solution'...Si vous l’avez, ne m’oubliez pas !
- I suppose that all of us have experienced such anecdotes in daily living but it seems to me that worries, and the measures taken to make them bearable, are not at all the same, depending on individuals, and it's very hard/difficult for me to find out the right solution... If you've got it, please don’t forget me/let me know !

6) Et puis, de temps en temps, ô miracle, j'arrive hors d'haleine à un rendez-vous. Soudain, surprise et en nage de m'être trop hâtée, j'entends appeler mon nom ...
- And then, from time to time, hey presto, I arrive for an appointment short of/out of breath. Suddenly, surprised and dripping with sweat from rushing, I hear my name being called ...

7)Passer à l'heure? En avance, même ? Quel émerveillement ! Les trois rendez-vous précédents n'étaient tout simplement … pas venus !
- Being interviewed on time? Even ahead of time ? What a wonderment ! The previous three appointments didn't simply... come !

II) Translate into French.
Finally, towards the end of the afternoon, when my feet ached and my shoulder hurt from the weight of my bag and my empty stomach groaned with hunger, my luck changed. I happened to look down a side street and saw, to my delight, a man up a ladder, paintbrush in hand. As I approached, I saw that he was short, dark-haired and sun-tanned: the typical Englishman’s idea of the typical Italian! Moreover, he was painting the front of a shop. I called up to him.
“Scusi, signore. Excuse me’, I said in my best Italian. Are you Mr Mangiarotti?’
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

Au moment où l’après-midi me tirait sa révérence, le crépuscule du soir se pointait déjà à l’horizon et... malgré les pieds meurtris par mon long périple, l’épaule droite/gauche endolorie par le poids de mon sac, mon estomac qui n’arrêtait pas de gargouiller, hurlait à tue-tête et criait famine , c’est alors qu’enfin... Dame chance se tourna vers moi et me saisit la main! Oui, oui, elle était bien là et tandis que je parcourais subrepticement du regard les alentours ... ma furtive observation se figea/se fixa, par un bien heureux hasard, sur une venelle transversale et il m’apparut comme une évidence que j’allais dans la bonne direction grâce à mon amie (Vous avez deviné qui?)car je vis au loin ‘’à mon plus grand ravissement ‘’ un homme tout en haut perché sur une échelle et tenant dans sa main un pinceau. ( Vive Jean de La Fontaine !) Tout en me rapprochant , je m’aperçus qu’il était de petite taille, avait les cheveux noirs comme l’ébène et le teint bien hâlé par le soleil : l’illustration parfaite de l’Italien 'pure souche' tel que peut se l’imaginer l’Anglais typique rempli de flegme. Outre cela, il peignait la devanture d’une boutique et je l’interpellai : ’'Scusi Signore’',’'Excusez-moi'’ lui dis-je, tout en recourant à mon meilleur italien : ‘’Etes-vous bien Monsieur Mangiarotti ?’’
Jake Allsop, Mangiarotti. Penguin Editions

Un Grand Here4u pour tout le travail effectué par vos soins sur ce site.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de benett, postée le 30-09-2015 à 14:46:09 (S | E)
Hello, here4u, here's my work

To run … To wait …
Day after day, it’s the same … The life, in any case MY life, only seem to be alternatively made with race and waiting …
Woke up early morning, (no deserve: I do not need much sleep,)
I arrive in time to enable myself to do, without hustling, essential steps before my appointment whatever it is …
Then, I wait … I wait, I still wait, a longtime ago, starting to worry, because if that continue, ever, will I be on time to my next appointment and I feel anxious …
Finally, the door is opened, large smiles, I express my concerns and I go again, running, some minutes later, I run, I run … and I will wait!
I suppose that we have experienced, daily, such anecdotes … but it seems to me that the anxieties, and the measures taken to make them bearable are not the same depending on individuals and it is difficult to me to solve the issue … If you have it, don’t forget me!
Afterwards, from time to time, oh miracle, I arrive out of breath at the appointment.Suddenly, surprised and was dripping in sweat, I heard my name being called.
Arrive on time? Early, too? What such amazement!
The latest three appointment have just not been … come

II) Translate into French.
Finallement, vers la fin de l’apres-midi, quand mes pieds me faisaient mal, le sac paisait
sur mon epaule et mon estomac gargouillait de la faim, ma chance changa. Il m’arriva de regarder en bas dans une rue latérale et vit, a mon grand plaisir, une personne sur une échelle avec un pinceau dans la main. Comme je m’approchais, Je vis qu’il était court, avec des cheveux noirs et bronzé:l'idée typique d'un anglais par un type italien. De surcroît, il était en train de peindre l’avant d’un magasin. Je l’appela.
“Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi’, dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. Etes-vous M. Mangiarotti?’

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 30-09-2015 à 18:59:51 (S | E)
Hello !
Pas de panique, on respire calmement !
Comme je me suis trompée de dates ... il vous reste encore plein de temps pour poster ... COOOOOl !
(Si vous modifiez, - jusqu'au 2/10 - n'oubliez pas de me le préciser pour que je reprenne les corrections !)
Bonne soirée et pour eux qui ne lisent pas mes messages ... vous avez des révisions à faire !

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de bibi62, postée le 01-10-2015 à 11:58:17 (S | E)
coucou here4you,
Cela veut dire que tu nous as déjà envoyé les corrections?(tu parles de révisions à faire???)car moi,je n'ai rien reçu!
A bientôt.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de fanfan, postée le 01-10-2015 à 15:19:47 (S | E)
Hello ! Here is my try ...
Day after day , it's always the same thing...Life , or at least My life ,seems to be made alternately of running about and waiting . After getting up very early , ( not much credit for that : I don't need much sleep, ) I arrive very early so as to be able to do the necessary approaches before my meeting , whatever it may be , at leisure
Then, I wait and wait again, starting to worry , because , as things go , I' ll never be on time for my next appointment , in an hour's time , and I am overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety . At last , the door opens , everybody' s smiling , I state my cause for concern and off I go , still running , a few minutes later . I run and run again and sure enough , I' ll wait ! I suppose we have all lived such anecdotes in everyday life ; but it seems to me that the worries and the measures taken to deal with them , are not in the least the same , according to the individuals ; and I find it extremely difficult to find THE solution . Should you have it , think of me ! And then , from time to time ,what a miracle! I arrive at an appointment out of breath , all of a sudden , both surprised and in a sweat for running too much , I can hear they're calling my name . Am I on time ? Even early ? What a wonderful thing !The former three persons I was waiting for , just had not come !

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de fanfan, postée le 01-10-2015 à 15:48:26 (S | E)
Part 2 : Translation : Finalement , vers la fin de l' après midi , alors que mes pieds me faisaient souffrir , et que mon épaule était douloureuse du fait du poids de mon sac , et que mon ventre vide gargouillait de faim , ma chance tourna . Je regardai par hasard une rue adjacente et je vis , pour mon plus grand plaisir , un homme , en haut d' une échelle , tenant un pinceau . En m' approchant, je vis qu'il était petit, aux cheveux noirs et bronzé : L' idée typique que se fait un anglais d' un italien typique . En outre , il peignait la devanture d' une boutique . Je le hélai : " Scusi signor , excusez moi, dis je ,dans mon meilleur italien , êtes vous monsieur Mangiarotti ?

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 01-10-2015 à 19:48:40 (S | E)
Hello !
Non bibi! Je commence les envois demain pour le 54 ... Je veux "your best", et une fois que vous me l'avez donné, je corrige PUIS, 2 jours après, je poste la correction collective.
Là, vous faisiez le N 54, et je voudrais que vous révisiez les corrections des exercices de 1 à 5 ( dans les archives des exercices Forums terminés et rendus... ) Je sais que beaucoup révisent déjà et font des fiches, mais c'est pour donner aux nouveaux venus ( bienvenus ) l'occasion de réviser les "bases".
Got it, bibi? Bonne soirée.

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de bibi62, postée le 02-10-2015 à 00:44:08 (S | E)
Ok here4you,
I'm going to revise.....thanks

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de dinoza, postée le 02-10-2015 à 19:19:51 (S | E)
Hello everyone..
Here is my try and it's OK for me.

I) Translate into English
Day by day, it's always the same, MY life anyway, seems to consist only of running and waiting times in turns. ..
Woken up very early (no special credit : I don't « need » a lot of sleep) I arrive very early to be able to settle esssential matters , without a lot of rush and before my « appointment » whatever it is....
Then, I'm waiting...I'm waiting, I'm still waiting, for a long time, starting to worry because if it lasts too long, I will never be on time for the following appointment which is at an hour distance from here, and «  I'm getting anxious »
Eventually, the door opens, wide smiles, I share my anxieties and I leave, running, a few minutes later. I'm running, I'm running...and I'll be waiting !
I guess we've all lived such anecdotes, in everyday life but it seems to me that the anxiety and the measures taken to make it bearable are not the same at all depending on individuals, and it is difficult for me to find « the solution »....if you have it, don't forget me !
And then, from time to time, O miracle, I arrive at an appointment out of breath. Suddenly, surprised and wet from having hurried too much, I heard my name called...
Being received on time, even in advance ! What a wonder !
The three previous appointement simply didn't … come !

II) Translate into French.
Finalement, vers la fin de l'après-midi, quand mes pieds me faisaient mal et mes épaules souffraientt du poids de mon sac et mon estomac gargouillait à cause de la faim, ma chance a tourné. J'ai regardé une rue descendante par hasard et je vis, à ma grande joie, un homme sur une échelle, un pinceau à la main. En approchant, j'ai vu qu'il était petit, brun et bronzé : l'idée typique que se fait un anglais sur un italien type! De plus, il peignait la devanture d'une boutique. Je l'ai interpelé.
« Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi, » ai-je dit avec mon meilleur italien. Etes vous M. Mangiarotti ?

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de lucile83, postée le 03-10-2015 à 18:42:25 (S | E)
I had some time, just for me Here is my try; thank you It's ok for me; hope it will be ok for you as well

Day after day it is always the same…Life, MY life in any case, seems to be made only of running and waiting times in turns…
Up very early, (no merit: I don’t need sleeping long), I arrive very early to be able to do, without rushing too much, the necessary steps before my appointment, whatever it is…
Then, I wait…I wait, I still wait, for a long time, starting to worry because if it ever goes on like that, I will never be on time for my next appointment, one hour distant from there, and I get anxious…
At last, the door opens, broad grins, I share my worries, and I run out, a few minutes later. I run, I run …and I’ll wait!
I suppose we all have experienced, daily, such anecdotes…but I can feel that anxiety, and the measures taken to make it bearable are not at all the same depending on people, thus I find it hard to discover the solution…If you have it, please don’t forget to tell me !
And then, from time to time, o miracle, I arrive out of breath at an appointment. Suddenly, surprised and dripping with sweat because of my hurrying, I hear my name being called…
Have my turn on time? Even early? How wonderful !
The three previous expected people had just … not come round!

II) Translate into French.
Finalement, vers la fin de l’après-midi, alors que j’avais mal aux pieds, que mon épaule me faisait souffrir à cause du poids de mon sac et que mon estomac vide gémissait de faim, la chance tourna en ma faveur. Je regardai par hasard vers une ruelle et vit, avec grand plaisir, un homme sur une échelle, un pinceau à la main. En m’approchant, je remarquais sa petite taille, ses cheveux foncés et sa peau hâlée : l’idée qu’un Anglais typique se fait d’un Italien typique ! Qui plus est, il était en train de peindre la devanture d’un magasin. Je l’interpellai.
‘Scusi, signore. Excusez-moi’ dis-je dans mon meilleur italien. ‘Etes-vous M. Mangiarotti ?’

Réponse: Exercice 54/ Patiently... de here4u, postée le 03-10-2015 à 19:29:07 (S | E)
Hello dear workers !
Tous corrigés (sauf notre 'latest'), beaucoup de travaux ont été envoyés ... Je vais essayer de continuer les transferts ce soir, mais là, je sature ...
Bonne soirée !

Edit : dimanche fin d'après midi : normalement, sauf oublis ou erreurs, (hélas toujours possibles,) vous devriez tous avoir reçu vos corrections individuelles ...
J'accepte, bien sûr, volontiers tout nouvel apprenant qui veut se lancer (Il reste 5 jours !)... Le corrigé et le N° 55 seront postés en fin de semaine.
Have a good week!


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