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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°105372 : Onomatopées

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Voici quelques verbes qui servent à désigner des sons venant de la nature. Ils sont très souvent utilisés en poésie, dans les bandes dessinées et dans les publicités.
Nous vous proposons de voir ce que ces verbes désignent :

->  to patter =  the sound rain makes on surfaces 

->  to howl = to utter a lament, especially wolves or  dogs

->  to rattle= to emit  repetitive, short sounds,as    pieces of metal do shaken together 

->  to creak = to emit a sound as  wooden doors or windows do shaken by the wind 

->  to rumble = to emit  a roaring sound, as  thunders do 

->  to snore = to emit  a loud breath through one's nose when sleeping

->  to purr = to emit  a sound (especially of felids  when they are happy or sleeping)

->  to screech =  to make a sharp sound (especially the brakes of a car on gravel)

->  to ring = to emit a resonant sound 

->  to growl = to emit a sound denoting anger (especially animals, like dogs)

->  to splash = to scatter  water (or other liquids) around  

->  to snort = to make a sound through the nose  as pigs do 

->  to  smack = to  hit with the  hand 

->  to hiss = to emit  a sound  as snakes do 

->  to hush = to make someone silent by  putting  the index finger on one's mouth 

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1. When I got near the child, the dog began at me.

2. Someone at the door the bell twice.

3. It was a cold and chilling night. Wolves were at the moon.

4. Tigger, the cat, was sleeping near the fireplace, peacefully.

5. The rain was against my bedroom window.

6. When I paid her a compliment, the girl my face.

7. I heard a sound and saw a viper on the sidewalk.

8. I couldn't sleep all night as my husband was loud.

9. The police car came to a halt with a of brakes.

10. The thunder was in the distance: a storm was approaching.

11. When the wind is strong, all the doors and windows of my house .

12. A rattlesnake emits a sound as though metal pieces were being shaken.

13. The pigs in the pigsty were in the mud.

14. Just as we were about to enter the Cathedral, a priest us up.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Onomatopées"
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