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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°23672 : Ville et campagne

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Ville et campagne

In each of the following sentences, the word in brackets has either been spelt incorrectly, the wrong word has been used, or the wrong word form has been used. Type the correct word or form in the gap next to the word.

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1. The roads into the city are often heavily (conjested) with traffic.

2. London is a vibrant, (cosmapolitan) city with people from all over the world.

3. In some cities, (poorverty) and unemployment are increasing at an alarming rate.

4. The problem of crime in our (inter) cities is very worrying.

5. In many villages there has been a declining rate of (populate) growth.

6. The town's (amenites) include a library, several restaurants and large leisure centre.

7. In order for a city to function properly, it needs to have a good public-transport (interstructure) .

8. There isn't much (anonymous) in a small village: everybody knows who you are and what you're doing.

9. I find that most city (habitants) are rather unfriendly or have very little time for other people.

10. Finding suitable (acommodation) in the city can be a big problem.

11. A lot of the parking spaces in town are for local (residence) only.

12. Because house prices in the city centre are so expensive, many people choose to live in the (suburbia) around the city.

13. It can be very (stressing) to live in a busy city.

14. The idea that the countryside is (peacefully) is not always true.

15. I would rather live in a (rurral) community than in a large town.

16. In some (urbane) areas, crime and drugs are a major problem.

17. The town is a much nicer place now that cars have been banned and (pedastrian) precincts established in the centre.

18. Every morning, trains are packed with (commutators) coming into the city to work.

19. As more and more people have (emigrated) from the villages to the cities, the countryside has become virtually deserted.

20. Many cities are real (meltin) pots, with people from different races, countries and social classes living and working together.

21. I'm not sure if city (dwellings) are happier than those living in the countryside.

22. Traffic during the (rushed) hour is particularly bad.

23. In an attempt to (revival) the city's economy, tourism is being heavily promoted.

24. Pesticides and other chemicals used in (cultivate) have practically poisoned large areas of the countryside.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Ville et campagne"
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