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Exercices 49
Message de felin posté le 09-11-2005 à 19:17:49 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Mardi soir 15/11/05

Choose the best word in the following sentences.

1 How high / tall is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim / skinny and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too slim / skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for
4 The last / latest time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest / last album yet?
6 Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly natural /physical.
7 These trousers are made of strong /powerful material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful / strong hands.
9 Come and look! There's a large / great view from this window.
10 How great/big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my small / little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller / higher all the time.
13 I wish my legs were thinner / skinnier.
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign / strange goods?
15 I felt a bit strange / foreign when I took the pills for the first time.

Good luck.

Edité par felin le 09-11-2005 19:45

Réponse: Exercices 49 de nanette33, postée le 09-11-2005 à 19:52:35 (S | E)
Hi Felin,

1 How high is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for
4 The last time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest album yet?
6 Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly physical.
7 These trousers are made of strong material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful hands.
9 Come and look! There's a great view from this window.
10 How big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller all the time.
13 I wish my legs were thinner .
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign goods?
15 I felt a bit strange when I took the pills for the first time.

Réponse: Exercices 49 de to-be-free, postée le 09-11-2005 à 20:36:58 (S | E)
hello felin,
1 How high is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for
4 The last time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest album yet?
6 Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly natural.
7 These trousers are made of strong material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful hands.
9 Come and look! There's a large view from this window.
10 How big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller all the time.
13 I wish my legs were thinner.
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign goods?
15 I felt a bit strange when I took the pills for the first time.

Thanks for this interesting one. It helps me to get over utter confusion between adjectives which it’s not very easy to choose rightly sometimes.

Réponse: Exercices 49 de marit64, postée le 09-11-2005 à 23:19:09 (S | E)
Hi felin!

1 How high is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for a long time.
4 The last time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest album yet?
6 Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly natural.
7 These trousers are made of strong material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful hands.
9 Come and look! There's a great view from this window.
10 How big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller all the time.
13 I wish my legs were thinner.
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign goods?
15 I felt a bit strange when I took the pills for the first time.

felin for your interesting exercise.

Réponse: Exercices 49 de felin, postée le 15-11-2005 à 18:37:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

1 How high / tall is Athens above sea level?
2 He looks slim / skinny and handsome since he lost weight.
3 Some supermodels are far too slim / skinny. They look as if they haven't eaten for
4 The last / latest time I saw Rob was in Manchester.
5 Have you got the Nice Girls' latest / last album yet?
6 Don't worry - your feelings of depression are perfectly natural /physical.
7 These trousers are made of strong /powerful material so they won't tear easily.
8 He took the stick and broke it in two with his powerful / strong hands. (powerful is possible but unnatural)
9 Come and look! There's a large / great view from this window.
10 How great/big is your house in the country?
11 Have you met my small / little sister?
12 The boys are getting taller / higher all the time.
13 I wish my legs were thinner / skinnier.
14 Does your country import a lot of foreign / strange goods?
15 I felt a bit strange / foreign when I took the pills for the first time.

pour votre participation.

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