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Message de felin posté le 26-12-2005 à 12:08:58 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mercredi 4/01/06

Verb + practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
need, have, improve, learn, come, give.

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've .......... some practice.
2. This exercise........... students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers........... practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will........... with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only........... with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be........... through practice.

2. Expressions with practice

Match the halves:

1. Your English will improve if you work hard.
2. I'll try to use my French,
3. Don't give up.
4. If you want to learn to play the piano,

a. Driving's just a question of practice.
b. it'll take years of practice.
c. Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
d. but I'm a bit out of practice.

3. Verb + homework

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
give, get some , do, correct, hand, help.

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve........... all your homework.
2. He never manages to........... in his homework on time.
3. You ........... more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher........... the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to........... me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher........... our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.

Good luck.

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de magmatic_rock, postée le 26-12-2005 à 13:10:15 (S | E)
Hello felin

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've had some practice.
2. This exercise learn to students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers give practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will improve with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only need with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be improved through practice.

1. Your English will improve if you work hard. --> b. it'll take years of practice.
2. I'll try to use my French, --> c. Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
3. Don't give up. --> a. Driving's just a question of practice.
4. If you want to learn to play the piano, --> d. but I'm a bit out of practice.

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve done all your homework.
2. He never manages to hand in his homework on time.
3. You get some more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher gave the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to help me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher corrects our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de maya13, postée le 26-12-2005 à 14:46:59 (S | E)
hello felin,
Verb + practice

1 - had
2 - gives
3 - need
4 - improve
5 - comes
6 - learnt

Expression with practice

1 - Your English will improve if you work hard. Speak as much as you can practice makes perfect
2 - I'll try to use my French, but I am a bit out of practice
3 - Don't give up. Driving is just a question of practtice
4 - If you want to play the piano, it will take years of practice

Verb + homework

1 - done
2 - hand
3 - get
4 - gave
5 - help
6 - corrected

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de whynot95, postée le 27-12-2005 à 02:50:50 (S | E)
Hello Felin

As this exercise wasn't about diet I did it!!!!

Verb + practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
need, have, improve, learn, come, give.

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've had some practice.
2. This exercise gives students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers need to practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will improve with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only comes with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be learnt through practice.

2. Expressions with practice

Match the halves:

1. Your English will improve if you work hard. Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
2. I'll try to use my French, but I'm a bit out of practice.
3. Don't give up. Driving's just a question of practice.
4. If you want to learn to play the piano, it'll take years of practice.

a. Driving's just a question of practice.
b. it'll take years of practice.
c. Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
d. but I'm a bit out of practice.

3. Verb + homework

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
give, get some , do, correct, hand, help.

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve done all your homework.
2. He never manages to hand in his homework on time.
3. You get some more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher gave the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to help me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher corrected our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.

A big
Happy New Year

A misspelling corrected
Modifié par whynot95 le 30-12-2005 18:35

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de nanette33, postée le 28-12-2005 à 19:18:17 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

Verb + practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
need, have, improve, learn, come, give.

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've had some practice.
2. This exercise gives students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers need practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will improve with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only comes with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be learnt through practice.

2. Expressions with practice

Match the halves:

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B

3. Verb + homework

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
give, get some , do, correct, hand, help.

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve done all your homework.
2. He never manages to hand in his homework on time.
3. You get some more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher gave the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to help me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher corrected our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.

Merci !

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de isa71, postée le 31-12-2005 à 17:42:50 (S | E)
Hello Mimi

Verb + practice

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've had some practice.
2. This exercise gives students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers need practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will improve with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only comes with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be learnt through practice.

2. Expressions with practice

1. Your English will improve if you work hard.Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
2. I'll try to use my French,but I'm a bit out of practice.
3. Don't give up.Driving's just a question of practice.
4. If you want to learn to play the piano, it'll take years of practice.

3. Verb + homework

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve done all your homework.
2. He never manages to hand in his homework on time.
3. You get some more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher gave the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to help me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher corrected our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.


Modifié par isa71 le 31-12-2005 17:43

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de aureliano, postée le 31-12-2005 à 20:03:36 (S | E)
Hello Felin,
Here are my answers :
Verb + practice :
1. had
2. gives
3. need
4. improve
5. comes
6. learnt

2. Expressions with practice :
1c - 2d - 3a - 4b
3. Verb + homework :
1. done
2. hand
3. get
4. gave
5. help
6. corrected
thank you and have a happy new year's eve.

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de felin, postée le 04-01-2006 à 13:17:25 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

Verb + practice

1. Using a mouse is the easiest thing in the world once you've had some practice.
2. This exercise gives students practice in using the past tense.
3. Most trainee teachers need practice in writing on a blackboard.
4. Don't worry. Your English will improve with practice.
5. Playing the piano is the kind of skill that only comes with years of practice.
6. You get knowledge from books, but skills can only be learned through practice.

2. Expressions with practice

1. Your English will improve if you work hard. c. Speak as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
2. I'll try to use my French, d. but I'm a bit out of practice.
3. Don't give up. a. Driving's just a question of practice.
4. If you want to learn to play the piano, b. it'll take years of practice.

3. Verb + homework

1. You can't watch TV until you’ve done all your homework.
2. He never manages to hand in his homework on time.
3. You get more homework at secondary school than at primary school.
4. The English teacher gave the whole class extra homework for misbehaving.
5. My brother used to help me with my homework, but he's gone to university.
6. Our teacher corrected our homework during the lunch hour, then gave it back to us.

pour votre participation.

Merci pour vos voeux.

Modifié par felin le 04-01-2006 14:05 C'est fait et Merci.

Modifié par felin le 04-01-2006 14:10

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de whynot95, postée le 04-01-2006 à 14:01:32 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
Thanks a lot for the correction. But are you sure for the questions 2.1 and 2.2?

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de felin, postée le 04-01-2006 à 14:09:11 (S | E)
Hello Whynot

, oui vous avez raison, je ne sais pas ce qui m'arrive en ce moment.

Réponse: Verb=practice+homework. de whynot95, postée le 04-01-2006 à 14:23:24 (S | E)
It sounds like you need a few days to recover from New Year Eve!!!

Have a good rest!!

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