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Exercices 63
Message de felin posté le 30-03-2006 à 11:26:37 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Comment allez vous? Apres avoir passe 2 mois de vacances, dur de reprendre.

Correction Mardi soir. 4/04/2006

Complete these texts with can, could and be allowed to . Use negative forms where necessary. Where two answers are possible, give them both.

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it (1) ............rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we (2) .............. believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent (3) .............. be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there (4) ............ be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we (5) ............ camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we (6) ........... stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we (7) ............ camp at the end of their garden!

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercices 63 de coco02, postée le 30-03-2006 à 12:39:40 (S | E)

1 can
2 couldn't
3 can
4 can
5 were not allowed
6 can't
7 could

à bientôt

Réponse: Exercices 63 de kimence, postée le 30-03-2006 à 13:13:30 (S | E)
Mes propositions:
(1) can
(2) could not
(3) can
(4) can
(5) were not allowed to
(6) cannot
(7) could / were allowed to

Réponse: Exercices 63 de bobine, postée le 30-03-2006 à 14:24:23 (S | E)

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it (1) can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we (2) couldn't believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent (3) can be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there (4) can be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we (5) weren't allowed to (couldn't) camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we (6) can't stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we (7) were allowed to (could) camp at the end of their garden!

Réponse: Exercices 63 de cat3, postée le 30-03-2006 à 15:10:55 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

3- can
5-weren't allowed to
7-were allowed to can

Réponse: Exercices 63 de mp27, postée le 31-03-2006 à 12:47:43 (S | E)
Hello felin!

1. can rain a lot...
2. ...we couldn't believe...
3. ...this tent can be assembled...
4. ...there can be(voir note)
5. ...we were NOT allowed to camp there!...
6. ...we can't stay here all night.
7. ...we were allowed to camp at the end of their garden!/so, we could camp there.
A good and friendly ending! Thanks for the exercise!

Note pour la phrase 4).
Finalement, on ne pouvait choisir qu'entre can et could. Si on ne nous avait pas donné ce choix, j'aurais penché sur "there might be" car je vois surtout une idée de probabilité.

Réponse: Exercices 63 de machrychar, postée le 31-03-2006 à 16:22:09 (S | E)


We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it could rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we couldn’t believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent can /could be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there could /can be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we weren’t allowed to camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we couldn’t /can’t stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we were allowed to camp at the end of their garden!

Réponse: Exercices 63 de magmatic_rock, postée le 31-03-2006 à 21:08:09 (S | E)
Coucou Félin ça fait plaisir de te retrouver avec tes exercices

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we couldn't believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent can be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there could be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we weren't allowed to camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we can't stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we were allowed to camp at the end of their garden!

Modifié par felin le 31-03-2006 21:23 Merci, moi aussi

Réponse: Exercices 63 de port58, postée le 31-03-2006 à 22:52:19 (S | E)
Bonjour Félin
Hereafter is my try :

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it (1) can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we (2) couldn't believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent (3) can be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there (4) could be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we (5) weren't allowed to camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we (6) could stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we (7) were allowed to camp at the end of their garden!
A mardi pour la correction

Modifié par port58 le 31-03-2006 22:54

Réponse: Exercices 63 de marit64, postée le 01-04-2006 à 02:58:30 (S | E)
Hi felin! I'm glad to see you.
I really hope you enjoyed your vacation.
I missed you.

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we couldn't believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent can be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there could be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we weren't allowed to camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we can't stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we were allowed or could camp at the end of their garden!

felin for this exercise.

Modifié par felin le 01-04-2006 21:47 Oh yes very good thanks. I'm delighted to see you again on this site.

Réponse: Exercices 63 de marrina, postée le 01-04-2006 à 22:36:31 (S | E)
hello felin,

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we couldn't believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent can be assembled in two minutes with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there can be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we weren't allowed camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we can't stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we were allowed camp at the end of their garden!

see you soon

Réponse: Exercices 63 de felin, postée le 04-04-2006 à 16:32:36 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction.

We went camping in the north of Spain last July. As you probably know, it (1) can rain a lot on the coast, even in mid-summer, and the day we arrived we (2) couldn’t believe how heavy the rain was. Eventually we found a place to camp, in a field next to a beach. We had a new tent - the advertisement for it said, This tent (3) can be assembled in two minutes
with no previous experience.' What a joke! Now, there (4) can’t be many people who haven't had difficulty putting up a tent at some time, but it took us more than two hours. And then, just as it was finished, a man came along and said that we (5) couldn’t/weren’t allowed to camp there - it was private property. So we had to take the tent down again. Then Sue just said, 'Well, we (6) can’t stay here all night. Let's go to that hotel in the last village we drove through.' Unfortunately, when we got there they were full. But they were very kind and we (7) were to allowed to camp at the end of their garden!

a tous pour votre participation.

coco02, kimence, mp27, machrychar, marrina, Bienvenue dans notre nouveau groupe. Participez aussi souvent que vous le pouvez. Vous verrez on apprend beaucoup en participant. Merci.

Modifié par felin le 04-04-2006 20:04

Réponse: Exercices 63 de mp27, postée le 04-04-2006 à 19:51:18 (S | E)
THANK YOU Felin for your welcoming note! and thanks for your useful exercises.

Correction: AH!!!!! Cette fameuse phrase 4 qui m'a torturé l'esprit et dans laquelle je revoyais tout le temps le "ghost" d'un "there might be" (Ok, pas permis, puisqu'on était dans les "can, could, to be allowed to")!
C'était finalement "can't".........
Pour voir si nous avions bien les yeux ouverts, tu nous as donné dans le corrigé, phrase (7), "we were to allowed camp"..... D'accord, le "to" qui devait être devant "camp" a fait un bond en arrière!

Modifié par felin le 04-04-2006 20:05 Hello mp27 c'est fait j'avais oublie de mettre to numero 7. Merci de m'avoir rappelee .

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