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Correction pour SephirothJr
Message de bridg posté le 26-04-2005 à 21:20:26 (S | E | F | I)

Ceci est un devoir de SephirothJr, pouvez vous l'aider?
Bonjour, Voici une lettre que je dois rédiger en anglais, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait la lire et me dire où il y a des fautes ? Un grand merci :D

How are you ? I hope you are all well. I am sorry I could not write to you before because I was at the hospital. I have fallen down the stairs and I remained 6 months at the hospital ! I slipped on a banana skin... it is ridiculous. Now I have to walk with crutches ! Anyway, after having left the hospital with my stupid crutches I bought a splendid bluish vase for you. I hope that you will appreciate it as much as me. I think that it will go well with your wallpaper blue sky decorated with marvellous small migratory birds. Did I say to you that I won a million dollars in Lotto last night ? Yes you read well ! 1 000 000 $ !!! I think that I will buy an island in the Pacific Ocean and a new house in Russia. It is a beautiful country. I hope that you will be able to visit me in Russia :o) Anyway, do you want to go to the cinema with me in a few days ? I would like to see the new Spielberg's film “Red blood cells”. My friend said that it is an extremely hurtful horror film. I’m sure that you will like it ! I will pay you the place now that I am millionaire. Sorry but I do not have any more ink to write the letter. Please write back soon.

Réponse: Correction pour SephirothJr de alexgowes, postée le 27-04-2005 à 05:17:52 (S | E)
How are you ? I hope you are all well. I am sorry I could not write to you before because I was at the hospital. I have fallenfell down the stairs and I remainedspent 6 months atin the hospital ! I slipped on a banana skin... it iswas ridiculous. Now I have to walk with crutches ! Anyway, after having left the hospital with my stupid crutches I bought a splendid bluish vase for you. I hope that you will appreciatelike it as much as meI do [see my note below]. I think that it will go well with your wallpaper blue sky-blue wallpaper decorated with marvellous small migratory birds[this phrase seems very stilted]. Did I say totell you that I won a million dollars in the Lotto last night ? Yes you read well correctly! 1 000 000 $$1,000,000 !!! I think that I will buy an island in the Pacific Ocean and a new house in Russia. It is a beautiful country. I hope that you will be able to visit me in Russia :o) Anyway, do you want to go to the cinema with me in a few days ? I would like to see the new Spielberg's film “Red blood cells”. My friend said that it is an extremely hurtfulfrightening horror film. I’m sure that you will like it ! I will pay you the placefor your ticket now that I am millionaire. Sorry but I do not have any more ink to write the letter. Please write back soon.

Be careful with this: "Spielberg's new film" OR "the new Spielberg film"

There is a big difference between "My mother likes the dog as much as me" and "My mother likes the dog as much as I do"

Edité par alexgowes le 27-04-2005 05:23

Réponse: Correction pour SephirothJr de jardin62, postée le 27-04-2005 à 05:44:40 (S | E)
Je glisse ici quelques petites choses=> ce que j'aurais dit à la place de SephirothJr...
- in hospital
- I stayed for a month in hospital
- will appreciate it as much as I do.
- bleu ciel :sky blue (qualifier la couleur avant de la préciser)
- Did I tell you..? (pour did I say to you...)
- La proposition : 'Would you like to...(en remplacement de 'want'
- Pour éviter la répétition qui suivra : 'I feel like seeing the new Spielberg's film..' = j'ai envie de voir...'
- 'hurtful' = (pour les sentiments) froissant, pénible, blessant/ je signale ce sens pour être sûre que c'est bien le sens souhaité.
- 'I'll pay for your ticket' (on ne dit pas 'I'll pay you') ou 'I'll pay for you' (on sait d'après le contexte qu'il lui paiera sa place, son ticket)
- ...'I am a millionaire'
- I have no ink left to go on with writing (il ne me reste plus d'encre pour continuer à écrire)
- J'ai la plupart du temps au bas des lettres de ma vieille correspondante et amie : ' I am looking forward to reading you/ou/ I am looking forward to hearing from you/ I hope you will reply soon/
- C'est 'you read well' qui me 'chiffonne: on pourait penser qu'il lit 'bien' dans le sens de faire une bonne lecture. Or ici c'est le sens de 'tu as bien lu, tu as bien saisi...'=> 'you've read (all) right:1 000 000 $!
- 'after' est soit une préposition suivie d'un nom ou d'un gérondif soit une cojonction suivie d'une proposition complète:'After leaving' (après avoir quitté...) est beaucoup plus courant que 'after having left'- L'anglais préfère la forme simple 'leaving' au gérondif perfect 'having left' le sens étant clair après la préposition 'after'.
*J'espère avoir éclairci SephirothJr.

Réponse: Correction pour SephirothJr de SephirothJr, postée le 27-04-2005 à 06:56:37 (S | E)


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