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Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'.
Message de marit64 posté le 28-12-2005 à 23:19:28 (S | E | F | I)


Find the words beginning with the letter "G".
Whynot suggested giving you the first answer. Since I'm a very, very,very good person I'll give you the first one. Would you like that? Let me know for the others.

1- What "G word" means to crush into powder or small pieces? Grind
2- This word means something used to attract attention to something or someone. ............
3- It's another word to say "adult". ..............
4- I'm a large room or building in which paintings, statues etc are on show. .............
5- A "G word" meaning a child who has a godparent or godparents. ..............
6- When something is real, not fake or artificial, it's.............. .
7- I'm a type of web-footed sea bird, usually black and white or grey and white. ............
8- This word means a list of words with their meanings. .............
9- You use it to put your waste. ...............
10- We need this ingredient to make a crust. ...............

Good luck and have fun! I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

I'd like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
So long,

Edité par marit64 le 29-12-2005 20:30

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de whynot95, postée le 29-12-2005 à 11:41:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

There was a misunderstanding! What I meant was : It's more interesting to give the answers the first. I'm so sorry.

2- This word means something used to attrack attention to something or someone. Guidepost.
3- It's another word to say "adult". Grown-up.
4- I'm a large room or building in which paintings, statues etc are on show. Gallery.
5- A "G word" meaning a child who has a godparent or godparents. Goldchild.
6- When something is real, not fake or artificial, it's Genuine.
7- I'm a type of web-footed sea bird, usually black and white or grey and white. Gull.
8- This word means a list of words with their meanings. Glossary.
9- You use it to put your waste. Garbage.
10- We need this to make a crust. Gash. but I'm not sure.

In France you can do it at the moment!!!

Happy New Year

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de oldman, postée le 29-12-2005 à 17:38:21 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit,

Here are my words, the latest of this year
1. (to) grind
2. glare (of publicity)
3. grown-up
4. gallery
5. godchild
6. genuine
7. gull
8. glossary
9. garbage can (Am.E.)
10. grill

“I wish you …………… a happy New Year,
A pocket full of money, and a cellar full of beer;
Long may you live and happy may you be,
With your best content and your fortune free.”
(from a Christmas carol of the 19th century)

Best wishes.

P.S. Definition 2: It’s likely that “attrack” has to be read “attract”.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de nanette33, postée le 29-12-2005 à 19:24:46 (S | E)
Hello Marit!

2- This word means something used to attrack attention to something or someone. gesture
3- It's another word to say "adult". grown-up
4- I'm a large room or building in which paintings, statues etc are on show. gallery
5- A "G word" meaning a child who has a godparent or godparents. godson or godchild
6- When something is real, not fake or artificial, it's genuine.
7- I'm a type of web-footed sea bird, usually black and white or grey and white. gull
8- This word means a list of words with their meanings. glossary
9- You use it to put your waste. garbage
10- We need this to make a crust. grill


Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de marrina, postée le 29-12-2005 à 19:27:03 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1. grind
3. grown-up or grown up
4. gallery
5. godchild or god-child
6. genuine
7. gull
8. glossary
9. garbage
10. grating

Best wishes

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de isa71, postée le 29-12-2005 à 22:57:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit



Modifié par isa71 le 02-01-2006 21:50

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G words 2'. de marit64, postée le 04-01-2006 à 22:23:23 (S | E)
Hi everyone!
Thanks a lot for your nice wishes.

for your hard work. It's more difficult to do these exercises on Holidays, isn't it?

Now, here are the answers:

1- grind (moudre, broyer) 2- gimmick (astuce) 3- grown, grown up (adulte)
4- gallery (galerie) 5- godchild (filleul, filleule) 6- genuine (authentique)
7- gull (mouette) 8- glossary (glossaire) 9- garbage can (poubelle)
10- grease (graisse).

for your participation.
So long,

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