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Message de the_dauphin posté le 2004-10-24 23:30:50 (S | E | F | I)
salut .
une petite histoire pour vous ."The boy who said No"

Sixto Perez lives with his parents and five siblings in a trailer park in La Puente, Calif. Last year , when his father was away from the family working as a migrant farm laborer, Sixto, 12, did odd jobs after school, earning money to buy shoes for his brother and himself.
One day last fall , Sixto was sweeping outside the mini-mart where he worked. A man rode up on a bicycle, flashed a wad of bills and offered him $100 to sell drugs at his school , Los Robles Elementary.
Sixto knew all about drugs from a school program called S A N E(Substance Abus Narticotics Education ), run by sheriff's deputies.Though scared,Sixto told the man ,"I only make twenty dollars a week , but I do it honestly ."Then he ran inside to the store owener,who chased the drug dealer away .
This summer Sixto was honored for his integrity.The sixth-grader,who is bright but has dyslexia,received a $ 500 savings bond from the Banks of California. His mother , Efigenia Perez , looked on with approval.
"That man told my son he was crasy to work for so little money " she said."But I'd rather have him honest."
Denis Hamilton in Los Angeles Time (Reader's Digest nov 1992)

Edité par bridg le 27-10-2004 13:25

Réponse: Pelican Man de the_dauphin, postée le 2004-10-27 13:22:48 (S | E)
salut .

une autre histoire pour vous ok .

Several Years ago, Dale Shields was fishing near his home in Sarasota, Fla., on a summer evening. He looked down and saw an apparently dead pelican with a damaged wing lying on the shore in the hot Florida sun . Then the pelican slowly blinked an eye.
This bird is still alive, thought Shield . I' ve got to help it ! He gathered the pelican in his arms and rushed home .
Shields called eveyone he thougt might offer advice, but no one knew what to do . So he cleaned the bird himself with peroxide and water; then with gause bandage and water twings , he prepared a splint.Weeks later , Shieds and sent him on his way.
But Shield learned that poisonous pesticides, pollution and fast boats were killing and maiming the pelicans and wreaking havoc with their food supply. They were strangled by plastic rings from six-packs and shot for sport. Shields created a nonprofit rescue, rehabilitation and education service, and in 1988 the City of Sarasota granted the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary a 20-year lease at $I per year on City Island, overlooking Sarasota Bay. The Sanctuary has enlisted more than 7000 members in 50 states and abroad , a staff of over 250 volunteer workers and ten paid employees. It has rescued over 40,000 birds.
Today Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary houses a clinic, an education center and a covered pavilion where visitors can watch birds play in their pens . More than 100,000 people visit each year.
Wayne Mayhall II(in reader's Digest nov 1992) .

the _dauphin



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