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Message de speedjo905 posté le 2004-10-13 23:12:27 (S | E | F | I)
Must have shows a strong probability that something happened in the past. It is followed by the past participle.
May have expresses a possibility that something happened in the past. It is also followed by the past participle.

1. I cannot find my book. I (leave) it at home. _______________
2. You (come) here by taxi. ____________
3. He speaks English so well that he (live) in England for many years. __
4. Gail (leave) home during the morning because she was not there when I telephoned at noon. ______________
5. I imagine, from things they have told me, that they (be) very wealthy at one time.

Edité par bridg le 13-10-2004 23:15
english only

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de morenita, postée le 2004-10-13 23:58:01 (S | E)
1. I cannot find my book. I (leave) it at home. i must have left it
2. You (come) here by may have came
3. He speaks English so well that he (live) in England for many years.he must have lived...
4. Gail (leave) home during the morning because she was not there when I telephoned at noon.she must has left
5. I imagine, from things they have told me, that they (be) very wealthy at one time.

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-15 03:45:41 (S | E)
BONJOUR MORENITA! C'est excellent - sauf le numéro 2 il y a une petite erreur et je pense que tu as oublié de répondre au numéro 5 - veux-tu y répondre ou bien je te donne la bonne réponse ? JO

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de morenita, postée le 2004-10-15 17:06:29 (S | E)
5. I imagine, from things they have told me, that they MUST HAVE BEEN very wealthy at one time.

i didnt find out my mistake in the second sentence & i m not sur about this one
can you give me the correction please?

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de violettina, postée le 2004-10-15 17:48:33 (S | E)
hello !

this exercise is very good. I am going to try to do it.
but speedjo, I think you must write in english, because we are in the forum "english only". sorry, but perhaps you forget it.

1. I cannot find my book. I MUST HAVE LEFT it at home.
2.You MUST HAVE COME here by taxi.
3. He speaks English so well that he MUST HAVE LIVED in England for many years.
4. Gail MUST HAVE LEFT home during the morning because she was not there when I telephoned at noon.
5. I imagine, from things they have told me, that they MUST HAVE BEEN very wealthy at one time.

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de claire1, postée le 2004-10-15 19:33:12 (S | E)
this exercise isn't easy for me but I try to do it!!!
1) I must left it
2) you must come
3)he must lived
4)Gail must left
5)they must were

I don't know if it is ok???

bye Claire1

Réponse: re:Must have, May have de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-16 22:05:31 (S | E)

Morenita: no 5 - correct - no 2 - must have come
Claire - il manque seulement have (must have come, must have lived - must have left - must have been -
VIOLETTINA - very good !!!!!!!!!
à toutes les 3



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