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French with a microphone
Message de englishgirl posté le 16-04-2005 à 01:37:34 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everyone!
I am a native speaker of English. I work as a teacher in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. I would really like to meet people who enjoy talking on msn chat, and who have a microphone.
I am 32 years old, university educated (I majored in French!).... I have a four-year old dog, a yellow labrador retriever.
Please write!
from Katy
Edité par emy64 le 16-04-2005 01:46
I had to erase your msn address, it's forbidden here. Thanks

Réponse: got a microphone? are you French? de spa, postée le 16-04-2005 à 18:34:44 (S | E)
je suis français ,je vis en france,si tu es interessée voici mon adresse internet Tu peux me joindre par MP. mon but est d'améliorer mon mauvais anglais

Edité par bridg le 16-04-2005 18:36
donner son adresse e mail sur un site public est dangereux.

Réponse: got a microphone? are you French? de blackout, postée le 17-04-2005 à 17:26:11 (S | E)
Hi Madam !
My surname nickname is blackout.
I'm 25 years old and I'd like to learn English. I wish I could speak English very very well. Do you know why ? In fact, I'm a fireman and I'd like to be steward for Air France, a French airline company.
That's the reason why I "surf" on the Net, in order to find someone who would have time to spend with me to dicuss when we'll have time to do so!
Would you be that person or should I keep on seeking for ?

Edité par emy64 le 17-04-2005 17:32
-Surname est un faux ami, il signifie nom de famille.
-Jamais de futur après when.
- et "surf" the Internet est correct

Réponse: got a microphone? are you French? de ines1971, postée le 17-04-2005 à 20:28:44 (S | E)
I've got a microphone if you still want to chat on msn. I'm 34 years old, living in Paris. I really want to improve my english. I like music, I playing drums. I'm a personal assistant.

Réponse: got a microphone? are you French? de kurr, postée le 17-04-2005 à 22:44:26 (S | E)
i'd like to speak by msn too but what about the hours ? i think everybody has forgot it.
I'm a drummer too, you're lucky !
I'd like to live abroad, so i need to perfect my english, always the same song...

I'm 39 and get married, i have a daughter (9) : the most beautifull girl of the word !

Réponse: got a microphone? are you French? de sylvette59, postée le 28-04-2005 à 22:05:25 (S | E)

I'm 36 years old, and I'd like to learn English. I'm a French girl. I work as secretary in Lille. I'live in Lille (in the north of France).
I'm waiting for the answer...
as soon

Edité par bridg le 29-04-2005 07:28

Réponse: French with a microphone de RATTI, postée le 03-05-2005 à 10:35:21 (S | E)

hi, I'm a french pilot. I'm 34 year 's old. if you want speak with microphone with me, you can do it.
I will speak English, and you 'll speak French, it's a good idea for improve our language ourselves.

Réponse: French with a microphone de mic198, postée le 03-05-2005 à 15:27:45 (S | E)

I'm a 22 years old student in love with English and Canada. If you want to speak french, no problem. Send me a private message.


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