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anyone want to host me ?
Message de Jyounker3 posté le 06-09-2005 à 03:28:58 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everyone! My name is Justin Younker, and I live in America. I have been studying French for 2 years now and I've decided that I would like to visit France this winter for 3 months. I was wondering if anyone would like to host me? I would like to come from the middle of January to the middle of April. I would pay you money during the time I was there. I would also like to attend your school if it is at all possible. Thank you all very much for reading this ... Justin Younker

Edité par joy813 le 06-09-2005 11:15
Capital letters please

Réponse: anyone want to host me ? de djibesse, postée le 06-09-2005 à 13:13:32 (S | E)
hi i want I would liketo be your friend because I have no one to speak English with.

Edité par joy813 le 06-09-2005 13:52

Réponse: anyone want to host me ? de maryland909, postée le 21-09-2005 à 19:12:25 (S | E)
Hi !!!
I'm French and I've read your message. I'd like to talk to you if you have MSN it will be interesting because my English isn't very good !! I've seen too you're searching a person who can host you, but I think you won't be interested because I live in south of France and if you want to visit France it will be more interesting to go in to Paris !
But if you agree we could talk on MSN or by E-mail ??
I hope you answer me !! bye

Edité par bridg le 23-09-2005 16:32

Réponse: anyone want to host me ? de suryafrench, postée le 23-09-2005 à 14:00:10 (S | E)

I am Sandrine;I manage my english but I would like to improve it while corresponding with english-speaker.I would be happy to know you.I could lodge you but I need more information about you.

Réponse: anyone want to host me ? de crisouille, postée le 23-09-2005 à 14:53:59 (S | E)
Why not, it is a good idea but I don't know you are interessed. first I want to write a bit with you and after why not? But I live in Switzerland not in France.
I must do my first certificate in english and I need somebody to write good english and good speek and I am interessted to write you.

I hope an answer on you.

My name is Magali and if you want you kann with me speek about msn ok?

by by

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