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Kevin et Tom/Thème

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Réponse: Kevin et Tom/Thème de sanna6, postée le 03-09-2012 à 21:36:57 (S | E)
Une bonne soirée à vous et encore merci pour cet exercice!

Réponse: Kevin et Tom/Thème de plumet98, postée le 04-09-2012 à 21:16:27 (S | E)

Thank you very much for the correction of numerous mistakes,always and still !!!!! but I persist to try to succeed.
I look forward to a new exercise.
Thank you very much for this work which allows us to progress

Réponse: Kevin et Tom/Thème de maya92, postée le 05-09-2012 à 09:44:18 (S | E)
Thank you so much Lucile and now I am sure everyone is expecting the following episode of the kids'life..see you soon

Réponse: Kevin et Tom/Thème de notrepere, postée le 15-09-2012 à 20:01:26 (S | E)

I agree that 'lived' and 'were living' are both possible. Since the continuous tense doesn't exist in French, it's up to us to decide what makes the most sense. Because of this (the continuous tense not existing in French), and it being "reported speech", we can choose. I also prefer the continuous tense because we have to assume that there's a reason for asking the question in the first place. Where are your grandparents living now? Instead of inquiring about the simple fact of where they live (Where do they live?) But maybe I'm over-thinking it and he's just curious where they live.

Réponse: Kevin et Tom/Thème de lucile83, postée le 15-09-2012 à 21:42:38 (S | E)
Hello dear np,

Of course I could have chosen 'lived' but it sounds as if it is real past,that's why I prefer 'living' which makes me think I'm still alive
Also, Tom knows me.He and a lot of Kevin's friends can meet me in town,at school,and so on, and Tom may be eager to know where exactly I am living. Suppose his mother can't come and pick him up at school!..Kevin's granny will come and save him! That's why it is important to know where I am living.


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