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Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3
Message de violet91 posté le 10-06-2011 à 15:47:10 (S | E | F)
Bonjour mes chers petits mignons. ' Le cercle de famille s'agrandit donc ' .C'est la joie !

Les 'mordus' attendent une suite à ce bain romantique . La voici un peu édulcorée , conformément aux convenances du site lisible à tous. L'auteur voudra bien comprendre , je l'espère...sachant que plusieurs sont déjà allés à la librairie...

--------------------------- Ni avec toi, ni sans toi. Thème III ......................................................................

Au mariage d'Yvonne (soeur de Gauvain ), deux ans plus tard. George "Sanzès" se lasse de ce banquet interminable , des chansons de marins ou /et à boire , et surtout de son "rustre" pour qui elle ne semble même plus exister. Au diable , les Lozerech !...

.....[...]J'étais déjà dans le jardin de l'hôtel ...quand j'ai senti une main sur mon épaule qui me fit sursauter :
- " Il faut que je te voie , chuchotait Gauvain impérieusement. Attends-moi cette nuit à la cale, je te rejoindrai le plus vite que je pourrai . Avant une heure* sûrement."
Ce n'était pas une question. D'ailleurs, il n'attendit pas ma réponse. Mais j'ai pris mon temps : j'ai laissé descendre sa phrase en moi, j'ai respiré profondément et une onde de bonheur m'a submergée , m'emplissant d'une jubilation et d'une détermination flamboyantes.
Après la tabagie de la salle de bal, le vent d'ouest apportait par bouffées l'odeur violente du varech , une odeur de sensualité.[...] Repassant à la maison, je pris mon duffle- coat et y glissai dans la poche à tout hasard mon premier poème d'amour écrit pour lui deux ans plus tôt.[...]" Ca fait jeune-fille!", remarqua Frédérique. Mais, ne redevient-on pas une jeune-fille chaque fois que l'on court se faire aimer ?
Ce soir-là , on ne distinguait pas la lune. L'île de Raguenès se dressait, masse plus noire sur une mer noire et tout semblait immobile comme dans l'attente de quelque chose.J'ai rectifié : c'était moi qui attendais quelque chose. Pour la nature, c'était une nuit d'été comme les autres.
Dès la première minute de l'attente ,je suis entrée dans le délectable processus du plaisir. Je vivais ce que l'existence peut offrir de meilleur et j'en étais consciente. Ce soir-là, en toute folie, j'aurais renoncé à dix ans de ma vie - mettons cinq -pour que rien ne vienne entraver le déroulement de la pièce que nous allions jouer et où aucun de nous deux ne savait encore son rôle....[...] j'en ressentais une sorte de joie sauvage.
Enfin Gauvain est arrivé ! Il a garé sa voiture tout au bord de la falaise, j'ai entendu claquer la portière et deviné sa silhouette qui scrutait l'obscurité. Il m'avait aperçue à la lueur de ses phares sans doute[...]Je m'étais adossée à un canot tiré sur le sable pour me protéger du vent , les genoux entre les bras, dans une posture qui me paraissait à la fois sportive et romantique...On est très soucieux de ses attitudes à vingt ans !
Gauvain m'a saisi les deux mains pour me relever plus vite, m'a plaquée violemment contre lui, sa bouche ouvrant la mienne dans un baiser sans fin.. Sans bruit il s'est mis à pleuvoir et nous ne nous en sommes pas aperçus tout de suite tant nous étions en lointain pays. J'ai cru un instant que Gauvain pleurait et me suis écartée pour distinguer ses yeux...]

* Une heure du matin.

.....................................Forcément adapté des " VAISSEAUX DU COEUR " (1988) de madame BENOITE GROULT .

Si par cas, vous ' fatiguez' sur la longueur ( j'ai souffert "à opérer" un si beau morceau...), just do 'as you like it.'.

Enjoy yourselves a great deal , in any case. C'est plutôt irrésistible, non ?

.......Correction prévue vers le lundi 27 Juin......

--------- " Exhortation provocante, triomphante, à la passion physique capable de balayer toutes les différences sociales, culturelles, les entraves , l'éloignement, le temps , " les Vaisseaux du coeur " de Benoîte Groult est la plus fabuleuse des histoires d'amour. " Claire Gallois , ' Le magazine littéraire ' (1988).

----------" Elle a osé appeler un chat un chat, et ce roman n'a pas fini de faire scandale. (ce ne fut pas le cas).Pourtant ne croyez surtout pas qu'il s'agisse d'un roman 'leste'. C'est tout simplement une superbe histoire d'amour.Danièle Mazingarbe, ' le Figaro Madame '.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de code7, postée le 12-06-2011 à 21:33:48 (S | E)

Neither with you, nor without you.

At the Yvonne's wedding (Gauvain's sister), two years later. Georges "Sanzès" is fed up of that everlasting wedding banquet, of the sailors songs, and above all, of his "churl" who doesn't even consider her at all anymore.

I was in the garden of the hotel already... when I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me jump: "I have to meet you, ordered me Gauvain in a whisper. Wait for me tonight at the hold, I'll join you as soon as possible. Certainly before one hour a.m."
It wasn't a request. Besides, he wasn't expecting an answer. But I took my time: I spending all the necessary time to truly comprehend his statement, I took a deep breathe and a wave of joy overwhelmed me, that filled me with some flaming jubilation and determination.
Afterwards the smoky ballroom, some breathes of wind gone from west have brought a strong smell of varec,a kind of smell of sensuality. I have dropped in at home, and as I've picked up my duffle-coat, I've slipped in the pocket my first love poem written for him two years later-just in case."It sounds mushy!" observed Frédérique. Yet, don't we get back mushy every time we crave to be loved?
This night was a moonless night. Raguenès Island stood as the darkest density onto a dark sea. Everything seemed to be frozen as if something was expected. Actually, I was expecting something I should had had to say. According the wild, it was just an ordinary night.
In the meantime I was waiting for him, I've been going into the delicious process of pleasure. I've been feeling the best of what existence could offer. I was definitely aware of that. This night, in an entire way of madness, I could have given up ten years of my life- well, maybe five- to prevent anything from the play we were going to act which none of us already knew his own role. It brought me kind of brazen joy.
At last, Gauvain arrived! He's parked his car along the cliff, I've heard the slam of the car door, then I've distinguished his figure peering into the darkness. He had probably seen me by the lighthouse light. To protect myself of the wind, I leant back against a dinghy standing onto the sand. Arms around my knees, that posture looked as sportive as romantic to me. When you're twenty, you really pay attention with bearings!
Gauvain has seized my hands to help me up. Then, he's strongly flattened me against him. Pressing his mouth against mine, he was leading an everlasting kiss. Silently, it has started to rain. However, we were so far away from the concrete world that we didn't realize it. I thought for a short moment, that Gauvain was crying, so I moved back for making out his eyes...

Gosh! What a challenge! I look forward to having the correction...

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de dolfine56, postée le 13-06-2011 à 19:21:36 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,
thanks a lot, here I'm...

At the Yvonne's wedding,(Gavin's sister),two years later,Georges" Sanzes"is fed up with that endless banquet, with the sailors'and drinking songs,and,above all,with her lout she doesn't seem to be real anymore for him. The Lozerech can go to the devil!...

Neither with you, nor without you.part III.

...I was already in the garden of the hotel when I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me jump:
""I must see you",Gavin whispered masterfully.Wait for me at the slipway,I'll meet you as quick as possible, before one A.M,sure.
It wasn't a question,besides he didn't wait for my answer.But I took a long time, I let his words get into myself,I took a deep breath and a wave of happiness overwhelmed me, filling me up with blazing exultation and determination.
After the smoky ballroom, the west wind brought puffs of violent smells of kelp,a sultry scent ....Coming back home, I took my duffle-coat and slipped in the pocket, just in case,my first love poem,written for him two years earlier...."it looks ,like rosebud", Frederique pointed out.But, don't we become again a lass each time we run to be loved?
That night was a moonless one.Raguenès island stood as a darker mass on a dark sea and everything seemed to be frozen as waiting for something.I corrected: I was , myself, waiting for an event. Refering to nature,it was a very common summer night.
From the very first minute of the waiting , I was getting into the delightful process of pleasure.I was feeling the best of what existence could offer us, and I was well-aware of that.
On that night,going crazy,I would have been able to give up ten years of my life- let's say five years-in order that nothing hampers the unfolding of the piece we were going to play and where none of us already knew own part...I felt a kind of wild joy.
At last, Gavin arrived!he has parked his car on the side of the cliff,I have heard the door slam and I have made out his silhouette, scrutinizing darkness.Maybe he has perceived me thanks to the headlights...Protecting myself from the wind,I leant back on a dinghy, pulled out of the sand,the knees between my arms,in a posture I would like to be both sportive and romantic...twenty years old people are very concerned about their look .
Gavin has grabbed my two hands to make me get up quickly,pressed me up violently against him, his mouth openning mine in an endless kiss.Without a noise,it started raining,what we didn't realize forthwith, because we were so far away in a distant world.For a short time, I believed Gavin was crying, and I moved away in order to make out his eyes.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de sundeep, postée le 15-06-2011 à 00:41:17 (S | E)
Neither with, nor without you.

At Yvonne's wedding (Yvonne,Gauvin's sister), two years later. Georges "Sanzès" is fed up with that never-ending banquet, those shanties, those drinking songs and most of all with that boor of her whom she seems not to exist any longer for. The devil take the Lozereches!...

... [...] I was already in the hotel garden, when the feeling of a hand on my shoulder startled me: "I must see you, whispered imperiously Gauvin. Wait for me at the dock tonight, I will rejoin you as soon as possible. Most probably before one o'clock."

It was not a question. Besides, he did not wait for my answer. But I took my time: I allowed his sentence to flow down my body, I took a deep breath and a wave of bliss overwhelmed me, filling me with a blazing exultation and determination.
Following the smoky atmosphere of the dancing hall, the West wind was breathing the strong kelp smell on us, a sensual smell. [...] Going back through home, I took my duffel coat and just in case, I slipped the first love poem I had written for him two years before in the pocket. [...] "You behave girlish !", noticed Frederique. But aren't we becoming a young girl again each time we are running to get a man to fall in love with you?

That evening, the moon was not visible. The isle of Raguenès, a massive shape on the sea, darker than the sea itself, towered up and the whole seemed motionless as if expecting something. I rectified: it's me who was waiting for something. As for nature, it was a summer night as any other.
From the very first minute of my wait, I entered into the delectable process of pleasure. I was living the best that life can offer and I was aware of it. That evening, in sheer folly, I should have given up ten years of my life -say five - so that nothing disturb the course of the play we were going to act and in which none of us knew one's part....[...] I was drawing a kind of wild and happy feeling.

In the end, Gauvin arrived! He parked his car on the very edge of the cliff. I heard the door slam and guessed his figure peering into the darkness. He must have seen me in the beam of the headlights.[...] I had leant my back against a dingy - drawn on the sand - to protect me from the wind, knees in the arms, in a position I considered sportive and romantic at the same time... When you are twenty, you are very concerned with your attitude!
Gauvin got me back to my feet, taking my both hands to be quicker, pinning violently my body against his, his mouth opening mine by an everlasting kiss... Without a sound it started to rain and we did not realise it at once since we were in a so far-off country. I thought for a while that Gauvin was crying and I moved away from him to make out his eyes...]

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de zodiac97500, postée le 15-06-2011 à 14:51:57 (S | E)
Good morning

Neither with,nor without you

At Yvonne 's wedding (Gauvain's sister ) , two years later . Georges "sanzès" is guetting fed up about this endless banquet , sailors or/ and drinking songs and most of all about her boorish for who she seems to be less than a souvenir .
Go to hell les Lorezech .

I was already in the hotel's garden ... when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me startle :
Gauvain was whispering imperiously - I need to see you ! Wait for me tonight on the wharf , I'll meet you as soon as I can ; Before an hour " probably "
It was not a request . For sure he didn't wait for my answer . But I took all my time ; his phrase took some time to sink in me , I took a deep breath and a wave of happyness overwhelmed me , filling myself with a blazing determination .
After the smoke of the dancing room , the west wind was bringing flushes of the violent smell from the varec , a sensual smell . Back home, I took my duffle-coat and dropped in the pocked as we never know what can happen , my first love poem wrote for him two years ago .

- It sounds teenage girl , shout Frédérique . But don't we become a Teenage girl everytime we crave about love ?

That night , we couldn't see the moon ; The Island of Raguenès was standing , black darker mass on a dark see and all seemed still....waiting for something to happen . I modified : I was the one waiting for something . About the nature ... It was an ordinary summer night like all the other ones .
From the first minute waiting , I came in the delectable process of pleasure . I was living the best..! Life can offer you and I was realy aware about it . That night , beeing foolish , I would have given ten years of my life -maybe - five to stop what ever would disturb the unfolding of the scene we were going to play and where neither of us knew a word about the role .... I was thrilled from a wild thrill .
At last Gauvain was there ! He parked the car just on the edge of the cliff , I heard the door slam and guessed his silhouette scrutinizing the darkness . No doubt ....he had seen me with the glow of his headlights ... I was leaning against a boat to find a shelter because of the wind , my knees between my arms, in a posture which I found to be as sport as romantic ... At twenty years old you are very concerned about your attitude .
Gauvain grabed my two hands to make me stand up faster , pined me violently against him , his mouth opening mine in an endless kiss ... Silently it started to rain and we didn't immediately realise it beeing so far away . I had that feeling for a second that Gauvain was crying so I moved back to pick out his eyes ....

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de joe39, postée le 16-06-2011 à 14:13:55 (S | E)
hello dear violet

Neither with, nor without you.

At the Yvonne’s wedding (Gauvan’s sister) two years later. George “Sanzès” , was sick of that endless feast, of those mariner songs, of all that drinking and above all of her “rough fellow” for which she does not even seem to exist. Be damned the Lozerech!
I was standing on the hotel’s garden, when a hand put on my shoulder startled me:
“I must see you” whistled Gauvan peremptory .” Wait for me at the cove this night, I will meet you as soon as it will be possible for me. Surely before one o’clock”.
It was not a question .Anyway he did not wait me to give an answer. But I kept calm: I let that sentence going in my mind; I deeply breathed and a wave of happiness overwhelmed me, making me filled up with a huge sense of exultancy and determination.
After the stench of smoking of the ball room, the blows of westerly wind were bringing a strong smell of kelps, a smell of sensuality. (..) I went back home, got my Montgomery, slipping into the pocket my first love poem written for him two years before. (..) “It pays, girl!” remarked Frèdèrique, But, don’t you turn again a girl whenever you want to be loved?
The moon was not visible that night. The island of Raguenès, was a darker mass than the dark sea on which it stood and all seemed being still, as waiting for something to happen.. Indeed I was waiting for something, but for the nature it was like all the other summer nights.
I went into the delightful process of pleasure from the first minute of my waiting . I was consciously living the best which the life could offer
That night, in complete madness, I would have given up ten years, no, I would say 5 years, of my life, in order to avoid that anything could hamper the development of the role we are going to perform, that role which we both still ignored….(…) I felt a kind of wild joy.
At last Gauvain arrived! He left his car on the cliff’s edge; I heard him slamming the door and I imagined his silhouette scanning the darkness. He probably had seen me in the light of his car’s headlights(…). I was leaning against a beached dinghy to shelter myself from the wind, my knee in my arms, in a posture which seemed to me sportily and romantic at the same time….We are very concerned about our poses when we are twenty years old !
Gauvain grabbed hold of my hands to make me quickly stand up, then he violently pressed me against him, his mouth opening mine in an endless kiss. Suddenly it started raining but soundless.
We did not notice it at once because our minds were but elsewhere. Instead, I believed Gauvain was weeping, so I slightly grew apart from him to make out his eyes.

Thanking for the demanding job, I'm looking forward to receiving the corrections.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de eos17, postée le 20-06-2011 à 12:39:37 (S | E)
Hello Violet,

Neither with you nor without you
..I was already in the garden of the hotel when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump:
-"I've got to see you,whispered Gauvain imperiously.Wait for me tonight on the slipway,I'llmeet up you as quick as I can. Certainly before one o' clock."
It wasn't a request.For the matter,he didn't wait for my answer.But I took my time, I breathed deeply and a wave of happiness overwhelmed me, filling me with a fervent jubilation and resoluteness.
After the smoke of the dance hall,the West wind puffed the strong smell of the kelp,a smell of sensuality...Coming back home, I wore my duffle-coat and slipped in the pocket ,just in case,my first love poem written for him two years soonner..."It looks like girl",remarked Frédérique. But don't we become again a young woman when we run to be loved ?
That evening we didn't distinguish the moon. The Raguenès Island stood , black shape on a dark sea and everything seemed calm like in the expectation for something.I corrected :myself waited for something.It was a summer nightlike the others.
From the first minutes of waiting,I came into the delightful process of pleasure.I was living the best of life could give us and I was aware.That night ,in sheer madness,I would give up ten years of my life -let's say rather five years-So that nothing could disturb the course of the scene we are going to play and where none of us knew his role .I felt a kind of warm-blooded joy.
At last Gauvain arrived ! He parked his car on the cliff side,I heard the door slama nd guessed his figure who scanned the darkness.He had seen me with his headlights no doubt...I was leaning against a dinghy drawn on the sand,the knees between my arms ,in a posture which looked like both sporty and romantic ...When we 're twenty ,we 're very careful of our attitudes.
Gauvain grabbed my hands to make me stand up faster, pressed me wildy against him,his mouth opening mine in an endless kiss.....It started raining silently but we didn't feel it right now so we were on a far-off country .I believed that Gauvain was crying for a while and I moved away to watch his eyes.

chère violet pour cette histoire passionnante !!

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de maya92, postée le 20-06-2011 à 17:53:42 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet,

At Yvonne's wedding (Gauvain's sister), two years later, George 'Sanzès' grew tired of the endless dinner, the sailors' songs and/or drinking songs and above all of her 'boor' to whom she doesn't even appear to exist. Hang the Lozerech...

..I was already in the garden of the hotel when a hand on my shoulder startled me :
"I must see you", Gauvain whispered urgently. "Wait for me at the slipway, I'll be there as quickly as possible,certainly before 1 a.m." That was not a question ; besides, he did not wait for my answer.
But I took my time : I let his words steal inside me, I breathed deeply and was flooded by a wave of happiness that filled me with a blazing exultation and a determination too.
After the smoky ballroom, the west wind was giving off a pungent smell of kelp, a smell of sensuality..
Back to my house, I took my duffel-coat and, just in case, slipped into the pocket the first poem of love I wrote for him two years earlier
"Sounds girlish", Frederique saidnew
But doesn't a woman feel young again when she runs towards a new love ?
That night, the moon was hidden. The island of Raguenès loomed up, a darker mass on a dark sea and everything seemed motionless as if waiting for something to happen. Correction : I was the one waiting for something. As for nature, it was a summer night like all the others.
From this very minute, I entered into the delicious mechanism of pleasure. I was living the best of life and I was aware of that. This very night, extravagantly, I could have given up ten years of my life (let's say five..)for nothing to hinder the plot of the play we were going to play and in which none of us knew his part.. I felt a kind of wild joy.
At last, Gauvain came. He had parked his car at the cliff's edge, I had heard the door bang and made out his figure through darkness. He had seen me by his headlights. I was leaning back against a boat pulled on the sand to be protected from the wind in a position that, I thought, was both athletic and romantic. You are very concerned with your poses when are twenty !
Gauvain grabbed my two hands to help me up, flattened me against him, his mouth opening mine in an endless kiss...Soundlessly, it had started to rain but we had not noticed that at once as we were in so far-off lands. I thought for a moment that Gauvain was crying and I stepped back to see his eyes..

Here you are, long, difficult but thrilling..thank you again Violet..

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 26-06-2011 à 13:02:35 (S | E)

Bonjour dear all and enjoy this lovely sunny Sunday !

.....Je passe pour vous prévenir : déjà, une correction en des activités prenantes. Je ne' m'attaquerai' à ce rendez-vous amoureux qu'à la fin de la semaine...ce qui laisse aux volontaires un peu plus de temps ...à réfléchir. A très bientôt.

Lien internet
..certes, c'est plus ...chaud exotique que Raguenès..

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de ariane6, postée le 03-07-2011 à 11:53:21 (S | E)
Bonjour Violet !

Merci pour cette belle séquence et surtout merci de nous avoir accordé un peu plus de temps !

At the wedding of Yvonne (Gauvain's sister), two years later.
... George "Sanzès" grew tired of the never-ending banquet, the sea shanties and drinking songs and particularly of her "lout" for whom she didn't even appear to exist. To hell with the Lozerechs !...

.....[...]I was already in the hotel garden...when I felt a hand on my shoulder that startled me.
-"I must see you," Gauvain whispered pressingly. "Wait for me at the cove tonight. I'll be with you as soon as I can. Before one o'clock, definitely."
It was not a question. He did not even wait for my answer. But I took my time : I let his sentence sink in, I breathed deeply and a wave of happiness overwhelmed me, filling me with joy and a burning resolve.
After the ballroom's tobacco haze, the West wind puffed a powerful smell of seaweed…a sensuous smell.[...] Returning home, I got my duffle-coat and, just in case, I slipped into the pocket my first love poem which I'd written for him two years earlier.
"Just like a young girl !" Frédérique commented. But, don't we all become young girls again, every time we rush to be loved ?
That evening, the moon was nowhere to be seen. Raguenes island was an even blacker mass rising out of a black sea. Everything seemed still as if waiting for something. I correct myself…it was me who was expecting something. As far as nature was concerned, it was a summer's night, like any other.
From the first moment of waiting, I started down a delightful path of pleasure. I was living the best that life had to offer and I was aware of it. That evening, in a moment of madness, I would have given ten years of my life – say five - to avoid anything ruining the scene we were going to enact out, one in which both of us knew our part. I felt a kind of wild joy.
At last Gauvain arrived ! He parked his car on the edge of the cliff. I heard his car door slamming and could make out his silhouette peering into the darkness. He had probably seen me in the glow of his headlights.[...]To protect myself from the wind, I had my back to a dinghy hauled on the sand. My knees were between my arms, in a posture that seemed to me both sportive and romantic... At twenty we are very aware of our poses !
Gauvain grasped my two hands to help me stand up faster, violently pulling me against him, his mouth opening mine in an endless kiss ... Without a sound, it started to rain but we did not notice straight away as we were in a faraway land. For a moment I thought Gauvain was crying so I tilted my head back to see his eyes.

à bientôt pour la suite !

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de hanifa, postée le 03-07-2011 à 23:08:40 (S | E)
Hello my Dear Violet,

Hou la la la je craignais d'être réellement en retard, j'ai enfin pu poster mon essai de traduction prêt depuis avant hier soir mais pas eu le temps de le mettre sur le forum. Merci beaucoup Violette pour ce délai supplémentaire. And please be kind (of course you are! ;o)) I did my best.

Here I go :

Neither with you nor without you 3

At Yvonne's wedding (Gauvain's sister), two years later. George Sanzès is wearing of this endless banquet, song of sailors or/and some drink, above all his "uncouth (boorish)" for who she doesn't even seem exist anymore. Go hell! Lozerech's!...
I was already in the hostel's garden... Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder which maked me jump : "I must to see you", whispered Gauvain imperiously. Wait for me this night at the slipway, I will join you faster that I will can. Before one hour, surely."
That was not a question. Also, he didn't wait my answer. But I took all my time : I let his phrase penetrated into myself, I breathed deeply and a wave of happiness submerged me, filling me up with a blazing jubilation and determination.
After the smocking smell of the ballroom, west's wind bought by hot the violent odor of kelp, a sensuality odor. Coming back at home, I took all my duffle-coat and draged it in the pocket on the off chance, a love poem write for him two years earlier. "It sounds young girl!", noticed Frederique. But do not we come back a young girl each time we run after love?
This night, we cannot make out (=> distinguish) the moon. Island of Raguenes standed up, blackest mass on a black see and everything seemed still as if waiting for something.
For the nature, that was a summer night like the others. From the first minute of the waiting, I came into this delectable process of pleasure. I was living that the existence can offer better, and I was aware (conscious) of that.
That night, by madness, I would renounce (give up) ten years of my life, maybe five, for nothing impede the progress of this game that we going to play, and none of two of us didn't know our own roles. I felt by this, a kind of savage joy.
At last Gauvain came! He parked his car very edge of the cliff, I heard the door of his car slammed and I guessed his silhouette whom searched in the darkness. He has see me, maybe by his headlights. I leaned against a dighny towed on the sand to protect me from the wind , my knees between my arms, in a position that makes me think both sporty and romantic... We are very concerned by our own attitudes when we are twenty years old.
Gauvain grabed me with his both hands to lift me up faster, pinned me violently against him, his mouth opening mine in the endless kiss... Without noise, it began raining and we don't realize it right away, such we were in a land which would very far away. I thought in a moment that Gauvain was crying and I moved away from him to distinguish his eyes...

One hour in the morning.

Modifié par hanifa le 03-07-2011 23:09


Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 06-07-2011 à 23:45:57 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous , dear all,

Les vacances ? La retraite ? Vais- je arriver à poser cette correction ? Avant ma " nouvelle vague " de demain, je tente...merci mille fois d'être venus participer et d'attendre toujours aussi courtoisement..

---------------------------------- Neither with you nor without you. Thème 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At Yvonne's wedding ( Gavin's sister),two years later . George ' Sanzes' ( Gavin used to make fun of her first name = "without an 's'" like George Sand , the French feminist writer he would have never heard of, anyway-), George then is getting fed up with that never-ending banquet,those (drunken)sailors and their sea-shanties, and above all of her 'oaf' who now seems to ignore her completely , !
To Hell with those Lozerechs

...[ I was already in the hotel garden when ,suddenly, I was startled by a hand on my shoulder .' I've got to see you' , Gavin's whisper was harsh .' Wait for me by the harbour. I'll be with you as soon as I can . By one at the latest.
It was not a question and he didn't wait for an answer. But I took my time. As I allowed the meaning of his words to sink in , I drew a deep breath and a wave of happiness broke over me , filling me with blazing, joyous resolution.
After the smoky dance hall ,the west wind blew the strong smell of kerp ( seaweed ), a smell of sensuality.[...]I went home, collected my duffle-coat and just in case grabbed then slid in a pocket of it the first love poem I had written for him two years earlier. ' How schoolgirlish this is ! ' Frederique remarked . Still, you always get a bit schoolgirlish when you are racing off to be loved, don't you ?

...A suivre. Merci Good night.

Modifié par violet91 le 07-07-2011 11:53

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 08-07-2011 à 13:52:05 (S | E)
" Symphonie inachevée " pour Raguenès..ou suspendue ( very sorry )jusqu'à au moins ce soir. J'ai mes deux little kiddies depuis hier midi. A + .Your Violet.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de hanifa, postée le 08-07-2011 à 16:05:06 (S | E)
Hello Violet,

No problem, we understand, you might be very very busy. Take all your time. See you soon.
Big kisses.


Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de notrepere, postée le 13-07-2011 à 15:58:19 (S | E)

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 13-07-2011 à 17:42:14 (S | E)
Ce mercredi 13 à 17h.

Oh! Tous vos petits messages internes , sur le forum..tes 'kisses' , tes si délicates fleurs bleues( my favourite colour), dear disponibilité en partie retrouvé chaleur que peut apporter ce site me remets au travail.

Grand bonjour à tous , friends et chers petits mignons ,

Encore merci aussi de votre élégante patience
. There I am !!

---------------------------------- Neither with you nor without you. Thème 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At Yvonne's wedding ( Gavin's sister),two years later . George ' Sanzes' ( Gavin used to make fun of her first name = "without an 's'" like George Sand , the French feminist writer he would have never heard of, anyway-), George then is getting fed up with that never-ending banquet,those (drunken)sailors and their sea-shanties, and above all of her 'oaf' who now seems to ignore her completely , !
To Hell with those Lozerechs !

...[ I was already in the hotel garden when ,suddenly, I was startled by a hand on my shoulder .' I've got to see you' , Gavin's whisper was harsh .' Wait for me by the harbour (slipway). I'll be with you as soon as I can . By one at the latest.
It was not a question and he didn't wait for an answer. But I took my time. As I allowed the meaning of his words to sink in , I drew a deep breath and a wave of happiness broke over me , filling me with blazing, joyous resolution.
After the smoky dance hall ,the west wind blew the strong smell of kelp ( seaweed ), a smell of sensuality.[...]I went home, collected my duffle-coat and just in case grabbed then slipped in a pocket of it the first love poem I had written for him two years earlier. ' How schoolgirlish this is ! ' Frederique remarked . Still, you always get a bit schoolgirlish when you are racing off to be loved, don't you ?

There was no moon, that night. The Isle of Raguenes could just be seen, a darker mass on the dark sea. Everything seemed poised in stillness, as if waiting for something. Correction : I was waiting for something. For nature, it was a summer night like any other.
From the moment I got there, I was caught up in the exquisite state of passionate anticipation, aware that this was the highest experience life can offer. That evening, I would gladly have sacrificed ten years of my life - well, five anyway -to ensure that nothing would come between us and the drama we were about to play, though neither of us yet knew our lines....[..]I felt such wild joy !
At last, he arrived. His car stopped at the edge of the cliff and I heard the door slam. I could just make him out as he peered around in the darkness. He must have glimpsed me in the headlights[..] I was sitting with my back against a beached dinghy, sheltering from the wind, clasping my arms around my knees trying to look alluring and casual at the same time. One tends to strike poses at twenty
. What are a few years of old age when you're twenty ? I was preparing for a night with no tomorrow- outside convention, outside caution, outside even hope.
Before I could say a word,Gavin seized my hands and pulled me up to him , clasping me fiercely, his mouth forcing my lips apart in an endless kiss...A silent rain began to fall. Neither of us noticed at first. We were in another world. For a moment I thought he must be crying, and drew back to search his eyes. His hair was falling in shining curls on his forehead, and drops sparkled on his eyelashes. Perhaps they were tears after all. Our lips came together again , parted for a breath and then joined ,slippery with the delicious taste of summer rain.

-------------------Adapted from " LES VAISSEAUX DU COEUR " , ' VESSELS OF THE HEART' (1988) by BENOITE GROULT * (born in 1920 ) . With bits and pieces from ' Salt on our skin' by Mo Teitelbaum.-----------------------------------------------------------------

* ' Truly solitary is he or she who is nobody's number one' . Helene Deutsch (née Rosenbach) (October 9, 1884 – March 29, 1982) was an Austrian-American psychoanalyst and colleague of Sigmund Freud. She was the first psychoanalyst to specialize in women .

Je tiens encore à remercier infiniment Madame Benoîte Groult qui m'a fait confiance et s'est même réjouie de voir son roman ( de coeur) remis en lumière grâce au site. Je salue aussi son éternel engagement pour la liberté des femmes et tout ce qu'elle leur a apporté sur des générations .

Voilà pour my first task. (je reviendrai peut-être dessus).

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 13-07-2011 à 20:48:52 (S | E)

Back to n'ai plus qu'à ...recopier et tirer les liens ! Let's go ! 10 PM

1 ) Yvonne's wedding : pas d'article devant un nom propre sg. ou titre.
William and Kate's honeymoon.
- au pluriel , oui : the Windsors' reception.

...ou alors , vous faites une exception : Ah! le fameux, celui dont tout le monde parle...comme :
- "Are you the Fauré ?" asked a chic American lady to G.Depardieu (starring in "Greencard" )at her smart party ; he pretended he was named Fauré when sitting at the piano....then , he played nonsense..with the guests and lady first stunned, then clapping their hands , wondering they were not missing some kind of abstract music !

Ecoutez plutôt : je vous le disais : c'est " la berceuse de la mort" disait Gabriel Fauré.Lien internet

..ou alors Lien internet

2 )To get tired of ou plus dans l'esprit de l'impatiente George - to get fed up with (ras-le-bol).

3 ) Never-ending (péjoratif= boring) : qui n'en finit pas comme ' Hélas, pour moi' de Godard! ...voire " India song" (et je parle encore d'elle) considéré comme un chef d'oeuvre , pourtant (là, je me suis un peu ennuyée)

Lien internet
(et cet extrait me donne envie de le revoir)

--4 )A sea- shanty (érivé du verbe français ' chanter'.
Shanties and sea songs : 'the art of manliness' in the age of sail.(and later!)
Changement total de genre pour vous revigorer :
Lien internet

ou encore , cette si belle
Lien internet
(vous avez les paroles et un exercice sur ce site)

--5 )Dans les éclats de 'fireworks' , je poursuis : An oaf (oafs), a boor [b ], a cad, a dolt...a nincompoop (plutôt un imbécile , un ' cornichon!) (je n'y résiste pas !).
Bref, un rustre, un mal dégrossi,un homme sans éducation, un "plouc." Vous voyez le genre...

6 ) Scram ! Dam ! Darn ! To Hell with : au diable ..dégagez ! Un à la fois suffira bien.

--7 ) I've got to see you !"cf. the previous correction on the modal verbs): envie pressante. I am so eager to see you .In other words , I am dying..(ou presque) to . 2 ans de désir , can you imagine ?

--7 ) Harsh [h]: dur, sévère , impératif.

--8 )The slipway : la rampe, la cale. By the harbour (harbor :US): près du port.

--8 ) To join somebody ( in a party), to join Westpoint Military Academy (like Allan Edgar Poe - not for long : he was sacked): rejoindre , entrer à , s'engager (to enrole) .
I'll be with you : est le seul objectif à atteindre.

--9 ) By one o' clock AM : je vous attendais un peu

-- 10 )I allowed # I let (plus plat)(verbes causatifs: cause à effet) ; George était impatiente et braquée ( fed up with her oaf) contre Gauvain...donc , elle laisse, autorise et contrôle la lente pénétration des mots tant attendus dans son corps et son coeur.

--11 )The words to sink in : les mots glissent lentement , sombrent, s'absorbent, deviennent elle..."comme" le Titanic au fond de l'Atlantique .
Ce n'est pas dramatique, ici : juste le 'naufrage' grisant d'un ' bateau ivre' 'à deux têtes' enamourées.

--12 ) To draw (in)[drew, drawn] a deep breath (brth ...'th' doux, coucou dolfine] : inspirer à fond , comme avant de franchir un obstacle ou après un choc.

--13 ) A wave ...broke over me : pour rester dans la sémantique marine.(champ lexical de la mer) . Avez-vous remarqué tous les emprunts à ce vocabulaire dans le vocabulaire de l'amour ?

......." La musique souvent me prend comme une mer" .C. Baudelaire.

Lien internet

Lien internet je terminerai , ce soir , sur du sublime ( to my mind). Je le vois , le revois , le revois et je suis " en allée"...( Palais des Congrés à Paris/ 1984 ?)

Lien internet

Have a musical and beautiful night .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 14-07-2011 à 14:36:09 (S | E)

Bon jour , dear Frenchies and other friends,

Si l'on reprenait le fil de la conversation...

--14 ) Joyous[s] : contient déjà la notion de jouissance.

-- 15 ) A dance hall (privé , plutôt que public) / a ballroom .A dancing lesson.

--17 ) Seaweed : (joli) terme générique. Kelp : le varech, pour les connaisseurs.

...comme celui du bassin d'Arcachon , plein de senteurs , en effet (une fine 'forêt' sous l'eau ou des chevelures éparses, abandonnées sur le sable, à marée basse) et de nos plages atlantiques.
Joli lit où l'on pose les huîtres et fruits de mer (seafood). Et , très bon pour la peau !

"les travailleurs de la mer" le ramassent.

--18 ) I collected [k'lktid]my duffle-coat: to collect, ici: prendre à la va-vite.
Sinon, récolter, faire une collecte(gather), collectionner.

1965 The Collector Freddie Clegg Best Actor Award (Cannes Film Festival) : collectionneur de papillons et kidnappeur de jeune-fille cet ' ange corrompu' ou pas de 'Théorème' (Pasolini)

--19 )To grab- grabbed [ grbd]: s'emparer de , empoigner à 'l'arrachée'.

-- 20 ) To slip : glisser " vite fait ", comme une lettre sous une porte. To slide : glisser " sans se presser" et qqch de plus volumineux qu'une feuille de papier .(a sheet)
-to slip into a dress : enfiler une robe (urgence, aussi)

--21 ) ' Schoolgirlish' :péjoratif suffixe en- ish. Frédérique , la soeur cadette, est sûrement jalouse, parce que trop petite encore .( Est-ce Flora Groult ?- 4 ans de différence- ' Journal à quatre mains'-1958, ' Le féminin pluriel'-1965- , 'il était deux fois' - 1967) Un poème, une attitude de "gamine", de lycéenne ,remarque-t-elle.Elle aurait pu dire de "midinette"!

Adj.en ish , le plus souvent péjoratifs.
Sluggish, Childish, Brackish, Foolish, Selfish, Whorish...

--22 ) B. Groult , l'écrivaine et narratrice ici, s'adresse plutôt aux femmes, ses consoeurs qui savent de l'intérieur, d'où l'importance de ce roman qui décrit précisément les sensations d'une femme.
-- Don't we always get ...? ou plutôt l'assertion complice qui nous englobe avec le tag.
--You always get..., don't you? (intonation descendante, deux fois).

........Lien internet
: superbe. Une réussite, celui-là ! pauvre Christian Marquand (frère de Nadine Trintignant)

.......Lien internet
...' gloire nationale'!( et là c'est Jean- Louis Trintignant)

-- 23 )To remark : faire une remarque désobligeante.# to notice (s'apercevoir, remarquer)# to mention, to comment (ajouter son point de vue: vous pouvez opter entre agressivité , neutralité ou gentillesse)

........mais si dans un affrontement sur un choix par ex. ou en éducation " any comment?"= tu n'as rien à dire , c'est ma liberté.. C'est 'comme ça'.

-- 24 ) There was no moon, that night.Contrairement à la nuit du bain de minuit qui enjolivait le décor et jouait presque un rôle en sublimant les jeux d'approches amoureuses.
On est ici dans la nuit veloutée , celle des secrets. la pluie va venir , de toute façon.

-- 25 )Comme in " the heart of darkness' ( a novel by Joseph Conrad - 1902). le 'noir' de la nuit n'est pas 'black' ...même quand il fait 'pitch dark' (noir comme de la poix). l'oeil s'accoutume assez vite et on distingue formes, lieux...encore plus au bord de la mer.
Ce n'est ni the " Black sea" ni , heureusement , an oil spill : une marée noire (de mazout)
Lien internet

--26 ) To be poised [pzd](posture): arrêt sur image. En pause. Un moment suspendu.

" Ô temps ! suspends ton vol, et vous, heures propices !
Suspendez votre cours :
Laissez-nous savourer les rapides délices
Des plus beaux de nos jours !
"...Lamartine , of course.( ' Le lac' 1820).

...un peu comme la beauté d'une nature 'morte' : a still-life .Lien internet

Lien internet

***Une omission : to strike (struck, struck ) a pose, an attitude =to place oneself in a particular usually rather showy(voyante, ostentatoire) pose.(comme en photo)

--27 )Exquisite [s'kwizit]: c'est exquis à entendre déjà. Delightful or delicious. Cela se savoure, en tout cas. Parallèles encore entre les plaisirs de la chè ceux de la chair.

Salvador Dali qui adorait sa femme " Gala" :

...............Lien internet

exprima son désir d'imaginer sa femme devenue 'olive' une fois morte : ainsi , il l'absorberait , elle deviendrait lui.

Lien internet

-- 28 ) The passionate anticipation : il y a de l'avenir dans ce 'near future' . Tout ce que W.Allen dit préférer dans l'amour. Question de goût..
Rappelez-vous le fameux passage de la main :
"Timide et indocile dans un premier temps, Julien Sorel ne tarde pas à trouver un certain attrait à cette nouvelle vie. Il devient l'amant de Mme de Rênal. Son entreprise de séduction relève de l'entreprise militaire. Il se donne des ordres à lui-même. Par exemple, la première fois qu'il prend la main de Mme de Rênal, c'est un geste médité qu'il doit accomplir, à tel moment. Il semble donc aimer par volonté, mais n'en éprouve pas moins bientôt de sincères et délicats sentiments" . Stendhal . ' Le rouge et le noir".(1830)

..ou le baiser du soir et l'anticipation néfaste.Lien internet
Ce n'est pas une disposition positive que celle-là,une aptitude au bonheur, Monsieur Proust.

--29 ) To sacrifice [' skrifs]. La coquette B. Groult écrit ce roman à 68 ans....elle connaît mieux la valeur du temps , ' du nombre des années', pas vrai ?

-- 30 ) To ensure [in']= to guarantee, to make certain, to make safe, to guard [gd] to protect. Pas insure = indemnify against loss.(assurer par contrat)

Let me have a cup of tea ! (thank you, hanifa, for your treat)

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 14-07-2011 à 18:36:18 (S | E)
31 )The drama [drm]: comme a 'drama lesson' , une leçon de théâtre (Ah! Patrice Chéreau à Pascal Greggory!)
Le théâtre suppose des 'lines 'et rôles(parts) à jouer.

Pensez à Ariane Mnouchkine qui faisait jouer à ses acteurs deux Shakespeare ,d' un jour sur l'autre, plusieurs d'entre eux intervenant sous différents rôles à l'intérieur d'une pièce ! "Richard II' un soir, "The twelfth night , l' pas de trous de mémoire ! Fantastique ! Et sans micro dans la Cour d'Honneur d'Avignon !1982

--Lien internet
(après stages de danses buto et kabuki au Japon)
--Lien internet

' Drama' est une matière scolaire obligatoire en GB : une aubaine ! De quoi ' décoincer' les timides et donner de l'assurance . Et chaque matin, un élève tiré au sort improvise quelques minutes. sur un sujet imposé!
Ainsi..coucou aux Canadiens (ligue d'improvisation), les matches d'improvisation sont une référence.

Lien internet
Un aperçu.

Pour Match d'impro: Québec vs France (2006): se reporter aux " bourrus" sur youtube. Je ne trouve rien de vraiment 'politically correct'!

--32 )Wild joy : tellement intense que cela devient incontrôlable , primitif, sauvage. On 'perd bien la tête' ?

--33 )His car stopped or he stopped his car : verbes ' semi-causatifs' ou ' activity verbs). Comme pour les 'compound verbs' , Colette Cortès ou Michel Simon (pas une blague !) de Paris VII vous expliqueraient.

On s'occupe d'abord de ce que l'on perçoit : focalisation sur la voiture! He stopped his car : cause>> His car stopped << effet.

....Lien internet
..un autre phénomène national !

--33 ) I heard the door slam .coucou Nina . Construction d'un verbe de perception avec constat brut.
To slam the door: claquer la porte !

Le professeur Huerre (pédopsychiatre) vous dirait :
" Un adolescence sans crise n'est pas une adolescence. Les portes claquées , c'est bon signe" .Hmmm...

to slam :
(n.) Winning all the tricks of a deal (called, in bridge, grand slam, the winning of all but one of the thirteen tricks being called a little slam).
(v. i.) To come or swing against something, or to shut, with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise; as, a door or shutter slams.
(v. t.) To shut with force and a loud noise; to bang; as, he slammed the door.
(v. t.) To strike with some implement with force; hence, to beat or cuff.
(n.) The shock and noise produced in slamming.
(v. t.) To defeat (opponents at cards) by winning all the tricks of a deal or a hand.
(n.) The act of one who, or that which, slams.
(n.) The refuse of alum works.
(v. t.) To put in or on some place with force and loud noise; -- usually with down; as, to slam a trunk down on the pavement.
(v. t.) To strike down; to slaughter.
(n.) Winning all the tricks of a deal.

...des ' slammeurs' pas ordinaires :Lien internet

..Lien internet
(coucou np, peux-tu nous dire pourquoi ' slam' ici?)

-- 34 )To peer [p]= to eagle eye, to pierce, to scrutinize...

--35 )To glimpse (transitif) = to catch sight of.

--36 ) The headlights of the car # "la promenade au phare " = ' To the lighthouse'.V.Woolf.(1927)

Lien internet

-- 35 )A beached dinghy ( or dingy [dili], mais attention à l'écrit ,car l'adj.dingy[dini] = dirty, dark
,in a bad state , unpleasant...

-----------oooh !laaa! laaa!... Voilà que je m'y reprends à 3 fois .8.04PM ..cette fin me joue des tours.

Anyway, a ' dinghy' (pl -ies) est un emprunt au Bengali ou Urdu. Na ! Une ' annexe' en somme, pas vrai ariane ? Comme au( Cap )Ferret!

....Ces deux-là m'ont fait craquer :

a) de l'art :

.... . ' Beached dinghies' by Scottish Ethel Walker. Oil on canvas.
En plus grand :
Lien internet

b ) et de l'attendrissement : l'important étant , dit Willy, que 'it won't , isn't going to, doesn't take long'!
Lien internet
..for a 3 hours ' tour!

-- 36 ) To shelter ['lt]: (s')abriter. A shelter : un abri.

...rappelez-vous : ' Gimme (give me)shelter'. 1970 .A documentary film on the Rolling Stones. Lien internet pour les nostalgiques de Keith Richards : pour toi , Lucile...

Lien internet
. Emouvant, tout de même. Mais, modération.

--37 ) Alluring ['ljri] Appealing, attractive, enticing, seductive, tempting.

--37 bis ) Casual ['kzul le son ' jeu'] : unplanned or spontaneous or easy going or relaxed or liberated , cool...better than sporty, peut-être.( même si B.G était une grande sportive depuis l'enfance et jusque très tard : voile, ski...)

-- 38 ) He seized[szd] my hands : plus empressé que 'took'. S'emparer de ,saisir fortement et ne surtout pas lâcher.

....Comme 'la valeur du jour' , 'le bonheur du jour' , ne pas le manquer !
cf . ' Seize the day' (1956) by Saul Bellow The great Canadian Jewish American writer (1915- 2005). Nobel prize in 1976 for ' Humboldst's gift'.

Lien internet
..à lire... toujours le ' Carpe diem' d' Horace.

Lien internet
... 'tempus fugit',' time flies' ,donc , croquez la vie à belles dents , pas comme Proust. Tristan Bernard (1866.1947) : ' Le bonheur serait de se souvenir du présent'.

Now , let me have dinner !! Have a good meal , too! Five more to come..then, finished!

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 14-07-2011 à 22:37:52 (S | E)
........ Well! cela valait la peine...j'ai déjà eu une petite ' award' pour mes gros efforts : 'an exquisite raspberry tart' (succulente !)digne d'Albert de Mun de Bordeaux. (il a donné là-bas son nom au lycée hôtelier- spécialité desserts !) Ca vous dit qqch, ariette, ariane ?

-- 39 ) Clasping me fiercely ['fsli] : violemment, comme un 'coq conquérant', dis donc!
J'ai bien aimé le ' pinning (holding fast)me violently against him 'de np. Comme bien ' épinglée' la jeune George (sans 's')Violemment, farouchement, passionately,wildly, quoi ! (on sent la fin!...)= wild joy = ils sont faits pour s'entendre " comme si l'un était le pays de l'autre".

-- 40 ) To part : séparer. To be apart ['pt] : être séparé(s)>>> A parting : une raie (cheveux!)ou/et une séparation.

..comme ' Till death us do part' 'Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare.' ( Wedding vows)

En pensant affectueusement à mes chaleureux propriétaires si cockneys (quel bon exercice, aussi, pour moi!).Certain(e)s reconnaîtront :

........Lien internet
Till Death Us Do Part is a British television sitcom that aired on BBC1 from 1965 to 1968, 1970, and from 1972 to 1975 .Et cela reposait après la journée de lycée !

--41 ) An endless kiss ; an everlasting kiss.

........and for my happy end : like these two magnificent ones (le 3ème , je le garde précieusement dans 'mon jardin secret' ...for my dreamboat .)

............Open your eyes widely !............

......... . Auguste Rodin 1889 (exposition universelle.Paris)
.Lien internet

..................................... . Gustav Klimt 1906.
Lien internet sur ces sublimes peintures à ' sensations' , je termine mon ultime correction de cette ' sacrée' année "universitaire" et autre 2010/2011. 'L'ai- je bien descendu(e)?'

..Plus que 'notre' petit moment.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 14-07-2011 à 23:10:52 (S | E)
A vous dix ,déjà...qui avez travaillé jusqu'au bout ou êtes passés ici faire une visite :

...Un immense .. à : code7, dolfine (bien sûr, qui court à la victoire)),sundeep ( bravo de passer encore : 'Neither with, nor without you ',bon titre aussi - je plaquais la citation 'Ni avec toi , ni sans toi' de Vladimir Mayakowsky , short before he shot himself in 1930),zodiac (qui a apprécié le sujet!),joe (frais repassé),eos ( qui ne l'a pas quitté),maya (fervente angliciste), fairy-picture-ariane (bien sûr, aussi),hanifa (qui s'est accrochée et a tenu !) je n'oublie certes pas notrepere (présent juste quand et comme il faut!)

.. à vous tous qui ,ailleurs, m'avez accompagnée durant toute l'année , aux bons et moins bons moments, ceux qui travaillent et jouent dans le même esprit que moi : en s'amusant et se cultivant. Ceux ou celles qui en ont des suées, mais se plaisent , quand-même. Toujours, nos rencontres sont enrichissantes .Aussi à ceux qui lisent (ils me le disent), impriment (sur papier ou PC, I mean ). j'espère n'oublier personne : littleninablue( qui tient le cap),lucile (so helpful and reliable), ariette(trop discète!), alpiem, aneth-estra, bonsai (courageuse et fana d'ikebana),car2 (Carmen, Ô my Carmen),coferam (parfois en coulisse), doyou(les bras ouverts!) , elisa (qui sait lire passionnément), dear little unforgettable euol,flowermusic ( like an ace),fr(qui en profite entre deux ' équations'!),geronimo (alors, ce bac?) intrepid (so brave and sympathetic),lolilola (solaire),lou (facétieuse et persévérante) , mamy40 ( qui vient et goûte généreusement),may ( assidue, motivée),marsu(curioux), matou ( pas chiche en gentillesses),milo ( Freundin), misterealex, nanette(bordelaise voyageuse: je ne vais pas au Ferret,cet été), pianist45 (jeune talent),pivoine(qui passe avec coeur et quand elle le peut) sanna(entre ados et confitures ! Le courage!),sheepishly (autre jeune mordu),swan (qui goûte la musique et'tient le coup') , traviskidd( présent à sa façon), violette19 (soror, tu passas moins souvent, this year!)...

.....J'ai bien des idées pour la prochaine rentrée ..mais , dans l'instant , je vais me sentir agréablement ' vacante'. C'est le moment , non ?

..........Have thrilling and wonderful holidays, dear all. Your Violet

...............For you all : , XXX and XO (hugs and kiss)

.............Some more for you .Alphonse Mucha.

....See you ........................................... (close to midnight!)

............ Lien internet
11 mn ' British'. (Julia Fischer and the Academy Orchestra of St Martin's in the Fields ;cf leur version des 'four seasons' avec instruments d'époque!)

Avec mes remerciements renouvelés au webmaster d'avoir créé un pareil site où connaissances linguistiques et culturelles peuvent se côtoyer , visant l'enrichissement et le plaisir de chacun , si possible.En tout cas, l'apprentissage dans la joie. Bonnes vacances .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 15-07-2011 à 01:16:06 (S | E)
'Je le sssavais ,sssire '

J'ai oublié may ,lolilola, alpiem et geronimo ( j'ai eu chaud, là !)

Par Toutatis ! Will you pardon me ? Je réparerai demain .

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de zodiac97500, postée le 15-07-2011 à 04:31:02 (S | E)
Good morning

Thank you Violet for all this work .
I like this kind of translation ; it shows where we have a lack of vocabulary and with the structure of the text where we have to avoid translating word to word .
( not always easy .... )

Last year I saw a film about the Irish rovers .
A lot of Irish people are living in Canada . I heard about them around the seventies in " Sydney " Cape Breton . I was there just two days after the St Patrick 's day . We could see a lot of green color around the town .

We can also often listen to this kind of songs on the radio stations from Newfounland
The four season from Vivaldi with Julia Fisher is also a real treat with a plus with the birds songs which you can listen to on ( Oiseaux virtuoses )

Again thank you .

Have a nice summer and happy holidays .

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-07-2011 07:58

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de notrepere, postée le 15-07-2011 à 05:36:41 (S | E)

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de sundeep, postée le 15-07-2011 à 11:36:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Violet pour cette patience d'explication. Très bonnes vacances. Ne m'oublie pas à la rentrée pour de nouvelles aventures linguistiques... Lesquelles?

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de violet91, postée le 15-07-2011 à 12:05:01 (S | E)
Hello dear all ,

Il fallait lire ' kelp' pour le varech . Je corrigerai plus tard ... merci , np! We are waiting for your interpretation of ' SLAM' music..

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de dolfine56, postée le 15-07-2011 à 18:24:47 (S | E)
Hello dear Violet,

Un grand pour ce travail d'orfèvre, comme d'habitude!
Je vais prendre le temps d'y revenir pour tenter d'assimiler les connaissances tous azimuts que tu nous distilles à chacune de tes corrections.

Tu as, au moins autant que nous,bien mérité de savourer ces vacances qui s'annoncent, et je ne doute pas que tu nous reviennes la tête pleine d'idées nouvelles pour la rentrée.
Mais pour l'heure,excellentes vacances à toi, et bon repos bien mérité.

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de hanifa, postée le 15-07-2011 à 19:11:34 (S | E)
Hello my sweet Violet and hello everybody,

Violet, merci infiniment pour cette correction sublime. Merci merci et encore merci, nous apprenons tous tant de choses, c'est tellement gentil de ta part de nous accorder autant de temps et de t'appliquer dans ce que tu fais.

Il est vrai que j'imprime chacune de tes corrections et je les garde précieusement dans mon petit cahier d'anglais avec toutes mes annotations, mes traductions, etc... C'est réellement enrichissant pour moi et cela me permet de faire des progrès.

Je te souhaite de très très belles holidays, et je te dis à très bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures... ;o)
Bien évidemment je souhaite également d'excellentes vacances à tous les autres membres du forum.

A special kiss to my Violet.

Modifié par hanifa le 15-07-2011 19:12

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-07-2011 22:31

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de joe39, postée le 15-07-2011 à 19:12:37 (S | E)

Good evening dear Violet,

Thanking you for your excellent work and waiting for the next ordeal (I'm quite sure you will prepare a real one) I wish you a pleasant and joyful holiday.
Sincerely yours
Joe 39

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de lucile83, postée le 15-07-2011 à 23:00:14 (S | E)
Hello dear violet,

Thanks for Keith Richards!
that link and the song reminded me of my stays in England when we could listen to The Animals and Eric Burdon, the Beatles, and other guys...and in the evening watch Coronation Street!
still on the air!...incredible!
Lien internet

Réponse: Ni avec toi, ni sans toi/ 3 de notrepere, postée le 16-07-2011 à 00:37:22 (S | E)

I couldn't find any references specifically to "slam music".

Poetry slam - a competition in which people read their poetry out loud so that it can be judged by other people
Lien internet


Later, these competitions included rappers (rap music). The etymology of the word is unclear. I did a little research but didn't find anything definitive. Since it is a type of competition, it could be related to "grand slam" or specifically "Grand Slam event" which is a particular kind of sporting event. But instead of being a sporting competition, it is a competition of words.


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