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Aide/vérification synthèse
Message de thomasermel posté le 15-08-2017 à 11:07:12 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous m'aider,s'il vous plait?
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas dans ce texte ?

Are Millennials the worse?
With the arrival of the Millennial generation, narcissism and laziness seem to be at their highest. Understanding why and nuancing this point of view is what brings this set of document together. A cartoon from the Economist and a Time’s article show how much this new generation help by social network is the most narcissistic and laziness, an other one extract from the Atlantic explain and nuance this view and a poem ‘The lost generation’ from Jonathan Reed refuse to believe in a self-centred generation.
Each document shows the decline of the new generation in both egocentrism and idleness. According to studies people are fame and award obsess, they prefer be the assistant of major corporations than be a senator and a large part of them think should be rewarded regardless of their productivity. They are also lazier: fewer people than before want more responsibility and more of them who are less than 29 live with their parents.
The reasons of this mutation are the new technologies and the glorification of narcissism. According to the cartoon, and the Time people prefer being on their phone than sharing with other in face to face because they don’t want to miss social information’s. Social media give power to individuals, a possibility to transmit and receive a lot of information, to be connected all around the world, that was impossible in the past. They are constantly posting photos to embellish their life because now narcissism is celebrated. Followers and Friends constantly reward the user by likes and shares which exacerbate their narcissism and self-esteem. Narcissistic figures like Donald trump and Kim Kardashian are totally accepted. They sell themselves because they have nothing more to offer.
However, everyone hasn’t the same opinion. According to the Atlantic data are unbelievable. The survey, which permits to determine the level of narcissism, is only composed of 40 questions. Furthermore, a lot of them can’t prove nothing. Social media can be their way to be interconnected, all regions of the world, poor or rich are connected to social platform. The poem goes even farther telling that contrary to the stereotype of a narcissistic generation, they are the master of their destiny, people have the possibility to put their priority on family and the planet rather on their job and themselves.

pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-08-2017 14:08

Réponse : Aide/vérification synthèse de here4u, postée le 15-08-2017 à 14:08:00 (S | E)
Hello !

Are Millennials the worse? ("worse" est le comparatif. On attend un autre élément de comparaison ... ou alors, employer le superlatif.)

With the arrival of the Millennial generation, narcissism and laziness seem to be at their highest. Understanding why and nuancing this point of view is what brings this set of documentS together. A cartoon from the Economist and a Time’s article show how much this new generation help by social network is the most narcissistic (= adjective!) and laziness(= noun!), an other one extract from the Atlantic explain and nuance this view and a poem ‘The lost generation’ from Jonathan Reed refuse to believe in a self-centred generation.
Each document shows the decline of the new generation in both egocentrism and idleness. According to studies people are fame and award obsessED, they prefer be the assistant of major corporations than be a senator and a large part of them think XXX (subject?) should be rewarded regardless of their productivity. They are also lazier: fewer people than before want more responsibility and more of them who are less than 29 live with their parents.
The reasons of this mutation are the new technologies and the glorification of narcissism. According to the cartoon, and the Time, people prefer being on their phoneS than sharing with other in face to face because they don’t want to miss social information’s.THE Social media give power to individuals, a possibility to transmit and receive a lot of information, to be connected all around the world, that was impossible in the past. They are constantly posting photos to embellish their life because now narcissism is celebrated. Followers and Friends constantly reward the user by likes and shares which exacerbate their narcissism and self-esteem. Narcissistic figures like Donald trump and Kim Kardashian are totally accepted. They sell themselves because they have nothing more to offer.
However, everyone hasn’t the same opinion. According to the Atlantic, data are unbelievable. The survey, which permits to determine the level of narcissism, is only composed of 40 questions. Furthermore, a lot of them can’t prove nothing= double negation). XXX Social media can be their way to be interconnected, all XXX regions of the world, poor or rich are connected to social platformS. The poem goes even farther telling that contrary to the stereotype of a narcissistic generation, they are the masterS of their destiny, people have the possibility to put their priority on family and the planet rather on their jobS and XX themselves.

Réponse : Aide/vérification synthèse de thomasermel, postée le 15-08-2017 à 15:28:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup mais je ne comprends pas l'erreur suivante:
The reasons of this mutation
sinon c'est bien :
However, everyone haven't the same opinion .
this new generation who have technologies is the most narcissist and lazy,
Merci beaucoup

Réponse : Aide/vérification synthèse de here4u, postée le 16-08-2017 à 14:36:52 (S | E)
Hello !

- The reasons of this mutation : ici, "the reason for..." would be better.
sinon c'est bien :
- However, everyone haven't the same opinion .= Lesson 105676. = Not everyone has ...

- this new generation who have technologies
(nom de groupe traité en pluriel - V au pluriel= OK!)

- is the most narcissist and lazy,
V au singulier?

narcissist = NOM => adjectif nécessaire.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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