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e mail à corriger (1)

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e mail à corriger
Message de prissou posté le 01-12-2007 à 14:13:59 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour j'ai un email à écrire en anglais mais je voudrais savoir si il contient des erreurs. Merci de m'aider
le sujet est:
J'écris un e mail à ma famille pour les remercier de me payer une gap-year, je dois leur dire mes motivatons , voici le texte

dear dad and mom,

I hope that this letter will find you in the middle of the form, to Poitiers all is well.

I write you about my project to take a gap-year. In fact I had spoken some you during the vacation and since I well reflected, I accept therefore your suggestion.

I think that for me that would be a very beneficial experience. I would like to leave in America to be able to improve my English for my future work and to profit from it to discover a new country. Over there I surely could continue my studies and then a year that passes very quickly.

I have a girlfriend that left as girl to the peer during a year to the United States, she returned very satisfies and of more this experience opened him many doors in his work. While leaving over there she was able to improve his English and of more she kept contacts with the family that the welcomed.
As you know it I have big difficulties in English and I think that that will put me problem later. Leave for the United States would be maybe the solution.

I looked at on Internet and I found an association that helps the young ones as me to leave and to find a family and a work over there. I think to contact them to help me to organize my departure.

I thank you again to offer to me this magnificent timeliness, I would not disappoint you On these some lines I leave you and you does huge kisses to very soon, I would call you next week.

Give my love to the rest of the family, I love you, big kisses, in very soon
Modifié par bridg le 01-12-2007 14:17
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