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Correction /quality management (1)

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Correction /quality management
Message de bubamaras posté le 02-07-2013 à 21:17:38
Bonjour à tous,

Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ces phrases s'il vous plaît ?
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TQM is based on a current of ideas whose purpose is to optimise quality by adopting a process of quality management whose objective is to obtain a broad mobilisation and involvement of the entire company to achieve perfect quality. It is based on the participation all stakeholders of the company is geared towards total customer satisfaction that prefers product or service that it offers the best performance and cost-effectiveness and good results for the company. TQM is the core competitiveness of enterprises in both withstand the competition and find export opportunities and have a market share and achieve a competitive advantage. The company has become an imperative of competitiveness, sustainability and development. This method is based on an eternal rule that checks since the dawn of time to satisfy the customer must deliver her products or quality services.

TQM refers to the implementation of a business plan based on quality action involving all staff, that is to say, a comprehensive strategy by which the entire company strives to meet its beneficiaries (quality, cost and time).
The purpose of the total quality management necessarily involves and by the development of a "quality spirit" shared by all. When it comes to overall quality, it refers to a movement, a school of thought that promotes research of the highest quality in any organisation. A search of continuous improvement, continuous, affecting aspects of the business and is geared towards meeting the needs of customers. Customers,
their needs and expectations, is the ultimate reference for defining the desired quality for the product or service. Total quality improvement is to ensure that this goal is achieved by continuously improving all processes, internal and external, that contribute to the product or service. To achieve this, we used a systematic approach to the organization and a statistical approach for the diagnosis of his condition. That is to say that the proponents of total quality design company as a complex and integrated system functions and relationships which can analyse the functioning and results using some methods statistics. Finally "Achieving perfect quality by reducing all types of losses and improving the deliverables of the company." Finally, the quality management is based on the prediction and can analyse and interpret the observations instead of relying solely on experience. It is based on a system of profound knowledge. The TQM aim the satisfaction of all stakeholders of the company.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-07-2013 22:08
Vous aviez posté ce sujet hier, vous l'avez supprimé, et vous le repostez... pas très gentil pour ceux qui vérifent ou corrigent.

Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons fermé ce sujet conformément aux conditions d'utilisations du site: Lien internet

et aux conseils d'utilisations du forum: Lien internet

Réponse: Correction /quality management de gerondif, postée le 02-07-2013 à 21:35:34
comment avez-vous traduit ce texte ? En traduction automatique ? Mais même avec un traducteur, les phrases auraient un sens. Votre texte n'a souvent pas de sens, les phrases sont trop longues, leur sens est obscur, leur construction souvent fracassée. Lire ce texte demande un effort intense et laisse désorienté.

Un exemple:
It is based on the participation all stakeholders of the company is geared towards total customer satisfaction that prefers product or service that it offers the best performance and cost-effectiveness and good results for the company.
Elle repose sur la participation de tous les porteurs de titres de la compagnie est dirigée vers la satisfaction totale du consommateur qui préfère produit ou service qu'elle offre la meilleure performance et rapport qualité prix et bons résultats pour la compagnie. ?????

un autre: This method is based on an eternal rule that checks since the dawn of time to satisfy the customer must deliver her products or quality services.
Cette méthode repose sur une règle éternelle qui vérifie depuis les tout débuts de satisfaire le client doit livrer ses produits ou des services de qualité.....

C'est difficilement corrigible, il faudrait tout réécrire à votre place.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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