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I defy you to solve the problem (1)

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I defy you to solve the problem
Message de whisper posté le 15-09-2008 à 22:51:04

hi all..
it's just an arithmetic mystery but you have to listen to the story first..

one day there was a man walking in the street when he suddenly passed by a beautiful colored bus attracted him so much,he saw 7 girls sitting in the bus..
but he noticed something very strange that every girl was holding 7 bags!!!! when he asked one of them what do you have in these 7 bags, one of the girls answered him..
every bag contains 7 big cats
every big cat has 7 cute kittens you can take a look!..get on!!
and here is my question
could you tell me, how many legs in the bus?
take your time to settle it..there is a concentration trick..
don't forget to enjoy it..

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2008 19:14

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-10-2008 21:23

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de inga, postée le 16-09-2008 à 00:39:08
well, I'm no good at maths, I wonder whether there's any driver? assuming that cats have legs, I counted 10990 +2 if we count this curious man so 10992 in total legs on the bus.

don't forget I'm blond

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de brettdallen, postée le 16-09-2008 à 00:49:49
The amount of legs is 343, am I right?

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de inga, postée le 16-09-2008 à 00:53:23
is it possible to have an odd number of legs in this case...

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de moumouche, postée le 16-09-2008 à 17:33:43
The amount of legs is 1582, am I right or wrong ?

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de clementine090, postée le 16-09-2008 à 22:34:58
If legs is 'pattes' in french, I think that there are 343 legs in the bus. But if I have to count the legs og 7 girls, there are 357 legs in the bus.

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de tinchodoc, postée le 16-09-2008 à 23:38:35

The total number of kittens (7*7*7*7=2401) * 4 legs by kitten ==> 9604 legs
The total number of big cats (7*7*7 =343) * 4 legs by kitten ==> 1372 legs
The total number of human beings (7+1(bus driver)+the person who talks with one of the girls = 9) * 2 legs by human beings (if everything is all right...) ==> 18
So the total number of legs should be 9604+1372+18=10994
Is it right?

Have a good evening

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de brettdallen, postée le 17-09-2008 à 01:00:59
J'ai fait une erreur: il y a 212 "legs". J'espère que là, c'est bon!

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2008 21:40
This is the English Only forum sir !!

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de phoebe35, postée le 17-09-2008 à 01:14:28
Hi, I think there are 1584 legs in the bus? Wrong or right?

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de phoebe35, postée le 17-09-2008 à 01:24:53
oups, I was wrong, I think there are 10992 legs on the bus....

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de phoebe35, postée le 17-09-2008 à 01:29:47
Is there a bus driver in the bus???? if yes, there are 10994 legs....except if some one is one-legged.....

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de magui92, postée le 17-09-2008 à 01:45:45
if i only count the animals there are 10976 legs in the bus ; but if i add the seven girls there are 10990 legs

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de TravisKidd, postée le 17-09-2008 à 05:05:58
10990, plus the legs of the man who got on, and the bus driver!

So ... 10994. Am I right?

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de lucile83, postée le 17-09-2008 à 07:10:22
I don't think the man has already got on the bus when they ask the question. So ..I would say 10 992.

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de johnsonserge, postée le 25-09-2008 à 21:13:08
yes i'm new in this site i think there is two hundred and ten feet in that bus every girl have 2 feet and ther is 7 girl that means we have 14 feet
there is 7 bags contening 7 cats each knowing that one cat have 4 feet that lead us to 28 feet of cat per bag and the total is 196 for all the cats and 210 four all the cats and girl


Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de whisper, postée le 26-09-2008 à 04:48:47
first I apologize about delay and I thank you for your comments..
some of you had already got it let's count it step by step so everybody notice the mistakes he has made..let's start from the end..

7 kittens+ 1 big cat in one bag = 8 cats in each bag
8 cats x 4 "the number of the legs for each cat" =32 legs in every bag ...

and we have 7 bags with every girl so..
32 "legs in each bag" x 7 bags= 224 legs in 7 BAGS+2 legs of the girl= 226 legs for each group "1 big cat,7 kittens,girl"

7 groups x 226 "the number of legs"= 1582 legs in the bus..
there is no bus driver and i asked my question before "the curious man" get on the bus" as Lucile83 said..
I congratulate who got the answer and say Good luck for the others..

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de lucile83, postée le 26-09-2008 à 08:57:05
oops !!! 1582 !!! that's right ! thanks.
See you

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-09-2008 08:53
After reading the post below I can say again and again that I hate mathematics !

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de whisper, postée le 27-09-2008 à 22:26:57
I've missed a step which would change the result completely..
I should multiply the number of each bag's legs 7 times because every girl has 7 groups in one bag.and here is my mistake
8 number of cats x 4 number of legs=32 the mother and the kittens, and we have 7 mothers with 7 kittens for each one of them in the same bag so
32 x 7= 224

and we have 7 bags with each girl with the same number of legs and here is my mistake
224 x 7= 1568 legs

now I can add the legs of the girl..
1568 +2=1570 legs for each group "1 Girl, 7 Big cats,49 Kittens"in one bag

the final step
1570 x 7= 10990 legs in the bus..
it's really shame on me..
I tried to trick you but I tricked myself unintentionally..
do you know..i'll change my nickname so no one recognize me..i can't look at anyone's eyes of you..

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de inga, postée le 27-09-2008 à 22:47:47

don't worry WHISPER, I wanted to change the colour of my hair coz I thought I made a mistake and it turns out I'm not so bad at maths , in fact I counted the man coz I assumed that he was on the bus as the girl said 'get on' and I counted him which led me to 10992

take care, don't change your pseudo, we had good fun with your game

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de wysiwyg, postée le 27-10-2008 à 21:12:09
what about 16 legs ?
7 two-legged girls + the driver's

Réponse: I defy you to solve the problem de lucile83, postée le 27-10-2008 à 21:22:37
The solution was given a month ago by whisper ...please see the post above.

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