Rack Your Brains and Help!/67
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basMessage de here4u posté le 27-03-2020 à 19:42:24 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Hardworkers,


Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...

A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hairs repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reason that people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them of virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours than their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or if they’re upset they touch their face, kids are much liking doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid to touch my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be taking out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them landing on your face, doing an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urgence comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more awear of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry!

EXPRESSION: (Optional!)
Do you think you touch your face quite often? If so, try to explain why you keep doing it... If not, explain what you did to manage to abstain! (150 words)
May the FORCE be with All of us!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de taiji43, postée le 30-03-2020 à 17:32:41 (S | E)
Hello here and t the forum's members ; at least those who are hardworkers, who will not give up;by the desire to learn and also by friendship for all the members and our dear teacher.
This 76 was far from easy !

Rack Your Brains and Help!/67
Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hairs repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reason that people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them of virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our DNA. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their FACES. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural TO you.
/// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming OURSELVES???down. (en calmantt nous-mêmes) When we touch certain areas of our FACES what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then ACTIVATE something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makesOURSELF ???calm down internally.
We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours than their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, THEY touch their FACES or when they’re surprised they touch their FACED, or if they’re upset they touch their FACES kids LIKE TO DO exactly the same thing
. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever TO not touch (de ne pas toucher) your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid TOUCHING my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to TOTALY stop touching your face a key way that you can go about making it easier would beTO TAKE out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up DURING the day. It might also mean creating habits around (autour de )= OK) how to use your hands
. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ]THA MAKES it so easy for them TO LAND on your face, MAKE an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the URGE (forte envie)( urgence mot fraçais ) comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more awear of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I HAD cleaned my hands before I touched my face. /// END of the Text ///
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de joe39, postée le 03-04-2020 à 11:26:13 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u.
Because of the lockdown,
I can't go around,
so that I'm pinned down,
to keep myself busy,
in doing unusual jobs,
and sending to you,
my work in advance,
ready to be corrected.
20 mistakes.
Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing REPEATEDLY -1 with our hairs / licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing OUR beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the REASONS WHY- 2 people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them FROM – 3 virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted TO MYSELF - 4. I have carried the virus on my face.
But FIRST OF ALL - 5, why do we touch our face? And is it SO – 6 easy just to stop doing it ALL of a sudden? Because we couldn’t AVOID- 7 it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as FETUSES - 8 in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 ///
When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then ACTIVATE -9 something called the parasympathetic nervous system THAT is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours AS THOSE-10 of their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or if they’re upset they touch their face, kids REALLY LIKE DOING THE EXACT - 11 same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not TO UNCONSCIOUSNLY-12 touch your face, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face // END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid TOUCHING - 13 my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to TOTALLY- 14 stop touching your face , a KEYWAY - 15, that you can go about making it easier would be TAKE -16 out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean creating habits ABOUT -17 how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] THUS – 18 making it so easy for them landing on your face, MAKE- 19 an effort to cross your hands and PUT - 20 them on your lap, then when the URGE- 21 comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more AWARE - 22 of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. /// END of the Text /
EXPRESSION: (Optional!)
Do you think you touch your face quite often? Is so, try to explain why you keep doing it... If not, explain what you did to manage to abstain! (150 words)
Yes, I do, even though not so often, and I keep doing it because it gives me some coolness especially when:
I'm thinking about something unpleasant, I must face and solve;
I'm working at computer and something hard to manage, gets astride of my way, hindering my job;
I’m perplexed, embarrassed or nervous.
But, due to politeness reasons and thanks my professional formation, when I'm in company or I'm having a conversation with barely known people or well known but not on close terms with them, I'm able to abstain from such a natural impulse. How? Keeping one hand into pocket and moving the other one emphasising my speaking, or putting-up the same job using both of them, without exaggerating of course. 121
I thank you very much for this nice exercise and I remain,
wishing you a pleasant weekend In spite of the such a long lasting nightmare and recommending you to take care.
So long.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de super1, postée le 07-04-2020 à 10:14:35 (S | E)
Don’t touch your face!…
A few automatic gestures we keep making:
blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with
our hairs repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/
rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ (wiping)
WIPPING our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reasonS that people wearS masks is that they
think it’s going to protect them of THE virus. But the virus isn’t floating
around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s
not there. It’s probably going to be on my
hand because of shaking hands with
someone who’s got the virus, (I have transmitted it) WHO’S TRANSMITTED IT TO ME. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first
place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we
couldn’t help it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this
because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their
face. So, every time
you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch
my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that
is entirely unnatural for you. ///
END of Part 1 ///
When we touch our face
what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our
face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points,
which then (activates) ACTIVATE something called the
parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down
internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the
same behaviours than their parents; so, if our parents, when they’re
shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or
if they’re upset they touch their face, kids are much (liking) LIKE doing exactly the same
thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not touch
your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it
can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and
so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid (to touch) TOUCHING my
Whilst it’s almost TOTALLY impossible
to stop touching your face, a key way that (you can go about making it easier) COULD MAKE YOU EASIER GO AGAINST IT would be taking THE HABITS out (the habits )which WOULD lead you NOT doing it:
so that might
mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less
make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean
creating habits around how to use your hands. (So rather than perhaps when
always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ]
and making it so easy for them landing on your face, doing an effort to cross
your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urgence comes to pick your
hand up and
touch your face, you’ll be more awear of what you’re doing and
you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.) PERHAPS
(around your face) AND MAKING IT
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my
Don’t worry! I (cleaned) CLEAN my
hands before (I touched) TOUCHING my
face. /// END of the Text ///
EXPRESSION: (Optional!)
Do you think you touch your face quite often? (Is) If so,
try to explain why you keep doing it... If not, explain (what you did to manage) HOW DID YOU MANAGE to abstain! (150 words)
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de here4u, postée le 07-04-2020 à 10:29:16 (S | E)
Hello super!
Thanks for pointing at the "is"=> "if" typo!

Now, for the other part, I persist!

Do you think you touch your face quite often? If so, try to explain why you keep doing it... If not, explain what you did to manage to abstain! (150 words)
To manage to abstain= to succeed in abstaining.
What you "corrected: explain (what you did to manage) HOW DID YOU MANAGE is wrong, as you're mixing "explain", introducing an indirect interrogative and "How did you" - needing a question mark ... - which is a direct interrogative!

"My student" didn't make mistake there!

Very glad to have you work here!

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de alpiem, postée le 07-04-2020 à 14:55:45 (S | E)
hello, dear ones

Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hairs repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reason that people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them of virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours than their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or if they’re upset they touch their face, kids are much liking doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid to touch my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be taking out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them landing on your face, doing an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urgence comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more awear of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my
Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our HAIR repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the REASONS WHY people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them AGAINST VIRUSSES. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have BEEN transmitted it. I have carried out the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it
ALL OF A SUDDEN ? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is CALM us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then ACTIVATE something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often MIMIC the same behaviours than their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their FACES or when they’re surprised they touch their FACES, or if they’re upset they touch their FACES, kids are much LIKELY TO doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not TO touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoiD TOUCHING my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be taking out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and have your hands like this [around your face ] and MAKE it so easy for them TO LAND on your face, DO an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, SO THAT when the urgence comes to pick your hanDS up and touch your face, you’ll be more AWARE of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de maya92, postée le 09-04-2020 à 16:29:06 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hairs repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reason that people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them of virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our face in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our ADN. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours than their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or if they’re upset they touch their face, kids are much liking doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid to touch my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be taking out the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up across the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them landing on your face, doing an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urgence comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more awear of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. /// END of the Text ///
Ne touchez pas votre visage : risque de contagion
Quelques gestes habituels que l’on fait souvent : souffler sur le bout de ses doigts, sucer son pouce ou un doigt ou se tripoter sans cesse les cheveux, mouiller un doigt pour tourner une page, se frotter la barbe ou le menton, se frotter les yeux ou les joues, se frotter le front, se gratter le nez etc… Une des raisons pour lesquelles les gens portent des masques c’est qu’ils pensent que celà va les protéger du virus. Mais le virus ne flotte pas dans l’air alors le masque ne me protége pas contre quelque chose qui n’existe pas. Il est peut-être sur ma main parce que j’ai serré la main de quelqu’un qui avait ce virus, je l’ai attrapé et je l’ai déposé sur mon visage. Mais en premier lieu pourquoi se touche-t-on le visage ? et est-il facile d’arrêter de faire ça tout d’un coup ? C’est parce que nous ne pouvons pas nous en empêcher, ça fait partie de notre ADN. Nous sommes programmés pour faire ça. Nous le savons parce que même les foetus dans l’utérus touchent leurs visages. Alors chaque fois que vous vous dites ‘Ne touche pas ton visage’ “arrête de te toucher le visage car si je fais ça je vais être vraiment malade”, vous allez contre votre nature. Ce que nous faisons en fait quand nous nous touchons le visage, c’est nous rassurer.
Quand nous touchons certaines parties de notre visage ce que nous faisons en réalité c’est activer certains points de pression qui activent ensuite ce que l’on appelle le système nerveux sympathique qui est le processus qui restaure instantanément notre calme intérieur. La même chose se produit chez les chiens et les chats. Les enfants reproduisent souvent le comportement de leurs parents si bien que si nos parents lorsqu’ils sont perturbés, surpris ou contrariés se touchent le visage, les enfants auront sans doute tendance à faire la même chose. L’ironie de tout ça c’est que, alors qu’il est plus important que jamais de ne pas se toucher le visage, inconsciemment votre cerveau, va se tourner vers un endroit où il pourra vous protéger en faisant ce qu’il sait pouvoir vous calmer et ainsi votre inconscient dirigera vos mains droit sur votre visage
Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ? Alors qu’il est presque impossible d’arrêter complètement, un moyen radical d’y arriver plus facilement c’est de perdre le tic qui vous pousse à faire ça : peut être porter des lunettes plutôt que des lentilles de contact ou moins de maquillage pour éviter d’en remettre dans la journée. Ca pourrait être également se créer d’autres manies pour s’occuper les mains. Alors lorsque vous vous déplacez, au lieu de toujours avoir vos mains comme ça (près de votre visage) ce qui fait qu’il est très facile de les y poser, faites l’effort de les croiser et de les poser sur vos genoux. Puis, lorsqu’une forte envie vous vient de vous toucher le visage vous en serez davantage conscient et vous vous corrigerez plus rapidement
Ne vous inquiétez pas, je me suis lavé les mains avant de toucher mon visage !
Ouf ! How complicated a text to translate …

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de maya92, postée le 12-04-2020 à 11:34:51 (S | E)
Hello, (I am sorry I sent the translation first instead of the corrected text … please forgive ..)
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our HAIR repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or A chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reasonS WHY people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them FROM THE virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus TO my face.
But FIRST, why do we touch our face ? And is it that easy just to stop doing it ALL of a sudden? Because we couldn’t help it, it’s part of our DNA. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses (foeti ?) in utero touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your faces. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 ///
When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our face, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then ACTIVATE something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours AS their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their face or when they’re surprised they touch their face, or if they’re upset they touch their face, kids are much liking for doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid TOUCHING my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way you can go about TO MAKE it easier would be TO LOSE the habits which lead you doing it: so, that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up ALONG the day. It might also mean creating habits ABOUT how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them TO LAND on your face, DO an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the URGE comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more AWARE of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to CORRECT yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. /// END of the Text ///
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de magie8, postée le 12-04-2020 à 23:26:59 (S | E)
hello tous je suis toujours en vie tout va bien mais beaucoup de travail de réorganisation à faire car tout est fermé ou fonctionne au ralenti et j ai très peu de puissance internet qui bloque toutes les 5 minutes
Enfin voici ma correction READY TO CORRECT

Don’t touch your faceS!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking OUR thumbS or OURS fingerS/ playing REPEATEDLY with our HAIR / licking ONE OF OUR fingerS to turn a page/ rubbing OUR beardS or chinS/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheekS/ wiping our foreheadS/ … picking our noseS, etc.
One of the REASONS WHY people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them FROM THE virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmetted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But FIRST OF ALL why do we touch our face ? And is it SO easy just to stop doing it ALL of the sudden?or IN ONE GO? Because we couldn’t AVOID it, it’s part of our DNA. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in UTERI or UTERUSES touch their face. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our face what we’re really doing is calming OURSELVES down. When we touch certain areas of our faceS, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then ACTIVATE something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm OURSELVES down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours AS their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their faceS or when they’re surprised they touch their faceS, or if they’re upset they touch their faceS, kids are much liking TO DO exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not TO touch your faceS, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your faceS. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid TOUCHING my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a () way or a RULE that you can go about making it easier would be TO GET OUT OF the habits which lead you doing it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up DURING the day. It might also mean creating habits ABOUT how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them TO LAND on your face, DO an effort to cross your hands and PUT them on your lap, then when the URGE comes to pick your handS up and touch your face, you’ll be more AWARE of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to CORRECT yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. /// END of the Text ///
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de here4u, postée le 13-04-2020 à 11:22:13 (S | E)
Hello !

N'oubliez pas de me donner le feu vert pour que je puisse corriger vos devoirs !

Je commence l'envoi des corrections maintenant ...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-04-2020 à 22:12:03 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help!/67
Message de here4u posté le 27-03-2020 à 19:42:24 (S | E | F) le Mardi 14 avril.
Hello my dear Here4u, thanks for this present and so disastrous health problem! FINISHED !
Hi Everybody!
I’ll translate the first part for your follow-up work!
Here is my work:
PLEASE, HELP MY STUDENT... He has left 20 mistakes in this text…
Don’t touch your face!… Contagion...
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the 1 TIPS OF YOUR FINGERS/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our 2 HAIR repeatedly/ licking a finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the 3 REASONS that people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them 4 FROM of virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus on my face.
But why do we touch our 5 FACES in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it of a sudden? Because we 6 CAN'T help it, it’s part of our 7 DNA. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their 5 FACES. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural for you. /// END of Part 1 ///
When we touch our 5 FACES what we’re really doing is calming us down. When we touch certain areas of our 5 FACES, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm us down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours 8 AS their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their 5 FACES or when they’re surprised they touch their 5 FACES, or if they’re upset they touch their 5 FACES, kids are much liking doing exactly the same thing. The irony is, 9 AT TIME when it’s more important than ever 10 TO NOT touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can 11 BETTER PROTECT you by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid 12 TOUCHING my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to 13 TOTALLY stop touching your face, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be taking out the habits which lead you 14 TO DO it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up 15 THROUGHOUT the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them 16 LAND on your face, 17 MAKING an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the 18 URGECOMES to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more 19 AWARE of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands 20 BEFORE touching my face. /// END of the Text ///
Here is my translation:
Ne touchez pas votre visage ! … Contagion…
Quelques gestes automatiques que nous continuons de faire : souffler sur le bout de ses doigts/sucer son pouce ou son doigt, jouer avec nos cheveux de manière compulsive, se lécher un doigt pour tourner une page, se caresser la barbe ou le menton, se frotter les yeux, se frotter la joue, s’éponger le front, se mettre les doigts dans le nez, etc.
Une des raisons qui fait que des personnes portent des masques est qu’elles pensent que celui-ci va les protéger, du virus. Mais le virus ne flotte pas dans l’air, donc un masque ne me protègera de rien, car il n’est pas dans l’air. C’est probablement en train de se propager sur mes mains car j’ai serré la main à quelqu’un qui était infecté, je l’ai attrapé. Le virus a contaminé mon visage.
Mais pourquoi nous touchons nous le visage en premier lieu ? Et est-ce si facile d’arrêter de le faire tout d’un coup ? Parce qu’on ne peut s’empêcher de le faire, c’est une part de notre ADN. Nous avons inscrit dans nos gènes de le faire. Nous savons cela car les humains dès le stade de fœtus touchent leurs visages. Donc, à chaque fois que vous vous dites : « Arrête de te toucher, ne te touche pas le visage. Si je me touche le visage,
je vais vraiment tomber malade », vous vous dites quelque chose qui est complètement contre-nature.
Quand nous nous touchons le visage, ce que nous faisons vraiment est de nous calmer. Quand nous nous touchons certaines zones du visage, ce que nous faisons réellement est que nous activons certains points de pression, ce qui active quelque chose qu’on appelle le système du nerf parasympathique. Qui est ce qui nous calme intérieurement. Nous observons la même réponse chez le chien et pour le chat. Les enfants imitent souvent le comportement des parents ; donc, si nos parents touchent leur visage quand ils sont choqués, ou s’ils sont surpris, ils touchent leur visage, ou s’ils sont bouleversés ils touchent aussi leur visage, les enfants seront plus enclins de faire la même chose. L’ironie est qu’en ce moment, où c’est plus important que jamais, de ne pas se toucher le visage, inconsciemment, votre esprit est constamment en train de se déplacer à un endroit où il peut mieux vous protéger en faisant des choses qu’il sait que ça vous apaisera, et donc votre inconscient portera promptement vos mains directement à votre visage.
Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ?
Même si pratiquement impossible d’arrêter totalement de se toucher le visage, je vous donne un tuyau dont vous pouvez faire usage pour rendre la chose plus facile, serait d’abandonner les habitudes qui vous conduisent à le faire : cela signifie de porter des lunettes plutôt que des lentilles, cela voudrait dire moins se maquiller, donc vous n’auriez pas de retouches à faire durant la journée. Cela pourrait aussi vouloir dire se détourner des habitudes, en occupant vos mains. Donc, plutôt que d’avoir peut-être quand vous êtes toujours en mouvements à tourner autour du visage et avoir les mains comme ça, (autour du visage), et de leur faciliter grandement l’accès à votre visage, de faire un effort pour croiser vos mains et de les faire craquer sur vos genoux, quand l’envie irrépressible arrive, de prendre vos mais pour vous toucher le visage, vous seriez plus attentifs de ce que vous alliez faire, et vous réagirez plus instinctivement pour vous en abstenir.
« Ne vous en faites pas ! Je me suis nettoyé les mains avant de me toucher le visage.
1 TIPS tip = bout. The tips of the fingers = les bouts des doigts.
2 HAIR = hairs = cheveux pris individuellement, hair = chevelure, comme une masse de poils.
3 REASONS = reason = raison. Si on dit one of the, on sous-entend qu’il y en a plusieurs, donc pluriel.
4 FROM = to protect from = se protéger de qqch.
5 FACES = we touch our faces = certes, chaque individu a bien un seul visage, mais comme nous généralisons, tous les individus se mettent les mains au visage, donc pluriel collectif. Plusieurs répétitions, avec deux pronoms compléments mis au pluriel : our, their.
6 CAN’T = c’est une vérité absolue, une constatation, tous les individus font de même, pourquoi ce could comme conditionnel ? Je mettrai « can’t » au présent de vérité.
7 DNA . (deoxyribonucleic acid) = ADN (abréviation : acide désoxyribonucléique).
8 AS = the same… as = comparatif d’égalité (pas than).
9 at time = at a time est faux

10 TO not touch… = de ne pas toucher…
11 better protect you by doing… (mauvaise place de better = protect you better).
12 avoid + to touch = infinitif complet est faux ! Avoid + gérondif = avoid touching.
13 totally est mal placé : il doit se mettre en début de proposition : totally stop touching your face.
14 =to do = lead [sb] to do [sth] v expr (cause, prompt) mener [qqn] à faire [qch], amener [qqn] à faire [qch] vtr donc « doing » est faux !
15 throughout the day= across = à travers, au travers d’un espace à deux dimensions. Through = à/au travers d’un espace à trois dimensions, un volume ; ou comme ici, throughout = tout au long, durant un temps.
16 land = make sb/sth do sth.= faire faire qqch à qqn. Il n’y a pas de gérondif après make.
17 making = to make an effort = faire un effort, and to do an exercise. 😉
18 urge = (désir besoin ardent, envie irrépressible). Urgence n’existe pas en anglais.
19 aware= à même, attentif, conscient, vigilant de... Awear = n’existe pas !
20 before touching = derrière « before », on met le gérondif, before doing sth = avant de faire qch.
May the FORCE be with All of us!
Have a very sweet week and a cocooning one too! Be careful…
See you soon.
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de here4u, postée le 14-04-2020 à 23:38:50 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Hard workers!

Voici votre correction ! Bravo à tous pour votre très bon travail ... Il paraît que le texte, assez facile à comprendre, n'est pas facile à traduire ... Les "volontaires" pour le Follow-up-Work seront donc particulièrement courageux !

Don’t touch your face!… contagious…
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hair repeatedly/ licking our finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reasons why (1) people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them from the/a (2) virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus to (3) my face.
But why do we touch our faces* in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it all of a sudden?(4) Because we can’t help it (5), it’s part of our DNA (6). We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their faces *(7). So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill.», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural to (8) you. /// END of Part 1 /// When we touch our faces* what we’re really doing is calming ourselves (9) down. When we touch certain areas of our faces*, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm ourselves down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours as (10) their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their faces* or when they’re surprised they touch their faces*, or if they’re upset they touch their faces *, kids are much more likely to do (11) exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not to touch (12) your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face. /// END of Part 2 ///
How can I avoid touching my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be to take out (13) the habits which lead you to do it (14): so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up throughout (15) the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them to land (16) on your face, making (17) an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urge (18) comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more aware (19) of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
« Don’t worry ! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. » /// END of the Text ///
(1) One of the + nom introduit un nom AU PLURIEL !
(1) raison pour laquelle = a reason why…
(2) to protect someone FROM something
(3) I have carried the virus to my face. = verbe de mouvement ; le complément est introduit par « to ».
(4) Tout d’un coup = all of a sudden= suddenly
(5) «We can’t help it»= On ne peut pas s’en empêcher de. La phrase est au présent : l’expression doit être au présent également.
(6) ADN (in French)=> DNA (in English)= deoxyribonucleic acid
(7) La plus grosse difficulté était ici l’emploi du pluriel concret lors d’une description : «men came into the room with hats on their heads and pipes in their mouths»… Bien sûr, chaque homme n’a qu’une tête, et qu’une bouche, mais en tout, cela en fait plusieurs => pluriel obligatoire. (Pluriels concrets repérés par * dans le texte. )
(8) to be natural TO someone=> to be unnatural to you
(9) « … is calming ourselves down. » Nous calmer = nous calmer nous-mêmes ! (pronom réfléchi obligatoire)
(10) les mêmes … que = the same …. AS… => not the same …. AS …
(11) kids are much more likely to do: to be likely to do something= Lien internet
(12) Pour ne pas faire = NOT TO + base verbale=> to do=> not to do…
(13) it’s easy TO TAKE OUT… attention à la construction.
(14) to lead you to do it= to lead someone to do something ; to lead, I led, led.
(15) to top it up throughout the day : Revoir avec soin N° 111190 - Lien internet
(16) so easy for them to land= proposition infinitive après expression impersonnelle (it's easy for someone to do stg)

(18) an urge = Lien internet
// Lien internet
(19) to be aware of= to be conscious of // to wear, I wore, worn= porter un vêtement.
(20) what you’re doing= ce qui// ce que "what" en début de proposition.
Bravo à nos courageux travailleurs ...

Tiens! Tiens... Choco travaillait en même temps que moi ... Vous avez donc déjà deux exemplaires de versions ... Que cela ne vous coupe pas dans vos élans !

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de here4u, postée le 16-04-2020 à 16:27:31 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Voici le début de votre follow up work.

J'ai corrigé, à chaque fois que possible, une maladresse qui consiste à mettre un adjectif devant les parties du corps (et qui est

Don’t touch your face!… contagious…
A few automatic gestures we keep making: blowing on the tip of our fingers/ sucking a thumb or a finger/ playing with our hair repeatedly/ licking our finger to turn a page/ rubbing a beard or chin/ rubbing our eyes/ rubbing our cheek/ wiping our forehead/ … picking our nose, etc.
One of the reasons why people wear masks is that they think it’s going to protect them from the/a virus. But the virus isn’t floating around in the air, so a mask isn’t protecting me against anything because it’s not there. It’s probably going to be on my hand because of shaking hands with someone who’s got the virus, I have transmitted it. I have carried the virus to my face.
But why do we touch our faces in the first place? And is it that easy just to stop doing it all of a sudden? Because we can’t help it, it’s part of our DNA. We’re hardwired to do it. We know this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their faces. So, every time you tell yourself: «Stop touching your face, don’t touch your face. If I touch my face, I’m going to get really ill.», you’re telling yourself something that is entirely unnatural to you.
Ne touchez pas votre visage : risque de contagion
Quelques gestes habituels que l’on fait souvent : souffler sur le bout de ses doigts(se souffler sur le bout des doigts...), sucer son pouce ou un doigt ou se tripoter sans cesse les cheveux

- Ne touchez pas votre visage ! … Contagion…
Quelques gestes automatiques que nous continuons de faire : souffler sur le bout de ses doigts/sucer son pouce ou son doigt, jouer avec nos cheveux de manière compulsive, se lécher un doigt pour tourner une page

Une des raisons qui fait que des personnes portent des masques est qu’elles pensent que celui-ci va les protéger du virus. Mais le virus ne flotte pas dans l’air, donc un masque ne me protégera de rien, car le virus n’est pas dans l’air. Il est probablement en train de se propager sur mes mains car j’ai serré la main de quelqu’un qui était infecté, je l’ai attrapé. Le virus a contaminé mon visage.
Mais pourquoi nous touchons nous le visage en premier lieu ? Et est-ce si facile d’arrêter de le faire tout d’un coup ? Parce qu’on ne peut s’empêcher de le faire, c’est une part de notre ADN. Il est inscrit dans nos gènes de le faire. Nous savons cela car les humains dès le stade de fœtus touchent leur visage. Donc, à chaque fois que vous vous dites : « Arrête de te toucher, ne te touche pas le visage. Si je me touche le visage, je vais vraiment tomber malade », vous vous dites quelque chose qui est complètement contre-nature.

- When we touch our faces* what we’re really doing is calming ourselves down. When we touch certain areas of our faces, what we’re really doing is we’re activating certain pressure points, which then activates something called the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm ourselves down internally. We see the same response in dogs and cats. Children often model the same behaviours as their parents; so if our parents, when they’re shocked, touch their faces or when they’re surprised they touch their faces, or if they’re upset they touch their faces, kids are much more likely to do exactly the same thing. The irony is, at a time when it’s more important than ever not to touch your face, unconsciously, your mind is constantly moving to a place where it can protect you better by doing the things that it knows will soothe you, and so your unconscious mind will prompt your hands to go straight to your face.
- Ce que nous faisons en fait quand nous nous touchons le visage, c’est nous rassurer. Quand nous touchons certaines parties de notre visage ce que nous faisons en réalité, c’est activer certains points de pression qui activent ensuite ce que l’on appelle le système nerveux sympathique qui est le processus qui restaure instantanément notre calme intérieur. La même chose se produit chez les chiens et les chats. Les enfants reproduisent souvent le comportement de leurs parents si bien que si nos parents, lorsqu’ils sont perturbés, surpris ou contrariés se touchent le visage, les enfants auront sans doute tendance à faire la même chose. L’ironie de tout ça c’est que'alors qu’il est plus important que jamais de ne pas se toucher le visage, inconsciemment votre cerveau, va se tourner vers un endroit où il pourra vous protéger en faisant ce qu’il sait pouvoir vous calmer et ainsi votre inconscient dirigera vos mains droit sur votre visage

- Quand nous nous touchons le visage, ce que nous faisons vraiment est de nous calmer. Quand nous nous touchons certaines zones du visage, ce que nous faisons réellement est que nous activons certains points de pression, ce qui active quelque chose qu’on appelle le système du nerf parasympathique. Qui est ce qui nous calme intérieurement. Nous observons la même réponse chez le chien et pour le chat. Les enfants imitent souvent le comportement des parents ; donc, si nos parents touchent leur visage quand ils sont choqués, ou s’ils sont surpris, ils se touchent le visage, ou s’ils sont bouleversés ils se touchent aussi le visage, les enfants seront plus enclins à faire la même chose. L’ironie est qu’en ce moment, où c’est plus important que jamais de ne pas se toucher le visage, inconsciemment, votre esprit est constamment en train de se déplacer vers un endroit où il peut mieux vous protéger en faisant des choses qu’il sait que ça vous apaisera, et donc votre inconscient portera promptement vos mains directement à votre visage.
Merci Maya!

- How can I avoid touching my face?
Whilst it’s almost impossible to stop touching your face totally, a key way that you can go about making it easier would be to take out the habits which lead you to do it: so that might mean wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, it might mean wearing less make-up so you don’t have to top it up throughout the day. It might also mean creating habits around how to use your hands. So rather than perhaps when you’re always moving around and having your hands like this [around your face ] and making it so easy for them to land on your face, making an effort to cross your hands and pop them on your lap, then when the urge comes to pick your hand up and touch your face, you’ll be more aware of what you’re doing and you’ll be quicker to catch yourself.
« Don’t worry! I cleaned my hands before I touched my face. »
- Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ? Alors qu’il est presque impossible d’arrêter complètement, un moyen radical d’y arriver plus facilement c’est de perdre le tic qui vous pousse à faire ça : peut être porter des lunettes plutôt que des lentilles de contact ou moins de maquillage pour éviter d’en remettre dans la journée. Ca pourrait être également se créer d’autres manies pour s’occuper les mains. Alors lorsque vous vous déplacez, au lieu de toujours avoir vos mains comme ça (près de votre visage) ce qui fait qu’il est très facile de les y poser, faites l’effort de les croiser et de les poser sur vos genoux. Puis, lorsqu’une forte envie vous vient de vous toucher le visage vous en serez davantage conscient et vous vous corrigerez plus rapidement
Ne vous inquiétez pas, je me suis lavé les mains avant de toucher mon visage !

- Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ?
Même si pratiquement impossible d’arrêter totalement de se toucher le visage, je vous donne un tuyau dont vous pouvez faire usage pour rendre la chose plus facile, serait d’abandonner les habitudes qui vous conduisent à le faire : cela signifie de porter des lunettes plutôt que des lentilles de contact, cela voudrait dire moins se maquiller, donc vous n’auriez pas de retouches à faire durant la journée. Cela pourrait aussi vouloir dire se détourner des habitudes, en vous occupant les mains. Donc, plutôt que d’avoir peut-être quand vous êtes toujours en mouvements à tourner autour du visage

« Ne vous en faites pas ! Je me suis nettoyé les mains avant de me toucher le visage.

- Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ?
Bien qu'il soit presque impossible d'arrêter totalement de se toucher le visage, un moyen clé de faciliter les choses serait de perdre les habitudes qui vous y amènent

« Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Je me suis nettoyé les mains avant de ME toucher mon LE visage

Bravo à nos volontaires ...

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de magie8, postée le 17-04-2020 à 13:00:46 (S | E)
bonjour voici la traduction de la dernière partie amitiés à tous magie8

- Comment puis-je éviter de me toucher le visage ?
Bien qu'il soit presque impossible d'arrêter totalement de se toucher le visage, un moyen clé de faciliter les choses serait de perdre les habitudes qui vous y amènent : cela pourrait signifier porter des lunettes au lieu de lentilles de contact, ou encore se maquiller moins pour ne pas avoir à le refaire tout au long de la journée. Cela peut également signifier que vous devez prendre des habitudes concernant l'utilisation de vos mains. Ainsi, plutôt que de vous déplacer en ayant constamment les mains comme ça [autour de votre visage] ce qui les rend plus aptes à les faire atterrir si facilement sur votre visage, faites un effort pour croiser vos mains et les poser sur vos genoux, lorsque l'envie vous vient de lever la main et de vous toucher le visage, vous serez plus conscient de ce que vous faites et vous vous retiendrez plus rapidement.
« Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Je me suis nettoyé les mains avant de toucher mon visage
Modifié par magie8 le 17-04-2020 13:04
Modifié par magie8 le 17-04-2020 13:31
Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/67 de here4u, postée le 17-04-2020 à 18:30:46 (S | E)
Bravo et

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