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LS57/Let's have a break 4

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LS57/Let's have a break 4
Message de here4u posté le 28-02-2024 à 23:25:06 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Envie de faire une pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était… Pourquoi ?
Parce que ce sont toujours les deux ou trois mêmes membres qui participent maintenant, et s’entre-corrigent. Or, le but de ces exercices est tout de même de « toucher » tout le monde, et en tout cas, d'aider de nombreux apprenants !
Je pourrais renoncer définitivement, … mais je n’en ai pas envie parce que je sais et reste persuadée que l’expression écrite est le plus haut stade de maîtrise d’une langue, le plus difficile, le plus personnel aussi. Je sais que c'est "bon pour vous"... et qu'il faut vous y entraîner par petites doses éventuellement...
Cette nouvelle formule a bien libéré les interventions des participants et JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être encore beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde. La succession des zones de vacances est, certes, un moment difficile à passer, mais j'espère que vous aurez envie de répondre à une ou 2 questions...

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Alors, j’ai envie de vous proposer quelque chose de plus « dirigé », plus « guidé », moins libre … en me centrant, et donc en vous faisant centrer sur UN aspect de la grammaire…
Nous reviendrons, si vous le voulez, à l’EXPRESSION lorsque vous en aurez envie et me le direz...

Je vais aujourd’hui poser plusieurs questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant un auxiliaire modal.[can/ could, may/ might/ must/ had to/ should/ don't need to]

(au moins TROIS modaux dans la prestation entière. Temps simple ou passé, au choix)
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références (ou répondre à toutes si vous le désirez...) et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130 - 150 mots.

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
3. «Nothing’s bad purposely». Do you agree?
4. «Bad habits»: what are they? Do you have any ?
5. Would you choose a week’s cruise or a week in a five-star hotel?

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous corrigerez au fur et à mesure (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publie ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité (et des difficultés surmontées) de la prestation...
Tous les ajustements ressentis comme étant nécessaires pourront être faits avant la fin de cet exercice, le lundi 11 mars 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de roze86, postée le 29-02-2024 à 12:12:10 (S | E)
Here are my answers.

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
*if a could understand this question,may be, i can say i am a early bird

2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
i don't believe in this expression

3. «Nothing’s bad purposedly». Do you agree?
*i'm sorry i'll doesn't understand "purposdly"

4. «Bad habits»: what are they? Do you have any ?

5. Would you choose a week’s cruise or a week in a five-star hotel?
Since a have seen TITANIC i'm afraid of the cruise,perhaps a week in a hotel five stars is better for

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2024 15:11
I instead of i ...!! Thank you.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 29-02-2024 à 17:46:41 (S | E)
Hello roze!

Attention ! Vous avez fait ce qu'il ne faut pas faire. (Lisez bien les règles qui sont écrites au dessus du sujet.)
Pour cet exercice, il faut m'envoyer la réponse à une ou deux questions sur ma messagerie privée, et indiquer le nombre de mots total.

Un des membres a fait ce qu'il fallait. Je vais publier son travail et vous pourrez regarder et suivre ce qui sera fait. Courage !

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 29-02-2024 à 17:55:38 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Voici déjà une réponse à notre 'Let's Suggest'!

ANSWER A: merci d'indiquer les erreurs en bleu et de souligner ce qui vous semble maladroit.

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper, I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, it WILL be already midday and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up with the day and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like. 137 mots

for your help!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 02-03-2024 à 23:41:15 (S | E)

Concerning ANSWER A, Green allowed.


Si vous ne comprenez pas un mot ou une expression, vous cherchez dans le dictionnaire EN DOUBLE CLIQUANT sur le mot inconnu ! Facile, non?

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 03-03-2024 à 08:46:43 (S | E)
Correction du texte de ROZE
LS57/Let's have a break 4
Hello dears,

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
*if (I understand this question correctly, may be, I WILL say that I am an early bird

2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
I don't believe in this expression.

3. «Nothing’s bad purposedly». Do you agree?
*I'm sorry (I don't understand the meaning of the word:"purposedly""
Vous pouviez developper un peu pour placer un modal
exemple= I MUST look it up in a dictionary.

4. «Bad habits»: what are they? Do you have any ?

5. Would you choose a week’s cruise or a week in a five-star hotel?
Since I have seen the movie"TITANIC" I'm afraid of the cruise, perhaps a week in a hotel five stars ( WOULD BE better for me[/vert

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 03-03-2024 à 09:43:41 (S | E)
correction ANSWER A
Je ne vois pas les fautes?

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 03-03-2024 à 14:54:48 (S | E)

ATTENTION ! Vous êtes bien indisciplinés cette fois !

Ce ne sont ni le texte de roze, ni celui de littlerene qui doivent être corrigés en ce moment. Je vous rappelle que pour la clarté du fil et finalement le bien de tous, il faut m'envoyer votre travail en mp; il y attend que les essais arrivés avant eux soient publiés et aient atteint un niveau de correction satisfaisant !( en passant par les étapes : "bleu" et "vert".)
C'est dit clairement (je pense ) dans les règles et dans l'introduction aux sujets.

On this thread, either you correct your partners, or are corrected, but first, you stand in line and wait patiently...

Very British! and unusual for French people, I know ...

for helping me do what our dear lucile has required from the beginning! ONE TOPIC only at a time!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 03-03-2024 à 15:05:12 (S | E)

Sorry for such a confusion...
Here are my indications to help you with ANSWERS A: normally I should only give them at the final correction...


As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper, I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, it WILL be already midday and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up with the day and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like XX. 137 mots

D'accord avec vous, c'est un très BON TRAVAIL ( mais dans l'idéal, je ne dois le dire qu'à la fin ...)

ANSWERS B tomorrow.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 03-03-2024 à 21:23:52 (S | E)
Hello all !

Here are my suggestions for answer A (et je crains n'avoir pas tout compris au sujet de la parenthèse à mettre avant ce que l'on corrige, malgré tous les conseils de Here4U et de Magie


As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper, I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, (it WILL be already midday , it is already midday (or noon?) and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up with (the day at daybreak and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll in the streets strolling in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like XX it

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 04-03-2024 à 09:23:10 (S | E)
Hello dears,

ANSWER B : please (indicate possible mistakes and underline (what looks clumsy to you.
Topic 1:

I am people who did not like to stay up at night especially after a difficult day spent at work which exhausts the nerves, I did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, I wondered how people COULD stay up !
And yet doctors said that to have good concentration you HAD TO have good sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day,
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning at dawn because I love the calm of the morning, I could feel alone in this world far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden under the song of the birds, that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who thought like me!

J'attends (les indications de fautes et (maladresses jusque demain midi 05/03. Vous pourrez ensuite proposer vos (corrections en vert. [Remarquez que j'ai mis les ouvertures de parenthèses qui indiquent que je souhaite modifier quelque chose dans la production...]

Courage à tous ! (J'ai trois autres productions en attente.)

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 04-03-2024 à 18:28:14 (S | E)

No one? A crowd for Our Story 171, but nobody here... Why?

We need your help!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 04-03-2024 à 19:53:05 (S | E)
Hello !

Here are my suggestions :

ANSWER B : please (indicate possible mistakes and underline (what looks clumsy to you.
Topic 1:

(I am people who did not like to stay up at night especially after a difficult day spent at work which (exhausts the nerves, I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !
And yet doctors said that to have good concentration you HAD TO have good sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day,
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning at dawn because I love the calm of the morning, I (could feel alone in this world far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden under the song of the birds, that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (thought like me!

A mon avis il y a un problème de concordance des temps, on ne sait pas si l'auteur veut parler au présent ou au passé... c'est pourquoi j'ai mis des verbes en bleu même si leur forme conjuguée est correcte. (exemple dans la dernière phrase on attend plutôt "think" au présent pour répondre à "there are..."

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 05-03-2024 à 14:48:22 (S | E)
Hello dears!

'Suggestions' (in green) may now be given concerning ANSWER B

for your help.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 05-03-2024 à 15:22:59 (S | E)
Hello !

For the first sentence, I don't know exactly what the author meant to say... ,so I am trying this, but it may be far from the original idea...

(I am people who did not like to stay up at night especially after a difficult day spent at work which (exhausts the nerves, I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !

(I am a person who never liked staying up at night, especially after a difficult day at work which went on my nerves ; I never thought that the day was over so we could go home and rest, and I have always wondered how people could stay up ! not very sure of my own sentence...😐

And yet doctors said that to have good concentration(, you HAD TO have good sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day,
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning at dawn because I love the calm of the morning (; I (can feel alone in this world(,far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden, (under among the song(s of the birds(,; that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (thought(think like me!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 05-03-2024 à 17:27:31 (S | E)
Hello dears,

a lot, Happynutmeg for your good try.

I agree with you: the first sentence is quite enigmatic.

Your correction of the first segment makes sense, but I'd be grateful to the author to help us for the second one:

" I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !"
( Cet éclaircissement peut se faire soit ici, soit en mp. )

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 05-03-2024 à 18:30:28 (S | E)

Très rapide, notre auteur ! Il vient de me répondre en mp !

En fait, il se demande comment on peut avoir envie de veiller tard (pour s'amuser, dirait-on ?) après avoir fait une journée entière de travail.
Can you help?

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 05-03-2024 à 18:56:43 (S | E)
Hello !

Maybe :

" I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !"

I was wondering how people could stay up when the day was over and that it was time to go home and rest mais je ne crois pas que cela traduise bien l'idée...

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 06-03-2024 à 04:17:30 (S | E)
hello ici my correction en vert ANSWER B avec l'aide de happynutmeg
et conseils de here4u Merci

(I am a person who has never liked staying up at night, especially after (a nerve-wracking day's work; I have always thought that once the work was done it was time to go home and rest, and I wonder how anyone can want to stay up late, after a full day's work.

And yet doctors say that to have a good concentration, ( you HAVE TO have a good night's sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day.
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning at dawn because I love the calm of the morning; I (can feel alone in this world, far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden, ( among the birds chirping;( that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (think like me!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 06-03-2024 à 05:18:32 (S | E)
correction vert ANSWER A
Repris les corrections de Happynutmeg
je ne sais pas comment faire mieux. Merci happynumeg pour ce Bon travail

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper, I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, (it is already noon) and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up (at daybreak or sunrise and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or strolling in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like it.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 06-03-2024 à 11:57:00 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Décidément, vous êtes toujours aussi peu obéissants envers les règles : UN SEUL SUJET EN CORRECTION A LA FOIS !

J'ai fait un " point " sur les réponses déjà traitées... et je considère que les sujets A, ROZE, et B, ne doivent plus être abordés maintenant jusqu'à ma correction. ( Si vous avez une remarque ou correction supplémentaire, me l'envoyer en mp. )

Here are ANSWERS C: please, (indicate possible mistakes and (underline what you think is clumsy.

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a bit. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again the next day. 68 words
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently it OUGHT be used very carefully. 82 words

Total 150 words

for your help!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 07-03-2024 à 22:28:20 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green allowed. Thanks for your suggestions.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 08-03-2024 à 15:50:30 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Not many flaws in these answers, it's true... but I will give you my indications.

Here are ANSWERS C: please, (indicate possible mistakes and (underline what you think is clumsy.

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a bit. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again the next day. 68 words
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently it OUGHT be used very carefully. 82 words

Total 150 words

de votre aide !

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 08-03-2024 à 17:46:26 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Not many flaws in these answers, it's true... but I will give you my indications.

Here are ANSWERS C: please, (indicate possible mistakes and (underline what you think is clumsy.

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a bit. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again the next daythe day after (style indirect ?). 68 words
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently (it OUGHT be used (SHOULD ? very carefully. 82 words


Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 09-03-2024 à 12:11:26 (S | E)
Hello dears,

for your good suggestions...

ANSWERS D: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you. [XXXX ont été intercalés pour respecter la politique de neutralité du site.]

3. "Nothing’s bad purposely."
I definitely disagree this claim, and I shall give two examples among a lot in the news.
Can you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have projected his army against the Ukrainian territory without only one bad intention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I repeat I definitely disagree this claim that could let thinking we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me a too simplistyc vision.

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 09-03-2024 à 20:36:25 (S | E)
Hello !

I suggest for answer D :

3. "Nothing’s bad purposely."
I definitely disagree this claim, and I shall give two examples among a lot in the news.
Can you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have projected his army against the Ukrainian territory without only one bad intention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I repeat I definitely disagree this claim that could let thinking we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me a too simplistyc vision.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 10-03-2024 à 09:52:39 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green allowed! Give your suggestions, please!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 10-03-2024 à 10:21:54 (S | E)
Hello !

I definitely disagree (with this claim, and (will give two examples among a lot in the news.
(Can (Wouldyou think Russian president xxxxxxx could have (projected(deployed/sent his army against the Ukrainian territory (without only one bad (with but one badintention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I (repeat(tell it again : I definitely disagree withthis claim,( that could let thinking (which could lead to thinkwe are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me a too simplistyc vision.

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 11-03-2024 à 09:44:37 (S | E)
hello here my correction with happynumeg and here4u help MERCI

I definitely disagree (with this claim, and I ( will give two examples among a lot in the news.
Can you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have ((deployed/sent his army (on the Ukrainian territory (without a single bad intention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I repeat it : I definitely disagree with this claim, ( which could lead us to think that we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me an overly simplistic vision...

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 11-03-2024 à 21:54:08 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Here are your corrections: Merci d'être patients... Je dois les poster par ajouts successifs...

ANSWER A: initial text and my preliminary indications.

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper (,) I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, (it WILL be already midday) and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without XX electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight (, and)Ajouter un sujet. casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up (with the day and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or (to stroll in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like XX. 137 mots

Happynutmeg's indications about ANSWER A:

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper, I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, (it WILL be already midday , it is already midday (or noon?) and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without XX electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up with (the day at daybreak and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll in the streets strolling in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like XX it
Bonnes suggestions de corrections


As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper(,) I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, (it WILL be already midday , it is already midday (or noon?)pas très clair. and in winter it gets dark at 5.30pm. At night you CAN'T do anything without XX electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, and casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I get up with (the day at daybreak and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll in the streets strolling in the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like XX it

- se lever avec le jour : se lever avec le soleil : getting up with the sun/ rising with the sun/
- to stroll the streets/ to stroll through the streets/ to walk the streets/

Le texte initial était correct. Cependant, je trouve cette succession de 'and' appauvrissante pour le texte et sa logique. Les mots de liaison sont faits pour enrichir les articulations du texte. Bien par ailleurs.


ANSWER B: initial text and my preliminary indications

(I am people who did not like) to stay up at night especially after a difficult day spent at work which exhausts the nerves(,) I (did pourquoi ce passé ?)not believe that the day was over to go home and rest(,) I wondered (past?) how people COULD stay up !
And yet doctors said that to have good concentration you HAD TO/ là, je mets du présent) have X good sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the (next day,
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning at dawn because I love the calm of the morning. B(, )I could feel (alone in this world far from the noise of people,(très mal dit) having my coffee in my garden (under the song of (the) birds, that really gives me XXX energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (thought like me!

- I am people est impossible. I am, par définition est singulier. 'people' est pluriel.
- différence entre alone et lonely.. Lien internet

Attention à la clarté, surtout... et au mélange des temps.

(I am people who did not like to stay up at night especially after a difficult day spent at work which (exhausts the nerves, I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !

(I am a person who never liked staying up at night, especially after a difficult day at work which went on my nerves ; I never thought that the day was over so we could go home and rest, and I have always wondered how people could stay up ! not very sure of my own sentence...

And yet doctors said that to have good concentration, you HAD TO have X good sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day,
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning, at dawn, because I love the calm of the morning (;La ponctuation est à revoir jusqu'à la fin ! I (can feel alone in this world(,far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden, (under among the songs of the birds(,; that really gives me XXX energy (l'énergie est déterminée !) to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (thought(think like me!

Happynutmeg a suggéré :
" I (did not believe that the day was over to go home and rest, (wondered how people COULD stay up !"

I was wondering how people could stay up when the day was over and that it was time to go home and rest. ( mais je ne crois pas que cela traduise bien l'idée... Après l'explication de l'auteur, je pense que cette phrase ne le trahit pas.

Magie's suggestions:

(I am a person who has never liked staying up at night, especially after (a nerve-wracking day's work; I have always thought that once the work was done it was time to go home and rest, and I wonder how anyone can want to stay up late, after a full day's work.
And yet doctors say that to have a good concentration, ( you HAVE TO / must have a good night's sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day.
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning, at dawn, because I love the calm of the morning; I (can feel alone [I'm not sure I understand] in this world, far from the noise of people, having my coffee in my garden, ( among the birds chirping;( that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who (think like me!

Une très bonne synthèse des suggestions.


ANSWERS C: initial text and my preliminary indications:

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a bit. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but feeling (the still fresh breeze makes me happy, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again the (next day. 68 words
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently it OUGHT be used very carefully. 82 words
Ce second topic est (presque) parfait.
Total 150 words

Happynutmeg's suggestions for ANSWER C:

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»? I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a bit. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again the next daythe day after/ the following day. (style indirect ?). 68 words
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently (it OUGHT be used (SHOULD ? 'Should' is OK, but you may also say OUGHT TO BE very carefully. 82 words


ANSWERS D: [XXXX ont été intercalés pour respecter la politique de neutralité du site.]preliminary indications.

3. "Nothing’s bad purposely."I definitely disagree XXXX this claim, and I shall give two examples among a lot in the news.
Can you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have projected his army against the Ukrainian territory without only one bad intention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I repeat I definitely disagree XXXX this claim/ assertion that could let thinking we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me a too simplistyc vision.


I definitely disagree (with this claim, and (will give two examples among a lot in the news.
(Can (Would you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have (projected (deployed/sent his army against the Ukrainian territory (without only one bad (with but one badintention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I (repeat(tellsay it again : I definitely disagree with this claim,( that (could let thinking ( revoir la construction de let) (which could lead to think 0K we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me a too simplistyc vision.

* to let somebody DO something (au passif : to be let to do something)/ make you think/ lead you to believe/ will lead you to think.
“To act” is a verb, “action” is a noun. But “act” can be a noun if meant as “deed”, formed from the verb “to act” and can mean different things. “Act” - in the sense of deed - is more specific: an “act” is something that is being done or to be done, while “action” refers to will and is more abstract.

Magie's suggestions: ANSWER D

I definitely disagree (with this claim, and I ( will give two examples among a lot in the news.
Can you think Russian president xxxxxxx could have ((deployed/sent his army (on the Ukrainian territory (without a single bad intention?
Have xxxxx' troops really slaughtered people with only friendly intentions?
I repeat it : I definitely disagree with this claim, ( which could lead us to think that we are not responsible for our acts. Only Fate should be responsible for bad acts. That seems to me an overly simplistic vision...

Bonne solution pour éviter la forme la plus correcte de cette expression : - revoir la construction de too : une vision trop simpliste : an over-simplistic vision/ over simplistic view/ too

MAGIE écrit: hello here my correction with happynuTmeg and here4u help MERCI
hello here XX my correction with happynumegXX and here4uXX help. MERCI
- Il manque le verbe, mais ce doit être juste un raccourci…
- Plus important : l’aide de Happynutmeg et de Here4u : double cas possessif. L’aide de Happy ET l’aide de Here : Il faut un cas possessif après chaque personne.


ROZE’S ANSWER (envoi non conforme aux règles, corrigé à titre exceptionnel. )

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
*if (a could understand this question,may be, (i (can say i am (a early bird(Là, il suffisait de recopier !)
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
(i don't believe in this expression [ vraiment trop abrupt.] ;
3. «Nothing’s bad purposedly». Do you agree?
*i'm sorry( i'll doesn't) understand "purposdly" ; « I’ll doesn’t » EST IMPOSSIBLE ; ce sont deux auxiliaires. Ils ne peuvent se suivre.
5. Would you choose a week’s cruise or a week in a five-star hotel?
Since (a have seen TITANIC i'm afraid of the cruise,perhaps a week in a hotel five stars is better for

- ‘a’ est un article (un/ une) alors que ‘I’ (je, pronom personnel sujet) (toujours en majuscule est le pronom personnel sujet ‘je’.)

(suggestions de Magie)

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»?
*if (I understand this question correctly, (may be, I WILL say that I am an early bird (le futur (potentiel) n’est pas ici la meilleure solution. Il faudrait un irréel (‘Si je comprenais … je dirais »)
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
I don't believe in this expression.(à expliquer)
3. «Nothing’s bad purposely». Do you agree?
*I'm sorry (I don't understand the meaning of the word:"purposely"" (il suffit de double cliquer sur le mot inconnu !)
Vous pouviez développer un peu et utiliser un auxiliaire modal

exemple= I MUST/ should : devrais) look it up in a dictionary.
4. «Bad habits»: what are they? Do you have any ? ???
5. Would you choose a week’s cruise or a week in a five-star hotel?
Since I have seen the movie"TITANIC" I'm afraid of (the) cruiseS (*) (,) (perhaps a week in (a hotel five stars : là, il suffisait de recopier l’expression de la question : ‘a five-star-hotel’ ) ( WOULD BE better for me. De bonnes suggestions.

(*) Les croisières en général. (donc, pas d’article défini)

Comme toujours, vous êtes libres de reprendre les phrases ou les paragraphes après les corrections dans un Follow Up Work.
Un grand à tous ceux qui ont rédigé des réponses et aux correcteurs. Bravo pour votre travail !

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 13-03-2024 à 11:50:28 (S | E)
TEXTE AIl y a une 2e page pour le follow up B

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper; I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, it is already noon. Consequently, your day is short, particularly in winter when it gets dark at 5.30pm.Then, at night you CAN'T do anything without the electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, moreover casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I getting up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll through the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like it.

Is it better like that for you dear here4u. MERCI pour tous tes efforts ❤️


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