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LS57/Let's have a break 4

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Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de magie8, postée le 13-03-2024 à 12:07:51 (S | E)
texte B follow up
I am a person who has never liked staying up at night, especially after a nerve-wracking day's work; I have always thought that once the work was done it was time to go home and rest, and I wonder how anyone can want to stay up late, after a full day's work.
And yet doctors say that to have a good concentration, you must have a good night's sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day.
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning, at dawn, because I love the calm of the morning; I feel like I am the only person on Earth, far from noise, far from crowds, having my coffee in my garden, among the birds chirping; that really gives me energy to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who think like me!

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de happynutmeg13, postée le 13-03-2024 à 13:38:11 (S | E)
Hello !

Follow up for answer C

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»? I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for (a bit(a while. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but (feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy( but I like feeling the breeze, still fresh from the night, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again (the following day.
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge ! To be « BFF », you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called « Best Friend » :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this « BFF » if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that « forever » is a tricky word and consequently (it OUGHT to be used very carefully

Réponse : LS57/Let's have a break 4 de here4u, postée le 13-03-2024 à 14:21:36 (S | E)
Hello dear workers!

Relecture du Follow Up Work1 de Magie :

As far as I am concerned, I've always been an early bird and an early sleeper; I find that it makes for longer days. If you get up late, by the time you've had your shower and breakfast, it is already noon.B Consequently, your day is short, particularly in winter when it gets dark at 5.30pm.Then, at night you CAN'T do anything without the/ an electric light, which doesn't give you the same colours as daylight, moreover casts a long shadow over your work. In summer, I getting up ( il manque un auxiliaire : mais le present en -ing est faux ici, puisque 'In summer' est général et appelle un present simple) with the sun and go B to bed at nightfall. These long 17-hour days are full of different activities and fun.
I MUST add that I don't appreciate, night clubs, or to stroll through the streets, when it is dark; however, I can understand people who like it.

You can be 'a night owl' and not go to nightclubs... I'm a night owl and work and read quite late...
Dans le texte initial, il y avait : 'it WILL be already midday': la forme correcte demandait un autre placement de l'adverbe 'already'.

Relecture du Follow Up Work 2 de Magie:

I am a person who has never liked staying up at night, especially after a nerve-wracking day's work; I have always thought that once the work was done, it was time to go home and rest, and I wonder how anyone can want to stay up late, after a full day's work.
And yet doctors say that to have good concentration, you must have a good night's sleep to rest your body well and get in shape to face the next day.
On the other hand, I prefer to get up early in the morning, at dawn, because I love the calm of the morning; I feel like I am the only person on Earth, far from noiseS, far from crowds, having my coffee in my garden, among the birds chirping; that really gives me XXX energy* to face the tasks of the day.
MAYBE there are people who think like me! et très bon respect des 2 textes originaux.

* l'énergie est déterminée : celle 'to face the tasks'.

Relecture du Follow Up Work 3 de Happynutmeg :

1. Are you «an early bird», or a «late owl»? I am definitely an early bird! In this way, especially in summer, when it starts getting hot around 10 am, I CAN go for a bike ride for a while. Sometimes I think I MIGHT as well stay quietly at home, but (feeling the still fresh breeze makes me happy( but I like feeling the breeze, still fresh from the night, and when I MUST go back home, I know I will do it again ON the following day.
2. 'BFF': Best Friend Forever. Do you believe in this expression?
This expression conveys such a challenge! To be «a BFF», you MUST accept the various changes in your so-called «Best Friend» :when they get older, they MAY have completely different ideas, or follow very different paths of life... So why SHOULD you stick to this «BFF» if everything makes you feel like strangers? What MAY be said in conclusion is that «forever» is a tricky word and consequently it OUGHT to be used very carefully. Très bonnes suggestions et fidélité au texte.

Bravo et à toutes les deux.


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